It's what Reaganism does...wrecks the middle class and the country...

Obama hasn't been able to get the rich and giant corps to pay their fair share duh. When Reagan cut their taxes, state and local taxes on the middle class and poor rose to make up. Count ALL taxes and fees and EVERYONE is paying 20-30%, and almost all wealth goes to the richest. Great job, dupes.
So what your saying is Obama is an incompetent progressive ? I'm curious as to what someone like yourself calls a fair share. The US already has one of the highest corporate tax rate in the world.

"So what your saying is Obama is an incompetent progressive ? I'm curious as to what someone like yourself calls a fair share. The US already has one of the highest corporate tax rate in the world."

Is that why corporations (which include the rich and wealthy) only pay 12% of the total collected by the IRS?

Is that why corporations (which include the rich and wealthy) only pay 12% of the total collected by the IRS?

You've discovered that corporate taxes aren't a very good way to collect revenue.
They used to be, before this Reaganist bs. Your brain doesn't work very well, does it?

The historic Tax Reform Act of 1986, though it achieved the supply side goal of lowering individual income tax rates, was a startlingly progressive reform. The plan imposed the largest corporate tax increase in history--an act utterly unimaginable for any conservative to support today. Just two years after declaring, "there is no justification" for taxing corporate income, Reagan raised corporate taxes by $120 billion over five years and closed corporate tax loopholes worth about $300 billion over that same period. In addition to broadening the tax base, the plan increased standard deductions and personal exemptions to the point that no family with an income below the poverty line would have to pay federal income tax.

"Reagan's Liberal Legacy" by Joshua Green
True. Reagan wasn't himself a new bs GOPer. But his followers have been...

One of the most stupidest arguments I have ever heard

Who cares about facts? Certainly not GOPers.

Or the OP apparently, since Reagan wasn't president until 1981


It's absolutely scary that this person was a teacher. Poor kids.

Yet the reason for the positions and inability to be rational (massive conflict of interest), has been identified.
As always, stupid talking points and insults from the ignorant dupes...

One of the most stupidest arguments I have ever heard

Who cares about facts? Certainly not GOPers.

Or the OP apparently, since Reagan wasn't president until 1981

And? Point is, things went south After 1980 DUH. Back to school idiot. AND brainwashed.

Wait I know why American worker productivity went way up since 1960

In 1960 like 25% of Americans belonged to a Union

In 2016 only like 7% of Americans belong to a Union....

That's the reason why, less Union membership = American workers productivity goes way up...

Thanks for the clarification :)


One of the most stupidest arguments I have ever heard

Who cares about facts? Certainly not GOPers.

Or the OP apparently, since Reagan wasn't president until 1981

And? Point is, things went south After 1980 DUH. Back to school idiot. AND brainwashed.

Wait I know why American worker productivity went way up since 1960

In 1960 like 25% of Americans belonged to a Union

In 2016 only like 7% of Americans belong to a Union....

That's the reason why, less Union membership = American workers productivity goes way up...

Thanks for the clarification :)

American workers are the best in the world, always have been. The question is always how bad the GOP is screwing them over, and how idiotic their dupes are. And it's never been worse, dupe.
Productivity is fairly irrelevant, dupes. Point is the rich have made out the last 35 years, not the non-rich and the country.

Then just say that and stop with the propaganda by saying today's worker some how works harder then a worker from 1960.

Productivity is fairly irrelevant, dupes. Point is the rich have made out the last 35 years, not the non-rich and the country.

So what? Do you somehow think that if the rich have less money you're suddenly going to have more? You're the one who chose mediocrity. Don't blame others who strove for something more.
Productivity is fairly irrelevant, dupes. Point is the rich have made out the last 35 years, not the non-rich and the country.

So what? Do you somehow think that if the rich have less money you're suddenly going to have more? You're the one who chose mediocrity. Don't blame others who strove for something more.
When everyone pays the same %wise in taxes like NOW, the rich make out like bandits, dupe. Opportunity is the worst ever NOW, thanks to the soak the middle class Reaganism duh.
"So what your saying is Obama is an incompetent progressive ? I'm curious as to what someone like yourself calls a fair share. The US already has one of the highest corporate tax rate in the world."

Is that why corporations (which include the rich and wealthy) only pay 12% of the total collected by the IRS?

Is that why corporations (which include the rich and wealthy) only pay 12% of the total collected by the IRS?

You've discovered that corporate taxes aren't a very good way to collect revenue.

You've discovered that corporate taxes aren't a very good way to collect revenue.

I've addressed the illusion that corporations and the rich are over-taxed.

Yes, your confusion between revenue and profit is well known

Yes, your confusion between revenue and profit is well known

No confusion here, just combating deception on your part.

I've never lied about your idiocy. Ask anyone.

I've never lied about your idiocy. Ask anyone

My yearly income is more than your lifetime income, I pay zero in personal federal income taxes, and I'm the idiot?

Revenue for business is THE SAME as a paycheck for a worker. Revenue is called revenue by the IRS because it has an added deduction, and differentiates it from income.

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