Ivanka Fashion Brand Closing Down - a bad omen for the Trump brand

Another Trumplican freak who has nothing to add. Go back to your basement. This was in the news and I was not cheering dumbass.

Nothing to add?

Add to what? A sniveling moonbat's troll thread? Get over yourself bed wetter. You're consumed with hatred and envy and you don't even know why.

You clearly take delight into pasting a story about a failing business because you hate the owner. Now go change your sheets bed wetter.

Off your meds? Now piss off and let the adults discuss the topic.
Off your meds? Now piss off and let the adults discuss the topic.

Meds are more of a libturd thing. You assholes can't seem to cope with life without doing drugs.


LOL @ "adults discuss the topic"....

The "topic" is your infantile bigotry and petty hatred, and the adults are ridiculing you for it. Some of the other bed wetters might be parroting the same stupid shit you are, but that is not "adults discussing a topic". Those are bed wetting parrots in an echo chamber. It's why I ignore 90% of you pieces of shit.

Could be she hasn't worked directly with the conpany in over a year too.

Yeah, but that's not very likely, now is it?

Only a total FOOL would believe that if her business was booming she'd still shut it down.
They're still making a lot of money by charging for all kinds of things like housing for Secret Service at Trump's golf clubs, and he even used campaign money to pay for Mar-a-Lago as campaign HQ before he got elected.
Since her stuff is made in China perhaps her Dad's tariffs are hitting her bottom line.
She deserves a subsidy.

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