Ivanka Trump Is Everything Liberals Hate

I am enjoying so much Ivanka getting to work in the White House....and not only her...but hundreds and thousands of people like her...helping drain the swamp .....with freshwater!

Oh yeah! that is wonderful! Loving it! Make America great again! :2up:
Yup, like her pal Chelsea. She's a liberal secret weapon.

Fuck off, Franky....your musings are worthless and useless.
Tell us your idiotic conspiracy theories then- always amusing, dupe.

You mean "conspiracies" like how leftards like you believe that Russia "hacked" the election when they revealed what a corrupt sack of shit the DNC is??? You mean conspiracies like that? (snicker)
This Dale Smith character is a hoot. He's so in denial what 17 intelligence agencies unequivacably stated but he still calls it a " conspiracy." Lmao
There's not even a shred of doubt any longer that Russian interfered with our democracy and the relevations just in today's Senate's hearings are providing more and more proof.
They're planning on calling in 24 witnesses.
This shit is getting good. Trump is so fucked.

As usual, you are wrong...we already know that the CIA (Crooks In Action) can simulate cyber attacks and blame it on another country when it is actually these Deep State crooks that are gathering intelligence. We already know that a U.K ambassador got the thumb drive from Seth Rich (that was later murdered) and then given to Julian Assange so this "The ROOSKIES revealed what a bunch of lying conniving sacks of shit my beloved political party is and denied the Hildebeast her right full place" bullshit doesn't pass anyone's sniff test....and allow me to FURTHER expound upon that. I wouldn't give a flying fuck even IF Russia had passed off that information to Assange. People need to know about the corrupt cesspol that is D.C regardless of political party affiliation because at the top they are connected at the hip. Russia hasn't done a fucking thing to warrant all this hatred towards them. The invasion of the Ukraine by the George Soros sponsored entities was a direct attack against Russia. This country has more communists in it than Russia does BY far and it's not even close. Communism was thrust upon them by the very same banking oligarchs that own this corporate entity that you refer to as your "gubermint".

Trump isn't an "insider", he isn't compromised and if he would have rathered to have this cup passed from him....he doesn't need this shit. He could have built a palatial bunker and rode out the coming shitstorm (and it's going to happen if those useful idiots like you get their way) but instead, he stepped up and he has done more to help this country in 2 months than the last 4 administrations combined. Killing the TPP was fucking HUGE....it would have been the final nail in the coffin of the middle class.The problem with numb fucks like you is that you don't have the slightest clue as to what has been done to the people of this country since the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 by democrat/socialist Woodrow Wilson and the 1933 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March 9th, 1933 when socialist FDR sold us out to the international bankers. I don't have the time nor the inclination to take you by your little hand and teach you because it would be wasted time. Those that are "awake" (and there are many) know of what I speak. There isn't one fucking leftard or neocon that can defeat me in a debate. You have no chance. I am THE most jaded person there is when it comes to the election process of this corporate entity that we call "government" but I will believe in Trump until I find a reason not to do so. So far, all his enemies are my enemies. The fabian socialist left, the trotsky-ite neocons, the Operation Mockingbird media and their talking bobbleheads...thus far we are on the same page. Debate me, little troll..........bring some "game"...thus far, you come across as nothing but a little "newbie" with a big ol bag of nothin'.
Omg. You really are a Russian sympathizer. There's been bodies turning up all over the globe of those that were involved with Putin compromising our democracy. He's getting rid of anyone and everyone that can have the trail lead back to him.
And now you're blaming Soros for the invasion of the Ukraine?
How does Putin's cock taste? Salty?
You're not only an American traitor you could possibly be more deranged than the orange lunatic.
I am enjoying so much Ivanka getting to work in the White House....and not only her...but hundreds and thousands of people like her...helping drain the swamp .....with freshwater!

Oh yeah! that is wonderful! Loving it! Make America great again! :2up:
Stupid bitch has no idea the orange clown is drowning in his own swamp.
Anybody who is itching for a Nuclear war with Russia is a piece of crap!
You haven't been following the news lately. That claim is unraveling quickly. And it seems to be coincidental to the idea of investigating someone else's connections. Are there hanger owns? Sure, but piece by piece that innuendo is slipping away.
View attachment 119496
Fuck off, Franky....your musings are worthless and useless.
Tell us your idiotic conspiracy theories then- always amusing, dupe.

You mean "conspiracies" like how leftards like you believe that Russia "hacked" the election when they revealed what a corrupt sack of shit the DNC is??? You mean conspiracies like that? (snicker)
This Dale Smith character is a hoot. He's so in denial what 17 intelligence agencies unequivacably stated but he still calls it a " conspiracy." Lmao
There's not even a shred of doubt any longer that Russian interfered with our democracy and the relevations just in today's Senate's hearings are providing more and more proof.
They're planning on calling in 24 witnesses.
This shit is getting good. Trump is so fucked.

As usual, you are wrong...we already know that the CIA (Crooks In Action) can simulate cyber attacks and blame it on another country when it is actually these Deep State crooks that are gathering intelligence. We already know that a U.K ambassador got the thumb drive from Seth Rich (that was later murdered) and then given to Julian Assange so this "The ROOSKIES revealed what a bunch of lying conniving sacks of shit my beloved political party is and denied the Hildebeast her right full place" bullshit doesn't pass anyone's sniff test....and allow me to FURTHER expound upon that. I wouldn't give a flying fuck even IF Russia had passed off that information to Assange. People need to know about the corrupt cesspol that is D.C regardless of political party affiliation because at the top they are connected at the hip. Russia hasn't done a fucking thing to warrant all this hatred towards them. The invasion of the Ukraine by the George Soros sponsored entities was a direct attack against Russia. This country has more communists in it than Russia does BY far and it's not even close. Communism was thrust upon them by the very same banking oligarchs that own this corporate entity that you refer to as your "gubermint".

Trump isn't an "insider", he isn't compromised and if he would have rathered to have this cup passed from him....he doesn't need this shit. He could have built a palatial bunker and rode out the coming shitstorm (and it's going to happen if those useful idiots like you get their way) but instead, he stepped up and he has done more to help this country in 2 months than the last 4 administrations combined. Killing the TPP was fucking HUGE....it would have been the final nail in the coffin of the middle class.The problem with numb fucks like you is that you don't have the slightest clue as to what has been done to the people of this country since the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 by democrat/socialist Woodrow Wilson and the 1933 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March 9th, 1933 when socialist FDR sold us out to the international bankers. I don't have the time nor the inclination to take you by your little hand and teach you because it would be wasted time. Those that are "awake" (and there are many) know of what I speak. There isn't one fucking leftard or neocon that can defeat me in a debate. You have no chance. I am THE most jaded person there is when it comes to the election process of this corporate entity that we call "government" but I will believe in Trump until I find a reason not to do so. So far, all his enemies are my enemies. The fabian socialist left, the trotsky-ite neocons, the Operation Mockingbird media and their talking bobbleheads...thus far we are on the same page. Debate me, little troll..........bring some "game"...thus far, you come across as nothing but a little "newbie" with a big ol bag of nothin'.
Omg. You really are a Russian sympathizer. There's been bodies turning up all over the globe of those that were involved with Putin compromising our democracy. He's getting rid of anyone and everyone that can have the trail lead back to him.
And now you're blaming Soros for the invasion of the Ukraine?
How does Putin's cock taste? Salty?
You're not only an American traitor you could possibly be more deranged than the orange lunatic.
An intelligent, hard working, Jewish, mother, and conservative who ISN"T a Feminazi.

Who loves her family, takes care of her kids, is a fashion genius, and is smarter than any libtardo.

With a vision of helping working mothers with child care, has earned her fathers trust and he has earned hers.

She will be right there supporting working women, setting an example for young women, and challenging the politically correct libtardos and Feminazi's at every turn.

What a refreshing turn of events for our country.

Hey she's got her own office in the White House now. Of course we're paying for a staff and secretary. I am not really certain what's she is there for, other than to advise? Advise what--maybe to set a new standard for a dress code in the White House staring her label. Who knows?
Ivanka Trump to receive White House office, security clearance

I believe Ivanka will be a great travel agent for the family: After all theTrump kids and their families took off for Spring break last week, with an estimated 100 secret service agents in tow to Aspen Colorado, and the cost for ski rental equipment alone was "only" 12 K taxpayer dollars. Of course that didn't include lodging, food and ski lift tickets--but they had a wonderful time. She deserves that, and so does Eric and Don Jr. What in the hell do you expect for the kids of a President? They need vacations too.
Trump Family Photo Sparks Outrage (Photo)

Ivanka definitely has picked up on some of her dad's habits, as he is taking off to his Mar a Lago resort every weekend (9 times) now at a cost of 700K taxpayer dollars for each trip to haul down White House Staff, a ton of security agents and equipment. Trump refers to his resort as the (Southern Whitehouse)--who knew?--LOL And it's really WONDERFUL--WONDERFUL because Mar a Lago just doubled it's membership fees to 200K per year.
In a month, the Trump family has cost taxpayers almost as much as the Obamas did in a year
Trump's Mar-a-Lago club just doubled its new membership fee to $200,000

Then of course Ivanka will need to make travel plans for Don Jr. & Eric Trump to expand the empire around the globe. Like that new golf course they just opened up in Dubai. In fact, Trump and family have managed to outspend Obama's yearly travel budget in one single month. But hey they're working for FREE--so give them a break. Just ignore that Trump spends more than the Presidential yearly salary of $525 in one weekend. They're worth it O.K.
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president
In a month, the Trump family has cost taxpayers almost as much as the Obamas did in a year



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Yup, like her pal Chelsea. She's a liberal secret weapon.

Fuck off, Franky....your musings are worthless and useless.
Tell us your idiotic conspiracy theories then- always amusing, dupe.

You mean "conspiracies" like how leftards like you believe that Russia "hacked" the election when they revealed what a corrupt sack of shit the DNC is??? You mean conspiracies like that? (snicker)
This Dale Smith character is a hoot. He's so in denial what 17 intelligence agencies unequivacably stated but he still calls it a " conspiracy." Lmao
There's not even a shred of doubt any longer that Russian interfered with our democracy and the relevations just in today's Senate's hearings are providing more and more proof.
They're planning on calling in 24 witnesses.
This shit is getting good. Trump is so fucked.

As usual, you are wrong...we already know that the CIA (Crooks In Action) can simulate cyber attacks and blame it on another country when it is actually these Deep State crooks that are gathering intelligence. We already know that a U.K ambassador got the thumb drive from Seth Rich (that was later murdered) and then given to Julian Assange so this "The ROOSKIES revealed what a bunch of lying conniving sacks of shit my beloved political party is and denied the Hildebeast her right full place" bullshit doesn't pass anyone's sniff test....and allow me to FURTHER expound upon that. I wouldn't give a flying fuck even IF Russia had passed off that information to Assange. People need to know about the corrupt cesspol that is D.C regardless of political party affiliation because at the top they are connected at the hip. Russia hasn't done a fucking thing to warrant all this hatred towards them. The invasion of the Ukraine by the George Soros sponsored entities was a direct attack against Russia. This country has more communists in it than Russia does BY far and it's not even close. Communism was thrust upon them by the very same banking oligarchs that own this corporate entity that you refer to as your "gubermint".

Trump isn't an "insider", he isn't compromised and if he would have rathered to have this cup passed from him....he doesn't need this shit. He could have built a palatial bunker and rode out the coming shitstorm (and it's going to happen if those useful idiots like you get their way) but instead, he stepped up and he has done more to help this country in 2 months than the last 4 administrations combined. Killing the TPP was fucking HUGE....it would have been the final nail in the coffin of the middle class.The problem with numb fucks like you is that you don't have the slightest clue as to what has been done to the people of this country since the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 by democrat/socialist Woodrow Wilson and the 1933 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March 9th, 1933 when socialist FDR sold us out to the international bankers. I don't have the time nor the inclination to take you by your little hand and teach you because it would be wasted time. Those that are "awake" (and there are many) know of what I speak. There isn't one fucking leftard or neocon that can defeat me in a debate. You have no chance. I am THE most jaded person there is when it comes to the election process of this corporate entity that we call "government" but I will believe in Trump until I find a reason not to do so. So far, all his enemies are my enemies. The fabian socialist left, the trotsky-ite neocons, the Operation Mockingbird media and their talking bobbleheads...thus far we are on the same page. Debate me, little troll..........bring some "game"...thus far, you come across as nothing but a little "newbie" with a big ol bag of nothin'.
" Trump isn't compromised."
Haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
The orange clown will attack our justices, intelligence agencies, all democrats, Alicia Machado, Gold Star parents etc etc but would rather cut off his tiny dick than say anything negative about a ruthless dictator.
This dope who thinks he's a great thinker can't figure out the orange clown is hiding something. Real great critical thinking skills you got there chump.
Instead of just saying," I have nothing to hide with Russia, I welcome any investigation," he's been throwing road block upon roadblock into the process.
Carl Bernstein, who knows a wee bit about the subject, has said," Trump acts extremely guilty."
That's because he is.
Now why would a half dozen of his staff and friends be making constant B- lines to Moscow before the election? AND KEEP THEM SECRET.
Every day there's more Russian revelations that are extremely suspicious.
But this dope pulls a trump like distraction technique talking about Woodrow Wilson.
Too funny fer words.

When the shit hits the fan and the whole truth is revealed on Trump's collusion with a murderous dictator... poor Dale will find a nice quiet bunker to hide out in knowing he was totally humiliated for supporting this treasonous president.
Green with envy.
An intelligent, hard working, Jewish, mother, and conservative who ISN"T a Feminazi.

Who loves her family, takes care of her kids, is a fashion genius, and is smarter than any libtardo.

With a vision of helping working mothers with child care, has earned her fathers trust and he has earned hers.

She will be right there supporting working women, setting an example for young women, and challenging the politically correct libtardos and Feminazi's at every turn.

What a refreshing turn of events for our country.

Hey she's got her own office in the White House now. Of course we're paying for a staff and secretary. I am not really certain what's she is there for, other than to advise? Advise what--maybe to set a new standard for a dress code in the White House staring her label. Who knows?
Ivanka Trump to receive White House office, security clearance

I believe Ivanka is there working as a travel agent: After all theTrump kids and their families took off for Spring break last week, with an estimated 100 secret service agents in tow last week, and the cost of 12K for ski rental alone. Of course that didn't include lodging, food and ski lift tickets--but they had a wonderful time anyway.
Trump Family Photo Sparks Outrage (Photo)

Invanka definitely has picked up on some of her dad's habits, as he is taking off to his Mar a Lago resort every weekend (9 times) now at a cost of 700K for each trip to haul down White House Staff, a ton of security agents and equipment. Trump refers to his resort as the (Southern Whitehouse)--who knew?--LOL And it's really WONDERFUL because Mar a Lago just doubled it's membership fees to 200K per year.
In a month, the Trump family has cost taxpayers almost as much as the Obamas did in a year
Trump's Mar-a-Lago club just doubled its new membership fee to $200,000

Then of course Invanka will need to make travel plans for Don Jr. & Eric Trump to expand the empire around the globe--like that new golf course they opened up in Dubai. In fact, Trump and family have outspent Obama's yearly travel budget in one single month.
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president
In a month, the Trump family has cost taxpayers almost as much as the Obamas did in a year



Are you a glutton for punishment?
Fuck off, Franky....your musings are worthless and useless.
Tell us your idiotic conspiracy theories then- always amusing, dupe.

You mean "conspiracies" like how leftards like you believe that Russia "hacked" the election when they revealed what a corrupt sack of shit the DNC is??? You mean conspiracies like that? (snicker)
This Dale Smith character is a hoot. He's so in denial what 17 intelligence agencies unequivacably stated but he still calls it a " conspiracy." Lmao
There's not even a shred of doubt any longer that Russian interfered with our democracy and the relevations just in today's Senate's hearings are providing more and more proof.
They're planning on calling in 24 witnesses.
This shit is getting good. Trump is so fucked.

As usual, you are wrong...we already know that the CIA (Crooks In Action) can simulate cyber attacks and blame it on another country when it is actually these Deep State crooks that are gathering intelligence. We already know that a U.K ambassador got the thumb drive from Seth Rich (that was later murdered) and then given to Julian Assange so this "The ROOSKIES revealed what a bunch of lying conniving sacks of shit my beloved political party is and denied the Hildebeast her right full place" bullshit doesn't pass anyone's sniff test....and allow me to FURTHER expound upon that. I wouldn't give a flying fuck even IF Russia had passed off that information to Assange. People need to know about the corrupt cesspol that is D.C regardless of political party affiliation because at the top they are connected at the hip. Russia hasn't done a fucking thing to warrant all this hatred towards them. The invasion of the Ukraine by the George Soros sponsored entities was a direct attack against Russia. This country has more communists in it than Russia does BY far and it's not even close. Communism was thrust upon them by the very same banking oligarchs that own this corporate entity that you refer to as your "gubermint".

Trump isn't an "insider", he isn't compromised and if he would have rathered to have this cup passed from him....he doesn't need this shit. He could have built a palatial bunker and rode out the coming shitstorm (and it's going to happen if those useful idiots like you get their way) but instead, he stepped up and he has done more to help this country in 2 months than the last 4 administrations combined. Killing the TPP was fucking HUGE....it would have been the final nail in the coffin of the middle class.The problem with numb fucks like you is that you don't have the slightest clue as to what has been done to the people of this country since the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 by democrat/socialist Woodrow Wilson and the 1933 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March 9th, 1933 when socialist FDR sold us out to the international bankers. I don't have the time nor the inclination to take you by your little hand and teach you because it would be wasted time. Those that are "awake" (and there are many) know of what I speak. There isn't one fucking leftard or neocon that can defeat me in a debate. You have no chance. I am THE most jaded person there is when it comes to the election process of this corporate entity that we call "government" but I will believe in Trump until I find a reason not to do so. So far, all his enemies are my enemies. The fabian socialist left, the trotsky-ite neocons, the Operation Mockingbird media and their talking bobbleheads...thus far we are on the same page. Debate me, little troll..........bring some "game"...thus far, you come across as nothing but a little "newbie" with a big ol bag of nothin'.
" Trump isn't compromised."
Haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
The orange clown will attack our justices, intelligence agencies, all democrats, Alicia Machado, Gold Star parents etc etc but would rather cut off his tiny dick than say anything negative about a ruthless dictator.
This dope who thinks he's a great thinker can't figure out the orange clown is hiding something. Real great critical thinking skills you got there chump.
Instead of just saying," I have nothing to hide with Russia, I welcome any investigation," he's been throwing road block upon roadblock into the process.
Carl Bernstein, who knows a wee bit about the subject, has said," Trump acts extremely guilty."
That's because he is.
Now why would a half dozen of his staff and friends be making constant B- lines to Moscow before the election? AND KEEP THEM SECRET.
Every day there's more Russian revelations that are extremely suspicious.
But this dope pulls a trump like distraction technique talking about Woodrow Wilson.
Too funny fer words.

When the shit hits the fan and the whole truth is revealed on Trump's collusion with a murderous dictator... poor Dale will find a nice quiet bunker to hide out in knowing he was totally humiliated for supporting this treasonous president.
You haven't been following the news lately. That claim is unraveling quickly. And it seems to be coincidental to the idea of investigating someone else's connections. Are there hanger owns? Sure, but piece by piece that innuendo is slipping away.
View attachment 119496
Tell us your idiotic conspiracy theories then- always amusing, dupe.

You mean "conspiracies" like how leftards like you believe that Russia "hacked" the election when they revealed what a corrupt sack of shit the DNC is??? You mean conspiracies like that? (snicker)
This Dale Smith character is a hoot. He's so in denial what 17 intelligence agencies unequivacably stated but he still calls it a " conspiracy." Lmao
There's not even a shred of doubt any longer that Russian interfered with our democracy and the relevations just in today's Senate's hearings are providing more and more proof.
They're planning on calling in 24 witnesses.
This shit is getting good. Trump is so fucked.

As usual, you are wrong...we already know that the CIA (Crooks In Action) can simulate cyber attacks and blame it on another country when it is actually these Deep State crooks that are gathering intelligence. We already know that a U.K ambassador got the thumb drive from Seth Rich (that was later murdered) and then given to Julian Assange so this "The ROOSKIES revealed what a bunch of lying conniving sacks of shit my beloved political party is and denied the Hildebeast her right full place" bullshit doesn't pass anyone's sniff test....and allow me to FURTHER expound upon that. I wouldn't give a flying fuck even IF Russia had passed off that information to Assange. People need to know about the corrupt cesspol that is D.C regardless of political party affiliation because at the top they are connected at the hip. Russia hasn't done a fucking thing to warrant all this hatred towards them. The invasion of the Ukraine by the George Soros sponsored entities was a direct attack against Russia. This country has more communists in it than Russia does BY far and it's not even close. Communism was thrust upon them by the very same banking oligarchs that own this corporate entity that you refer to as your "gubermint".

Trump isn't an "insider", he isn't compromised and if he would have rathered to have this cup passed from him....he doesn't need this shit. He could have built a palatial bunker and rode out the coming shitstorm (and it's going to happen if those useful idiots like you get their way) but instead, he stepped up and he has done more to help this country in 2 months than the last 4 administrations combined. Killing the TPP was fucking HUGE....it would have been the final nail in the coffin of the middle class.The problem with numb fucks like you is that you don't have the slightest clue as to what has been done to the people of this country since the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 by democrat/socialist Woodrow Wilson and the 1933 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March 9th, 1933 when socialist FDR sold us out to the international bankers. I don't have the time nor the inclination to take you by your little hand and teach you because it would be wasted time. Those that are "awake" (and there are many) know of what I speak. There isn't one fucking leftard or neocon that can defeat me in a debate. You have no chance. I am THE most jaded person there is when it comes to the election process of this corporate entity that we call "government" but I will believe in Trump until I find a reason not to do so. So far, all his enemies are my enemies. The fabian socialist left, the trotsky-ite neocons, the Operation Mockingbird media and their talking bobbleheads...thus far we are on the same page. Debate me, little troll..........bring some "game"...thus far, you come across as nothing but a little "newbie" with a big ol bag of nothin'.
Omg. You really are a Russian sympathizer. There's been bodies turning up all over the globe of those that were involved with Putin compromising our democracy. He's getting rid of anyone and everyone that can have the trail lead back to him.
And now you're blaming Soros for the invasion of the Ukraine?
How does Putin's cock taste? Salty?
You're not only an American traitor you could possibly be more deranged than the orange lunatic.
Who told you that? Hannity? Alex Jones? Limbaugh?

Russia scandal has now reached the Trump family

Trump's business network reached alleged Russian mobsters

Trump team continues to act guilty over Russia ties

Keep telling yourself this major scandal is going away. All the better when it explodes you'll be caught totally unaware.
Are you a glutton for punishment?
Tell us your idiotic conspiracy theories then- always amusing, dupe.

You mean "conspiracies" like how leftards like you believe that Russia "hacked" the election when they revealed what a corrupt sack of shit the DNC is??? You mean conspiracies like that? (snicker)
This Dale Smith character is a hoot. He's so in denial what 17 intelligence agencies unequivacably stated but he still calls it a " conspiracy." Lmao
There's not even a shred of doubt any longer that Russian interfered with our democracy and the relevations just in today's Senate's hearings are providing more and more proof.
They're planning on calling in 24 witnesses.
This shit is getting good. Trump is so fucked.

As usual, you are wrong...we already know that the CIA (Crooks In Action) can simulate cyber attacks and blame it on another country when it is actually these Deep State crooks that are gathering intelligence. We already know that a U.K ambassador got the thumb drive from Seth Rich (that was later murdered) and then given to Julian Assange so this "The ROOSKIES revealed what a bunch of lying conniving sacks of shit my beloved political party is and denied the Hildebeast her right full place" bullshit doesn't pass anyone's sniff test....and allow me to FURTHER expound upon that. I wouldn't give a flying fuck even IF Russia had passed off that information to Assange. People need to know about the corrupt cesspol that is D.C regardless of political party affiliation because at the top they are connected at the hip. Russia hasn't done a fucking thing to warrant all this hatred towards them. The invasion of the Ukraine by the George Soros sponsored entities was a direct attack against Russia. This country has more communists in it than Russia does BY far and it's not even close. Communism was thrust upon them by the very same banking oligarchs that own this corporate entity that you refer to as your "gubermint".

Trump isn't an "insider", he isn't compromised and if he would have rathered to have this cup passed from him....he doesn't need this shit. He could have built a palatial bunker and rode out the coming shitstorm (and it's going to happen if those useful idiots like you get their way) but instead, he stepped up and he has done more to help this country in 2 months than the last 4 administrations combined. Killing the TPP was fucking HUGE....it would have been the final nail in the coffin of the middle class.The problem with numb fucks like you is that you don't have the slightest clue as to what has been done to the people of this country since the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 by democrat/socialist Woodrow Wilson and the 1933 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March 9th, 1933 when socialist FDR sold us out to the international bankers. I don't have the time nor the inclination to take you by your little hand and teach you because it would be wasted time. Those that are "awake" (and there are many) know of what I speak. There isn't one fucking leftard or neocon that can defeat me in a debate. You have no chance. I am THE most jaded person there is when it comes to the election process of this corporate entity that we call "government" but I will believe in Trump until I find a reason not to do so. So far, all his enemies are my enemies. The fabian socialist left, the trotsky-ite neocons, the Operation Mockingbird media and their talking bobbleheads...thus far we are on the same page. Debate me, little troll..........bring some "game"...thus far, you come across as nothing but a little "newbie" with a big ol bag of nothin'.
" Trump isn't compromised."
Haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
The orange clown will attack our justices, intelligence agencies, all democrats, Alicia Machado, Gold Star parents etc etc but would rather cut off his tiny dick than say anything negative about a ruthless dictator.
This dope who thinks he's a great thinker can't figure out the orange clown is hiding something. Real great critical thinking skills you got there chump.
Instead of just saying," I have nothing to hide with Russia, I welcome any investigation," he's been throwing road block upon roadblock into the process.
Carl Bernstein, who knows a wee bit about the subject, has said," Trump acts extremely guilty."
That's because he is.
Now why would a half dozen of his staff and friends be making constant B- lines to Moscow before the election? AND KEEP THEM SECRET.
Every day there's more Russian revelations that are extremely suspicious.
But this dope pulls a trump like distraction technique talking about Woodrow Wilson.
Too funny fer words.

When the shit hits the fan and the whole truth is revealed on Trump's collusion with a murderous dictator... poor Dale will find a nice quiet bunker to hide out in knowing he was totally humiliated for supporting this treasonous president.
I usually try to stay away from mentally imbalanced people but Dale is just too easy to obliterate with his insane views.
Honey, she and her campaign manager told us that.
You haven't been following the news lately. That claim is unraveling quickly. And it seems to be coincidental to the idea of investigating someone else's connections. Are there hanger owns? Sure, but piece by piece that innuendo is slipping away.
View attachment 119496
You mean "conspiracies" like how leftards like you believe that Russia "hacked" the election when they revealed what a corrupt sack of shit the DNC is??? You mean conspiracies like that? (snicker)
This Dale Smith character is a hoot. He's so in denial what 17 intelligence agencies unequivacably stated but he still calls it a " conspiracy." Lmao
There's not even a shred of doubt any longer that Russian interfered with our democracy and the relevations just in today's Senate's hearings are providing more and more proof.
They're planning on calling in 24 witnesses.
This shit is getting good. Trump is so fucked.

As usual, you are wrong...we already know that the CIA (Crooks In Action) can simulate cyber attacks and blame it on another country when it is actually these Deep State crooks that are gathering intelligence. We already know that a U.K ambassador got the thumb drive from Seth Rich (that was later murdered) and then given to Julian Assange so this "The ROOSKIES revealed what a bunch of lying conniving sacks of shit my beloved political party is and denied the Hildebeast her right full place" bullshit doesn't pass anyone's sniff test....and allow me to FURTHER expound upon that. I wouldn't give a flying fuck even IF Russia had passed off that information to Assange. People need to know about the corrupt cesspol that is D.C regardless of political party affiliation because at the top they are connected at the hip. Russia hasn't done a fucking thing to warrant all this hatred towards them. The invasion of the Ukraine by the George Soros sponsored entities was a direct attack against Russia. This country has more communists in it than Russia does BY far and it's not even close. Communism was thrust upon them by the very same banking oligarchs that own this corporate entity that you refer to as your "gubermint".

Trump isn't an "insider", he isn't compromised and if he would have rathered to have this cup passed from him....he doesn't need this shit. He could have built a palatial bunker and rode out the coming shitstorm (and it's going to happen if those useful idiots like you get their way) but instead, he stepped up and he has done more to help this country in 2 months than the last 4 administrations combined. Killing the TPP was fucking HUGE....it would have been the final nail in the coffin of the middle class.The problem with numb fucks like you is that you don't have the slightest clue as to what has been done to the people of this country since the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 by democrat/socialist Woodrow Wilson and the 1933 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March 9th, 1933 when socialist FDR sold us out to the international bankers. I don't have the time nor the inclination to take you by your little hand and teach you because it would be wasted time. Those that are "awake" (and there are many) know of what I speak. There isn't one fucking leftard or neocon that can defeat me in a debate. You have no chance. I am THE most jaded person there is when it comes to the election process of this corporate entity that we call "government" but I will believe in Trump until I find a reason not to do so. So far, all his enemies are my enemies. The fabian socialist left, the trotsky-ite neocons, the Operation Mockingbird media and their talking bobbleheads...thus far we are on the same page. Debate me, little troll..........bring some "game"...thus far, you come across as nothing but a little "newbie" with a big ol bag of nothin'.
Omg. You really are a Russian sympathizer. There's been bodies turning up all over the globe of those that were involved with Putin compromising our democracy. He's getting rid of anyone and everyone that can have the trail lead back to him.
And now you're blaming Soros for the invasion of the Ukraine?
How does Putin's cock taste? Salty?
You're not only an American traitor you could possibly be more deranged than the orange lunatic.
Who told you that? Hannity? Alex Jones? Limbaugh?

Russia scandal has now reached the Trump family

Trump's business network reached alleged Russian mobsters

Trump team continues to act guilty over Russia ties

Keep telling yourself this major scandal is going away. All the better when it explodes you'll be caught totally unaware.
Honey, she and her campaign manager told us that.
You haven't been following the news lately. That claim is unraveling quickly. And it seems to be coincidental to the idea of investigating someone else's connections. Are there hanger owns? Sure, but piece by piece that innuendo is slipping away.
View attachment 119496
This Dale Smith character is a hoot. He's so in denial what 17 intelligence agencies unequivacably stated but he still calls it a " conspiracy." Lmao
There's not even a shred of doubt any longer that Russian interfered with our democracy and the relevations just in today's Senate's hearings are providing more and more proof.
They're planning on calling in 24 witnesses.
This shit is getting good. Trump is so fucked.

As usual, you are wrong...we already know that the CIA (Crooks In Action) can simulate cyber attacks and blame it on another country when it is actually these Deep State crooks that are gathering intelligence. We already know that a U.K ambassador got the thumb drive from Seth Rich (that was later murdered) and then given to Julian Assange so this "The ROOSKIES revealed what a bunch of lying conniving sacks of shit my beloved political party is and denied the Hildebeast her right full place" bullshit doesn't pass anyone's sniff test....and allow me to FURTHER expound upon that. I wouldn't give a flying fuck even IF Russia had passed off that information to Assange. People need to know about the corrupt cesspol that is D.C regardless of political party affiliation because at the top they are connected at the hip. Russia hasn't done a fucking thing to warrant all this hatred towards them. The invasion of the Ukraine by the George Soros sponsored entities was a direct attack against Russia. This country has more communists in it than Russia does BY far and it's not even close. Communism was thrust upon them by the very same banking oligarchs that own this corporate entity that you refer to as your "gubermint".

Trump isn't an "insider", he isn't compromised and if he would have rathered to have this cup passed from him....he doesn't need this shit. He could have built a palatial bunker and rode out the coming shitstorm (and it's going to happen if those useful idiots like you get their way) but instead, he stepped up and he has done more to help this country in 2 months than the last 4 administrations combined. Killing the TPP was fucking HUGE....it would have been the final nail in the coffin of the middle class.The problem with numb fucks like you is that you don't have the slightest clue as to what has been done to the people of this country since the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 by democrat/socialist Woodrow Wilson and the 1933 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March 9th, 1933 when socialist FDR sold us out to the international bankers. I don't have the time nor the inclination to take you by your little hand and teach you because it would be wasted time. Those that are "awake" (and there are many) know of what I speak. There isn't one fucking leftard or neocon that can defeat me in a debate. You have no chance. I am THE most jaded person there is when it comes to the election process of this corporate entity that we call "government" but I will believe in Trump until I find a reason not to do so. So far, all his enemies are my enemies. The fabian socialist left, the trotsky-ite neocons, the Operation Mockingbird media and their talking bobbleheads...thus far we are on the same page. Debate me, little troll..........bring some "game"...thus far, you come across as nothing but a little "newbie" with a big ol bag of nothin'.
Omg. You really are a Russian sympathizer. There's been bodies turning up all over the globe of those that were involved with Putin compromising our democracy. He's getting rid of anyone and everyone that can have the trail lead back to him.
And now you're blaming Soros for the invasion of the Ukraine?
How does Putin's cock taste? Salty?
You're not only an American traitor you could possibly be more deranged than the orange lunatic.
Who told you that? Hannity? Alex Jones? Limbaugh?

Russia scandal has now reached the Trump family

Trump's business network reached alleged Russian mobsters

Trump team continues to act guilty over Russia ties

Keep telling yourself this major scandal is going away. All the better when it explodes you'll be caught totally unaware.
You go with that... and let it keep you warm at night while it's already been released from the House investigation that there's damning evidence they have on Trump.
View attachment 119496
Fuck off, Franky....your musings are worthless and useless.
Tell us your idiotic conspiracy theories then- always amusing, dupe.

You mean "conspiracies" like how leftards like you believe that Russia "hacked" the election when they revealed what a corrupt sack of shit the DNC is??? You mean conspiracies like that? (snicker)
This Dale Smith character is a hoot. He's so in denial what 17 intelligence agencies unequivacably stated but he still calls it a " conspiracy." Lmao
There's not even a shred of doubt any longer that Russian interfered with our democracy and the relevations just in today's Senate's hearings are providing more and more proof.
They're planning on calling in 24 witnesses.
This shit is getting good. Trump is so fucked.

As usual, you are wrong...we already know that the CIA (Crooks In Action) can simulate cyber attacks and blame it on another country when it is actually these Deep State crooks that are gathering intelligence. We already know that a U.K ambassador got the thumb drive from Seth Rich (that was later murdered) and then given to Julian Assange so this "The ROOSKIES revealed what a bunch of lying conniving sacks of shit my beloved political party is and denied the Hildebeast her right full place" bullshit doesn't pass anyone's sniff test....and allow me to FURTHER expound upon that. I wouldn't give a flying fuck even IF Russia had passed off that information to Assange. People need to know about the corrupt cesspol that is D.C regardless of political party affiliation because at the top they are connected at the hip. Russia hasn't done a fucking thing to warrant all this hatred towards them. The invasion of the Ukraine by the George Soros sponsored entities was a direct attack against Russia. This country has more communists in it than Russia does BY far and it's not even close. Communism was thrust upon them by the very same banking oligarchs that own this corporate entity that you refer to as your "gubermint".

Trump isn't an "insider", he isn't compromised and if he would have rathered to have this cup passed from him....he doesn't need this shit. He could have built a palatial bunker and rode out the coming shitstorm (and it's going to happen if those useful idiots like you get their way) but instead, he stepped up and he has done more to help this country in 2 months than the last 4 administrations combined. Killing the TPP was fucking HUGE....it would have been the final nail in the coffin of the middle class.The problem with numb fucks like you is that you don't have the slightest clue as to what has been done to the people of this country since the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 by democrat/socialist Woodrow Wilson and the 1933 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March 9th, 1933 when socialist FDR sold us out to the international bankers. I don't have the time nor the inclination to take you by your little hand and teach you because it would be wasted time. Those that are "awake" (and there are many) know of what I speak. There isn't one fucking leftard or neocon that can defeat me in a debate. You have no chance. I am THE most jaded person there is when it comes to the election process of this corporate entity that we call "government" but I will believe in Trump until I find a reason not to do so. So far, all his enemies are my enemies. The fabian socialist left, the trotsky-ite neocons, the Operation Mockingbird media and their talking bobbleheads...thus far we are on the same page. Debate me, little troll..........bring some "game"...thus far, you come across as nothing but a little "newbie" with a big ol bag of nothin'.
Omg. You really are a Russian sympathizer. There's been bodies turning up all over the globe of those that were involved with Putin compromising our democracy. He's getting rid of anyone and everyone that can have the trail lead back to him.
And now you're blaming Soros for the invasion of the Ukraine?
How does Putin's cock taste? Salty?
You're not only an American traitor you could possibly be more deranged than the orange lunatic.

We were formed as a REPUBLIC, dumb ass.....show me in the organic constitution or the Declaration of Independence where "democracy" is even mentioned. You really are a stupid fuck. Your beloved "gubermint" kills more whistle blowers and kills more innocent people in wars and acts of aggression than Putin has ever done..,..so blow it out your ass. I have no "loyalty" to USA.INC nor do I have any "loyalty" to stupid bastards like you......are ya gettin' the message that I am sending????? I am about the truth....I am about the "here and now" reality that you can't deal with. You lack the debate skills to take me on, little fella.
View attachment 119496
Fuck off, Franky....your musings are worthless and useless.
Tell us your idiotic conspiracy theories then- always amusing, dupe.

You mean "conspiracies" like how leftards like you believe that Russia "hacked" the election when they revealed what a corrupt sack of shit the DNC is??? You mean conspiracies like that? (snicker)
This Dale Smith character is a hoot. He's so in denial what 17 intelligence agencies unequivacably stated but he still calls it a " conspiracy." Lmao
There's not even a shred of doubt any longer that Russian interfered with our democracy and the relevations just in today's Senate's hearings are providing more and more proof.
They're planning on calling in 24 witnesses.
This shit is getting good. Trump is so fucked.

As usual, you are wrong...we already know that the CIA (Crooks In Action) can simulate cyber attacks and blame it on another country when it is actually these Deep State crooks that are gathering intelligence. We already know that a U.K ambassador got the thumb drive from Seth Rich (that was later murdered) and then given to Julian Assange so this "The ROOSKIES revealed what a bunch of lying conniving sacks of shit my beloved political party is and denied the Hildebeast her right full place" bullshit doesn't pass anyone's sniff test....and allow me to FURTHER expound upon that. I wouldn't give a flying fuck even IF Russia had passed off that information to Assange. People need to know about the corrupt cesspol that is D.C regardless of political party affiliation because at the top they are connected at the hip. Russia hasn't done a fucking thing to warrant all this hatred towards them. The invasion of the Ukraine by the George Soros sponsored entities was a direct attack against Russia. This country has more communists in it than Russia does BY far and it's not even close. Communism was thrust upon them by the very same banking oligarchs that own this corporate entity that you refer to as your "gubermint".

Trump isn't an "insider", he isn't compromised and if he would have rathered to have this cup passed from him....he doesn't need this shit. He could have built a palatial bunker and rode out the coming shitstorm (and it's going to happen if those useful idiots like you get their way) but instead, he stepped up and he has done more to help this country in 2 months than the last 4 administrations combined. Killing the TPP was fucking HUGE....it would have been the final nail in the coffin of the middle class.The problem with numb fucks like you is that you don't have the slightest clue as to what has been done to the people of this country since the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 by democrat/socialist Woodrow Wilson and the 1933 Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of March 9th, 1933 when socialist FDR sold us out to the international bankers. I don't have the time nor the inclination to take you by your little hand and teach you because it would be wasted time. Those that are "awake" (and there are many) know of what I speak. There isn't one fucking leftard or neocon that can defeat me in a debate. You have no chance. I am THE most jaded person there is when it comes to the election process of this corporate entity that we call "government" but I will believe in Trump until I find a reason not to do so. So far, all his enemies are my enemies. The fabian socialist left, the trotsky-ite neocons, the Operation Mockingbird media and their talking bobbleheads...thus far we are on the same page. Debate me, little troll..........bring some "game"...thus far, you come across as nothing but a little "newbie" with a big ol bag of nothin'.
Omg. You really are a Russian sympathizer. There's been bodies turning up all over the globe of those that were involved with Putin compromising our democracy. He's getting rid of anyone and everyone that can have the trail lead back to him.
And now you're blaming Soros for the invasion of the Ukraine?
How does Putin's cock taste? Salty?
You're not only an American traitor you could possibly be more deranged than the orange lunatic.
A taste for you-
This email has also been verified by Google DKIM2048-bit RSA key

Fwd: It's out there
From:[email protected] To: [email protected] Date: 2015-04-29 13:47 Subject: Fwd: It's out there

Fyi Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: *From:* Tony Carrk <[email protected]> *Date:* April 29, 2015 at 11:25:34 AM EDT *To:* Jennifer Palmieri <[email protected]>, Brian Fallon < [email protected]> *Subject:* *It's out there* Firm Co-Founded By Hillary’s Campaign Chair Lobbies For Russia’s Uranium One

Green with envy.
An intelligent, hard working, Jewish, mother, and conservative who ISN"T a Feminazi.

Who loves her family, takes care of her kids, is a fashion genius, and is smarter than any libtardo.

With a vision of helping working mothers with child care, has earned her fathers trust and he has earned hers.

She will be right there supporting working women, setting an example for young women, and challenging the politically correct libtardos and Feminazi's at every turn.

What a refreshing turn of events for our country.

Hey she's got her own office in the White House now. Of course we're paying for a staff and secretary. I am not really certain what's she is there for, other than to advise? Advise what--maybe to set a new standard for a dress code in the White House staring her label. Who knows?
Ivanka Trump to receive White House office, security clearance

I believe Ivanka is there working as a travel agent: After all theTrump kids and their families took off for Spring break last week, with an estimated 100 secret service agents in tow last week, and the cost of 12K for ski rental alone. Of course that didn't include lodging, food and ski lift tickets--but they had a wonderful time anyway.
Trump Family Photo Sparks Outrage (Photo)

Invanka definitely has picked up on some of her dad's habits, as he is taking off to his Mar a Lago resort every weekend (9 times) now at a cost of 700K for each trip to haul down White House Staff, a ton of security agents and equipment. Trump refers to his resort as the (Southern Whitehouse)--who knew?--LOL And it's really WONDERFUL because Mar a Lago just doubled it's membership fees to 200K per year.
In a month, the Trump family has cost taxpayers almost as much as the Obamas did in a year
Trump's Mar-a-Lago club just doubled its new membership fee to $200,000

Then of course Invanka will need to make travel plans for Don Jr. & Eric Trump to expand the empire around the globe--like that new golf course they opened up in Dubai. In fact, Trump and family have outspent Obama's yearly travel budget in one single month.
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president
In a month, the Trump family has cost taxpayers almost as much as the Obamas did in a year




Why would I be green with envy--I just praised Donald Trump & Ivanka for their tremendous skills regarding the Art of the Deal. This is great business. The taxpayers pay the expenses while they rake in the profits. What could possibly be a better DEAL than that?

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Ignoring education? Seriously?
And I've never known of a Christian that didn't claim marriage is hard work. Don't know where you are getting such outrageous notions from.

Govt policy usually has an agenda. Thus why our govt is out of control.
There are circumstances where no matter how hard one works at it, it doesn't change. My church did not believe in divorce. I never wanted divorce to enter my life. After counseling us for months, they admitted there are exceptions for the well being of some of the parties. I came from parents that stayed together for life, through thick and then, filled with love and no violence existed.
I was stupid the first time and nothing would change, no matter how hard I worked. But I wouldn't trade it for the world, as 2 fabulous kids were born from it. Did I live with that failure? Yes, but safety was more important.
Does that make me a bad person? No. Does it make Trump a bad person? No.
We will never know what goes on behind closed doors to bring others to such a choice. Nor are we to judge.
And we are all sinners. A real Christian knows that.

I do believe our own govt helped break up the family unit in many ways, through policies.

I think divorce is bad, but I knew I had to for my children's and my sake. Just because people are against divorce doesn't mean they can't like someones ideas. Separating the 2 is the intelligent thing to do. And to suggest others would hold Trumps divorces against his children is ludicrous. I would much rather have someone divorce than to carry on a sham, and repeated adultery. It hurts everyone, even more the children. They become to believe it is ok.
No. This isn't about Trump 1 or Trump 2. This is about the people who support Trump 1. Their view is that you should be married, stay married, and getting divorced is bad. And yet they went and voted for this guy to be in office....

Divorce is bad, and the US is setting up the conditions for lots of divorces.

I knew a girl who was 21 that summer from Nebraska, and we were in a car and we spoke about Brad Pitt and Jennifer Annison getting married. I said it doesn't matter when they get married, it's when they get divorced that matters. The girl ripped the living shit out of me. In her view you got married and you WERE happy for the rest of your life. This is just how it was.

A bad attitude, it implies you don't need to work at marriage, that it's not difficult sometimes, and then when people find it difficult with such an attitude they think it's wrong, so then go get a divorce. Kids should be educated to know what to expect, to know that it's not all easy, to know that picking the right person is essential, and to know what the right person might be for a person. But it's not done and even worse the govt portrays this view of what marriage should be, in their eyes, and when people don't meet it, they get divorced.

The funny thing is that these religious people are actually creating the environment for divorce, by claiming perfection in marriage, ignoring education etc. Govt policy is made by politicians who are elected by the people.

Well you haven't know such people, but I have. I don't know where you live, but there are millions upon millions of people who don't understand what it's going to be.

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