I've been thinking about a new wheel gun...and here it is.

I never go to the range. I just shoot out the window of my apartment.

No one hears it over the street noise.
I don't blame you. There's private security, and the cops don't have access (without fire department clearance) to residential apartment buildings above the first floor. That's the way it works in NY, at any rate, but out here in the wild, somehow we have to fight back at the cops without getting arrested ourselves when they shoot at us.

We need some sort of revenge or payback for all the dirty life-ruining pranks played by dirty cops on innocent civilians.
The 10mm or .41"--.44"--.45" pistols are too big for me. That large a caliber knocks my shoulder out of joint and gives me a pain in the neck. A .357" or 9mm would be the maximum caliber handgun I could shoot comfortably.

Some of the "gun safety" and self-defense courses teach you to hold the pistol with both hands, elbows locked, but you need to keep your elbows loose to cushion the recoil shock.

It is necessary to practice shooting a pistol one-handed in either single-action or double-action mode from a variety of positions without too much unwanted political or law enforcement company at the range.

I dont go to the range.
I hate em!!! We go to the lease where we have our own gun range and can have a few adult beverages when we shoot.
As far as shooting one handed thats frowned upon unless you have no choice.
My Wife can shoot my .45 without issue.
Are you frail in some way?
You can learn to shoot larger calibers with practice. You just need to learn how to properly control the recoil.
Oh...you shouldnt shoot with your elbows locked,a slight bend helps to absorb the recoil.
use the .40s to practice with
The 10mm or .41"--.44"--.45" pistols are too big for me. That large a caliber knocks my shoulder out of joint and gives me a pain in the neck. A .357" or 9mm would be the maximum caliber handgun I could shoot comfortably.

Some of the "gun safety" and self-defense courses teach you to hold the pistol with both hands, elbows locked, but you need to keep your elbows loose to cushion the recoil shock.

It is necessary to practice shooting a pistol one-handed in either single-action or double-action mode from a variety of positions without too much unwanted political or law enforcement company at the range.

I dont go to the range.
I hate em!!! We go to the lease where we have our own gun range and can have a few adult beverages when we shoot.
As far as shooting one handed thats frowned upon unless you have no choice.
My Wife can shoot my .45 without issue.
Are you frail in some way?
You can learn to shoot larger calibers with practice. You just need to learn how to properly control the recoil.
Oh...you shouldnt shoot with your elbows locked,a slight bend helps to absorb the recoil.
use the .40s to practice with

Of course you need to practice with the 10mm so you know how it reactics.
Where on Earth did you read that?
They've got 9/11 protocols and operating procedures, handbooks straight out of City Hall, courtesy of former Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the whole liberal "Reform" Jewish Establishment. People who ought to know better act like there isn't a bagel shop or delicatessen to be found in the whole damned city.
Where on Earth did you read that?
They've got 9/11 protocols and operating procedures, handbooks straight out of City Hall, courtesy of former Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the whole liberal "Reform" Jewish Establishment. People who ought to know better act like there isn't a bagel shop or delicatessen to be found in the whole damned city.

Who could live in a city without a bagel shop?! Life is just too darned short.
Of course you need to practice with the 10mm so you know how it reactics.
Even a .22 rimfire is enough to kill. The "kick" of a heavy caliber is brutal, depending on your arm and shoulder strength.

True a .22 can kill you,I know of plenty of people who have poached deer using a .22 but of course this is at night where the deer freezes when it's spotlighted making a headshot easy. But it's highly unlikely you're going to come across a situation like this unless you're just flat out assassinating someone.
There are cases where the cops hit a criminal a dozen times center mass with 9mm and more and the perps don't go down and actually continue to shoot back.
Why would you ever rely on a round thats weaker knowing this?
I've been shooting for 47 years,some at my personal range and some hunting. In fact I got my first firearms at 8 years old,a single shot .22 rifle and a 20 gauge single shot shotgun so I'm well aware of the damage different calibers can cause and I've seen it first hand in animals I've shot. Keep in mind the .22 pistol has far less muzzle velocity than a .22 rifle,making them even worse for home defense.
.22's are for small game like squirrels and rabbit or target shooting.
I never go to the range. I just shoot out the window of my apartment.

No one hears it over the street noise.
I don't blame you. There's private security, and the cops don't have access (without fire department clearance) to residential apartment buildings above the first floor. That's the way it works in NY, at any rate, but out here in the wild, somehow we have to fight back at the cops without getting arrested ourselves when they shoot at us.

We need some sort of revenge or payback for all the dirty life-ruining pranks played by dirty cops on innocent civilians.

Dude really?
Thats unadulterated bullshit !!!!
There are cases where the cops hit a criminal a dozen times center mass with 9mm and more and the perps don't go down and actually continue to shoot back.
Conservation of momentum says the bullet shooting forward must have the same momentum as the gun kicking backward in your hand. A gun is an amplification of a boxer's punch. Body armor? Kevlar vest? "Perps" come prepared, often enough.
Dude really?
Thats unadulterated bullshit !!!!
Not really. That's why I don't hang out at street level within gunshot of upper windows that open in tall buildings.
There are cases where the cops hit a criminal a dozen times center mass with 9mm and more and the perps don't go down and actually continue to shoot back.
Conservation of momentum says the bullet shooting forward must have the same momentum as the gun kicking backward in your hand. A gun is an amplification of a boxer's punch. Body armor? Kevlar vest? "Perps" come prepared, often enough.
Dude really?
Thats unadulterated bullshit !!!!
Not really. That's why I don't hang out at street level within gunshot of upper windows that open in tall buildings.

Conservation of momentum? WTF does that even mean?
Are you trying to apply Newton's 3rd law theory of an equal and opposite reaction here?
You should probably stop now before you make a bigger ass out of yourself.
Just ordered 600 rounds of S&W .40 ..... 450 rounds of 10mm ball ammo and 150 rounds of hollow point 10mm rounds.
To be honest I was shocked that they were even available.
Of course that ran me around $450 but I'm good with that.
How else can you play with a new toy?
That's very nice!!!

While auto pistols outnumber my revolvers I still have quite a few. Couple 22's. 1895 Nagant. 2 38's (one a scandium S&W snub other a S&W M64 HB 4". There's more and of course half dozen cap and balls 1849, 51, 78, .31, .36, .44

My 64 is a DAO, stock pic, tackdriver. So is whe snub in scandium for a snub!

Now one of the funnest. 1895 Nagant, 1929 issue, TULA arsenal. Interesting design. As you cock, the rounds (that's why that stock pic one can se the taper) actually enter the barrel, sealing it. Only revolver ever been sucessufully suppressed (watch some utubes) They are 7 rounds, SA and DA but DA is about a 20# pull. Fast reloads, maybe 5 min if your fast. But fuNNNNN!

Learn something new everyday.
I had no idea there was a revolver that was compatible with a suppressor.

The only one because it makes a seal at the gap.


Silencers or suppressors are easier on the ears, but they may affect the accuracy of the weapon.

Suppressed gunfire is not silent, but clearly audible by the "crack" due to the supersonic veocity of the bullet through the air, and the "smack" as it hits the target.

I am very skeptical of prohibitions on silencers or sound suppressors, and of various claims of noise-induced or age-related hearing loss, which do not seem to have any sound medical basis.

Most people who are deaf or hard of hearing were born that way due to a mutation or genetic abnormality, or perhaps alcohol or something else that affected the development of their hearing in utero. Unless someone deliberately and violently stuck a screwdriver or similar weapon directly into somebody's ear to cause such damage.

Eye damage is similarly difficult to cause. Shrapnel from a gun that would damage the eye would likely as not penetrate any commonly sold eye protection, crack the skull and enter the brain. The human eyeball is a very tough globe, and the blink reflex or normal rapid eye movement is usually sufficient to protect against arc flash or similar damage from lasers or other weapons.
Didn't know they re-released the 10mm...but now I want one.
I suppose it's possible to load your own for practice.

A lighter bullet or less powder can make any gun manageable.

But there's a boss, and they don't let us do that anymore.
Waiting to hear what Missourian has to say.

Love it! What beautiful revolvers S&W makes. Didn't know they re-released the 10mm...but now I want one.

Can't wait to hear the shooting report.

At first I wasn't sure about the moon clips needed for the easy release of the spent shells since the 10mm is an auto round.
But it's really nothing more than a speed loader. It comes with three moon clips and I bought ten more.
So thats 78 rounds I can preload before shooting and reloading is much faster.
Also bought the the tool from TK that makes removing the spent shells a breeze.

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