I've got God in my genes!


Gold Member
Dec 26, 2010
W.I.T. scientists, in conjunction with the Human Genome Project and Bob Jones University, have made what may be the most astounding discovery of this, or any generation. While working to understand and map the function of sequences of DNA in the human genome known as “Junk DNA” (for their lack of known function), scientists at W.I.T. noted that while the DNA sequences they were seeing bore little resemblance to the coding for biological function, they bore a striking similarity to the patterns of human language. - See more at: http://witscience.org/first-scientific-proof-god-found/#sthash.0YTvKBM8.dpuf
First Scientific Proof Of God Found - WIT
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Interesting. I think that much to the chagrin of the atheists, science, in their quest to prove God doesn't exist, is eventually going to prove the opposite.
Some scientists believe that so called "Junk DNA" really isn't junk after all.
See Junk DNA ? Not So Useless After All | TIME.com
If a certain region of the human genome that was previously believed to be "junk" is shown to contribute to some biological function, the fact that the sequence bears some resemblance in its coding to the characteristics of a human language like Aramaic is just a coincidence.
When scientists ever understand DNA in general I promise to give a shit what they think.
This is no shock to me. I've found god in my jeans, well my underpants, and that of girls I've known, for some time now.

I liked it when these guys discovered that solar panels drained the sun's energy. You just can't trust in technology...
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Interesting. I think that much to the chagrin of the atheists, science, in their quest to prove God doesn't exist, is eventually going to prove the opposite.

You've been bamboozled!

WITscience is a satirical piece of art that simply has a scientific slant.

They have been the “experts” for National Report, for the this gem: Solar Panels Drain the Sun’s Energy, even though their more obvious fake-stories (“Health Spa to be Built at Northern Tip of Antarctica“) remain, as of yet, unreported on. (I wonder why. ;)

WITscience.org also claims to have stopped the Y2K virus from spreading. (Good to know, that.)

WITscience is actually a fun little site to visit, but not if you’re needing information for your high school book report.

Although I wonder if any high-schooler cited WITscience for their bibliographies and, if they had, what grade they received. Hrmm . . .

witscience.org | Real or Satire?
Interesting. I think that much to the chagrin of the atheists, science, in their quest to prove God doesn't exist, is eventually going to prove the opposite.

Well, not really. WIT does not actually exist and Bob Jones University is less than a Mecca of scientific study. This is one of those "Wow! This supports what I want to believe so it must be true." situations.
just goes to show you.....if you go out looking for wit, you aren't guaranteed to find it......
Funny how science is true and credible when it helps, not hurts, theists cases. :)

I've always found science to be credible......however, there have been some strange claims about science around here....just last week some secular claimed that eventually science would prove evolution explained the origin of life.....a month or so ago, someone claimed gravity had evolved.....
Interesting. I think that much to the chagrin of the atheists, science, in their quest to prove God doesn't exist, is eventually going to prove the opposite.

You've been bamboozled!

WITscience is a satirical piece of art that simply has a scientific slant.

They have been the “experts” for National Report, for the this gem: Solar Panels Drain the Sun’s Energy, even though their more obvious fake-stories (“Health Spa to be Built at Northern Tip of Antarctica“) remain, as of yet, unreported on. (I wonder why. ;)

WITscience.org also claims to have stopped the Y2K virus from spreading. (Good to know, that.)

WITscience is actually a fun little site to visit, but not if you’re needing information for your high school book report.

Although I wonder if any high-schooler cited WITscience for their bibliographies and, if they had, what grade they received. Hrmm . . .

witscience.org | Real or Satire?
My comment was a general statement, not based on the information in the link, so there's been no "bamboozle". Sorry to disappoint you.

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