I've looked at various lists about which state is a top five default Risk

My guess is California and Illinois will face the music. They can't tax their citizens any more than what they have. I know someone who lives in Illinois and their house is worth 1/2 of mine, if that. They pay $7,000 in property taxes and I pay $2300 in Tennessee with no state income tax.

Illinois tried to reform their pension system.
Higher contributions, smaller benefits for new entrants to the system.
The Illinois Supreme Court declared the change unconstitutional.
We're screwed. I'll move out of state before it implodes.
Why didn't they take it to the Supreme Court?

The Illinois Constitution ……..

Membership in any pension or retirement system of the
State, any unit of local government or school district, or
any agency or instrumentality thereof, shall be an
enforceable contractual relationship, the benefits of which
shall not be diminished or impaired.

Illinois Constitution - Article XIII
Sounds like Illinois needs a State Constitutional Convention to change some of these laws that are debilitating to the state. It's time!
IL and NY survived on their canals until the St. Lawrence Seaway and earlier Canadian canals ended the good times for those two states. CA was built on mining and later entertainment
My guess is California and Illinois will face the music. They can't tax their citizens any more than what they have. I know someone who lives in Illinois and their house is worth 1/2 of mine, if that. They pay $7,000 in property taxes and I pay $2300 in Tennessee with no state income tax.

Illinois tried to reform their pension system.
Higher contributions, smaller benefits for new entrants to the system.
The Illinois Supreme Court declared the change unconstitutional.
We're screwed. I'll move out of state before it implodes.

Yep, time to go.

My career is semi portable, my wife just took a job a year ago with the agreement she would stay in it for at least 2 and our son is just getting to school age.

Our plan is to move in 1 year when her obligation is up and she can post for another position within her company. as others have stated, the property taxes are ridiculous. that's just money in the wind. I am sick of it, see literally no end in sight and fully expect more of it under Pritzker, especially with Madigan and the dems running the state capitol.
So, what reasonable action can be made to start these states on the road to recovery>?

Kick out the looney leftist politicians and elect conservatives.

In other words NOTHING
Rather then look at party, I think they seriously have to go after the representatives responsible for greedy, biased votes that brings their state down. Investigate with special prosecuters.
So, what reasonable action can be made to start these states on the road to recovery>?

Kick out the looney leftist politicians and elect conservatives.

In other words NOTHING
Rather then look at party, I think they seriously have to go after the representatives responsible for greedy, biased votes that brings their state down. Investigate with special prosecuters.
I never mentioned party. I said CONSERVATIVES
So, what reasonable action can be made to start these states on the road to recovery>?

Kick out the looney leftist politicians and elect conservatives.

In other words NOTHING
Rather then look at party, I think they seriously have to go after the representatives responsible for greedy, biased votes that brings their state down. Investigate with special prosecuters.
I never mentioned party. I said CONSERVATIVES
And I don't ploint at a label when investigating people. Look at what they have done instead of their own labels.
IL is in its third decade of vendor debt default . CA went into technical default under the Governator with no interest paid on IOUs. Those are the top two. NY also makes everybody's list. The NE coast beyond VA with the exception of NH and possibly PA, DE and ME may also make the exceptions list. KY is the only Red state that makes the list. The only other left coast state that is in trouble appears to be WA

In the southeast LA is in trouble as usual but otherwise it's OK in Dixie.

I have reached the conclusion that the daisy chain of defaults will start in the Northeast. But where, when and why escapes me. What's your theory about which will be the first state to go into default and will there be more of bail-out or a criminal investigation?
Why is That in our alleged Tax Cut economics, Golden Age?
IL is in its third decade of vendor debt default . CA went into technical default under the Governator with no interest paid on IOUs. Those are the top two. NY also makes everybody's list. The NE coast beyond VA with the exception of NH and possibly PA, DE and ME may also make the exceptions list. KY is the only Red state that makes the list. The only other left coast state that is in trouble appears to be WA

In the southeast LA is in trouble as usual but otherwise it's OK in Dixie.

I have reached the conclusion that the daisy chain of defaults will start in the Northeast. But where, when and why escapes me. What's your theory about which will be the first state to go into default and will there be more of bail-out or a criminal investigation?

So, what reasonable action can be made to start these states on the road to recovery>?

Kick out the looney leftist politicians and elect conservatives.

In other words NOTHING
Rather then look at party, I think they seriously have to go after the representatives responsible for greedy, biased votes that brings their state down. Investigate with special prosecuters.
I never mentioned party. I said CONSERVATIVES
And I don't ploint at a label when investigating people. Look at what they have done instead of their own labels.
You keep moving the goalposts. I said quite clearly ELECT CONSERVATIVES to solve the problem. Now how do you identify a conservative? You look at their record to verify conservative positions.
So, what reasonable action can be made to start these states on the road to recovery>?

Kick out the looney leftist politicians and elect conservatives.

In other words NOTHING
Rather then look at party, I think they seriously have to go after the representatives responsible for greedy, biased votes that brings their state down. Investigate with special prosecuters.
I never mentioned party. I said CONSERVATIVES
And I don't ploint at a label when investigating people. Look at what they have done instead of their own labels.
You keep moving the goalposts. I said quite clearly ELECT CONSERVATIVES to solve the problem. Now how do you identify a conservative? You look at their record to verify conservative positions.
That would work. Actions speak louder than labels.
If the Dems ever get back into the WH and gain control of both Houses of Congress then it's Katy bar the door. It'll be bailout time.
Kick out the looney leftist politicians and elect conservatives.

In other words NOTHING
Rather then look at party, I think they seriously have to go after the representatives responsible for greedy, biased votes that brings their state down. Investigate with special prosecuters.
I never mentioned party. I said CONSERVATIVES
And I don't ploint at a label when investigating people. Look at what they have done instead of their own labels.
You keep moving the goalposts. I said quite clearly ELECT CONSERVATIVES to solve the problem. Now how do you identify a conservative? You look at their record to verify conservative positions.
That would work. Actions speak louder than labels.
Conservative is not a label. It is a commitment or lifestyle . Same for liberal.

Republican/Democrat is a label
The Ds are terrified of anyone even semi-honest in NYC and Chicago and there has never been a legit election in those cities.
The Ds are terrified of anyone even semi-honest in NYC and Chicago and there has never been a legit election in those cities.
The person I know lives outside Chicago. Hasn't voted for years. No point. It's all Democrats. Once they get Chicago, they've got the state. "Vote early...Vote often."
California is scheduled to raise our minimum wage. Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and create more in demand.
IL is in its third decade of vendor debt default . CA went into technical default under the Governator with no interest paid on IOUs. Those are the top two. NY also makes everybody's list. The NE coast beyond VA with the exception of NH and possibly PA, DE and ME may also make the exceptions list. KY is the only Red state that makes the list. The only other left coast state that is in trouble appears to be WA

In the southeast LA is in trouble as usual but otherwise it's OK in Dixie.

I have reached the conclusion that the daisy chain of defaults will start in the Northeast. But where, when and why escapes me. What's your theory about which will be the first state to go into default and will there be more of bail-out or a criminal investigation?

Virginia has had the top bond rating since forever in both red years and in blue years. In fact, it almost lost it because Republican Jim Gilmore's unfunded personal property tax cut scheme that Democrat Mark Warner had to salvage. It isn't a left-right issue so much as it is a fiscal discipline issue.

I will tell you who is at the top of the heap, the state of Ontario...we're finished...

You are calling for a global mess?

No, just a provincial one in Ontario which ill impact Canada greatly.

We grew at .4 of 1% last year. We're in trouble.

Tell ya what: I'll trade ya Illinois and California for Ontario, if ya throws in something to sweeten the deal.

Whatcha got? :biggrin:

Dumb deal Ontario and Canada generally elect people that make AOC look like Ayn Rand.

I will tell you who is at the top of the heap, the state of Ontario...we're finished...
I hope not. Ontario is a fantastic city. Canadians are imho among the most pragmatic and generous people ever to grace the earth. I hopeand pray that they get it together and find a solution. I bet they will. Just sayin'. In fact, every day I pray for world peace, tolerance, prosperity, and brotherhood. Someday all these good things will be.

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