i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

It doesn't matter what you support or don't support. You can't tell up from down and are too fucking stupid to understand what your ideas add up to supporting.

Usefully idiots like you is exactly what would enable the next Russian invasion if you had your way.
Lol. You are a warmonger and think you can lecture me. Lol.

You’ve been told repeatedly why this war started and how it could have been easily avoided, yet you cling to the immature belief it’s all Russia’s doing.

You support Ukraine fighting to the last Ukrainian. WARMONGER
You parrot the establishment media and USG. LOL. Known liars. Just like you.
Which establishment media? Russia has a state controlled establishment media, but free countries don't. Your extraordinary loyalty to Putin propaganda is noted once again.
Lol. You are a warmonger and think you can lecture me. Lol.

You’ve been told repeatedly why this war started and how it could have been easily avoided, yet you cling to the immature belief it’s all Russia’s doing.

You support Ukraine fighting to the last Ukrainian. WARMONGER
Yes, you have repeated Putin's propaganda about how the war started over and over again, and because of your extraordinary loyalty to Putin, you dare not question it, but we all know the war started because Putin wanted to control Ukraine and was stupid enough to think he could frighten the Ukrainians into surrendering by sending some tanks toward Kyiv. The war was started because Putin is an arrogant, incompetent fool who has led Russia to its destruction.

China and India have told Putin he must end this war but he will continue this war until the last Russian soldiers lies dead in the snow of Ukraine and the Russia economy is destroyed and republics that make up the Russian Federation, seeing how weak Russia is, break away, but he will continue to be your hero.
Yes, you have repeated Putin's propaganda about how the war started over and over again, and because of your extraordinary loyalty to Putin, you dare not question it, but we all know the war started because Putin wanted to control Ukraine and was stupid enough to think he could frighten the Ukrainians into surrendering by sending some tanks toward Kyiv. The war was started because Putin is an arrogant, incompetent fool who has led Russia to its destruction.

China and India have told Putin he must end this war but he will continue this war until the last Russian soldiers lies dead in the snow of Ukraine and the Russia economy is destroyed and republics that make up the Russian Federation, seeing how weak Russia is, break away, but he will continue to be your hero.

Here's the thing you have to know about the anti-American giptard

Russian Propaganda.jpg
Ha! You obviously have zero self-awareness. That write up is ABOUT YOU.

If you were seriously anti-war you'd support backing Ukraine against Russian agression, you would support maintaning international order that ensures stability and teaching imperialist wanna-bees like Putin what awaits them in their next baseless invasion.

Instead you have this naive, stupid idea that if only we let him roll over enough people Putin he will stop invading other countries.

Anti-American tankies always blame America first.

Always have, always will.

Because they hate America.
You’ve been told repeatedly why this war started and how it could have been easily avoided, yet you cling to the immature belief it’s all Russia’s doing.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat rediculous bullshit, it's still just bullshit.

There was never any emminent threat from Ukraine to Russia and they haze ZERO legitimate claim to any Ukranian lands PERIOD.
Whatever happened in Kiev or Kherson, thousands of Russian-speakers were killed in the east after 2014
Dummy, it's not "whatever" it has directly to do with an obviously bullshit claim that eastern conflict was based on what language people spoke.

If Russian speakers were really being killed in Ukraine just for speaking Russian, then we would see that all over Ukraine. Instead the conflict was ONLY in areas under controll of Russian backed SEPARATISTS, who refused Ukranian federal authority and were THE cause for conflict.

Like any country, Ukraine has a LEGITIMATE RIGHT to enforce it's borders. Like any country has a right to put down armed rebellions and separatists. Russia had ZERO legitimacy in annexing Ukranian Crimea and ZERO legitimacy in it's invasion.
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The US has always had a peculiar interpretation of crimes against humanity:
Since the demise of the USSR, we don't even try to hide the farce.

Noam Chomsky: How the US "Politically Vulgarizes" Genocide and War Crimes

"We could, for example, listen to Justice Robert Jackson — the chief prosecutor of Nuremberg — his injunction to the tribunal. He spoke to the tribunal and said: We have to recognize that crimes are crimes whether they commit them or we commit them. We are handing these defendants, he said, a poisoned chalice, and if we sip from it, we must be subject to the same conditions. If not, the whole trial is a farce.

"Is that applied when Britain and the United States invaded Iraq?

"It is a textbook example of aggression with absolutely no justification, [a] textbook example of what the Nuremberg tribunal called the 'supreme international crime,' which differs from other war crimes in that it includes all of the evil that follows.

"For example, the rise of ISIS [also known as Daesh] and the death of millions of people, includes all of that.

"Can you find any commentary in the United States even calling [the US-UK invasion] a crime?"
Even Russian propagandists on state TV acknowledge a serious setback in their Ukranian adventures.

You are a fucking joke.
Ukraine won a battle.
It is still losing the war, and nothing will change that except regime change in Kyiv.

SCOTT RITTER: Why Russia Will Still Win, Despite Ukraine's Gains

"The successful Ukrainian counteroffensive needs to be put into a proper perspective.

"The casualties Ukraine suffered, and is still suffering, to achieve this victory are unsustainable.

"Ukraine has exhausted its strategic reserves, and they will have to be reconstituted if Ukraine were to have any aspirations of continuing an advance along these lines. This will take months.

"Russia, meanwhile, has lost nothing more than some indefensible space.

"Russian casualties were minimal, and equipment losses readily replaced."
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat rediculous bullshit, it's still just bullshit.

There was never any emminent threat from Ukraine to Russia and they haze ZERO legitimate claim to any Ukranian lands PERIOD.
See? More delusional thinking. We’ll never find common ground if you continue to post delusional bull shit.
Up until 60 minutes ago I would have agreed, but I've been listening to Scott Ritter talk about upcoming war crimes trials in Russia with Azov defendants. According to Scott the Nazis were religious about documenting their rapes, murders, torture sessions in Mariupol on their cell phones which the Russians now possess. I know it's a long shot, but with the Internet...who knows?
More possibly a good thing for coming to agreements. If US/Ukraine wants Russia to keep quiet about it - or if Ukraine/US does not want them killed. It's a very good bargaining chip.
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Which establishment media? Russia has a state controlled establishment media, but free countries don't. Your extraordinary loyalty to Putin propaganda is noted once again.
Heard of the cancel culture? Joanne Rowling dared to whisper something about as trivial as not permitting trans-weirdos into girly bathrooms and almost got free-speeched to oblivion so bad that it took her a lot of bootlicking, self-chastising and Russia bashing to get back into the limelight. I take it you mean British Bulshitting Corporation and CNN when talking about free media, aren't you? You are free to say anything as long as it's anti Russian and maybe Chinese, otherwise you gonna get canceled some way or another. Anti Trumpisms are also allowed I guess.
Ukraine won a battle.
It is still losing the war, and nothing will change that except regime change in Kyiv.

SCOTT RITTER: Why Russia Will Still Win, Despite Ukraine's Gains

"The successful Ukrainian counteroffensive needs to be put into a proper perspective.

"The casualties Ukraine suffered, and is still suffering, to achieve this victory are unsustainable.

"Ukraine has exhausted its strategic reserves, and they will have to be reconstituted if Ukraine were to have any aspirations of continuing an advance along these lines. This will take months.

"Russia, meanwhile, has lost nothing more than some indefensible space.

"Russian casualties were minimal, and equipment losses readily replaced."

Moron, Rick Scott has been a pathetic Russian shill since his ass got convicted for pedophilia.

His "analysis" is worth fuck all as anyone who kept track of his war predictions of grand Russian victory well knows.

Moron, Rick Scott has been a pathetic Russian shill since his ass got convicted for pedophilia.

His "analysis" is worth fuck all as anyone who kept track of his war predictions of grand Russian victory well knows.

Wasn't that Sleepy Joe who dabbled in philia? You got it all mixed up Anton and what's with the Russian monicker for fuck's sake? You're not worthy of one.

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