i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

What's the latest from Bakhmut?

Wagner Group?
It has not changed in any substantial way around Bakhmut since July 27 when your map was made.

The area north of Bakhmut has changed recently, with Ukraine taking back positions north of the S-D and fighting in Lyman.

The idea that Russia abandoned Izium, all the land west of the Oskil and up to the Russian border, and the entire supply line to the northern Donbas forces just to reinforce the attempt to advance in Bakhmut is pretty imaginative, to put it mildly.

The Ru forces that were routed from the Izium area abandoned hundreds of pieces of equipment, and the UA captured some very large ammunition stockpiles. Probably in the neighborhood of a million 152mm shells, and a couple hundred armored vehicles were captured intact. An equal amount destroyed.

and the Russian attempt to capture Kyiv failed because the Ukrainian army targeted Russian supply lines so effectively that front line soldiers ran low on food, fuel and ammunition
You still haven't explained how a Russian force of 40,000 men could capture a city of three million civilians defended by 60,000 armed military and paramilitary fighters.

Kyiv was a fixing operation designed to prevent Ukrainian forces from reinforcing Donbass.

What's the latest news from Bakhmut?

Battle of Bakhmut - Wikipedia
The Ru forces that were routed from the Izium area abandoned hundreds of pieces of equipment, and the UA captured some very large ammunition stockpiles. Probably in the neighborhood of a million 152mm shells, and a couple hundred armored vehicles were captured intact. An equal amount destroyed.
Who told you that?
Next, the tactically superior Ukrainian forces recognized the Russian invasion force was far too small to hold on to the area it controlled near the border and manipulated the Russian command to move forces from the north and east to bolster defenses in the south and Ukrainian forces easily broke through the weakened Russian lines in the north and are still driving the Russian army back into Russia
You left out NATO's contribution to Ukraine's alleged tactical superiority:

Scott Ritter: Why Russia Will Still Win, Despite Ukraine’s Gains

"These are the forces that have been committed to the current fighting. Russia finds itself in a full-fledged proxy war with NATO, facing a NATO-style military force that is being logistically sustained by NATO, trained by NATO, provided with NATO intelligence, and working in harmony with NATO military planners.

"What this means is that the current Ukrainian counteroffensive should not be viewed as an extension of the phase two battle, but rather the initiation of a new third phase which is not a Ukrainian-Russian conflict, but a NATO-Russian conflict."
Who told you that?
It's open source documented losses. You would know about it if you got out of the Russian propaganda echo chamber. You can start here:

(you can scroll these twitter threads without logging in. When it prompts you, click the login button, then just close the window, it will return you to the thread)

Oryx has a good list of losses on both sides. They capture about 70%.

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What a genuinely stupid and profoundly dishonest thing to say. Everyone hates colonoscopies and chemo therapy, but everyone does them when necessary to prevent a greater evil, so it was in WWII to stop Hitler and in the Cold War to stop Stalin, etc. and in Ukraine to stop Putin.
Lol. You prove once again to be completely uninformed.
Cool story Boris, but it was Putin's invasion of Ukraine that directly enlarged NATO to include Sweden and Finland.

Smart, real smart.
Wrong again, Trump.
NATO's losses and gains will depend on how many Europeans freeze to death this winter thanks to the US proxy war against Russia.

Turkey is tired, and if it leaves NATO...

"According to the author of the article, Mehmet Ali Guler, Ankara should close the Black Sea, the Caucasus and the western gates of Central Asia to the United States and become part of the great Eurasian partnership.

"'Turkey should sever ties with NATO,' the author is convinced, as reported by Sputnik."
Idiot, ethnic and regional conflicts in this part of Europe go back for centuries. And that 'Nazi backstory' is just one part of it that happened much later, despite what Russian propaganda feeds you. Read about the Khmelnytsky uprising and Koliivshchyna as examples. But of course you won't. You are too simple minded for that.
Regale us with the extent of your knowledge about the OUN's, Stepan Bandera's, and Yaroslav Stetsko's contribution to Ukrainian Democracy, Troll.
Exactly. This brutal war in Ukraine is like most wars and interventions the USG has been involved in. Its an old story repeated many times, yet few Americans can see it.

I suspect Taiwan would make an excellent choice for destruction, by the USG and oligarchs who control it.
Perhaps China's nuclear deterrence works against US aggression in Taiwan?
I think Africa might be the "low hanging fruit" for US capitalists today:

What U.S. imperialism is up to in Africa while no one’s watching

"The Horn of Africa consists of eight countries: Uganda, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Somalia.

"These countries are victims of international interventions and interference that is causing extreme destabilization in the region, from Djibouti and Eritrea to Somalia and Ethiopia.

"Western imperialists continue to support dictators and block any attempt at independence, while the Western-backed Gulf States are transforming the region into a battlefield against not only Iran but each other."
Ha! You obviously have zero self-awareness. That write up is ABOUT YOU.

If you were seriously anti-war you'd support backing Ukraine against Russian agression, you would support maintaning international order that ensures stability and teaching imperialist wanna-bees like Putin what awaits them in their next baseless invasion.

Instead you have this naive, stupid idea that if only we let him roll over enough people Putin he will stop invading other countries.
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I’m not sure how’d they’d answer such question. We do know they don’t see oligarchs as a problem. So they probably wouldn’t understand the question.
I grew up in the US under Cold War propaganda that went by the acronym MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) That meant rich Americans would die along with middle class and poor Americans if nuclear weapons were ever used. Theoretically, MAD could be fine-tuned so that the richest one percent of citizens on all sides of any future conflicts would be the first to die; should any such technology occur, war would end yesterday.
There is no civil war in Ukraine; there is a Russian invasion of Ukraine that claims there was a civil war in an effort to justify its entirely illegal invasion.
The civil war began in 2014 after the US instigated an illegal coup spearheaded by far-right neo-Nazis that drove a duly elected president from office.

War in Donbas (2014–2022) - Wikipedia

"April 2014: conflict begins[edit]​

"On 12 April, unmarked pro-Russian militants led by FSB agent Igor Girkin seized the Donetsk city office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and two other police offices in the oblast, although they were repelled after an assault on the general prosecutor's office and failed to take a police office in the city of Shakhtarsk.[81]

"Following negotiations between the militants and those in the building, the chief of the office resigned from his post.[81][82]

"Officers from the Berkut special police force, which had been dissolved by the government following the February revolution, took part in the seizure on the separatists' side.[83]

"After gaining control of the Donetsk RSA and declaring the Donetsk People's Republic, pro-Russian groups vowed to fan out and take control of strategic infrastructure across Donetsk Oblast, and demanded that public officials who wished to continue their work swear allegiance to the Republic.[84]"
The civil war began in 2014 after the US instigated an illegal coup spearheaded by far-right neo-Nazis that drove a duly elected president from office.

War in Donbas (2014–2022) - Wikipedia

"April 2014: conflict begins[edit]​

"On 12 April, unmarked pro-Russian militants led by FSB agent Igor Girkin seized the Donetsk city office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and two other police offices in the oblast, although they were repelled after an assault on the general prosecutor's office and failed to take a police office in the city of Shakhtarsk.[81]

"Following negotiations between the militants and those in the building, the chief of the office resigned from his post.[81][82]

"Officers from the Berkut special police force, which had been dissolved by the government following the February revolution, took part in the seizure on the separatists' side.[83]

"After gaining control of the Donetsk RSA and declaring the Donetsk People's Republic, pro-Russian groups vowed to fan out and take control of strategic infrastructure across Donetsk Oblast, and demanded that public officials who wished to continue their work swear allegiance to the Republic.[84]"
You are repeating exactly what I said, there was no civil war until Russia formed these militia and sent them to provide a pretext for the invasion.
Regale us with the extent of your knowledge about the OUN's, Stepan Bandera's, and Yaroslav Stetsko's contribution to Ukrainian Democracy, Troll.
Their ideology doesn't coincide with the term 'democracy'. Their ideal was a 'national' Ukrainian state with a strong vertical of power.
Ha! You obviously have zero self-awareness. That write up is ABOUT YOU.

If you were seriously anti-war you'd support backing Ukraine against Russian agression, you would support maintaning international order that ensures stability and teaching imperialist wanna-bees like Putin what awaits them in their next baseless invasion.

Instead you have this naive, stupid idea that if only we let him roll over enough people Putin he will stop invading other countries.
Lol. You don’t understand the meaning of anti-war. Not surprised.

You support this war. I don’t. See the difference?
Moron you think I do? Think. Think.

It doesn't matter what you support or don't support. You can't tell up from down and are too fucking stupid to understand what your ideas add up to supporting.

Usefully idiots like you is exactly what would enable the next Russian invasion if you had your way.

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