i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

Being someone that grew up in the Cold War and was in a war where the other side was being supplied by the fucking Russians I like the idea that Russians are being killed.

The Russians have been the bad guy most of my life so I have sympathies for Ukraine who was invaded and who are doing the killing of the Russian military.

I have no love for the Ukrainians but as long as they are killing a couple of hundred Russian soldiers each day then they are alright in my book.
Horseshit, we gave them some Javelins, which are small defensive weapons.

Ukraine had NOTHING to threaten Russia with and you have to be seriously ignorant to belive Putinist propaganda that a small country like Ukraine had any interest or means to attack nuclear armed Russia.
What? Do you not know what it means when a nation joins NATO? It’s very conceivable that NATO would place nuclear weapons on its border with Russia.

I know you haven’t thought this through. Do you really think the US would allow Mexico to place nuclear weapons provided by an enemy of the US on our border, if Mexico wanted to?

Ever heard of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
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It is interesting to see how some Americans are embarrassed by violations of some promises made by some Western politicians to some Russian politicians.

Dudes, these promises were given by W H Bush and Kohl to Gorbachev when the Warsaw Pact was breaking down. Promises of politicians to other politicians.

These promises lost their relevance when these politicians went from the scene.
Too funny. I guess the world needs to know that promises by presidents are worthless. So you’re cool with our leader’s word meaning nothing.

Your outlandish love of imperialism has you twisted into a pretzel. Pretzel logic. You.
Too funny. I guess the world needs to know that promises by presidents are worthless. So you’re cool with our leader’s word meaning nothing.

Your outlandish love of imperialism has you twisted into a pretzel. Pretzel logic. You.
You have the logic of a kid. So the promise of President WH Bush given to President Gorbachev at the end of the Cold War should be followed 30 years later in completely different circumstances by different persons?

Wake up dude. Promises between two presidents that aren't being laid on some legal basis have relevance only when these presidents have real power.
You have the logic of a kid. So the promise of President WH Bush given to President Gorbachev at the end of the Cold War should be followed 30 years later in completely different circumstances by different persons?

Wake up dude. Promises between two presidents that aren't being laid on some legal basis have relevance only when these presidents have real power.
Dude…the promise was almost immediately broken. It didn't take thirty years. Wake up!

Again if the word of a sitting president is meaningless, you’d think that would cause concern for warmonger like yourself.
Horseshit, we gave them some Javelins, which are small defensive weapons.

Ukraine had NOTHING to threaten Russia with and you have to be seriously ignorant to belive Putinist propaganda that a small country like Ukraine had any interest or means to attack nuclear armed Russia.
We gave them hope in 2008 when Bush II babbled about Georgia and Ukraine becoming NATO members; do you recall how that turned out?

Russo-Georgian War - Wikipedia

Those who own the US government had a big payday in Russia during Yeltsin's two terms, and they will never stop coming back for more. Putin will make Lviv glow in the dark before that happens.

There's only one country killing, maiming, and displacing millions of innocent civilians on the opposite side of the globe, and it's not Russia.
Being someone that grew up in the Cold War and was in a war where the other side was being supplied by the fucking Russians I like the idea that Russians are being killed.

The Russians have been the bad guy most of my life so I have sympathies for Ukraine who was invaded and who are doing the killing of the Russian military.

I have no love for the Ukrainians but as long as they are killing a couple of hundred Russian soldiers each day then they are alright in my book.
Has it ever occurred to you that you were lied to about the Cold War, Russia, and American Exceptionalism?
Has it ever occurred to you that you were lied to about the Cold War, Russia, and American Exceptionalism?

The government has lied to me many times in my life.

Like Biden saying the other day that more government spending for stupid things will stop inflation. Remember when The Worthless Negro said that increased taxes are good for the economy? How about when he said it was a good thing to bomb Libyan civilians? Remember when Slick Willy said he didn't have sex with that Lewinsky woman? How about when The FBI Director said that Crooked Hillary was innocent because she had "no intent"?

The biggest lie from the government was when the 2020 stolen election was certified by traitors to the Republic.

The Russians have been assholes my entire life and I was born when Harry Truman was President. They are being world class assholes now in Ukraine just like they have been other places in the world and I hope they get their asses kicked.

If you want the goddamn Russians to win then you can kiss my Cracker ass.
Dude…the promise was almost immediately broken. It didn't take thirty years. Wake up!

Again if the word of a sitting president is meaningless, you’d think that would cause concern for warmonger like yourself.
Sitting president? The first NATO enlargement took place 9 years later (if you don't count East Germany that had ceased to exist and its territory became NATO automatically).

To that time, not only those sitting presidents were gone, but one of the countries didn't exist.
What? Do you not know what it means when a nation joins NATO? It’s very conceivable that NATO would place nuclear weapons on its border with Russia.

3 NATO countries on Russian border (soon to be 5) - any nuclear weapons? NO.

Poland - long time NATO member, any nuclear weapons? NO.

Ukraine - NOT EVEN A MEMBER OF NATO and wasn't going to become one for at least a decade before Russia invaded and put their membership application on fast track.

So where the hell do you get your "conceptions" from and what makes you think that something conceptual are sound grounds for ACTUAL invasion?

And BTW, China actually DOES have nuclear weapons on Russian border:

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The Kyiv Independent is publishing this investigation to shed light on the alleged abuse of power in the leadership of one wing of the International Legion – a legion created for foreign fighters dedicated to defending Ukraine. The members of the Legion’s unit say that they reported their commanders’ misconduct to Ukrainian law enforcement, the parliament, and President Volodymyr Zelensky’s Office, but saw no proper reaction and thus turned to journalists as a last resort. Soldiers who pointed at the problems within this unit of the Legion claim they received threats for speaking up. For their safety, we do not disclose their identities.
Apart from sending fighters to die, legionnaires said, Kuchynsky forced them to help him loot stores. Fighters told the Kyiv Independent that he is also a heavy drinker who abuses his subordinates.

Another soldier, an American Jew, told the Kyiv Independent that Jewish soldiers experienced antisemitism from Kuchynsky. He emphasized that he did not encounter it from anyone else in the Ukrainian military.

The soldier also says Kuchynsky demanded to have a share of the gear and equipment that the soldier bought for his close peers from the legion. When the soldier refused to give it away, Kuchynsky pointed a gun at him.

“And then Sasha (Kuchynsky) just started yelling, screaming,” the soldier recalled. "He said, ‘I know there's
3 NATO countries on Russian border (soon to be 5) - any nuclear weapons? NO.

Poland - long time NATO member, any nuclear weapons? NO.

Ukraine - NOT EVEN A MEMBER OF NATO and wasn't going to become one for at least a decade before Russia invaded and put their membership application on fast track.

So where the hell do you get your "conceptions" from and what makes you think that something conceptual are sound grounds for ACTUAL invasion?

And BTW, China actually DOES have nuclear weapons on Russian border:

Yeah Russia must believe no nukes will be put on their border, because there aren’t any right now. Logic from one who is incapable of logic.

Statist fascist imperialist warmongers. Ugh!
Sitting president? The first NATO enlargement took place 9 years later (if you don't count East Germany that had ceased to exist and its territory became NATO automatically).

To that time, not only those sitting presidents were gone, but one of the countries didn't exist.
You don’t know what a sitting president means. It means the president at the time in question. Like Poppy CIA cucksucker Bush. Or BJ Bubba when he was getting BJs in the oval.

You aren’t an American are you? What are you?

Would like the USG to nuke Russia? Be honest.
Yeah Russia must believe no nukes will be put on their border, because there aren’t any right now. Logic from one who is incapable of logic.

Statist fascist imperialist warmongers. Ugh!
Why would this even be an issue since everything in Russia can be destroyed three times over with existing missiles? There simply would be no reason to put them there and there would be no rational reason for Russia to fear them being there.
Why would this even be an issue since everything in Russia can be destroyed three times over with existing missiles? There simply would be no reason to put them there and there would be no rational reason for Russia to fear them being there.
You aren’t aware of how the US Empire operates. They instigated the coup in Ukraine and allowed a civil war to fester there killing 14k people. Then forced Putin to act by dumping the Minsk agreement, even though he warned for decades NATO in Ukraine is his red line. Then filled Ukraine with billions in weapons resulting in lots of dead civilians. They are are most ruthless. No? Yes?

Nuke missiles seconds away has a way of imposing your will on your enemy.

Think about it.
Yeah Russia must believe no nukes will be put on their border, because there aren’t any right now. Logic from one who is incapable of logic.

Statist fascist imperialist warmongers. Ugh!

Ignoramus, did you even hear Putin talk about deep regret about dissolution of USSR? Relationship between Ukraine and Russia? That Ukraine is not a country? Did you hear him constantly facing himself as Peter the Great ||?

Must? It only "must" in your silly little know nothing head.

Ukraine's success as an open western democracy leads directly to Putin's failure as a long time Russian leader. It will highlight Russian stagnation under it's fundamentally illiberal, corrupt kleptocracy. It would show Russians what they could have been if they didn't let their little Peter run the show for 20 years and actually held a free and fair election once in a while.
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Ignoramus, did you even hear Putin talk about deep regret about dissolution of USSR? Relationship between Ukraine and Russia? That Ukraine is not a country? Did you hear him constantly facing himself as Peter the Great ||?

Must? It only "must" in your silly little know nothing head.

Ukraine's success as an open western democracy leads directly to Putin's failure to secure himself a proud place in Russian history.
Lol. You really think Putin intends to take back the Soviet empire. Lol. He’s been in power 20 years doofus, but you think NOW he can do this with a second rate military.

Open democracy???…lmfao. You must be a CIA plant with that obvious lie.
You aren’t aware of how the US Empire operates. They instigated the coup in Ukraine and allowed a civil war to fester there killing 14k people. Then forced Putin to act by dumping the Minsk agreement, even though he warned for decades NATO in Ukraine is his red line. Then filled Ukraine with billions in weapons resulting in lots of dead civilians. They are are most ruthless. No? Yes?

Nuke missiles seconds away has a way of imposing your will on your enemy.

Think about it.
Again, you demonstrate uncommon stupidity and ignorance. First, there was no coup. Yanukovych was removed from office quite legally by the parliament. Second, there was no civil war. The separatist militias were Russian proxies formed by Russia to give Russia and excuse to attack Ukraine. The Minsk agreement was no agreement at all. It was signed under duress when Germany and France joined Russia in forcing Ukraine to sign.

Again, there is no rational reason to place nukes in Ukraine or for Russia to fear them; there was no coup, Yanukovych was removed from office by the parliament quite legally; there was no civil war, just Russian proxies trying t provide an excuse for a Russian invasion; the Minsk agreement never had any validity.

This war has only one cause, Putin is both stupid and crazy. He has weakened Russia, strengthened NATO and set the Russian economy on a path to destruction, and there is no way Russia can win the war in Ukraine. Putin's last desperate hope is the European children will freeze to death in their sleep and that will force Europe to end their opposition to Russia's imperialistic war in Ukraine, but Putin is stupid, and the Europeans will just wear extra sweaters this winter and come out of it more determined than ever to defeat Russia in Ukraine.
Again, you demonstrate uncommon stupidity and ignorance. First, there was no coup. Yanukovych was removed from office quite legally by the parliament. Second, there was no civil war. The separatist militias were Russian proxies formed by Russia to give Russia and excuse to attack Ukraine. The Minsk agreement was no agreement at all. It was signed under duress when Germany and France joined Russia in forcing Ukraine to sign.

Again, there is no rational reason to place nukes in Ukraine or for Russia to fear them; there was no coup, Yanukovych was removed from office by the parliament quite legally; there was no civil war, just Russian proxies trying t provide an excuse for a Russian invasion; the Minsk agreement never had any validity.

This war has only one cause, Putin is both stupid and crazy. He has weakened Russia, strengthened NATO and set the Russian economy on a path to destruction, and there is no way Russia can win the war in Ukraine. Putin's last desperate hope is the European children will freeze to death in their sleep and that will force Europe to end their opposition to Russia's imperialistic war in Ukraine, but Putin is stupid, and the Europeans will just wear extra sweaters this winter and come out of it more determined than ever to defeat Russia in Ukraine.
You must be a CIA plant too.

Russia hasn’t been weakened as you’ve been lead to believe by the media and lying western leaders. Plus NATO hasn’t been strengthened, though you may think adding Sweden and Finland tiny nations with tiny militaries, strengthens NATO. Lol.

Putin is merely trying to defend his nation from an imperialist empire. He’s far from crazy, but you’re CRAZY.
You must be a CIA plant too.

Russia hasn’t been weakened as you’ve been lead to believe by the media and lying western leaders. Plus NATO hasn’t been strengthened, though you may think adding Sweden and Finland tiny nations with tiny militaries, strengthens NATO. Lol.

Putin is merely trying to defend his nation from an imperialist empire. He’s far from crazy, but you’re CRAZY.
You really have no idea how stupid you sound when you talk about western media, do you. western media is made up of thousands and thousands of independent sources that often disagree with each other, but Russian media is made up of only one source, Putin, and no one dares to disagree with Putin. In short, there is no news in Russia and western media is the best source of news for everyone no matter which side you are on.

Not only is Russia weaker than before the war, but it is perceived as being much weaker. The Ukrainians have fought the Russian military to a standstill and the question everyone is asking now is how long will it take to force the Russians to begin to withdraw.

Even Putin was forced to acknowledge that the sanctions are a problem for Russia, and the Russian PM has said because of the sanctions the Russian economy is in a state of decline. The Deputy PM told the parliament that the Russian military factories will not be able to produce weapons the military needs, so Russia is in fact weaker than it was before as well as being perceived as weaker.

When Russia threatens now, no one pays attention and NATO, which had been growing weaker is now stronger and more united than it had been in years because of Putin's stupid invasion. Putin is both stupid and crazy and there is no rational scenario in which this ends well for Russia.

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