Ivy League admission process biased, unfair

Her daughter has a 4.39 average, superb test scores, 2,300 on her SATs and 35 of 36 on her ACTs. From K through 12 she never had a B and the grading system in Fairfax County is among the nation’s toughest with only a five-point window for an A, not the 10 points of most schools. She plays in two bands, marching and concert, and was selected for a prestigious congressional internship. She also belongs to a community service organization, plays basketball and swims, and has a boyfriend. She is personally very attractive and appealing and interviews well, her mother said.

She said her daughter had taken it in stride, but with obvious disappointment. She just wasn’t the daughter or granddaughter of someone who had gone to Yale where that often is most important. A large number of admissions come from that source.

“Look at George W. Bush,” she said to me. “Do you think his prep school grades were near as good as hers? I of course don’t know but I would wager a year’s income they weren’t.

Ivy League admission process biased, unfair - theoaklandpress.com

Really, this is about Affirmative Action. Entrance being based on something other than competitive test scores. Can the country afford this in the future?

It takes more than grades:


Found this off my kid's old high school, it's for the past year. Gives a bunch of schools that were applied to, including one for Harvard. Others included one or more for Stanford, Yale, Georgetown, Northwestern, University of Chicago... Lots of high scoring students didn't get their top choices.

What I noticed when graduation rolled around were those that did make it into the most selective had **** breaking courses, literally hundreds of services hours, top test scores, numerous sports, and seriously a few had even started their own businesses. Note too that many that were accepted declared a major-also an influencing factor regarding acceptance.
case in point, say i want to run a school and give a preference to freckle faced redheaded step children, what is it to you or anyone else how i run my school, as long as the education meets with current standards?

that's okay.

if your school does not pretend to enlist on merit.

this legacy problem is a problem for the ivy league colleges as it reflects on their standards. and shapes their reputation. and fills their pockets.
you did that with your post, moron.

deflected from the legacy issue to the minor points you cited.

No, I didn't. I simply raised the question of why it matters that she has a boyfriend or that she's attractive. Neither are relevant.

Simply put, oversubscribed schools need some further criteria. I see no reason why a family connection with the school should not be considered. I see absolutely no reason why who she's dating or whether she is attractive or not should enter into the equation at all.

they only need further criteria if the real hard criteria is fulfilled by too many exactly in the same way.


10 applicants for 5 slots.

all ten have the same grades.

why take the one with the legacy and not one without a father mother grandfather *?

another example:

10 applicants for 5 slots.

5 have great grades.

5 don't, but have fathers and grandfathers *.

why give it to those?

that is the point, little girl.

* who have been at that college

Take it up with the Liberals that run those PRIVATE schools. You don't like their policies? Address that concern to the LIBERALS that control and run those schools.
good question. they are actually linked.

ask callybrat the same question, will ya?
yes, i'd say they are someone linked
they give a preference to someone for something other than the merit
to me, if its the schools doing, no problem, if it is a government mandate, its the government getting in the way of the schools rights

to me intent is important.

why give someone who already has a lot of opportunities because he or she stands on the shoulders of their ancestors another break.

so yes, affirmative action is tolerable to me if the group that benefits is disadvantaged.

it is certainly not tolerable if the group that benefits is advantaged anyway.

Usual double talk from the left. In one breath you say MERIT is all that matters, then in the next you say EXCEPT when I approve of special treatment. Once again dumb ass, LIBERALS run the IVY league, take it up with them and the PRIVATE schools about their admittance policies.
Aren't the Ivy League schools all PRIVATE institutions?

YES, free to have any admission standard they want. And more importantly they are run by LIBERALS, one and all. Any perceived problem with admission is because the LIBERALS that run those schools have those policies.
yes, i'd say they are someone linked
they give a preference to someone for something other than the merit
to me, if its the schools doing, no problem, if it is a government mandate, its the government getting in the way of the schools rights

to me intent is important.

why give someone who already has a lot of opportunities because he or she stands on the shoulders of their ancestors another break.

so yes, affirmative action is tolerable to me if the group that benefits is disadvantaged.

it is certainly not tolerable if the group that benefits is advantaged anyway.

Usual double talk from the left. In one breath you say MERIT is all that matters, then in the next you say EXCEPT when I approve of special treatment. Once again dumb ass, LIBERALS run the IVY league, take it up with them and the PRIVATE schools about their admittance policies.

that vomit of yours means a lot to me. that means, i don't even care about your total misrepresentation of what i wrote.
to me intent is important.

why give someone who already has a lot of opportunities because he or she stands on the shoulders of their ancestors another break.

so yes, affirmative action is tolerable to me if the group that benefits is disadvantaged.

it is certainly not tolerable if the group that benefits is advantaged anyway.

Usual double talk from the left. In one breath you say MERIT is all that matters, then in the next you say EXCEPT when I approve of special treatment. Once again dumb ass, LIBERALS run the IVY league, take it up with them and the PRIVATE schools about their admittance policies.

that vomit of yours means a lot to me. that means, i don't even care about your total misrepresentation of what i wrote.

What did I misrepresent? You said merit was what counted and then said EXCEPT when I think it does not.
this is good. the more people that dont attend these brainwash factories, the better.
Aren't the Ivy League schools all PRIVATE institutions?

YES, free to have any admission standard they want. And more importantly they are run by LIBERALS, one and all. Any perceived problem with admission is because the LIBERALS that run those schools have those policies.

What college do you approve of?

Bob Jones University?
he didnt say he disapproved of any of those colleges
The Laws of Physics don't care about the Ivy League or Greek or Latin.

So when are people going to decide that RELEVANT KNOWLEDGE is more important than the credentials that the schools are selling.

Physics works the same way at every school all over the planet.

The schools are nothing but social engineering for creating and maintaining the class structure. I don't hear economists from Harvard talking about the planned of obsolescence of automobiles. That has something to do with physics.

Her daughter has a 4.39 average, superb test scores, 2,300 on her SATs and 35 of 36 on her ACTs. From K through 12 she never had a B and the grading system in Fairfax County is among the nation’s toughest with only a five-point window for an A, not the 10 points of most schools. She plays in two bands, marching and concert, and was selected for a prestigious congressional internship. She also belongs to a community service organization, plays basketball and swims, and has a boyfriend. She is personally very attractive and appealing and interviews well, her mother said.

She said her daughter had taken it in stride, but with obvious disappointment. She just wasn’t the daughter or granddaughter of someone who had gone to Yale where that often is most important. A large number of admissions come from that source.

“Look at George W. Bush,” she said to me. “Do you think his prep school grades were near as good as hers? I of course don’t know but I would wager a year’s income they weren’t.

Ivy League admission process biased, unfair - theoaklandpress.com

Really, this is about Affirmative Action. Entrance being based on something other than competitive test scores. Can the country afford this in the future?

at least "boyfriend and attractive" is a direct reflection or characteristic of the applicant.

it says something about social competence.

what does heritage tell about the applicant?
you have to ask?

yes, really.

If, as some believe, we are programmed by our genes it tells us a lot. It indicates if a person will be honest, capable, and even liberal. If, as I believe, we are actually the product of our choices it tells us nothing.

Which do you believe?
you did that with your post, moron.

deflected from the legacy issue to the minor points you cited.

No, I didn't. I simply raised the question of why it matters that she has a boyfriend or that she's attractive. Neither are relevant.

Simply put, oversubscribed schools need some further criteria. I see no reason why a family connection with the school should not be considered. I see absolutely no reason why who she's dating or whether she is attractive or not should enter into the equation at all.

they only need further criteria if the real hard criteria is fulfilled by too many exactly in the same way.


10 applicants for 5 slots.

all ten have the same grades.

why take the one with the legacy and not one without a father mother grandfather *?

another example:

10 applicants for 5 slots.

5 have great grades.

5 don't, but have fathers and grandfathers *.

why give it to those?

that is the point, little girl.

* who have been at that college

Last time I checked Princeton is a private university. That means that as long as they do not discriminate based on race, religion, sexual orientation, or any of the other legally defined criteria they are free to allow anyone they want in.

Life sucks, and their is nothing the government can do about it.
The ivy league wants children of the elite. Only 1 in 5 aren't elite. People like Bill Clinton who wasn't born into money are an exception to that rule, and so is Obama to a lesser degree. Ivy League graduates are completely out of touch with the lesser people they'll grow up to enslave by their influence in business and government and should be universally distrusted until proven otherwise.

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