J. Kerry using the the troops, for political gain. yuk


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
This came of kerrys website.... I read a comment from someone on another site, that said kerry is using this for a so called win for him come Dec, because at the time Iraq will have it's election and some troop's would most likey be comming home anyway. So this is just another low life democrat stunt. :nine:

America can no longer tolerate the Bush administration's failed "stay as long as it takes" approach to the war in Iraq. It is time for Congress to demand and for George W. Bush to deliver a clear, concrete plan.

As a first critical step in that direction, I am calling on the Bush administration to respond to the completion of December elections in Iraq by withdrawing 20,000 troops over the holidays.

The way forward in Iraq is not to pull out precipitously or merely promise to "stay as long as it takes." To undermine the insurgency, we have to simultaneously pursue both a political settlement and the withdrawal of American combat forces linked to specific, responsible benchmarks.

The draw down of troops should be tied not to an arbitrary timetable, but to a specific timetable for transfer of political and security responsibility to Iraqis and realignment of our troop deployment. That timetable must be real and strict. The goal should be to withdraw the bulk of American combat forces by the end of 2006.

If George W. Bush refuses to produce a concrete plan for Iraq, then, at the start of 2006, we will demand that Congress acts to take the decision out of his hands. And, if the Republican Congress fails to call the Bush administration to account, we will use the 2006 elections to take the decision out of their hands. We won't stop until we succeed.
This shows Mr. Kerry doesn't give two shits about the people of Iraq.

Stephanie said:
This came of kerrys website.... I read a comment from someone on another site, that said kerry is using this for a so called win for him come Dec, because at the time Iraq will have it's election and some troop's would most likey be comming home anyway. So this is just another low life democrat stunt. :nine:
You're so biased that you're going to think whatever the Dems do is a stunt. :blah2: You don't even acknowledge that Kerry is calling for troops to come home.
Hagbard Celine said:
You're so biased that you're going to think whatever the Dems do is a stunt. :blah2: You don't even acknowledge that Kerry is calling for troops to come home.

Uh - of course she is - read the f'ing article.

Look - 'bringing the troops home' sounds well and good, but it could prove destructive and fatal for the young democracy they'd be leaving.

Start caring about others.
Hagbard Celine said:
You're so biased that you're going to think whatever the Dems do is a stunt. :blah2: You don't even acknowledge that Kerry is calling for troops to come home.

You've heard it a millions times, I'm sure, but here it is one more time. If a date is given when all U.S. troops will leave Iraq, the terrorists will lay low until that date, then flood that country. Then, we'll have another Vietnam slaughter on our hands and yet another country that hates our guts and blames all their problems on us.
Hobbit said:
You've heard it a millions times, I'm sure, but here it is one more time. If a date is given when all U.S. troops will leave Iraq, the terrorists will lay low until that date, then flood that country. Then, we'll have another Vietnam slaughter on our hands and yet another country that hates our guts and blames all their problems on us.
At the moment all their problems are our fault. Hell, it was the US that propped old Saddam up to lead Iraq to begin with! Setting a timetable would give the American taxpayers funding this war an objective. Right now we're wasting billions of dollars occupying a country that has little to offer us besides oil. This war wasn't about "caring about the people of Iraq" until it was proven that there were never any WMD so the Bush administration had to make it appear like a worthwhile cause, so the reason for war changed to "bringing democracy to the middle east." If they got serious about getting the Iraqi military and government ready to govern and protect themselves, we'd be out of there lickity split. Right now it seems like their just f*cking around over there. You've all heard the reports that we've only trained one full battalion of Iraqi troops in two years. It's ridiculous. The Iraq war is a cluster f*ck and the sooner we're out of there the better. We don't need a 10-year occupation. Setting a withdrawal date would do nothing more than but an end in sight. If the Iraqis knew we were leaving, they might get serious about protecting themselves and train an army!
Hagbard Celine said:
At the moment all their problems are our fault. Hell, it was the US that propped old Saddam up to lead Iraq to begin with! Setting a timetable would give the American taxpayers funding this war an objective. Right now we're wasting billions of dollars occupying a country that has little to offer us besides oil. This war wasn't about "caring about the people of Iraq" until it was proven that there were never any WMD so the Bush administration had to make it appear like a worthwhile cause, so the reason for war changed to "bringing democracy to the middle east." If they got serious about getting the Iraqi military and government ready to govern and protect themselves, we'd be out of there lickity split. Right now it seems like their just f*cking around over there. You've all heard the reports that we've only trained one full battalion of Iraqi troops in two years. It's ridiculous. The Iraq war is a cluster f*ck and the sooner we're out of there the better. We don't need a 10-year occupation. Setting a withdrawal date would do nothing more than but an end in sight. If the Iraqis knew we were leaving, they might get serious about protecting themselves and train an army!

You are dense. What happend to common sense? How did that gene escape you? Really...It's sicking how you pervert and twist reality to suit your ideals.

Hagbard Celine said:
You're so biased that you're going to think whatever the Dems do is a stunt. :blah2: You don't even acknowledge that Kerry is calling for troops to come home.

You can call me whatever you want, but we know that kerry the traitor is not caring about the troop's. And I'm biased?? What are you, your so open and understanding for conservative's from what I can see. :baby4: And I just call it like I see em... :teeth:
Stephanie said:
You can call me whatever you want, but we know that kerry the traitor is not caring about the troop's. And I'm biased?? What are you, your so open and understanding for conservative's from what I can see. :baby4: And I just call it like I see em... :teeth:
Kerry's a traitor? I guess actually serving in a war is less patriotic than getting a cush position through your daddy and training on a de-commissioned model plane.:rolleyes: And yeah, you're biased. You interpret a senator calling for the return of troops to their home country as a political stunt. How about Bush holding a staged teleconference with troops in order to reaffirm support for his war strategy while advertising it as an unscripted conversation? I guess you'd just write that off with the multiple other issues his administration has lied to us about.:rolleyes:
Very little of what any politician does these days isn't a stunt. I don't know why people continue to act shocked about it, it's not like it's anything new.
Hagbard Celine said:
Kerry's a traitor? I guess actually serving in a war is less patriotic than getting a cush position through your daddy and training on a de-commissioned model plane.

If you can't be intellectually honest, your viewpoints won't carry any weight.


It's what a man does that defines him. Kerry sold-out his fellow servicemen and women. Traitor at worst, yes.
dmp said:
If you can't be intellectually honest, your viewpoints won't carry any weight.


It's what a man does that defines him. Kerry sold-out his fellow servicemen and women. Traitor at worst, yes.
What's dishonest here? You're not being honest. Kerry saw the war with his own eyes, came back and protested it, which is his right. Blind allegiance to US policy doesn't equal patriotism. It equals zombiism. Bush did get a coveted position in the national guard during Vietnam because of who his dad was. Then he trained on a plane that was not being used and was de-commissioned before the war was over. That's a fact Jack! I challenge you to refute it.
Hagbard Celine said:
Kerry's a traitor? I guess actually serving in a war is less patriotic than getting a cush position through your daddy and training on a de-commissioned model plane.:rolleyes: And yeah, you're biased. You interpret a senator calling for the return of troops to their home country as a political stunt. How about Bush holding a staged teleconference with troops in order to reaffirm support for his war strategy while advertising it as an unscripted conversation? I guess you'd just write that off with the multiple other issues his administration has lied to us about.:rolleyes:

kerry is a traitor, and will alway's be a traitor in my eye's. And going to war for four month's dosen't make him an expert on anything. He came home and sold out the men he was in Vietman with, is that in plain enough english for you.. And this staged telephone conference, I suppose you have some hard proof on this, or is this just another point you got from cnn or msnbc, nbc or more than likey the duunderground???? I guess bj,clinton's time in the service made him an expert to bomb saddam, and go to Kosovo and where ever he felt like putting our troops, :mad: oh that's right he didn't serve either, and he is a convicted liar, not a made up one..... :poop: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Stephanie said:
kerry is a traitor, and will alway's be a traitor in my eye's. And going to war for four month's dosen't make him an expert on anything. He came home and sold out the men he was in Vietman with, is that in plain enough english for you.. And this staged telephone conference, I suppose you have some hard proof on this, or is this just another point you got from cnn or msnbc, nbc or more than likey the duunderground???? I guess bj,clinton's time in the service made him an expert to bomb saddam, and go to Kosovo and where ever he felt like putting our troops, :mad: oh that's right he didn't serve either, and he is a convicted liar, not a made up one..... :poop: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Bush Teleconference With Soldiers Staged 10 US Soldiers Upbeat in Staged Teleconference. Google News Four months being shot at on a pontoon boat in Vietnam and three purple hearts fully qualify Kerry to comment on the Vietnam War. The problem with you is that you think dissent equals treason, but you're wrong. Holding the government accountable is one of the things we are supposed to do. Do you think Kerry should have stayed silent about the human rights violations he witnessed over there? Do you want soldiers doing those things in your name and in the name of the US? Murder, torture and rape isn't what the US stands for regardless of what you may have convinced yourself of.

And Clinton made no airs about being in the military. He was going to school at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar during the Vietnam War.
Hagbard Celine said:
Bush Teleconference With Soldiers Staged 10 US Soldiers Upbeat in Staged Teleconference. Google News Four months being shot at on a pontoon boat in Vietnam and three purple hearts fully qualify Kerry to comment on the Vietnam War. The problem with you is that you think dissent equals treason, but you're wrong. Holding the government accountable is one of the things we are supposed to do. Do you think Kerry should have stayed silent about the human rights violations he witnessed over there? Do you want soldiers doing those things in your name and in the name of the US? Murder, torture and rape isn't what the US stands for regardless of what you may have convinced yourself of.

And Clinton made no airs about being in the military. He was going to school at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar during the Vietnam War.

Holy xxxx, you just sold me on this story... Why if it came from google, usatoday,and of course the washington post, the almighty gods of investigative news then it MUST be true... NOT!!!!!
This story is too stupid to even argue with a teenager over.. And I notice you let ole billy boy's military service just SLIDE right by and even made a dripping, glowing excuse for him(he was going to school at Oxford as a RHODES SCHOLAR, like that is suppose to excuse him not serving in the military. At least President Bush joined the guard)
Me think's you need to grow up and get out into the real world. :slap: :p:
America can no longer tolerate the Bush administration's failed "stay as long as it takes" approach to the war in Iraq. It is time for Congress to demand and for George W. Bush to deliver a clear, concrete plan.

A clear, concrete plan will give the insurgents a timetable on which to plan their attacks. Bush would get more heat for doing this, perhaps a part of the liberal agenda.

As a first critical step in that direction, I am calling on the Bush administration to respond to the completion of December elections in Iraq by withdrawing 20,000 troops over the holidays.

Elections are a high point in the insurgency, and a low point for Iraq. To withdraw simultaneously would decrease the security in Iraq, the insurgency would prosper, more Iraqis would die, and Bush would be blamed. Again, the liberal agenda at work?

The way forward in Iraq is not to pull out precipitously or merely promise to "stay as long as it takes." To undermine the insurgency, we have to simultaneously pursue both a political settlement and the withdrawal of American combat forces linked to specific, responsible benchmarks.

America will outlast the insurgency, and terrorism abroad. Think about it logically, if Muslim extremists kill people (including fellow Muslims) in their attempts to convert, nobody will. I, for one, would not join a group of people who consider me their enemy, and I hope anyone with a name other than Jacques feels the same way.

The draw down of troops should be tied not to an arbitrary timetable, but to a specific timetable for transfer of political and security responsibility to Iraqis and realignment of our troop deployment. That timetable must be real and strict. The goal should be to withdraw the bulk of American combat forces by the end of 2006.

Again, a timetable would give the insurgents something to work with, perhaps refrain from attacks, making Iraq and America optimistic about the situation, then once we leave they hit Iraq hard and America is once again the wipping boy for the worlds problems. I say this because the insurgents want us out, were kicking their asses.

If George W. Bush refuses to produce a concrete plan for Iraq, then, at the start of 2006, we will demand that Congress acts to take the decision out of his hands. And, if the Republican Congress fails to call the Bush administration to account, we will use the 2006 elections to take the decision out of their hands. We won't stop until we succeed.

"We" will succeed. We'll succeed in making a shimmering becon of hope in the Mid East, proving that democracy is not impossible. If the democrats want times and dates for a withdrawal, go for it. I hope the Republicans wont do so, for whoever does will have a lot of blood on their hands.
dmp said:
You are dense. What happend to common sense? How did that gene escape you? Really...It's sicking how you pervert and twist reality to suit your ideals.



Did you come up with that witty retort on your own?
Or did you plagiarize it from someone else (like you've been caught doing in the past)?

Just curious.
Stephanie said:
Holy xxxx, you just sold me on this story... Why if it came from google, usatoday,and of course the washington post, the almighty gods of investigative news then it MUST be true... NOT!!!!!
This story is too stupid to even argue with a teenager over.. And I notice you let ole billy boy's military service just SLIDE right by and even made a dripping, glowing excuse for him(he was going to school at Oxford as a RHODES SCHOLAR, like that is suppose to excuse him not serving in the military. At least President Bush joined the guard)
Me think's you need to grow up and get out into the real world. :slap: :p:
I give up on you people. I posted stories from valid news sources with good reputations--the Washington Post is one of the best papers in the country and USA Today prides itself on being a non-biased publication taylor-made to appeal to the widest possible readership. You asked for sources and I gave you good ones. Take them or leave them.

You hit the nail on the head when you quoted my text, Clinton WAS a Rhodes Scholar. Do you know what it takes to be a Rhodes Scholar? It takes serious work and dedication. Clinton isn't a draft dodger, the US government gave deferments to people in college during the draft. He didn't break any laws or do anything unseemly.

I can't figure out if you just love war or if you simply have contempt for educated people, but I have figured out one thing, you willingly choose to ignore reality. Just look at your last post. I gave good sources from respected publications and you crapped on them just because they don't fit into your delusional world view. Get real lady.
Hagbard Celine said:
I give up on you people. I posted stories from valid news sources with good reputations--the Washington Post is one of the best papers in the country and USA Today prides itself on being a non-biased publication taylor-made to appeal to the widest possible readership. You asked for sources and I gave you good ones. Take them or leave them.

You hit the nail on the head when you quoted my text, Clinton WAS a Rhodes Scholar. Do you know what it takes to be a Rhodes Scholar? It takes serious work and dedication. Clinton isn't a draft dodger, the US government gave deferments to people in college during the draft. He didn't break any laws or do anything unseemly.

I can't figure out if you just love war or if you simply have contempt for educated people, but I have figured out one thing, you willingly choose to ignore reality. Just look at your last post. I gave good sources from respected publications and you crapped on them just because they don't fit into your delusional world view. Get real lady.

Rhodes Scholar..Hummmmm, it sure didn't stop him from commiting adultery, or being convicted for a crime, or looking into a tv camera and lying to the American people did it??? Your worship of a man, who is actually pretty slimey, can say a lot about someone..
And you drivel about loving war. Nobody want's to go to war, but I'll be dammed if I'm going to sit by and let someone threathen me or my country. If it come's to my door, I'll have a gun ready for them
Maybe it's you who need's to get real, sonny...
Stephanie said:
Rhodes Scholar..Hummmmm, it sure didn't stop him from commiting adultery, or being convicted for a crime, or looking into a tv camera and lying to the American people did it??? Your worship of a man, who is actually pretty slimey, can say a lot about someone..
And you drivel about loving war. Nobody want's to go to war, but I'll be dammed if I'm going to sit by and let someone threathen me or my country. If it come's to my door, I'll have a gun ready for them
Maybe it's you who need's to get real, sonny...
Get real lady. :funnyface

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