J6 Capitol Police Failures on Pelosi's Watch

Pelosi, the Mayor of Capitol Hill security, failed miserably.

No wonder her texts, phone calls and emails were off limits.

No wonder she rejected Jordan and others from the 'bipartisan' investigation.

Internal Capitol Police review found sweeping intelligence, security failures on Pelosi's watch

As expected a stupid, and I mean that the writer of the OP is clearly stupid, to ignore reality and believe that anyone but a trumpanzee believes The Speaker of the House is responsible for the violence on January 6.

I doubt any supporter of trump watched the presentation last night.
As expected a stupid, and I mean that the writer of the OP is clearly stupid, to ignore reality and believe that anyone but a trumpanzee believes The Speaker of the House is responsible for the violence on January 6.

I doubt any supporter of trump watched the presentation last night.
I love when this piece of shit shows up calling anyone else "stupid" and posts a comment with grammar that makes the post itself utterly meaningless.

The only grasp of reality this vacuous fuckstick has is that NO ONE watched the Bolshevik Shit Show because NO ONE cares.

Funny how that ends up missing in that report. We know from sources inside the Military command staff who called her that Pelosi is the one who denied the request for the troops three different times. Its rather stunning that the DNC had a direct line to the FBI through Perkins-Coie that was communicating with Pelosi and the DNC. This makes the fact that a riot, instigated by the FBI on one side of the building and the CHP on the other waving people in is very important. Why didn't the police take a protective posture? why didn't they lock down? The order to continue had to come from somewhere. To many coincidences to not be a set up..
The person who had the power to send in more Law Enforcement was trump. Of course this comment blaming Madam Speaker and the DNC has zero probative evidence in this claim in the post above.
As expected a stupid, and I mean that the writer of the OP is clearly stupid, to ignore reality and believe that anyone but a trumpanzee believes The Speaker of the House is responsible for the violence on January 6.

I doubt any supporter of trump watched the presentation last night.
Pelosi, the FBI, and Capitol Police were responsible for the violence. Epps is still free, we still do not know how many FBI agents and informants were in the crowd and an unarmed woman was murdered and then smeared by a complicit media.

They look like idiots and the lies are so obvious it should be embarrassing to anyone who believes them.
Pelosi had nothing to do with security...do you folks get tired of hanging on to that lie??

And why did Mike Pence have to call the National Guard?

Oh yea, because Trump refused to....

But yea, let's blame it on the woman...yall are clowns...
Why do you hang onto your own lies?
Let me educate you BIff...

There is this thing called CHAIN OF COMMAND..

Pelosi is the Speaker of the House. Pelosi is charged by statute to protect the Capitol Hill Complex. She is the head of this. The Sergeant at Arms for the House and his senate counter part with the DC Mayor that sit on the controlling board over the capitol hill police. They are the committee which controls the posture of the police.

Police Chief >>> Makes requests to the board >>> The House SAA makes request to Pelosi >>> Pelosi ok's or rejects the request.

In this case Trump gave the order to use up to 20,000 troops in advance of any request on Jan 2. The military command staff gave this offer to Pelosi who must allow the request to be granted. Pelosi denied it three times. The reason given by staffers is that the "optics" would look bad even though the CHP was at 1/2 staff.

Pelosi owns this one...

Worse still, Schumer had the intel about the threats and never provided it to the CHP Chief. The CHP had no idea how to prepare. That same Chief had made numerous requests to the House SAA for troops (6 that we are aware of). This means the SAA took, at minimum, 6 requests to Nancy prior to Jan 6. HMMMMMmmmm
Once again this trump supporter cannot post any probative evidence to make the Speaker of the House culpable for the violence.

The person who is totally responsible for this attempt to overturn the election was trump. trump was still the President on January 6, 2021 and his comments before, during and after make him culpable for the harm to LE and vandalism to the nation's capitol building.
Why do you hang onto your own lies?
Let me know when you find someone willing to say that goofy shit under oath...because so far...

Bill Barr said you are a full of shit
Jeffery Rosen said you are full of shit
Alex Cannon said you are a full of shit
Mark Milley said you are a full of shit

These are all people TRUMP himself selected and put in his admin..and they all said he is full of shit...

And just to add injury to insult...Trump's own daughter even said her father-husband is full of shit....

Why didn't she testify under oath that the election was stolen and they had proof??

I already know that 99% of you Trumpers are just gaslighting...but understand.....this ain't 2005 - 2006.....you may have been able to get away with pretending you were never Bush sycophants because we don't have those receipts floating around....but there are plenty of receipts now....

Plenty of receipts of how you are essentially deep throating a guy who would sell yo own mother for a dollar -- and you only doing it to "own the libs"
Implicated performing actions defined in the constitution?
Hey bro...

Why were so many Republicans in Congress asking for presidential pardons??

is it normal for innocent people to ask for pardons??

Once again this trump supporter cannot post any probative evidence to make the Speaker of the House culpable for the violence.

The person who is totally responsible for this attempt to overturn the election was trump. trump was still the President on January 6, 2021 and his comments before, during and after make him culpable for the harm to LE and vandalism to the nation's capitol building.
They have no case against Trump. They cannot prove anything, least of all intent.
Once again this trump supporter cannot post any probative evidence to make the Speaker of the House culpable for the violence.

The person who is totally responsible for this attempt to overturn the election was trump. trump was still the President on January 6, 2021 and his comments before, during and after make him culpable for the harm to LE and vandalism to the nation's capitol building.
First of all assfuck, you bed wetters have tried TWICE and failed to prove Trump incited anything, you have lied and repeated all the agitprop available and guess what?


It's been documented Trump tried to increase security only to be ignored. The "threats" were documented and the Whore of the House ignored the intel. Just like all of you bed wetters ignore reality in general.

Furthermore if the "insurrectionists" of Jan 6th were anything like you bed wetters, the heap of smoldering granite ruins this Bolshevik Shit Show is taking place in would still be being sifted through. The only "terrorist" attacks that have ever taken place on the capital were the acts of bed wetting leftist parasites like you, who fucking bombed the fucking building. That coupled with the billions of dollars in damages assfucks like you did to courthouses, other government building as well as monuments pales in comparison to anything that happened at the capitol.

Never mind the fact that you continue to lie about the fact that the only death that resulted from that day was a wild shot into the crowd from some bed wetting pig who probably had a negligent discharge towards a crowd.

So go eat some more bags of dicks and get monkey pox you cum dumpster.

They have no case against Trump. They cannot prove anything, least of all intent.
It's not a criminal trial.......relax......

Now, Trump did know the election wasn't stolen...but if your defense at this point is that Trump was too much of a moron to acknowledge reality..that is pretty bad defense...

I bet if Trump said he believes in Santa Claus and the Tooth fairy -- you twist yourselves into pretzels to justify that position too..

Kinda how it took you folks 6 or 7 years to finally stop believing Saddam had nukes...
First of all assfuck, you bed wetters have tried TWICE and failed to prove Trump incited anything, you have lied and repeated all the agitprop available and guess what?


It's been documented Trump tried to increase security only to be ignored. The "threats" were documented and the Whore of the House ignored the intel. Just like all of you bed wetters ignore reality in general.

Furthermore if the "insurrectionists" of Jan 6th were anything like you bed wetters, the heap of smoldering granite ruins this Bolshevik Shit Show is taking place in would still be being sifted through. The only "terrorist" attacks that have ever taken place on the capital were the acts of bed wetting leftist parasites like you, who fucking bombed the fucking building. That coupled with the billions of dollars in damages assfucks like you did to courthouses, other government building as well as monuments pales in comparison to anything that happened at the capitol.

Never mind the fact that you continue to lie about the fact that the only death that resulted from that day was a wild shot into the crowd from some bed wetting pig who probably had a negligent discharge towards a crowd.

So go eat some more bags of dicks and get monkey pox you cum dumpster.

Show the documentation that Trump increased security??

Because I showed documented, under oath testimony that he didn't

And not a single Trumper refuted it yet...

Matter of fact..can you show documentation of single person testifying under oath that this goofy shit you claiming is true?
Why do you continue to lie??

No, Trump didn't order 20K national guard troops....this has been debunked 1000 times over and yet you morons keep repeating the same lie..

"A government memo about the events leading up to Jan. 6, statements from Pelosi’s office and the Pentagon and testimony from the former House sergeant-at-arms show Trump did not request 10,000 troops ahead of the rally."

Furthermore, why would there need to be so many troops if you dick suckers keep claiming there was no riot, no violence -- just a some tourists...I swear yall are clowns...

i tell you what, show the request that 20K troops were ordered....this isn't an order you give via twitter, or via some Facebook meme..it is an actual document...show it
Tell ya what, here is the official time line provided by the Capitol Police (USCP)on their official documents:

Let me know when you debunk it for 1001th time.
It's not a criminal trial.......relax......

Now, Trump did know the election wasn't stolen...but if your defense at this point is that Trump was too much of a moron to acknowledge reality..that is pretty bad defense...

I bet if Trump said he believes in Santa Claus and the Tooth fairy -- you twist yourselves into pretzels to justify that position too..

Kinda how it took you folks 6 or 7 years to finally stop believing Saddam had nukes...
Trump knew the election was stolen. Why do you think all those people were in DC? They thought so too. Congress disenfranchised those people and anyone else who voted for Trump by refusing to investigate the election. That is the crime here.
As expected a stupid, and I mean that the writer of the OP is clearly stupid, to ignore reality and believe that anyone but a trumpanzee believes The Speaker of the House is responsible for the violence on January 6.

I doubt any supporter of trump watched the presentation last night.
You should read up on Pelosi and the democrats cuts to the USCP budget and how it left them short handed and easily overwhelmed.
Trump knew the election was stolen. Why do you think all those people were in DC? They thought so too. Congress disenfranchised those people and anyone else who voted for Trump by refusing to investigate the election. That is the crime here.
And the Confederacy didn't really lose the Civil War...
Get ready to be telling yourself that bullshit for the next 100 or so years....
I find it very funny that the left denies Chain of Command issues. Its undeniable fact who is to blame for this mess. Where did the Chain of command break? Pelosi and Schumer... Pelosi denied the requests from the CHP Chief and Schumer denied the Chief important intelligence so they could prepare...

Trump authorized the Use of 20,000 troops as the Commander in Chief.. It was up to Pelosi and Bowser to request them. They refused as their staff told us that it was the "Optics" they wanted to avoid.. Political theater..
Ashly Babbit died due to Pelosi's political aspirations and many were injured due to the improper protective posture that they demanded.

This is so simple... And what do we get? A Salem Style witch Trial where if you float you are burned at the stake and if you drown your acquitted... The result is the death of the accused in either case.

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