J6 Capitol Police Failures on Pelosi's Watch

Yes, I believe he got 81 million...

Do you know why??

Because Trump's own cabinet said so...
Because Trump's own daughter said so....
Because Trump's own "voter fraud lawyers" said so...
Are you telling me all of these people are lying under oath and only Trump is telling the truth? I mean, i know that is what you have to believe...but I am the wrong one to gaslight
You are lying. They did not all say that.
There was no fraud to investigate...

And as Bill BARR HIMSELF SAID -- its' been a year and a half and it is still no fraud....

How come Trump so much of a weak ass cuck after almost 2 years -- he still hasn't proved his claims yet??

You goofy muthafuckas are relying on another goofy muthafucka to make movies to tell you shit you want to believe...
View attachment 656274

And the funny part is.....the only felony conviction to come from his dumb ass movie came from him...the felon....yall are clowns....beyond parody....
There was all kinds of fraud to investigate. That is why the people were there. Idiot.

Nice job ABC... Distorted the facts to push the left-wing agenda...
Why do you continue to lie??

No, Trump didn't order 20K national guard troops....this has been debunked 1000 times over and yet you morons keep repeating the same lie..

"A government memo about the events leading up to Jan. 6, statements from Pelosi’s office and the Pentagon and testimony from the former House sergeant-at-arms show Trump did not request 10,000 troops ahead of the rally."

Furthermore, why would there need to be so many troops if you dick suckers keep claiming there was no riot, no violence -- just a some tourists...I swear yall are clowns...

i tell you what, show the request that 20K troops were ordered....this isn't an order you give via twitter, or via some Facebook meme..it is an actual document...show it
Dick suckers?

I hate homophobic people
Another counterpoint free reply.

The evidence was posted in the link and there more of it elsewhere already posted.

truth & facts will come out in the coming days. you linked to a trump huming whackadoodle. that's as far as i needed to go & then you went off the rails yerself.
truth & facts will come out in the coming days. you linked to a trump huming whackadoodle. that's as far as i needed to go & then you went off the rails yerself.
RUSSIA truth n facts came out.

Didn't see you give a shit.
Now this is funny as hell... Here are the reported numbers. I had to go searching as no one compiled them. The viewership was that bad...

CNN viewers - 550,000
ABC viewers - 1.1 million
NBC Viewers - 980,000
CBS viewers - 1.3 million
CSPAN viewers - 681,000

Total mainstream media viewers were just shy of 5 million.... OUCH...

America is seeing the sham show for what it is...

Tucker and Hannity had 2.1 million viewers...
Pelosi, the FBI, and Capitol Police were responsible for the violence. Epps is still free, we still do not know how many FBI agents and informants were in the crowd and an unarmed woman was murdered and then smeared by a complicit media.

They look like idiots and the lies are so obvious it should be embarrassing to anyone who believes them.

Only other trumpanzees* believe what you've posted. I can't fathom that anyone is so foolish to make this claim; but, that comes with every damn liar posting Lastamender's fiction.

* A trumpanzee is "an irrational and irritable assclownish beast that is completely immunized {hannitized magatized} to logic-or-reason, any-and-all negative facts-or-evidence concerning Trump, and remains a devout and mindless supporter of the buffoon.

Pelosi, the FBI, and Capitol Police were responsible for the violence. Epps is still free, we still do not know how many FBI agents and informants were in the crowd and an unarmed woman was murdered and then smeared by a complicit media.

They look like idiots and the lies are so obvious it should be embarrassing to anyone who believes them.
Prove it! If you believe this you will have probative evidence. When you cut and run it will be clear that you are a damn liar and/or a biddable fool.
Now this is funny as hell... Here are the reported numbers. I had to go searching as no one compiled them. The viewership was that bad...

CNN viewers - 550,000
ABC viewers - 1.1 million
NBC Viewers - 980,000
CBS viewers - 1.3 million
CSPAN viewers - 681,000

Total mainstream media viewers were just shy of 5 million.... OUCH...

America is seeing the sham show for what it is...

Tucker and Hannity had 2.1 million viewers...
If those numbers are true, it's clear that 2,1 million viewers have negative facts-or-evidence concerning Trump, and remain a devout and mindless supporter of Donald "The Loser" buffoon!
Pelosi, the Mayor of Capitol Hill security, failed miserably.

No wonder her texts, phone calls and emails were off limits.

No wonder she rejected Jordan and others from the 'bipartisan' investigation.

Internal Capitol Police review found sweeping intelligence, security failures on Pelosi's watch
Thankfully Hannity will be on this { still } like duck on a june bug.
He's shown commitment to this huge failure like no other
media personality.Plus he's opposite Rachel Maddow at 9 pm
est Prime time.Hannity was unforgiving in his commitment to
The Mueller Special Counsel Witch hunt even when it was discovered to
be a hoax.He's still in possession of the fortitude necessary to keep plugging away
when a Lying,craven corrupt MSM thinks it cute to ignore.
Only other trumpanzees* believe what you've posted. I can't fathom that anyone is so foolish to make this claim; but, that comes with every damn liar posting Lastamender's fiction.

* A trumpanzee is "an irrational and irritable assclownish beast that is completely immunized {hannitized magatized} to logic-or-reason, any-and-all negative facts-or-evidence concerning Trump, and remains a devout and mindless supporter of the buffoon.

Prove it! If you believe this you will have probative evidence. When you cut and run it will be clear that you are a damn liar and/or a biddable fool.
The bold type does not impress me from someone who believes this is nothing more than a dying debunked cover up. That idiot would be you.

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