Jacinda Ardern resigns as prime minister of New Zealand

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After destroying all individual freedoms in her idyllic island country, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced on Wednesday that she will resign and step down on Sunday.

January 18, 2023

What individual freedoms did she destroy?
What individual freedoms that New Zealanders had before she became Prime Minister do they not have today?
What individual freedoms did she destroy?
What individual freedoms that New Zealanders had before she became Prime Minister do they not have today?

She locked everyone in their homes. In the real world that is a crime.
Oh please, ...she saved lives...as did ScoMo in Australia.
There were no Covid vaccines, people were dying in the hundreds of thousands in Europe and America.
Grown men in Australia were 'crying' while 'hanging' on wire fences outside aged care homes, not knowing if their moms/dads were alive or dead.


Ardern is a monster, they don't come more fascist than that wanna be Hitler.
What individual freedoms did she destroy?
What individual freedoms that New Zealanders had before she became Prime Minister do they not have today?

Abuse pandemic power, force unsafe vaccines on the population, show no compassion for those sick or injured, disabled or worse--popular support plummets and the entire country cheers the departure!

She is a monster! good that she is gone! MONSTER!
She locked everyone in their homes. In the real world that is a crime.
Today New Zealanders are not locked in their homes.
Her Covid lockdown rules were basically the same as Australia's.

During the NZ Covid lockdowns, people could leave their homes to go to work, buy food/groceries and other essential household items?
Abuse pandemic power, force unsafe vaccines on the population, show no compassion for those sick or injured, disabled or worse--popular support plummets and the entire country cheers the departure!

She is a monster! good that she is gone! MONSTER!
Vaccination was optional?
Vaccination was optional?

she is hated in her own country! AND WITH REASON!

she belongs in jail.

If so we need to elect more of them. You can stay with your dystopian vision of society as a 'fuck you, I've got mine' feeding frenzy.
"If we need to elect more of them"?
:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
Me, "stay in my dystopian vision of society"? 😂People like you electing the WEF GYL graduate puppets will create a dystopian future. Orsen Wells - 1984, are you familiar with it?

My nephew sends his regards.

she is hated in her own country! AND WITH REASON!

she belongs in jail.

Maybe that's why she's stepping down and hiding under a rock for the rest of her days.

Don't you find it unique that some major players of the past 3 years, 'have left the building'? Pfauci, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, Adern and others.
She locked everyone in their homes. In the real world that is a crime.

Abuse pandemic power, force unsafe vaccines on the population

Don't you find it unique that some major players of the past 3 years, 'have left the building'?

Much of the world subscribed to medical tyranny cloaked in the guise of national emergency , because they were kept in fear and ignorance by their 'powers that be'

Oh please, ...she saved lives...as did ScoMo in Australia.
ScoMo? That piece of fecal matter did nothing. His bootlicking, big pharma lobbied (bought), gutless & spineless minion ministers and other bureaucrats did all the dirty work.

Speaking of Scotty from Marketing, does anyone else find it very odd that he held the top job and is now a backbencher, whatever the hell they do? Don't you normally retire after that job?
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