Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

Here is a great tract entitled, The Greatest Story Ever Told

This says nothing about the Catholic church?
The Roman Catholic Church is not Christian and the Christians AND the Holy Bible have survived "in spite of" the Roman Catholic Church, Toro. That is the truth. Read the tracts for the details. Thanks for reading.
Please listen to this video and realize that Jesus gave warning to get out of the Roman Catholic Church. It is not of Him. It is idolatry. We must not commit the sin of idolatry. If we love Jesus and want to go to heaven we can have nothing to do with the Catholic Church. Jesus will forgive us if we repent and turn from our sins. Please watch this video and realize that hell is real and the Lord does not want us to go there.

Catholics are awesome.

Without the Catholic Church, Christianity would have died 1900 years ago.
This is about drugs, astrology and the occult........

continue reading on link.......

Yes, the Devil had a board room where he makes his demons go to boring meetings.

HOLY SHIT, Hell really is just like your office!!!
WOW, two trolls square off.

Maybe you two should invite Paint My House into this, last troll posting wins.
Jeremiah, your husband wanted you to stop posting to this forum because he was worried about you. You should listen to him. Your posts are getting crazier and crazier. Just go somewhere and take a breather.

please stop- he wanted her to stop, because (correct me if I'm wrong Jer?) someone on here threatened her.

Yes, he saw the threat and said he had already felt I should leave the board. He said finish the thread I was doing and then leave. I finished the thread and then I left the board and never brought it up to him again. Then he came in one day and said, I believe the LORD wants you to go back to that board (USMB) because you are called to this. The LORD is the one who protects you and you need to return. I said I believed he was right. I have no fear of death anyhow. To be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD. I win either way but the truth is I won't be leaving this earth until the LORD wants to take me home. I'm only on this earth to finish my work as a laborer. I have a deep compassion in my heart for people such as Blackrook. They need to know the truth and Jack Chick Tracts are an excellent tool to distribute the Gospel of Jesus Christ with. They are easy to understand, bible based teachings and have been proven already to have won many souls to the LORD. I do not take on any responsibility to the outcome of people reading these messages, tracts, threads. The outcome is in the hands of God. I am merely putting the information out there. One day Blackrook will stand before the LORD and he will be realize that Jack Chick was accurate in his warning about the Roman Catholic Church and if he tries to tell Jesus that he did not know - God will remind him - I sent my servants to bring you the truth, the facts, the scriptures and you ignored it and attacked them instead. Depart from me ye worker of iniquity. I never knew you. Then the angels will take him away and he will be cast into hell. OR he will take to heart that others care enough for his soul to withstand his slander, false accusations and personal attacks in the hopes that the Word of God will bring life to his spirit and he will desire to become born again and repent of his sins. I pray it is the latter for him.

Please read this thread through, Blackrook. Ask the LORD to reveal the truth to you and he will. You see John 7:17 makes it clear that anyone who is willing to do the will of God shall know the truth. So tell the LORD that you are willing to do the will of God once you know it ( if you are ) and that you want him to reveal to you what his will for you is concerning being a member of the Roman Church.
The Gospel According to John US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
So he's to blame for your foisting sectarian drivel on the forum? :eusa_doh:

The Roman Catholic Church is not Christian and the Christians AND the Holy Bible have survived "in spite of" the Roman Catholic Church, Toro. That is the truth. Read the tracts for the details. Thanks for reading.

That is not "the truth."

You are peddling intolerant narrow-minded sectarianism.

It's very un-Christian of you.
^ that Jeremiah

Ironically, you are :up: turning more people away, on this forum with your hateful posts . :clap2:
Right. Tell us how wonderful your religion is and then let people decide. Dumping all over another church within Christianity is a sure-fire way of turning people against you.
Sadly, i was wondering what kind of person reads Chick Tracks for anything other than a laugh...

And then Jerry demonstrated who the target audience is.

Joe, wasn't it you that said you envisioned me handing out Jack Chick tracts back some days ago on this board? This thread was inspired by you. Had it not been for your mentioning Jack Chick tracts and my handing them out I might not have thought of creating this thread. When I return perhaps I can find a tract that will take hold of your attention. God willing, that is.
keep preachin' Jer! DARKNESS hates LIGHT. Notice there is NOTHING being said as to WHY they do not like the tracts, only personal attacks on Jack. I bet you Jack and of course the Holy Spirit are responsible for MILLIONS of saved Christians.
Sadly, i was wondering what kind of person reads Chick Tracks for anything other than a laugh...

And then Jerry demonstrated who the target audience is.

Joe, wasn't it you that said you envisioned me handing out Jack Chick tracts back some days ago on this board? This thread was inspired by you. Had it not been for your mentioning Jack Chick tracts and my handing them out I might not have thought of creating this thread. When I return perhaps I can find a tract that will take hold of your attention. God willing, that is.

Well, I said it sardonically. I really didn't think you were that nutty of a Funditard that you take his comics seriously.
Sadly, i was wondering what kind of person reads Chick Tracks for anything other than a laugh...

And then Jerry demonstrated who the target audience is.

Lost people who want to know God read them. People who put their PRIDE aside for 30 seconds.

Okay, and apparently they find out that God hates Catholics, Mormons, Muslims, Jews, Gays, and people who play Dungeons and Dragons.
IOW God hates everyone except me and everyone who believes what I believe. He loves us. But you! You're sinners, and you're going to hell. Me, otoh, am awesome.

:smile: It reminds me of the time the people in Christ's home town nearly threw him off a cliff because he pointed out all the times God chose and favored individuals outside of Judaism. At worst (it seems to me) the Christian mantra should be, "I am already in the flock, shepherded by Jesus--you're lost, but he's coming to find you." It appears some denominations have hijacked and changed the Gospel message.

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