Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

Everyone in heaven can see and hear everything we are doing here on Earth. Who knows, they might even be sitting in your living room watching TV with you. If I was in heaven, that's what I'd be doing, watching TV with my family.

People in heaven are watching television with family members on earth? Who told you that? You believe that is what you'd be doing? If you were in heaven you think you would prefer to watch some sin filled godless program on television with your lost family members? You need to buy a bible and read the New Testament from start to finish. Continually until the LORD opens your eyes and you are saved.
Jeremiah, your husband wanted you to stop posting to this forum because he was worried about you. You should listen to him. Your posts are getting crazier and crazier. Just go somewhere and take a breather.

please stop- he wanted her to stop, because (correct me if I'm wrong Jer?) someone on here threatened her.

Yes, he saw the threat and said he had already felt I should leave the board. He said finish the thread I was doing and then leave. I finished the thread and then I left the board and never brought it up to him again. Then he came in one day and said, I believe the LORD wants you to go back to that board (USMB) because you are called to this. The LORD is the one who protects you and you need to return. I said I believed he was right. I have no fear of death anyhow. To be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD. I win either way but the truth is I won't be leaving this earth until the LORD wants to take me home. I'm only on this earth to finish my work as a laborer. I have a deep compassion in my heart for people such as Blackrook. They need to know the truth and Jack Chick Tracts are an excellent tool to distribute the Gospel of Jesus Christ with. They are easy to understand, bible based teachings and have been proven already to have won many souls to the LORD. I do not take on any responsibility to the outcome of people reading these messages, tracts, threads. The outcome is in the hands of God. I am merely putting the information out there. One day Blackrook will stand before the LORD and he will be realize that Jack Chick was accurate in his warning about the Roman Catholic Church and if he tries to tell Jesus that he did not know - God will remind him - I sent my servants to bring you the truth, the facts, the scriptures and you ignored it and attacked them instead. Depart from me ye worker of iniquity. I never knew you. Then the angels will take him away and he will be cast into hell. OR he will take to heart that others care enough for his soul to withstand his slander, false accusations and personal attacks in the hopes that the Word of God will bring life to his spirit and he will desire to become born again and repent of his sins. I pray it is the latter for him.

Please read this thread through, Blackrook. Ask the LORD to reveal the truth to you and he will. You see John 7:17 makes it clear that anyone who is willing to do the will of God shall know the truth. So tell the LORD that you are willing to do the will of God once you know it ( if you are ) and that you want him to reveal to you what his will for you is concerning being a member of the Roman Church.
The Gospel According to John US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
What makes you so sure that you are right and I am wrong?

Why don't you read the bible and learn the truth for yourself, Blackrook? Why insist on following a false religion that is going to take you straight to hell? The bible forbids idolatry. The bible forbids praying to people. We are to pray to the Lord. Not people. Mary was a sinner saved by grace. The saints you pray to are incapable of doing a thing for you. They are dead, no longer upon the earth. Just like Mary. You need to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and ask Him to forgive you of your sins and tell him you are ready to follow him and leave the Roman Church and its false teachings behind forever. That is what you must do. You must be born again.

I really don't get why you think that Catholics don't pray to Jesus Christ or that He isn't 'the' factor in their faith and salvation, or that they don't believe in being 'born again'? You haven't really detailed the things that the Catholic church teaches that is false, or shown that they don't believe the things you listed? I don't have an opinion either way, I'm not Catholic, but I have been to Catholic church and they do teach that the only way to God is through Jesus Christ and that you have to be baptized into Him, so I don't know why you keep stating that they don't believe these things?

What do you consider being 'born again'?
And now the conclusion of Part 3 Fat Cats............Fat Cats







Jeremiah, talking to you is like talking to one of those dolls that only have a few things they can say. You're not having a conversation with me, you're just repeating the same crap over and over.
Newby, Please read the Jack Chick posts on this thread entitled Are Roman Catholics Christian also the posts entitled, The Awful Truth and Last Rites and it should explain to you why the Roman Catholic Church is not a Christian church.
Well, not only is the Roman Catholic Church a Christian church, it is the only church founded by Jesus Christ himself when he gave authority to the Apostle Peter. All other churches are unauthorized breakaways.
Jeremiah, talking to you is like talking to one of those dolls that only have a few things they can say. You're not having a conversation with me, you're just repeating the same crap over and over.

How can I discuss this with you when you refuse to examine the material Jack Chick has presented and address it, Blackrook? I'm not going to get into a dispute with you about Jack Chick. I have proven by fact checking the scriptures he uses that he is preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You on the other hand have been unable to explain why the Roman Church is teaching Doctrines that deny the Scriptures found in the Bible. If are willing to read the tracts through and pray about it I believe the LORD will reveal the truth to you but if you are not? What can I do? All I can do is pray for you that you will come to the knowledge of the truth and the truth will set you free. That is all I can do. I pray God's very best for you.
Well, not only is the Roman Catholic Church a Christian church, it is the only church founded by Jesus Christ himself when he gave authority to the Apostle Peter. All other churches are unauthorized breakaways.

You are mistaken. If the Roman Catholic Church was a Christian Church they would teach from the bible and believe in the Doctrine of Christ rather than the false Doctrine they adhere to and require their members to adhere to. The Roman Church was not founded by Jesus Christ - you are mistaken. As for the claim that the bible came from the Roman Church you should have a look at this:

Did the Catholic Church Really Give Us the Bible

The Bible came through the Catholic Church."

Today this statement is universally accepted both in the church world and in secular history. Author Gail Riplinger, in her new book "In Awe of Thy Word", spends several hundred pages proving that this is wrong.

Even a casual look at the evidence discloses that there were two streams of scripture that flowed from apostolic times. Most history books follow just one stream that flows from Jerusalem down through Alexandria, Egypt and up into Rome.

Along the way the stream became polluted with heretical teachings. The corrupt Vaticanus and Sinaiticus manuscripts are products of that stream. The Bible produced from these manuscripts is the Bible that the Vatican claims to have given the world. These provide the basis for all the modern Bible versions.

But when this polluted stream of scripture arrived in Rome, it became mired in the political bog of what we now call Roman Catholicism. For over a thousand years, superstition, ignorance and organized corruption locked this Bible away from the common man.

continue reading on link above.....

You may also want to examine this link and discover the truth about the Roman Church.
FAQ s Concerning Roman Catholicism

Through this Roman Catholic doctrine, we see more clearly how the Roman Catholic salvation is a process of works instead of an event when the person accepts the gift of Christ's sacrifice done once for all and becomes instantly a new creature in Christ
The word purgatory comes from the root word "purge" and aptly illustrates the heart of this Roman Catholic dogma. The pope says, "...the journey toward full beatitude (happiness in heaven) requires a purification." To enter heaven, he says, "Every trace of attachment to evil must be eliminated, every imperfection of the soul corrected. Purification must be complete..."

Instead of this happening through the blood of Christ shed on the cross, the dead person must endure personal anguish to atone for his category one, or venial, sins. Category two (mortal) sins automatically condemn you straight to hell if not repented of and forgiven by a priest before death. Purgatory is only for the lesser sins.

continue reading on link above......

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10 Christ godmen -like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesushttp://listverse.com/2009/04/13/10-christ-like-figures-who-pre-date-jesus/

guno, thanks for the fun fact that Jesus wasn't really born on December 25. You must be a moron if you think we didn't already know that.
Newby, Please read the Jack Chick posts on this thread entitled Are Roman Catholics Christian also the posts entitled, The Awful Truth and Last Rites and it should explain to you why the Roman Catholic Church is not a Christian church.

I don't want to read them, I read a few at the beginning that you said showed how the Catholic church was a false church, yet the 'cartoon' that was posted said nothing about the Catholic church at all? I want you to tell me in your own words what false doctrines they teach? And why you think they don't believe in being 'born again'? You also didn't tell me how you define that term?
Jeremiah, talking to you is like talking to one of those dolls that only have a few things they can say. You're not having a conversation with me, you're just repeating the same crap over and over.

How can I discuss this with you when you refuse to examine the material Jack Chick has presented and address it, Blackrook? I'm not going to get into a dispute with you about Jack Chick. I have proven by fact checking the scriptures he uses that he is preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You on the other hand have been unable to explain why the Roman Church is teaching Doctrines that deny the Scriptures found in the Bible. If are willing to read the tracts through and pray about it I believe the LORD will reveal the truth to you but if you are not? What can I do? All I can do is pray for you that you will come to the knowledge of the truth and the truth will set you free. That is all I can do. I pray God's very best for you.

Please post a specific 'tract' that talks about the false doctrines of the Catholic church? Just one. Or link to one of your prior posts that did so. Because I didn't see any?

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