Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

My favorite Chick Tract is the one that deals with Rock & Roll. I used to have a copy of that one, but it got lost somewhere along the way.

From your link to Angels - Rock Music :


All Rock music including Christian Rock is of Satan - the music itself is demonically inspired and should not be listened to. Steven, rock music is Satan's music. Rock music did not just come about - it was inspired of hell. You need to find a copy of the book The Devil's Disciples - The Truth about Rock, by Jeff Godwin which was also published by Jack Chick Publications and get a true understanding of how demons come to indwell those who listen to such music, Steven. If you have opened the door to these demons then you need know what the Word of God says about this. First the bible is clear about this:


If you have any religious statues, rosary beads, graven images such as are listed as an abomination to the LORD in Deuteronomy 7: 25-26 and also in the New Testament 1 Corinthians 10: 19,20 forbids having anything to do with idols.. destroy them, burn them, rock music should be burned also - remove and destroy any such possessions in your home and have nothing to do with it again.

Sorry, can't do that, because, as Jack Black says in the song Kickapoo from the film Tenacious D: The Pick Of Destiny

"Rock is not the Devil's work
It's magical and rad"


Quick question, if Herod ordered the murder of every child under two in Bethlehem, why isn't there any mention of it anywhere outside of the Bible. The Romans were great archivists and historians, yet none of them ever mentioned such an event, nor did any Jewish chroniclers of the time. What gives?
What if Clarice had been carried to term and ended up as another Hitler who killed millions. Would it have been better for Clarice to have been aborted?
Part two of The Poor Revolutionist :




Any of this look familiar? It is Communism 101, people. This is how it is done...........
The shocking conclusion of Part three - the poor revolutionist - reality finally sets in.......




This is precisely how the Communists do it. When the tanks roll in and they finally take over? The first ones they will line up against the wall for execution are the people who assisted them. Yes, you Marxist professors, teachers, liberals promoting Agenda 21 and the death of America, God haters and mockers of Jesus Christ - those who say death to capitolism, promoting Marxism, socialist healthcare system, promoting protests, riots, mayhem in the streets of America, lawlessness such as looting, murdering, destroying the property of business owners, socialism are in reality their first targets, movie stars and socialites praising the current system and hoping for an end to free elections and such... You are in for a very rude awakening. I am afraid Yuri Benzanov was correct that you will not believe it until their jack boot is on your necks but the day will soon be here that you will know you were indeed what the Russians would call "useful idiots". It has been proven to be the case repeatedly throughout history. History does repeat itself. Of that you can be sure. What can you do? Repent and turn from your sins. Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ to save you right now. Today is the day of salvation. Today.
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Jeremiah, your husband wanted you to stop posting to this forum because he was worried about you. You should listen to him. Your posts are getting crazier and crazier. Just go somewhere and take a breather.

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