Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

Here is an encouraging thought!

Six comics present the testimony of anti-Catholic activist Alberto Rivera, who claimed that, as a Jesuit priest, he had become privy to many secrets about theRoman Catholic Church. Among Rivera's claims: He credits Catholicism with founding the Islamic religion,[20]The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,[21] as well as the Jehovah's Witnesses;[22] starting the Holocaust;[23][24][25] founding Communism, Nazism, and the Ku Klux Klan; starting the World Wars;[23] masterminding the 1917 Russian Revolution, the Great Depression and the assassinations of U.S. Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy.[23]

Jeremiah, what do you think of Jack Chick's theory that the Roman Catholic Church founded Islam, Communism, Nazism, and the Ku Klux Klan, all who, like you, hated Catholics. Does that even make sense?

I have never said I hated Catholic people and I do not believe Jack Chick ever said he hated Catholic people. I believe the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church are false but I have never said I hated the Catholic people. I pray for the Catholic people that they will be able to see the truth, become born again Christians and escape the RCC. I pray they find a bible believing church / fellowship where they can grow in their personal relationship to Jesus Christ. That is my desire for all Catholic people.

But you've not mentioned any specifics about what teachings of the RC church that are false? Which teachings are you referring too?

theres just too many to list; but if you are serious- we can start with Mary worship, purgatory, the Priesthood, the sacraments, praying to the dead, etc...
Six comics present the testimony of anti-Catholic activist Alberto Rivera, who claimed that, as a Jesuit priest, he had become privy to many secrets about theRoman Catholic Church. Among Rivera's claims: He credits Catholicism with founding the Islamic religion,[20]The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,[21] as well as the Jehovah's Witnesses;[22] starting the Holocaust;[23][24][25] founding Communism, Nazism, and the Ku Klux Klan; starting the World Wars;[23] masterminding the 1917 Russian Revolution, the Great Depression and the assassinations of U.S. Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy.[23]

Jeremiah, what do you think of Jack Chick's theory that the Roman Catholic Church founded Islam, Communism, Nazism, and the Ku Klux Klan, all who, like you, hated Catholics. Does that even make sense?

I have never said I hated Catholic people and I do not believe Jack Chick ever said he hated Catholic people. I believe the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church are false but I have never said I hated the Catholic people. I pray for the Catholic people that they will be able to see the truth, become born again Christians and escape the RCC. I pray they find a bible believing church / fellowship where they can grow in their personal relationship to Jesus Christ. That is my desire for all Catholic people.

But you've not mentioned any specifics about what teachings of the RC church that are false? Which teachings are you referring too?

theres just too many to list; but if you are serious- we can start with Mary worship, purgatory, the Priesthood, the sacraments, praying to the dead, etc...
Well, you started with a lie and that's not a good way to start. Catholics don't WORSHIP Mary, they VENERATE her.

All prayers to Mary are requests that she intervene with her Son.

Catholics know that Mary does not have the power to grant prayer requests herself.
Jeremiah, your husband wanted you to stop posting to this forum because he was worried about you. You should listen to him. Your posts are getting crazier and crazier. Just go somewhere and take a breather.

please stop- he wanted her to stop, because (correct me if I'm wrong Jer?) someone on here threatened her.

According to her own faith, Jeremiah should stop posting here for two reasons:

1) Her husband wants her to stop, and she is supposed to obey her husband.

2) Paul taught that women should be silent in the Church, and Jeremiah is a woman.

I'm not saying I personally agree with these reasons, but if Jeremiah really believes in her faith, these reasons should be good enough for her.

The reason I want her to stop is that she is giving all Christians a bad name by posting Jack Chick tracts and other nonsense.
Six comics present the testimony of anti-Catholic activist Alberto Rivera, who claimed that, as a Jesuit priest, he had become privy to many secrets about theRoman Catholic Church. Among Rivera's claims: He credits Catholicism with founding the Islamic religion,[20]The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,[21] as well as the Jehovah's Witnesses;[22] starting the Holocaust;[23][24][25] founding Communism, Nazism, and the Ku Klux Klan; starting the World Wars;[23] masterminding the 1917 Russian Revolution, the Great Depression and the assassinations of U.S. Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy.[23]

Jeremiah, what do you think of Jack Chick's theory that the Roman Catholic Church founded Islam, Communism, Nazism, and the Ku Klux Klan, all who, like you, hated Catholics. Does that even make sense?

I have never said I hated Catholic people and I do not believe Jack Chick ever said he hated Catholic people. I believe the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church are false but I have never said I hated the Catholic people. I pray for the Catholic people that they will be able to see the truth, become born again Christians and escape the RCC. I pray they find a bible believing church / fellowship where they can grow in their personal relationship to Jesus Christ. That is my desire for all Catholic people.

But you've not mentioned any specifics about what teachings of the RC church that are false? Which teachings are you referring too?

theres just too many to list; but if you are serious- we can start with Mary worship, purgatory, the Priesthood, the sacraments, praying to the dead, etc...
Well, you started with a lie and that's not a good way to start. Catholics don't WORSHIP Mary, they VENERATE her.

All prayers to Mary are requests that she intervene with her Son.

Catholics know that Mary does not have the power to grant prayer requests herself.

and theres the false teaching. Mary cannot hear your prayers. If you knew your bible there is ONE MEDIATOR between man and God- Jesus.
Everyone in heaven can see and hear everything we are doing here on Earth. Who knows, they might even be sitting in your living room watching TV with you. If I was in heaven, that's what I'd be doing, watching TV with my family.
We can ask ANYONE to pray for us, even the living.

Have you ever asked a friend or family member to pray for you?

You know you have.
We can ask ANYONE to pray for us, even the living.

Have you ever asked a friend or family member to pray for you?

You know you have.

only one mediator between God and man; the Christ Jesus. I can ask a rock to pray for me too.
You didn't answer my question.

Have you ever asked anyone to pray for you?

Jeremiah, your husband wanted you to stop posting to this forum because he was worried about you. You should listen to him. Your posts are getting crazier and crazier. Just go somewhere and take a breather.

please stop- he wanted her to stop, because (correct me if I'm wrong Jer?) someone on here threatened her.

According to her own faith, Jeremiah should stop posting here for two reasons:

1) Her husband wants her to stop, and she is supposed to obey her husband.

2) Paul taught that women should be silent in the Church, and Jeremiah is a woman.

I'm not saying I personally agree with these reasons, but if Jeremiah really believes in her faith, these reasons should be good enough for her.

The reason I want her to stop is that she is giving all Christians a bad name by posting Jack Chick tracts and other nonsense.

My husband also told me to return to the USMB board and told me the Lord showed him this was my calling. Second, I am not in a church. I am on a message board posting messages from Jack Chick and other ministers of the Gospel. I do not believe you are concerned for my eternal salvation but rather you are concerned that these Jack Chick publications are resonating with people and they realize they have been duped by the Roman Church. To God be the Glory for their deliverance from that evil! I praise Jesus Christ for setting people here free with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
What makes you so sure that you are right and I am wrong?

Why don't you read the bible and learn the truth for yourself, Blackrook? Why insist on following a false religion that is going to take you straight to hell? The bible forbids idolatry. The bible forbids praying to people. We are to pray to the Lord. Not people. Mary was a sinner saved by grace. The saints you pray to are incapable of doing a thing for you. They are dead, no longer upon the earth. Just like Mary. You need to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and ask Him to forgive you of your sins and tell him you are ready to follow him and leave the Roman Church and its false teachings behind forever. That is what you must do. You must be born again.

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