Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

I have a personal relationship with God AND I have the Catholic Church. It is possible to have both, and they don't detract from each other.
Of course it is possible to have both.

It is wonderful that you have this institution behind you.

Not it isn't. Stop misleading others by denying the Word of God or you will be held accountable for it on Judgment Day.

It is written:

1 Corinthians 10 21 You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too you cannot have a part in both the Lord s table and the table of demons.

shouldn't that determination be made by your god and not you
Part two of :Last Rites

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Let us look up that scripture in Ephesians 2: 8,9 and see if that is accurate! We need to make sure that is what the Bible says and that Jack Chick is accurately depicting the Word of God! What does Ephesians 2: 8, 9 say?

It is written:

Ephesians 2 8 Parallel For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God

and in verse 9 of chapter 2 in Ephesians we read this!!!

EPHESIANS 2 9 Not of works lest any man should boast.

So Jack Chick is accurately quoting Scripture from the bible in his tracts. Good! Let us continue now! Back to the Jack Chick tract : .........Last Rites




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The Bereans were commended for fact checking Paul by searching the scriptures for themselves. I am going to fact check Jack Chicks quoting of scripture here and make sure it is accurate for myself! Hang on, folks!!!

The bible says:

Hebrews 10 12 Parallel But this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever sat down on the right hand of God

and the bible says:

1 John 1 7 KJV But if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

So yes! Jack Chick is accurately quoting the bible! But wait! Who is the Catholic quoting and how could he be so deceived?

The Catholic man is quoting what he was taught by the Roman Catholic Church! Whaaaaaaa?? It does not line up with the Bible at all! In fact? It is a bold faced lie! This poor Catholic man was taught a lie! Too bad he was not like the Bereans who checked the scriptures to make sure that what Paul taught them was the Holy Scriptures and not a lie from the pits of hell! Satan is a liar and a deceiver, we must know the Word of God for ourselves- what the Bible says in order not to be deceived! Amen? Amen! Let us return now to the Jack Chick tract Last Rites:


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What? Did you just read what I just read?! Does Mark 2:7 really say this? I am going to fact check this one! There is only one place to look! The Authorized King James Holy Bible! Hold on!! I'll be back, God willing!

This is what the bible says!

It is written:

Mark 2 7 Why does this fellow talk like that He s blaspheming Who can forgive sins but God alone

Yes! Jack Chick is quoting the bible accurately! Let us continue to the next segment of the Jack Chick tract, Last Rites!


Wow. What a coincidence! That is exactly what the Lord sent me here to do! And this is exactly what people are accusing this Jack Chick literature of being! Hate literature! But these are God's Words! So how can it be hate literature?
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Jeremiah, what if YOU'RE wrong. Won't you look silly sitting in hell after telling everyone else they are going there.
This tract is about role playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons, any role playing game is of the occult and should be avoided. Many young people have committed suicide after having become involved in role playing games. One of Satan's tricks is getting people involved in role playing games. Many colleges use the game Dungeons and Dragons as part of the curriculum in their psychology courses ( very dangerous - have nothing to do with it ) They justify their doing this by claiming the students benefit from the role playing. What people do not understand is that these "monsters" are actually "demons" - the deities they serve are actually demons. When they think they are "visualizing in their minds" what they are actually doing is opening themselves up to the spirit realm - spirit world - demons - demonic possession / oppression - The bible tells us to cast down every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of Jesus Christ - see 2 Corinthians 10:5 because we are not wrestling against flesh and blood - our weapons are spiritual and have divine power to demolish strongholds. Those who involve themselves in role playing games of violence, murder, demonic games - are opening themselves up to strongholds that can not only destroy their lives but the lives of other people as well. It is extremely dangerous. Christians who have involved themselves in role playing games have found themselves no longer able to believe in Jesus Christ and doubting their faith. What is the answer? Prayer and fasting - repent of being involved in such games and ask the LORD to lead you to a Holy Spirit filled minister who can pray deliverance over you and help you become free of the demons that have taken hold of your mind.
I remember reading the story about a 16 yr old boy who had become a Christian. He was living in a home for troubled teens. He admitted to having been an 80th degree cleric in a role playing game but denied knowing about demons. The minister assisting him realized he was not being honest as he had a great fear about "breaking the rules" of the game. Later he admitted he had a friend who had broken the rules of the game and a short time later the boy committed suicide. When asked if he thought his "deity" had been involved with his friend's suicide his only answer was "perhaps"... The good news is Jesus Christ can set you free from such "deities", demons, and He whom the Son sets free? Is free indeed! Look at this one!

Dark Dungeons

continue reading on link above........

To be clear on the claim above that Mary is the spouse of God - She is not. Jesus is God and God does not have a "wife"! Jesus was before Mary was. Jesus is found in Genesis 1:26 when God said, Let us make man in our image and in our likeness. Mary was not yet even born. Mary was a vessel chosen to deliver Jesus Christ into the world. Nothing more. The Roman Church once again has twisted the truth of who Jesus Christ is - into a lie.... we can continue now with part two of Mary's kids.......



Finally we see the truth here - that Mary was a vessel to bring forth the Son of God. Nothing more. She had no other special purpose. She is not the wife of Jesus Christ (who is God) she does not tell God what to do. She was a human being born into the sin of Adam just as every other human from the beginning of time was born into sin after the fall of Adam and Eve. Let us continue to part 3 the conclusion now........




Praise God! In this story, Grandma gets saved! How about you? Today is the day of salvation! Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for your Salvation today! God loves you! God does not want you to be deceived any longer! Jesus came to set the captives free! Do not believe the lies of the Roman Church any longer but call upon the name of the LORD and be saved!
If you have invited Jesus Christ into your heart to become your Lord and Savior then this is your song! Sing it to Jesus today and rejoice that the LORD has written your name in the Lamb's book of Life! Welcome to the Family of God, Beloved!


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