Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

Returning to Part 2 of Are Roman Catholics Christians



Jack Chick is onto the lies being taught by the Roman Catholic Church and how far removed their teachings are from the teachings of Jesus Christ, Meriweather. For the sake of others I will post some more Jack Chick tracts on the subject. Let us begin with the story of Helen. Here is the next Jack Chick tract: Are Roman Catholics Christians
By all means - let everyone get their bibles out and look up each scripture in the bible - line upon line and study the scriptures along with Jack Chick in this teaching of what the bible teaches versus what the Roman Catholic Church teaches. There is a reason the Roman Catholic Church is against the Holy Bible being taken "literally"... because if people take it literally they will flee the Roman Catholic Church forever!

As I said, I will not be buried in garbage. If you wish to address one point at a time, I am willing to respond. If you are interested, tell me in your own words what you object to about Baptism in the Catholic Church, and how you feel it differs from Baptism in another Christian Church.
Meriweather, you have yet to refute a single scripture Jack Chick has used in exposing the satanic teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and the methods they have used to deceive the people. The false teachings on Baptism are just the tip of the iceberg. There is only one thing to do and that is to get out of the Roman Catholic Church - repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Then as the Bible commands - be baptized with water and be baptized in the Holy Spirit. How can an infant repent of their sins and receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior? They cannot. It is written:

Acts 2 38 Peter replied Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Furthermore, babies do not go to Limbo when they die, Meriweather. The burden of proof is on you. Not me. I am quoting the Word of God - it is written, it is written, it is written. You are speaking of doctrines of devils, ideas of men taught to bind the people in demonic strongholds and keep them from their salvation in Christ. It has all be a very clever deception of the enemy but it is being exposed now - to God be the Glory. Tell me, Meriweather. Where is the Chapter and verse for Limbo. Quote it to the readers here and tell us where we may find such teachings in the bible. Tell us where Limbo is and where the word Limbo came from? It is not in the bible. Give us Chapter and Verse in the bible for Pergatory. You cannot because there is no such place. It is not mentioned in the bible even once. Give us the Chapter and Verse for a Pope being the spokesman for God. You cannot. It is not a teaching from the bible. Tell us where the forbidding to marry is in the bible? Peter had a wife! Jesus Christ healed his mother in law! Why does the Roman Catholic Church teach the forbidding to marry? To eat meat on Fridays? None of it is in the bible. In fact, none of what the Roman Church teaches about Salvation is in the Bible either because the Roman Catholic Church is not a Christian religion. So if any man, woman or child desires to follow Christ they should buy a bible and read the New Testament and receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior according to Romans 10:9,10 and follow Christ. Not man and most definitely not anyone affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church. Understand? If you loved Jesus Christ you would love His Servants - such as Jack Chick. Your problem is not with me or Jack Chick - your problem is with Jesus Christ and I pray you repent and decide to follow Jesus Christ rather than the Doctrines of Devils. You cannot drink from the cup of the LORD and the cup of Demons, Meriweather. You'll have to make up your mind who you are going to serve. Jesus Christ or Satan. It cannot be both.

For the readers: Babies that die do not go to Limbo. They go to heaven. Read the bible and take it literally. Receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior according to Romans 10:9,10. Jesus is your interecessor. Not Mary. Not a priest. Not a Pope. Not a religion. Jesus Christ is the only One you need to enter the Kingdom of heaven. Amen? Amen!
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Here are the testimonies of former Catholics who are now born again Christians and followers of Jesus Christ!
There are many Catholic priests, nuns and members of the Roman Catholic Church who are leaving but there are still many, many Catholic people to reach with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and all Christians should be willing to share the truth of Jesus Christ with them or else how will they know? We must pray for the Catholic people and reach them for Jesus Christ.
So Satan created his "own church" - he created it to be powerful and called "holy"..............But! It would preach another gospel, a false gospel, from a phony bible ( Catholic bible called the way is not the Authorized King James Bible ) and teach about a false Jesus!

We must remember the warning from Jesus Christ, people! Jesus warned in Matthew 24 five times, Do not be deceived! Do not be deceived! Do not be deceived! We need to realize that Jesus Christ knew the level of deception that would be waged against us in the last days and we are most certainly witnessing it today! We'll continue now with the teaching from Jack Chick tract entitled, :The Awful Truth
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Let's look at that one again............. new rituals, new laws, that were not of God, weird new words like popes, nuns, masses, and indulgences, not found in scriptures, Bibles were outlawed and the true believers were on the hit list. Did you know that the Roman Church had the tongues of born again believers nailed to the roofs of their mouths so that they could not preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Yes, that is part of the history of this diabolical false church. Putting Christians to death, burning them at the stake and mass murdering the Jewish people too - this is the history of the Roman Catholic Church, people. So let's look at this one again and we will continue reading from here. The Awful Truth




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To understand more about how the Roman Catholic Church is behind Islam, Communism and Nazism see the Alberto Series by ex- Jesuit Alberto Rivera which is also published by Chick Publications. I believe the LORD did a wonderful work in having a former Jesuit priest be the one to expose the connection - who better than someone who had the information first hand? Amen? Amen! I thank God Jack Chick Publications was willing to assist Alberto Rivera the ex-Jesuit in getting this truth out to the people!
Are you ready to receive Jess Christ as your Lord and Savior now and flee the wrath to come? Please read this carefully and pray this prayer out loud. Read Romans 10:9,10 and realize that if you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He died on the cross for your sins - paying the penalty for your sins - and that God rose him from the grave on the third day - you shall be saved. Your name shall be written in the Lamb's book of Life. Your salvation is a free gift from God - it cannot be earned. You cannot earn it. It is not possible to earn it! You cannot earn your salvation by being the member of a church! You cannot earn your salvation by good works! You cannot earn your salvation! It is a free gift. Whoseover calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Whosoever means whosoever! God will forgive all of your sins if you will repent and leave your sins behind and come to Jesus Christ. You must be born again. Please read this and pray the prayer:


The Awful Truth
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Please be diligent to study your bibles and believe in your heart the Word of God! Memorize scripture and keep your mind stayed upon the LORD! He will keep those of you who do - in perfect peace! It is in the Word that God that He will do this so take Him at His Word! If you know the Word of God and obey it the Lord will keep you from being deceived! Stay with the Written Word of God! The Bible! Obey the LORD! Obedience is better than sacrifice! Let's obey the Word of God!

One last word to Christians reading today - there is one important thing that needs mentioning - when any Christian ministers online they should be praying and fasting more than they are ministering and putting up the Word of God. Without the prayer and fasting they are not going to have the same results in winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. Without living holy unto the LORD, staying out of sin, much prayer and fasting the rest is a futile effort at best. That is the truth. Satan does not let go of those he has taken into captivity easily. It is a battle and the spoils go to the Victor. Jesus Christ is the Victor. Let us always remember that the battle is the LORD's and we are merely unprofitable servants obeying our Lord. His Word will not return back unto Him void. It will go forth to perform the work it was sent to do here. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Jeremiah, do you realize how insane all this is? Jack Chick is blaming the Catholic Church for everything bad that's ever happened, including Communism. Do you know how many Catholics were murdered by the Communists?
Do you know how many Catholics were murdered by their own church during the Inquisitions, Blackrook? Yes, it is insanity. The entire doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church is insanity including their Doctrine of Lea which is still intact today and calls for the execution of anyone who defies their teachings - in essence. ( wonder when they will start enforcing that one again?) Very despicable and it is time the people came to the right decision - which is to leave the Church of Rome and not look back. EVER. To be clear, Blackrook, it was an ex-Jesuit priest who outed the Roman Church and revealed that information originally. Not Jack Chick.
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Jack Chick is onto the lies being taught by the Roman Catholic Church and how far removed their teachings are from the teachings of Jesus Christ, Meriweather. For the sake of others I will post some more Jack Chick tracts on the subject. Let us begin with the story of Helen. Here is the next Jack Chick tract: Are Roman Catholics Christians
By all means - let everyone get their bibles out and look up each scripture in the bible - line upon line and study the scriptures along with Jack Chick in this teaching of what the bible teaches versus what the Roman Catholic Church teaches. There is a reason the Roman Catholic Church is against the Holy Bible being taken "literally"... because if people take it literally they will flee the Roman Catholic Church forever!

So we begin here in part one: Are Roman Catholics Christians

I believe that you, Blackrook, should examine the posts here entitled, Are Roman Catholics Christian? And also the posts entitled, The Awful Truth, and come to a decision. Do you want to be a Catholic or a Christian? You cannot be both. Do you want to go to hell or heaven? You cannot have both. Do you want eternal damnation or eternal life with Jesus Christ in heaven? What do you want? Make your decision and follow up on it by living the life of a Christian because truly there is only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man can come to the Father except through Him. It is written.

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