Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

Time to quote Bishop Fulton Sheen:

There are not a hundred people in America who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions of people who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church — which is, of course, quite a different thing.

Why do people admire the works of Jack Chick, a man totally ignorant of the theology of the Catholic Church, and who spreads lies and hate?

I would suggest, even challenge you, Jeremiah, that instead of promoting ignorance and hate, you ask the Catholics in this forum to clarify anything that alarms you about what you have heard about Catholic theology.
Promoting ignorance and hate is typical of many theists, the OP in particular. The arrogance of many in one Christian sect to attack fellow Christians in another sect has been the cause of great suffering for centuries; religion is indeed the bane of humankind.
Promoting ignorance and hate is typical of many theists, the OP in particular. The arrogance of many in one Christian sect to attack fellow Christians in another sect has been the cause of great suffering for centuries; religion is indeed the bane of humankind.
^ that
Question back to you, Blackrook. If heaven is real and hell is real and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the truth and there are millions of souls at stake that could be lost for all eternity, how much time should a born again Christian spend praying for others and preaching the Gospel by whatever method possible?

How much time? An hour a week? An hour a month? One day out of the week? Or every waking moment of their life? How do you think Jesus would answer that question? What do you believe Jesus would expect from one of His laborers?
I would say that you follow Jack Chick's advice, and use the Gospels to spread the Gospel, not a cartoon.

Cartoons written by a man are prone to errors, and Jack Chick's work is full of error, especially when he talks about Catholicism.

Jack Chick does not understand anything about the Catholic Church. All he knows is he hates the Church, and wants to tear it down, and will stop at nothing to accomplish that end.

The Church has had many enemies, and survived them all, and it will survive Jack Chick, and it will survive you too.

But you put your own soul in peril when you spread lies and blasphemy.

You'd first have to point out which tract was in error and what scriptures are false, Blackrook. All of the tracts are based on the King James Bible Scriptures and expose the false teachings of the Roman Catholic Church - the truth is the Roman Church is the one teaching lies and yes, it is blasphemy - which is why Jack Chick has done the right thing in exposing it for what it is. False teachings that are leading many to hell. Thanks for you concern for my soul but I am a born again Christian preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My soul is not in peril. Yours is. Because you insist on calling evil good ( RCC) and good ( Jack Chick tracts ) evil. You need to repent, Blackrook.
Promoting ignorance and hate is typical of many theists, the OP in particular. The arrogance of many in one Christian sect to attack fellow Christians in another sect has been the cause of great suffering for centuries; religion is indeed the bane of humankind.
^ that
The Roman Church is not a Christian church. Jack Chick tracts do not promote hatred or ignorance. They expose it by using scripture from the bible vs the teachings of false doctrine and use interesting story lines depicted by cartoon drawings.
Our nation has many faiths and many denominations. In order to maintain the fabric of the society that holds us together, we have to tolerate the religious beliefs of others. It tears at that fabric to announce that people who don't belong to your particular denomination are going to hell. It stirs up memories of religious wars and persecutions that are best left in the Middle Ages where they belong.
Question back to you, Blackrook. If heaven is real and hell is real and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the truth and there are millions of souls at stake that could be lost for all eternity, how much time should a born again Christian spend praying for others and preaching the Gospel by whatever method possible?

How much time? An hour a week? An hour a month? One day out of the week? Or every waking moment of their life? How do you think Jesus would answer that question? What do you believe Jesus would expect from one of His laborers?
I would say that you follow Jack Chick's advice, and use the Gospels to spread the Gospel, not a cartoon.

Cartoons written by a man are prone to errors, and Jack Chick's work is full of error, especially when he talks about Catholicism.

Jack Chick does not understand anything about the Catholic Church. All he knows is he hates the Church, and wants to tear it down, and will stop at nothing to accomplish that end.

The Church has had many enemies, and survived them all, and it will survive Jack Chick, and it will survive you too.

But you put your own soul in peril when you spread lies and blasphemy.

You'd first have to point out which tract was in error and what scriptures are false, Blackrook. All of the tracts are based on the King James Bible Scriptures and expose the false teachings of the Roman Catholic Church - the truth is the Roman Church is the one teaching lies and yes, it is blasphemy - which is why Jack Chick has done the right thing in exposing it for what it is. False teachings that are leading many to hell. Thanks for you concern for my soul but I am a born again Christian preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My soul is not in peril. Yours is. Because you insist on calling evil good ( RCC) and good ( Jack Chick tracts ) evil. You need to repent, Blackrook.
I do need to repent, but that is between me and my priest, and is none of your business.
Jer, just curious- I am glad you are back, seriously- but didn't you say your husband didn't want you to post on here? Just curious....

Thank you. Yes, when I was typing out the thread 1st, 2nd and 3rd John - my husband said he felt my time was up here. I told him I had thought the same thing earlier but then felt led to come back here so that was when I put up 1st John, 2nd John 3rd John thread. Someone had written something about my being a woman and not preaching and he had read the thread where someone stated I could lose my head for preaching the gospel, or get my head bashed in - I cannot recall how it was stated. Anyhow he said let this be your last thread - finish it and then leave. So I did. My question was should I share the Gospel as a woman and the LORD confirmed to me later - yes - I'm called to this ministry. Anyway, back to my husband - I left when he told me to. I never mentioned another word about the board to him nor did I write again and some time later he came in and said, you know what? I think the LORD wants you to go back to that board and write. It's your calling to minister to others and I think you should go back. I said I thought so too. Because you see, Ninja, I do not have any worries about someone murdering me over the Gospel. I think my husband was right in that it was a veiled death threat and it was meant to intimidate me but it actually made me feel even deeper compassion for the person who threatened me because I knew the LORD had me covered although I wasn't too sure about the fellow! Seriously, I have prayed for that person - that God would have mercy upon him. I truly wish I had 10,000 lives to lay down for Jesus Christ after all he has done for me. I have no fear about preaching the Gospel anywhere or to anyone. I do not fear dying. The more evil the opposition the greater a compliment it is to me. I believe it was William Gurnall who said if you are going to have opposition the worse they are the better it is for you. I most definitely agree with that line of thought. It is a great blessing to have adversity and be able to overcome it by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of my testimony. Thanks for asking! Yes, I am back and I am not leaving. God put me here and I'm staying.
Our nation has many faiths and many denominations. In order to maintain the fabric of the society that holds us together, we have to tolerate the religious beliefs of others. It tears at that fabric to announce that people who don't belong to your particular denomination are going to hell. It stirs up memories of religious wars and persecutions that are best left in the Middle Ages where they belong.

I do not tolerate false doctrines. I expose them. The Word of God calls the followers of Jesus Christ to defend the faith and that is exactly what I intend to do, Blackrook. You are talking about going along to get along. That is a dangerous road to go down. Jesus said if you are his, the world will hate you. You need to get comfortable with the idea of people hating you. You need to forget about yourself and focus on Jesus Christ who is LORD. You need to concern yourself with pleasing God - not man. You should not fear man - you should fear God who has the power to cast you into hell. That is the only one you should fear. Fear of man is a snare of the devil. Shake it off and start reading the bible until you find your faith in Jesus Christ. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of Wisdom. Fear the LORD and do not be ensnared with the fear of man - what they think about you - public opinion is highly overrated. Forget public opinion. They are here today and gone tomorrow. The only opinion that matters is Jesus Christs'. Make sure you are pleasing to Him and quit worrying about what other people think. It's mind over matter. If you don't mind? It won't matter.
Question back to you, Blackrook. If heaven is real and hell is real and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the truth and there are millions of souls at stake that could be lost for all eternity, how much time should a born again Christian spend praying for others and preaching the Gospel by whatever method possible?

How much time? An hour a week? An hour a month? One day out of the week? Or every waking moment of their life? How do you think Jesus would answer that question? What do you believe Jesus would expect from one of His laborers?
I would say that you follow Jack Chick's advice, and use the Gospels to spread the Gospel, not a cartoon.

Cartoons written by a man are prone to errors, and Jack Chick's work is full of error, especially when he talks about Catholicism.

Jack Chick does not understand anything about the Catholic Church. All he knows is he hates the Church, and wants to tear it down, and will stop at nothing to accomplish that end.

The Church has had many enemies, and survived them all, and it will survive Jack Chick, and it will survive you too.

But you put your own soul in peril when you spread lies and blasphemy.

You'd first have to point out which tract was in error and what scriptures are false, Blackrook. All of the tracts are based on the King James Bible Scriptures and expose the false teachings of the Roman Catholic Church - the truth is the Roman Church is the one teaching lies and yes, it is blasphemy - which is why Jack Chick has done the right thing in exposing it for what it is. False teachings that are leading many to hell. Thanks for you concern for my soul but I am a born again Christian preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My soul is not in peril. Yours is. Because you insist on calling evil good ( RCC) and good ( Jack Chick tracts ) evil. You need to repent, Blackrook.
I do need to repent, but that is between me and my priest, and is none of your business.

You are not the exception. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and there has never been any human on earth who did not need to repent of their sins. It is between you and Jesus Christ. Not you and your priest. Your priest can do nothing for you as he is not a stand in for Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ does not need any mediator. Nor does he need a "Vicar"... Jesus Christ is our mediator - intercessor - He is all we need. You do not need a priest to confess your sins. You confess your sins directly to Jesus Christ, Blackrook. The LORD wants a relationship with you and he doesn't need a priest or a pope or a statue named Mary - Queen of Heaven - as a go between. He wants direct contact with you. A one on one relationship with you. How wonderful is that? Read Romans 10:9,10 and be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ today. Today is the day of Salvation. Today. You must be born again to enter the Kingdom of heaven. You must. Read John 3:16. Follow Christ. Not men, Blackrook. Follow Christ and obey His Word and receive eternal life. Salvation is a gift of God and cannot be earned lest any man would boast. That is why it is called, THE GOOD NEWS!
Blackrook, listen to this song and note that the young woman singing this song is singing from a place of relationship - true worship - she knows the LORD and He knows her - this is the relationship God desires for all to have with Him through Jesus Christ. No man ( or woman ) can come to the Father except through the Son. Notice the scriptures do not say - through Mary - through one of the hundreds of saints, through a pope, a priest, through Mohammad, through Joseph Smith, through Benjamin Creme, Buddha or Jim Jones - Mary Baker Edy or anyone else but through Jesus Christ the Son of God only. No man can come to the Father except through the Son. Jesus Christ is LORD.
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Jer, just curious- I am glad you are back, seriously- but didn't you say your husband didn't want you to post on here? Just curious....

Thank you. Yes, when I was typing out the thread 1st, 2nd and 3rd John - my husband said he felt my time was up here. I told him I had thought the same thing earlier but then felt led to come back here so that was when I put up 1st John, 2nd John 3rd John thread. Someone had written something about my being a woman and not preaching and he had read the thread where someone stated I could lose my head for preaching the gospel, or get my head bashed in - I cannot recall how it was stated. Anyhow he said let this be your last thread - finish it and then leave. So I did. My question was should I share the Gospel as a woman and the LORD confirmed to me later - yes - I'm called to this ministry. Anyway, back to my husband - I left when he told me to. I never mentioned another word about the board to him nor did I write again and some time later he came in and said, you know what? I think the LORD wants you to go back to that board and write. It's your calling to minister to others and I think you should go back. I said I thought so too. Because you see, Ninja, I do not have any worries about someone murdering me over the Gospel. I think my husband was right in that it was a veiled death threat and it was meant to intimidate me but it actually made me feel even deeper compassion for the person who threatened me because I knew the LORD had me covered although I wasn't too sure about the fellow! Seriously, I have prayed for that person - that God would have mercy upon him. I truly wish I had 10,000 lives to lay down for Jesus Christ after all he has done for me. I have no fear about preaching the Gospel anywhere or to anyone. I do not fear dying. The more evil the opposition the greater a compliment it is to me. I believe it was William Gurnall who said if you are going to have opposition the worse they are the better it is for you. I most definitely agree with that line of thought. It is a great blessing to have adversity and be able to overcome it by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of my testimony. Thanks for asking! Yes, I am back and I am not leaving. God put me here and I'm staying.

AMEN. There are a lot of good female Gospel Preachers out there...
Question back to you, Blackrook. If heaven is real and hell is real and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the truth and there are millions of souls at stake that could be lost for all eternity, how much time should a born again Christian spend praying for others and preaching the Gospel by whatever method possible?

How much time? An hour a week? An hour a month? One day out of the week? Or every waking moment of their life? How do you think Jesus would answer that question? What do you believe Jesus would expect from one of His laborers?
I would say that you follow Jack Chick's advice, and use the Gospels to spread the Gospel, not a cartoon.

Cartoons written by a man are prone to errors, and Jack Chick's work is full of error, especially when he talks about Catholicism.

Jack Chick does not understand anything about the Catholic Church. All he knows is he hates the Church, and wants to tear it down, and will stop at nothing to accomplish that end.

The Church has had many enemies, and survived them all, and it will survive Jack Chick, and it will survive you too.

But you put your own soul in peril when you spread lies and blasphemy.

You'd first have to point out which tract was in error and what scriptures are false, Blackrook. All of the tracts are based on the King James Bible Scriptures and expose the false teachings of the Roman Catholic Church - the truth is the Roman Church is the one teaching lies and yes, it is blasphemy - which is why Jack Chick has done the right thing in exposing it for what it is. False teachings that are leading many to hell. Thanks for you concern for my soul but I am a born again Christian preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My soul is not in peril. Yours is. Because you insist on calling evil good ( RCC) and good ( Jack Chick tracts ) evil. You need to repent, Blackrook.
I do need to repent, but that is between me and my priest, and is none of your business.

I have read some of your posts Blackrook, and respect you. But you do not NEED a Priest to forgive your sins, just Jesus.
Time to quote Bishop Fulton Sheen:

There are not a hundred people in America who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions of people who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church — which is, of course, quite a different thing.

Why do people admire the works of Jack Chick, a man totally ignorant of the theology of the Catholic Church, and who spreads lies and hate?

I would suggest, even challenge you, Jeremiah, that instead of promoting ignorance and hate, you ask the Catholics in this forum to clarify anything that alarms you about what you have heard about Catholic theology.
Promoting ignorance and hate is typical of many theists, the OP in particular. The arrogance of many in one Christian sect to attack fellow Christians in another sect has been the cause of great suffering for centuries; religion is indeed the bane of humankind.

no one is attacking anyone, only false teachings....
Our nation has many faiths and many denominations. In order to maintain the fabric of the society that holds us together, we have to tolerate the religious beliefs of others. It tears at that fabric to announce that people who don't belong to your particular denomination are going to hell. It stirs up memories of religious wars and persecutions that are best left in the Middle Ages where they belong.

a true Jesus follower doesn't tolerate other religions; Jesus did not either. We are to share the good news and be Berean's of the Word.
Our nation has many faiths and many denominations. In order to maintain the fabric of the society that holds us together, we have to tolerate the religious beliefs of others. It tears at that fabric to announce that people who don't belong to your particular denomination are going to hell. It stirs up memories of religious wars and persecutions that are best left in the Middle Ages where they belong.

only ONE way to God- through Jesus.
Our nation has many faiths and many denominations. In order to maintain the fabric of the society that holds us together, we have to tolerate the religious beliefs of others. It tears at that fabric to announce that people who don't belong to your particular denomination are going to hell. It stirs up memories of religious wars and persecutions that are best left in the Middle Ages where they belong.

I do not tolerate false doctrines. I expose them. The Word of God calls the followers of Jesus Christ to defend the faith and that is exactly what I intend to do, Blackrook. You are talking about going along to get along. That is a dangerous road to go down. Jesus said if you are his, the world will hate you. You need to get comfortable with the idea of people hating you. You need to forget about yourself and focus on Jesus Christ who is LORD. You need to concern yourself with pleasing God - not man. You should not fear man - you should fear God who has the power to cast you into hell. That is the only one you should fear. Fear of man is a snare of the devil. Shake it off and start reading the bible until you find your faith in Jesus Christ. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of Wisdom. Fear the LORD and do not be ensnared with the fear of man - what they think about you - public opinion is highly overrated. Forget public opinion. They are here today and gone tomorrow. The only opinion that matters is Jesus Christs'. Make sure you are pleasing to Him and quit worrying about what other people think. It's mind over matter. If you don't mind? It won't matter.

I'd rather please God than man.
I am sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others using Jack Chick Tracts, DBlack. As the Gospel of Christ offends you I'm going to suggest that you take a break and go find another thread. I don't believe you have the right to derail my thread just because you find the Bible scriptures exposing false religions to be offensive. I'm asking you politely to respect my thread and find one where you are able control yourself and obey USMB rules. Thank you.

Your belief is demonstrably wrong. I have every right to call 'bullshit' on your hypocrisy and bigotry. Jack Chick tracts represent the very worst of Christianity. And I'll denounce them whenever I have the opportunity.
They don't represent Christianity.

They are the divisive work of Satan, seeking to turn Christians against Christian.

Ye Olde Deluder Satan has struck again.
Our nation has many faiths and many denominations. In order to maintain the fabric of the society that holds us together, we have to tolerate the religious beliefs of others. It tears at that fabric to announce that people who don't belong to your particular denomination are going to hell. It stirs up memories of religious wars and persecutions that are best left in the Middle Ages where they belong.

only ONE way to God- through Jesus.
But, there in not only one Christian denomination that is the only way to Jesus.

Catholic bashing Klan Krap is what I call these JackCraps.
Our nation has many faiths and many denominations. In order to maintain the fabric of the society that holds us together, we have to tolerate the religious beliefs of others. It tears at that fabric to announce that people who don't belong to your particular denomination are going to hell. It stirs up memories of religious wars and persecutions that are best left in the Middle Ages where they belong.

only ONE way to God- through Jesus.
But, there in not only one Christian denomination that is the only way to Jesus.

Catholic bashing Klan Krap is what I call these JackCraps.

I agree there are Believers in different denominations RR BUT denominations or churches or sacraments do not save you- only a personal relationship with Jesus does.

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