Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

If you have been involved with Freemasonry or Eastern Star please examine this prayer and realize that Jesus Christ is your deliverer and your Salvation. Pray this prayer and receive Christ as your Savior tonight. Jesus came to set the captives free. Through Jesus Christ you can be free of the generational curses of Masonry and break those generational curses off of your children too.

That s Baphomet
This one is called, "The Devil's Night" and gives information about the occult holiday, Halloween:

The Devil s Night
Click link above to continue reading.......


You do not need to apologize to me. You need to be born again. You need to repent of your sins and invite Jesus Christ to become your Lord and Savior, Roadrunner. That is what you need to do.
I am a born again Christian.

Christ does not compel me to mock any other Christian religion.

I could say we successionist Baptist are the only true Christians, as John baptized Jesus, but, such a claim would be a wrong as your anti-Catholic stance.

And don't preach to me, I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and do not need you.

We part ways over this stuff, brother.

Roadrunner, if you were a born again Christian you would not be making personal attacks against Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ such as Jack Chick. I believe you need to search the Scriptures and examine what becoming Born again means. This will be my last correspondence with you on the matter as I have already told you once and this is the second time. Please have a look at the Books of the Bible link and examine the Gospel of John and also 1 Peter & 2nd Peter and Titus and you will understand better what I have told you. Not everyone who says they are Christian are. The Scriptures teach us that we should test the spirits. You will find that teaching in the thread entitled 1st, 2nd and 3rd John. Thank you for reading.[/QU

This one is called, "The Devil's Night" and gives information about the occult holiday, Halloween:

The Devil s Night
Click link above to continue reading.......


You do not need to apologize to me. You need to be born again. You need to repent of your sins and invite Jesus Christ to become your Lord and Savior, Roadrunner. That is what you need to do.
I am a born again Christian.

Christ does not compel me to mock any other Christian religion.

I could say we successionist Baptist are the only true Christians, as John baptized Jesus, but, such a claim would be a wrong as your anti-Catholic stance.

And don't preach to me, I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and do not need you.

We part ways over this stuff, brother.

Roadrunner, if you were a born again Christian you would not be making personal attacks against Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ such as Jack Chick. I believe you need to search the Scriptures and examine what becoming Born again means. This will be my last correspondence with you on the matter as I have already told you once and this is the second time. Please have a look at the Books of the Bible link and examine the Gospel of John and also 1 Peter & 2nd Peter and Titus and you will understand better what I have told you. Not everyone who says they are Christian are. The Scriptures teach us that we should test the spirits. You will find that teaching in the thread entitled 1st, 2nd and 3rd John. Thank you for reading.
Matthew Chapter 7
1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam [is] in thine own eye?
5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
This next tract is called the Fool.. it begins with the story of a king and a court jester.........The Fool

The Fool



Stay tuned for Part 2
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Time to quote Bishop Fulton Sheen:

There are not a hundred people in America who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions of people who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church — which is, of course, quite a different thing.

Why do people admire the works of Jack Chick, a man totally ignorant of the theology of the Catholic Church, and who spreads lies and hate?

I would suggest, even challenge you, Jeremiah, that instead of promoting ignorance and hate, you ask the Catholics in this forum to clarify anything that alarms you about what you have heard about Catholic theology.
^ that
Part 3 of Unforgiven



Stay tuned for Part 3 of Unforgiven

I disagree with that sentiment. I believe Muslims must be saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for their Salvation according to Romans 10:9,10 just as I believe you and every other human on earth must accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior in order to be saved, DBlack. There is no difference between you and a Muslim unless you are a born again Christian. Lost is lost! There isn't any degrees. God isn't grading on a curve. You are either born again or you are not born again. Understand?
Part 3 of Unforgiven



Stay tuned for Part 3 of Unforgiven

I disagree with that sentiment. I believe Muslims must be saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for their Salvation according to Romans 10:9,10 just as I believe you and every other human on earth must accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior in order to be saved, DBlack. There is no difference between you and a Muslim unless you are a born again Christian. Lost is lost! There isn't any degrees. God isn't grading on a curve. You are either born again or you are not born again. Understand?

I do. You're every bit as evil as those you're damning. Go fuck yourself.
Part 3 of Unforgiven



Stay tuned for Part 3 of Unforgiven

I disagree with that sentiment. I believe Muslims must be saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for their Salvation according to Romans 10:9,10 just as I believe you and every other human on earth must accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior in order to be saved, DBlack. There is no difference between you and a Muslim unless you are a born again Christian. Lost is lost! There isn't any degrees. God isn't grading on a curve. You are either born again or you are not born again. Understand?

I do. You're every bit as evil as those you're damning. Go fuck yourself.

Your problem is with Jesus Christ and the Written Word of God, DBlack. Your personal attacks and foul language against a member are against USMB rules. Please read the rules and follow them for the sake of others. There are people reading here who are actually learning a great deal. Please respect that. Thank you.
Your problem is with Jesus Christ and the Written Word of God, DBlack. Your personal attacks and foul language against a member are against USMB rules. Please read the rules and follow them for the sake of others. There are people reading here who are actually learning a great deal. Please respect that. Thank you.

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