Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

Part 3 of Unforgiven



Stay tuned for Part 3 of Unforgiven

I disagree with that sentiment. I believe Muslims must be saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for their Salvation according to Romans 10:9,10 just as I believe you and every other human on earth must accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior in order to be saved, DBlack. There is no difference between you and a Muslim unless you are a born again Christian. Lost is lost! There isn't any degrees. God isn't grading on a curve. You are either born again or you are not born again. Understand?

I do. You're every bit as evil as those you're damning. Go fuck yourself.

Your problem is with Jesus Christ and the Written Word of God, DBlack. Your personal attacks and foul language against a member are against USMB rules. Please read the rules and follow them for the sake of others. There are people reading here who are actually learning a great deal. Please respect that. Thank you.

That's not true at all. Your hypocrisy and religious bigotry are what's on display here. And frankly, it deserves the foulest possible language in response. It's reprehensible and no decent person should accept it.
Six comics present the testimony of anti-Catholic activist Alberto Rivera, who claimed that, as a Jesuit priest, he had become privy to many secrets about theRoman Catholic Church. Among Rivera's claims: He credits Catholicism with founding the Islamic religion,[20]The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,[21] as well as the Jehovah's Witnesses;[22] starting the Holocaust;[23][24][25] founding Communism, Nazism, and the Ku Klux Klan; starting the World Wars;[23] masterminding the 1917 Russian Revolution, the Great Depression and the assassinations of U.S. Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy.[23]

Part 3 of Unforgiven



Stay tuned for Part 3 of Unforgiven

I disagree with that sentiment. I believe Muslims must be saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for their Salvation according to Romans 10:9,10 just as I believe you and every other human on earth must accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior in order to be saved, DBlack. There is no difference between you and a Muslim unless you are a born again Christian. Lost is lost! There isn't any degrees. God isn't grading on a curve. You are either born again or you are not born again. Understand?

I do. You're every bit as evil as those you're damning. Go fuck yourself.

Your problem is with Jesus Christ and the Written Word of God, DBlack. Your personal attacks and foul language against a member are against USMB rules. Please read the rules and follow them for the sake of others. There are people reading here who are actually learning a great deal. Please respect that. Thank you.

That's not true at all. Your hypocrisy and religious bigotry are what's on display here. And frankly, it deserves the foulest possible language in response. It's reprehensible and no decent person should accept it.

I am sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others using Jack Chick Tracts, DBlack. As the Gospel of Christ offends you I'm going to suggest that you take a break and go find another thread. I don't believe you have the right to derail my thread just because you find the Bible scriptures exposing false religions to be offensive. I'm asking you politely to respect my thread and find one where you are able control yourself and obey USMB rules. Thank you.
Jeremiah, is Jack Chick divinely inspired when he writes his cartoons?
I am sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others using Jack Chick Tracts, DBlack. As the Gospel of Christ offends you I'm going to suggest that you take a break and go find another thread. I don't believe you have the right to derail my thread just because you find the Bible scriptures exposing false religions to be offensive. I'm asking you politely to respect my thread and find one where you are able control yourself and obey USMB rules. Thank you.

Your belief is demonstrably wrong. I have every right to call 'bullshit' on your hypocrisy and bigotry. Jack Chick tracts represent the very worst of Christianity. And I'll denounce them whenever I have the opportunity.
Jeremiah, Jack Chick's cartoons aren't the Bible. By his logic, we should not rely on them.
Jeremiah, is Jack Chick divinely inspired when he writes his cartoons?

I definitely believe that Jack Chick tracts are created and written by those who are led by the Spirit of God, Blackrook. So long as some of you insist in believing a lie I could not expect you to recognize the power of the Holy Spirit in these tracts but I can tell you one evidence. Everywhere Paul went it is said there were two things going on. A revival and a riot. Simultaneously no less.... Look at the responses from those who object to the Gospel being preached here! I have said little else but Part One - Part two - some scriptures on being born again and look at the accusations of hate being thrown at me from others here! It is clear that the Gospel is being preached on this thread because the resistance to the truth is quite apparent. I find it very encouraging because I know the LORD is ministering to some people tonight. There were over 300 readers tonight on this thread. So what if a few are trying to kick up the dust? Isn't that always what Satan attempts to do whenever he thinks he is being exposed?


This is what happens when the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is being preached - when the Light of Scripture exposes the lies of false religions, cults and religious institutions that seek to control mens' lives rather than encouraging all men to be free and to be led by the Holy Spirit. To be taught by the Holy Spirit. See the difference? You should.

The truth is some folks do not want to come to Jesus Christ and live in the light of His Glorious presence and Word. Some folks prefer sin, darkness although I do not believe they will prefer hell once they find themselves there. They do not want others to have any more liberty then they themselves are experiencing. ( which is nil ) Yet the truth is that no one has the right to prevent someone else from hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Which is why I continue to share the Gospel. It is what Christians do. When Jesus said, Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel it was a command. Not a suggestion.
Jeremiah, Jack Chick's cartoons aren't the Bible. By his logic, we should not rely on them.

Actually you are mistaken about that, Blackrook. Jack Chick's tracts are based on bible scripture. They print the facts on the teachings of Catholicism, Islam, Jehovah Witnesses, Freemasons, the Occult - it is all based on the teachings of that particular group and then exposes their lies by using the Written Word of God. Look at the tracts I put up and you can see that for yourself. I have not desire or intention to dispute this with you, mind you. I am merely responding with the truth and pointing out to you that Jack Chick tracts most definitely have the impact they have because they are based on the Written Word of God and the Gospel Message.
Question back to you, Blackrook. If heaven is real and hell is real and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the truth and there are millions of souls at stake that could be lost for all eternity, how much time should a born again Christian spend praying for others and preaching the Gospel by whatever method possible?

How much time? An hour a week? An hour a month? One day out of the week? Or every waking moment of their life? How do you think Jesus would answer that question? What do you believe Jesus would expect from one of His laborers?
I am sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others using Jack Chick Tracts, DBlack. As the Gospel of Christ offends you I'm going to suggest that you take a break and go find another thread. I don't believe you have the right to derail my thread just because you find the Bible scriptures exposing false religions to be offensive. I'm asking you politely to respect my thread and find one where you are able control yourself and obey USMB rules. Thank you.

Your belief is demonstrably wrong. I have every right to call 'bullshit' on your hypocrisy and bigotry. Jack Chick tracts represent the very worst of Christianity. And I'll denounce them whenever I have the opportunity.

You've made your feelings about Jack Chick tracts abundantly clear on this thread, DBlack. I disagree with you. I believe they are an excellent tool to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and warn others about false teachers, false religions, wolves in sheeps clothing, eternity without salvation, heaven and hell. I will continue to use Jack Chick tracts until Jesus comes back, God willing.
Six comics present the testimony of anti-Catholic activist Alberto Rivera, who claimed that, as a Jesuit priest, he had become privy to many secrets about theRoman Catholic Church. Among Rivera's claims: He credits Catholicism with founding the Islamic religion,[20]The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,[21] as well as the Jehovah's Witnesses;[22] starting the Holocaust;[23][24][25] founding Communism, Nazism, and the Ku Klux Klan; starting the World Wars;[23] masterminding the 1917 Russian Revolution, the Great Depression and the assassinations of U.S. Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy.[23]

Jeremiah, what do you think of Jack Chick's theory that the Roman Catholic Church founded Islam, Communism, Nazism, and the Ku Klux Klan, all who, like you, hated Catholics. Does that even make sense?
I am sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others using Jack Chick Tracts, DBlack. As the Gospel of Christ offends you I'm going to suggest that you take a break and go find another thread. I don't believe you have the right to derail my thread just because you find the Bible scriptures exposing false religions to be offensive. I'm asking you politely to respect my thread and find one where you are able control yourself and obey USMB rules. Thank you.

Your belief is demonstrably wrong. I have every right to call 'bullshit' on your hypocrisy and bigotry. Jack Chick tracts represent the very worst of Christianity. And I'll denounce them whenever I have the opportunity.

So I have a question for you, Dblack. If you died in your sleep tonight would you be in heaven or hell? Where would you be? Do you know?
Six comics present the testimony of anti-Catholic activist Alberto Rivera, who claimed that, as a Jesuit priest, he had become privy to many secrets about theRoman Catholic Church. Among Rivera's claims: He credits Catholicism with founding the Islamic religion,[20]The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,[21] as well as the Jehovah's Witnesses;[22] starting the Holocaust;[23][24][25] founding Communism, Nazism, and the Ku Klux Klan; starting the World Wars;[23] masterminding the 1917 Russian Revolution, the Great Depression and the assassinations of U.S. Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy.[23]

Jeremiah, what do you think of Jack Chick's theory that the Roman Catholic Church founded Islam, Communism, Nazism, and the Ku Klux Klan, all who, like you, hated Catholics. Does that even make sense?

I have never said I hated Catholic people and I do not believe Jack Chick ever said he hated Catholic people. I believe the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church are false but I have never said I hated the Catholic people. I pray for the Catholic people that they will be able to see the truth, become born again Christians and escape the RCC. I pray they find a bible believing church / fellowship where they can grow in their personal relationship to Jesus Christ. That is my desire for all Catholic people.
I am sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others using Jack Chick Tracts, DBlack. As the Gospel of Christ offends you I'm going to suggest that you take a break and go find another thread. I don't believe you have the right to derail my thread just because you find the Bible scriptures exposing false religions to be offensive. I'm asking you politely to respect my thread and find one where you are able control yourself and obey USMB rules. Thank you.

Your belief is demonstrably wrong. I have every right to call 'bullshit' on your hypocrisy and bigotry. Jack Chick tracts represent the very worst of Christianity. And I'll denounce them whenever I have the opportunity.

So I have a question for you, Dblack. If you died in your sleep tonight would you be in heaven or hell? Where would you be? Do you know?

I would "be" in the minds and memories of all those I've touched: my sons, my family, my friends, associates, etc...
Question back to you, Blackrook. If heaven is real and hell is real and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the truth and there are millions of souls at stake that could be lost for all eternity, how much time should a born again Christian spend praying for others and preaching the Gospel by whatever method possible?

How much time? An hour a week? An hour a month? One day out of the week? Or every waking moment of their life? How do you think Jesus would answer that question? What do you believe Jesus would expect from one of His laborers?
I would say that you follow Jack Chick's advice, and use the Gospels to spread the Gospel, not a cartoon.

Cartoons written by a man are prone to errors, and Jack Chick's work is full of error, especially when he talks about Catholicism.

Jack Chick does not understand anything about the Catholic Church. All he knows is he hates the Church, and wants to tear it down, and will stop at nothing to accomplish that end.

The Church has had many enemies, and survived them all, and it will survive Jack Chick, and it will survive you too.

But you put your own soul in peril when you spread lies and blasphemy.
Six comics present the testimony of anti-Catholic activist Alberto Rivera, who claimed that, as a Jesuit priest, he had become privy to many secrets about theRoman Catholic Church. Among Rivera's claims: He credits Catholicism with founding the Islamic religion,[20]The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,[21] as well as the Jehovah's Witnesses;[22] starting the Holocaust;[23][24][25] founding Communism, Nazism, and the Ku Klux Klan; starting the World Wars;[23] masterminding the 1917 Russian Revolution, the Great Depression and the assassinations of U.S. Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy.[23]

Jeremiah, what do you think of Jack Chick's theory that the Roman Catholic Church founded Islam, Communism, Nazism, and the Ku Klux Klan, all who, like you, hated Catholics. Does that even make sense?

I have never said I hated Catholic people and I do not believe Jack Chick ever said he hated Catholic people. I believe the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church are false but I have never said I hated the Catholic people. I pray for the Catholic people that they will be able to see the truth, become born again Christians and escape the RCC. I pray they find a bible believing church / fellowship where they can grow in their personal relationship to Jesus Christ. That is my desire for all Catholic people.
Why don't you pray for yourself instead. Or pray for world peace. Or an end to hunger. Don't pray that we Catholics abandon our church and come to yours. That's a waste of a prayer.
I am sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others using Jack Chick Tracts, DBlack. As the Gospel of Christ offends you I'm going to suggest that you take a break and go find another thread. I don't believe you have the right to derail my thread just because you find the Bible scriptures exposing false religions to be offensive. I'm asking you politely to respect my thread and find one where you are able control yourself and obey USMB rules. Thank you.

Your belief is demonstrably wrong. I have every right to call 'bullshit' on your hypocrisy and bigotry. Jack Chick tracts represent the very worst of Christianity. And I'll denounce them whenever I have the opportunity.

So I have a question for you, Dblack. If you died in your sleep tonight would you be in heaven or hell? Where would you be? Do you know?

I would "be" in the minds and memories of all those I've touched: my sons, my family, my friends, associates, etc...

While I agree with you that you would most certainly "be" in the minds and memories of those you have touched, Dblack, you would also "be" some where eternally! That place would be either heaven or hell. This isn't a multiple choice question. It is one or the other. You were created in the image of God, Dblack. What is the image of God? In Genesis 1:26 we read that God said, Let Us make man in Our image and in Our likeness......... Our as in God the Father, Jesus the Word, the Holy Spirit - God's Spirit. That is a trichotomy. We were made in the image of God and we also are a trichotomy We are a spirit, we live in a body and we have a soul. You are a spirit living in a flesh and blood "house" which is temporary, DBlack. As a spirit you must live eternally in one of two places. Heaven or hell. How do I know this? Because the Bible is very clear we have one life and one death and then the judgment. Now with that said, angels do not die either. Angels are also called spirits. Ministering spirits. They live eternally. Which is why Satan will eventually be bound up and cast into hell because he has to be put somewhere. There is no destroying a spirit - it lives on, Dblack. Now I will ask you once more and perhaps you do not wish to answer - that is your decision - but you must consider that you will live eternally somewhere. You will be given a new glorified body if you choose heaven - which is available to you through the free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ - or you can be given an indestructible body in hell where the worm never dies and the fire is not quenched. This is up to you but I would implore you to choose life and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

This life is but a vapor, Dblack. What kind of time is this here? 80 years if we live out our lives with not much sickness? maybe a few more? Compared to eternity? Are you kidding me?

I have read your posts here on USMB before. You are a very intelligent person - sometimes intelligence can be a hindrance - but in your case I do not think so.... I think you are more likely to just plead on the mercy of Jesus and ask him to help you in your unbelief and He will. I am praying for you tonight. I am not in the least angry with you although you may think I am. I am not. I am concerned for your soul - I do realize that the Gospel can have a very powerful effect on the emotions and the flesh and it is not a surprise to me that this thread has effected you the way it has. Still the need to settle this matter of where you are going to go after you leave this earth is real. It is very important. It is the most important thing you'll ever settle on. With that in mind I pray you will give it more thought and consider the fact that God loves you very, very much while Satan utterly despises you because...............You were created in God's image! You remind him of his defeat and everything he will never have!

God loves you. That is the truth. Choose eternal life. Choose Jesus Christ.
Six comics present the testimony of anti-Catholic activist Alberto Rivera, who claimed that, as a Jesuit priest, he had become privy to many secrets about theRoman Catholic Church. Among Rivera's claims: He credits Catholicism with founding the Islamic religion,[20]The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,[21] as well as the Jehovah's Witnesses;[22] starting the Holocaust;[23][24][25] founding Communism, Nazism, and the Ku Klux Klan; starting the World Wars;[23] masterminding the 1917 Russian Revolution, the Great Depression and the assassinations of U.S. Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy.[23]

Jeremiah, what do you think of Jack Chick's theory that the Roman Catholic Church founded Islam, Communism, Nazism, and the Ku Klux Klan, all who, like you, hated Catholics. Does that even make sense?

I have never said I hated Catholic people and I do not believe Jack Chick ever said he hated Catholic people. I believe the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church are false but I have never said I hated the Catholic people. I pray for the Catholic people that they will be able to see the truth, become born again Christians and escape the RCC. I pray they find a bible believing church / fellowship where they can grow in their personal relationship to Jesus Christ. That is my desire for all Catholic people.
Why don't you pray for yourself instead. Or pray for world peace. Or an end to hunger. Don't pray that we Catholics abandon our church and come to yours. That's a waste of a prayer.

Have you read the bible through? If so how can you expect world peace? Or an end to hunger? The bible predicts no such thing. This will not come until the return of Jesus Christ.. Do not tell me what to pray for, Blackrook. You do not even know what you are saying. Your involved in a church that has no salvation to offer you! Would you stay on a sinking ship - the Titanic - if you knew a lifeboat was at your disposal and there was plenty of room for everyone? This is ten thousand times more important than a life perishing upon the sea considering eternity far surpasses your ability to even comprehend the length of it! I am not telling you or any Catholic to come to my church - I am telling you to come to Jesus Christ and receive Salvation - which is a free gift!

You cannot earn salvation through the Roman Catholic Church!

You cannot earn it with hail Mary's and penance and confessionals and a rosary! There is only one way to enter heaven and that is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that he died upon the cross at Calvary for your sins and that God raised Him up on the third day and He is now seated at the right hand of the Father. No man can come to the Father except through the Son. Read Romans 10: 9, 10. You cannot stay in a place that teaches you to bow down to idols - statues - that teaches you to pray to Mary as if she were a deity! She is not! She was a mere mortal - a sinner like you and me! Believe the bible and stop believing a lie, Blackrook. The pope will not do your time in hell. He will be doing his own time there and would most likely prefer not to see others join him because of his denial of Jesus Christ and the Bible. Hell is the one place where misery does not enjoy company, Blackrook.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Do not be so foolish as to believe you can earn your way into heaven. It is not possible. If it were possible God would not have sent His Only begotten Son to hang on a cross at Calvary and shed his blood for your sins. Wake up, please. Buy a bible and read it until you are saved. Your eternal life depends upon you believing God not man! Read the Bible and believe it!

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