Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

IOW God hates everyone except me and everyone who believes what I believe. He loves us. But you! You're sinners, and you're going to hell. Me, otoh, am awesome.

Is that what you get from reading Jack Chick tracts on this thread? I do not read that message at all, Toro. I see Jack Chick quoting Scripture and letting people know that God loved us while we were yet sinners - quite a different message from the one you are giving here. I see Jack Chick showing people the way to Jesus Christ - through Salvation - through being born again - being justified by faith - not works. The Catholic Church is a works based redemption based on another Jesus that is not found in the Bible and another Mary that is not found in the Bible! Jesus warned us not to be deceived in Matthew 24 - Jack Chick is quoting Scripture, Toro. It does appear that your problem is not with Jack Chick but rather with the Bible which is the Word of God. Why does the Word of God offend you so much?
IOW God hates everyone except me and everyone who believes what I believe. He loves us. But you! You're sinners, and you're going to hell. Me, otoh, am awesome.

:smile: It reminds me of the time the people in Christ's home town nearly threw him off a cliff because he pointed out all the times God chose and favored individuals outside of Judaism. At worst (it seems to me) the Christian mantra should be, "I am already in the flock, shepherded by Jesus--you're lost, but he's coming to find you." It appears some denominations have hijacked and changed the Gospel message.
Mankind's shortcomings, elitism and grasping control issues run amuck..that arrow hits ones own heart. :smiliehug:
IOW God hates everyone except me and everyone who believes what I believe. He loves us. But you! You're sinners, and you're going to hell. Me, otoh, am awesome.

:smile: It reminds me of the time the people in Christ's home town nearly threw him off a cliff because he pointed out all the times God chose and favored individuals outside of Judaism. At worst (it seems to me) the Christian mantra should be, "I am already in the flock, shepherded by Jesus--you're lost, but he's coming to find you." It appears some denominations have hijacked and changed the Gospel message.

Yes and that denomination is the Roman Catholic Church as its teachings are not found in the Holy Bible. The Roman Catholic Church is teaching false doctrines and idolatry and is leading others to hell. The bible is clear - you must be born again to enter the Kingdom of heaven. We are saved by faith not of works - lest any man should boast. Abraham was justified by faith - not works. Buy a bible and read it.
Yes and that denomination is the Roman Catholic Church as its teachings are not found in the Holy Bible. The Roman Catholic Church is teaching false doctrines and idolatry and is leading others to hell. The bible is clear - you must be born again to enter the Kingdom of heaven. We are saved by faith not of works - lest any man should boast. Abraham was justified by faith - not works. Buy a bible and read it.

You are mistaken. As disciples of Christ, we are commanded to pursue the will of the Father, to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, clothe the naked, heal the sick, visit those in prison, teach the uninformed (or badly informed). We are to repent of our sins and spread the Good News.

Can feeding the poor magically create eternal life? Can clothing someone forgive my sins? Of course not! It takes a living being--a Supreme Being to create eternal life for me, and to forgive me of my sins. Without a Supreme Being, there is no eternal life, there is no one to forgive sins.

Believing in Christ and his ways (the ways of loving our fellow man by feeding, clothing, sheltering, and healing them; the way of loving God by seeking his will) is our faith. We have faith that Christ ways and teachings are the way to live our lives because God has something wonderful planned after our existence here on earth. God has this plan. Food doesn't have this plan--not matter how much food we give to the poor.
Yes and that denomination is the Roman Catholic Church as its teachings are not found in the Holy Bible. The Roman Catholic Church is teaching false doctrines and idolatry and is leading others to hell. The bible is clear - you must be born again to enter the Kingdom of heaven. We are saved by faith not of works - lest any man should boast. Abraham was justified by faith - not works. Buy a bible and read it.

You are mistaken. As disciples of Christ, we are commanded to pursue the will of the Father, to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, clothe the naked, heal the sick, visit those in prison, teach the uninformed (or badly informed). We are to repent of our sins and spread the Good News.

Can feeding the poor magically create eternal life? Can clothing someone forgive my sins? Of course not! It takes a living being--a Supreme Being to create eternal life for me, and to forgive me of my sins. Without a Supreme Being, there is no eternal life, there is no one to forgive sins.

Believing in Christ and his ways (the ways of loving our fellow man by feeding, clothing, sheltering, and healing them; the way of loving God by seeking his will) is our faith. We have faith that Christ ways and teachings are the way to live our lives because God has something wonderful planned after our existence here on earth. God has this plan. Food doesn't have this plan--not matter how much food we give to the poor.

You need to review the Jack Chick tracts on Catholicism, Meriweather. You have missed the point entirely. Catholics are not disciples of Christ. You cannot be both. You must make a choice. Will you be a follower of Jesus Christ or will you be a follower of the Roman Church? That is the question.
i'll pray for you and jack, jeremiah.

Will you also pray for the Word of God to change? Will you accuse God so that you can justify your own rebellion? Jesus Christ is the Word of God and His Word is exposing the truth here. Read the Jack Chick tracts on Catholicism and explain where he missed it. He didn't. He is 100% on track - quoting the Written Word of God. The truth does not change in order to accommodate those who find it offensive.
i'll pray for you and jack, jeremiah.

Will you also pray for the Word of God to change? Will you accuse God so that you can justify your own rebellion? Jesus Christ is the Word of God and His Word is exposing the truth here. Read the Jack Chick tracts on Catholicism and explain where he missed it. He didn't. He is 100% on track - quoting the Written Word of God. The truth does not change in order to accommodate those who find it offensive.
lots of hate in you and jack. i'll pray for you. hopefully you'll come to know god's love and peace.
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That is a false accusation, Ogilbillm, and you know it. As for personal slander attack against Jack Chick and myself - even Socrates knew it for what it was - what did he say? When the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser.

Find another thread if this one does not suit you, but stop trying to derail this thread with baseless accusations against others.
Joe, I said I would try to find a Jack Chick tract for you to read. This one is called,
The Choice



Conclusion to Part 3: The Choice



I pray this tract ministers to everyone who reads it. As you can see, there is nothing funny about being condemned to hell because we did not know that Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life. Yes, the bible is clear. No man can come to the Father except through the Son. Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the dead - for our sins - we need to born again. We must be born again to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
That is a false accusation, Ogilbillm, and you know it. As for personal slander attack against Jack Chick and myself - even Socrates knew it for what it was - what did he say? When the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser.

Find another thread if this one does not suit you, but stop trying to derail this thread with baseless accusations against others.
it's not slander. you're showing a lot of hate for christians. I hope that you come to know god's love and let the hate out of your heart. i hope the same for jack.
I believe you are equating the truth with hate and you are not the first to feel that way. Nevertheless, you are wrong. I do not hate anyone, Ogibillm. I despise false teachings but I do not despise people who have fallen prey to them. I feel great compassion for such people because I realize they have no idea what kind of deception they have been taken by. Which is why I believe Jack Chick tracts are a great tool to get the truth out and expose the lies. It is the truth that sets us free.

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