Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

Part 3 of :Big Daddy




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Is that what you get from reading Jack Chick tracts on this thread? I do not read that message at all, Toro. I see Jack Chick quoting Scripture and letting people know that God loved us while we were yet sinners - quite a different message from the one you are giving here. I see Jack Chick showing people the way to Jesus Christ - through Salvation - through being born again - being justified by faith - not works. The Catholic Church is a works based redemption based on another Jesus that is not found in the Bible and another Mary that is not found in the Bible! Jesus warned us not to be deceived in Matthew 24 - Jack Chick is quoting Scripture, Toro. It does appear that your problem is not with Jack Chick but rather with the Bible which is the Word of God. Why does the Word of God offend you so much?

Frankly, putting faith over works doesn't make your God sound very noble. It makes him sound like an insecure Bronze Age Deity who wants to be worshiped obeyed, he doesn't care if people do good things or not.

Now, there's a whole shitload of reasons why I don't care much for the Catholic Church or its teachings, but Jack and Jerry are just kind of nuts.
Is that what you get from reading Jack Chick tracts on this thread? I do not read that message at all, Toro. I see Jack Chick quoting Scripture and letting people know that God loved us while we were yet sinners - quite a different message from the one you are giving here. I see Jack Chick showing people the way to Jesus Christ - through Salvation - through being born again - being justified by faith - not works. The Catholic Church is a works based redemption based on another Jesus that is not found in the Bible and another Mary that is not found in the Bible! Jesus warned us not to be deceived in Matthew 24 - Jack Chick is quoting Scripture, Toro. It does appear that your problem is not with Jack Chick but rather with the Bible which is the Word of God. Why does the Word of God offend you so much?

Frankly, putting faith over works doesn't make your God sound very noble. It makes him sound like an insecure Bronze Age Deity who wants to be worshiped obeyed, he doesn't care if people do good things or not.

Now, there's a whole shitload of reasons why I don't care much for the Catholic Church or its teachings, but Jack and Jerry are just kind of nuts.

Actually, your conflict is with Jesus Christ not Jack or I, Joe. You see, Jesus said, Unless a man be born again he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Abraham was justified by faith. Not works. That is how God justified him. By Faith. Are you going to now accuse God in order to justify yourself, Joe?
Actually, your conflict is with Jesus Christ not Jack or I, Joe. You see, Jesus said, Unless a man be born again he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Abraham was justified by faith. Not works. That is how God justified him. By Faith. Are you going to now accuse God in order to justify yourself, Joe?

No, you see, Jesus didn't exist, and never did. He was made up, cobbled together from a lot of bad historical traditions, and then codified by a church that was trying to get a consistant narrative out of a slew of Fan-Fic.
You need to review the Jack Chick tracts on Catholicism, Meriweather. You have missed the point entirely. Catholics are not disciples of Christ. You cannot be both. You must make a choice. Will you be a follower of Jesus Christ or will you be a follower of the Roman Church? That is the question.

There are no scholars who endorse the Jack Chick tracts. The Jack Chick comics are filled with paranoia and conspiracy theories--if they can be even taken that seriously, which most, fortunately, do not. With all the primary material, scholarly articles and commentary readily available to us online these days, asking for a review of comics is not something I can take seriously.

Christ told us, "What you do to the least of these, you do for me." Look at Catholic Charities, Catholic volunteers, and you will find them working among the least, doing as Christ commanded. The Catholic Church is the disciples of Christ, the body of Christ. It is not both, it is one. We are one body, one body in Christ. The Catholic Church follows Christ, it has no other purpose or practice. If you see it differently, you may wish to find something other than the comics to teach you about the Catholic faith.

Think about it. Where else have you said, "I want to learn about _______________. I think I'll pick up a couple of comic books."
Serious Christians don't generally take Chick Tracts seriously! I suppose cartoon Christianity or "bumper-sticker" Christianity has a certain niche but I prefer the Holy Bible and the Holy Spirit where serious doctrine is concerned.
You need to review the Jack Chick tracts on Catholicism, Meriweather. You have missed the point entirely. Catholics are not disciples of Christ. You cannot be both. You must make a choice. Will you be a follower of Jesus Christ or will you be a follower of the Roman Church? That is the question.

There are no scholars who endorse the Jack Chick tracts. The Jack Chick comics are filled with paranoia and conspiracy theories--if they can be even taken that seriously, which most, fortunately, do not. With all the primary material, scholarly articles and commentary readily available to us online these days, asking for a review of comics is not something I can take seriously.

Christ told us, "What you do to the least of these, you do for me." Look at Catholic Charities, Catholic volunteers, and you will find them working among the least, doing as Christ commanded. The Catholic Church is the disciples of Christ, the body of Christ. It is not both, it is one. We are one body, one body in Christ. The Catholic Church follows Christ, it has no other purpose or practice. If you see it differently, you may wish to find something other than the comics to teach you about the Catholic faith.

Think about it. Where else have you said, "I want to learn about _______________. I think I'll pick up a couple of comic books."

I have never seen any theologian accuse Jack Chick of false teachings - not one. I have a friend who is a bible scholar and teaches on end times prophecy and he most certainly applauds Jack Chick as a fine disciple of Jesus Christ and preacher of the Gospel. He would tell you without hesitation that the Roman Catholic Church is a false church teaching idolatry and false teachings not found in the Bible. You have yet to point out a single error in Jack Chicks threads, Meriweather. You continue to repeat the same false claims - The Catholic Church follows Jesus - No, they do not - I am a former Catholic and know first hand they do not follow Jesus Christ - the tracts work and I will continue to use them. If you do not like it do not read this thread. You cannot point out any error in Jack Chicks tracts because there are none. If you would buy a bible and read it you'd learn that. There is a reason your religion demanded none of you read the bible - they didn't want you to find out what was in it! When you read it for yourself you'll figure that out, Meriweather.
You've never been a Catholic Jeri, you don't understand it, that is very plain to see.

I agree there are certain doctrines in the Catholic church that I believe are more about control and power of the clergy than they are in following the Bible, i.e. confession only being done via clergy, etc.. having to have someone intervene between the person and God. A lot of that is due to the fact that hundreds of years ago, most could not read on their own, the clergy could, and that was taken advantage of and used to give the clergy power. However, your assertions that they don't believe in salvation thru Jesus Christ is wrong, or that they teach something different than that. And there are other denominations where clergy and pastors abuse their power as well, it's not just the Catholics. But the basis of their beliefs is Jesus Christ and His salvation. If you are saved, you will show the works, the works themselves don't save you. As others have stated above, Catholics believe that same thing. They do not worship false idols, I don't know where you even come up with this stuff? None of these 'comics' that you've posted have even talked about Catholicism?
Your money cannot save you. Your job, your connections, you position, - even that of a judge, an investigator, someone working for the government, cannot save you. Only Jesus Christ can save you. God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows that also will he reap. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Jesus said, Ye must be born again. You cannot enter heaven without being born again. Jesus will forgive all of your sins but you must come to Him to be born again. Read Romans 10: 9,10. Read this:

from: Here Comes The Judge
Your money cannot save you. Your job, your connections, you position, - even that of a judge, an investigator, someone working for the government, cannot save you. Only Jesus Christ can save you. God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows that also will he reap. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Jesus said, Ye must be born again. You cannot enter heaven without being born again. Jesus will forgive all of your sins but you must come to Him to be born again. Read Romans 10: 9,10. Read this:

Who believes otherwise?
Your money cannot save you. Your job, your connections, you position, - even that of a judge, an investigator, someone working for the government, cannot save you. Only Jesus Christ can save you. God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows that also will he reap. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Jesus said, Ye must be born again. You cannot enter heaven without being born again. Jesus will forgive all of your sins but you must come to Him to be born again. Read Romans 10: 9,10. Read this:

Who believes otherwise?

conclusion of part 3 -:Here Comes The Judge





Meriweather, I should add that being Catholic cannot save you either. I understand that Catholics are taught that by being Catholic they will be in heaven but the Pope does not have the authority to tell God what to do. God is not taking payoffs - indulgences - to get people out of pergatory ( which does not exist ) He is not acknowledging any prayers to saints or to a statue entitled - Queen of heaven - Mary - which is in reality a demon god - He is not permitting any to enter the Kingdom of heaven if their names are not found in the Lamb's book of Life. So what do you do? You receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and turn from sin. You ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to be your Savior and Lord and He will receive you - Read Romans 10: 9,10 in the Bible and see what it says. Also - read the Jack Chick Tracts on Catholicism and realize that God wants us to come out from among them and be separated. I left the Roman Catholic Church many years ago - there was no salvation in it - it was a dead religion - when I went to a holiness church that preached the Gospel ( Not the false grace to sin Gospel mega churches or the rock music show / prosperity gospel preachers - a true holiness church that preached the Message of the Cross) I learned the difference between having a form of godliness and having a real relationship - abiding in Jesus Christ and living the life! You can do that too. I will be praying for you today and I believe God for Him to move mightily in your life.
I have never seen any theologian accuse Jack Chick of false teachings - not one. I have a friend who is a bible scholar and teaches on end times prophecy and he most certainly applauds Jack Chick as a fine disciple of Jesus Christ and preacher of the Gospel. He would tell you without hesitation that the Roman Catholic Church is a false church teaching idolatry and false teachings not found in the Bible. You have yet to point out a single error in Jack Chicks threads, Meriweather. You continue to repeat the same false claims - The Catholic Church follows Jesus - No, they do not - I am a former Catholic and know first hand they do not follow Jesus Christ - the tracts work and I will continue to use them. If you do not like it do not read this thread. You cannot point out any error in Jack Chicks tracts because there are none. If you would buy a bible and read it you'd learn that. There is a reason your religion demanded none of you read the bible - they didn't want you to find out what was in it! When you read it for yourself you'll figure that out, Meriweather.

Grin. Let me introduce you to Google where you can search for the false teachings of Jack Chick. A "fine disciple" of Christ does not spread lies and misinformation. If you wish to read where I pointed out that Jack Chick errs, go back and read my first post in this thread . There is also a post where I suggest instead of piling on Jack Chick errors, lies, misinformation, etc., you simply ask what Catholic teach about a specific topic, and then listen.

You may have a friend that applauds Jack Chick and teaches about "End Times", but here you have a Catholic who has taught Continuing Catholic Education for many years. If you are a former Catholic and are unaware that Catholics follow Christ, it must be true the best place to hide something is in plain sight. I can't help but wonder if a childhood resentment of church and catechism classes has affected you? For you to claim that as a former Catholic, you know Jack Chick tracts are correct would be comparable to me claiming 2+2=5--and I know this because I was once a math student.

As for you thinking I need to purchase a Bible: Without leaving this chair I can reach any one of five well-read, often referenced versions of the Bible on the shelf above my computer. Upstairs I have two additional versions. Of course, a few taps on my keyboard and I have access to additional online versions.

No matter if in this thread you keep piling on Jack Chick tracts. I can scroll past all of them in less than two heart-beats. My offer stands. If you wish to have a discussion on Catholic teachings without piling on the cut-n-pastes, I would be happy to participate.
Meriweather, I should add that being Catholic cannot save you either. I understand that Catholics are taught that by being Catholic they will be in heaven but the Pope does not have the authority to tell God what to do. God is not taking payoffs - indulgences - to get people out of pergatory ( which does not exist ) He is not acknowledging any prayers to saints or to a statue entitled - Queen of heaven - Mary - which is in reality a demon god - He is not permitting any to enter the Kingdom of heaven if their names are not found in the Lamb's book of Life. So what do you do? You receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and turn from sin. You ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to be your Savior and Lord and He will receive you - Read Romans 10: 9,10 in the Bible and see what it says. Also - read the Jack Chick Tracts on Catholicism and realize that God wants us to come out from among them and be separated. I left the Roman Catholic Church many years ago - there was no salvation in it - it was a dead religion - when I went to a holiness church that preached the Gospel ( Not the false grace to sin Gospel mega churches or the rock music show / prosperity gospel preachers - a true holiness church that preached the Message of the Cross) I learned the difference between having a form of godliness and having a real relationship - abiding in Jesus Christ and living the life! You can do that too. I will be praying for you today and I believe God for Him to move mightily in your life.

I tend to ignore the Protestant terminology of "Saved." I understand most see "Saved" as happening in an instant of time and at that instant they are guaranteed a place in heaven. Such is not my understanding of salvation/redemption.

By his life, death, and resurrection, Christ has redeemed mankind (including you and me) and opened the way to eternal life. We choose to enter the Kingdom of Heaven in this life, and by following The Way (Jesus Christ) we will be drawn even more closely to the presence of God when we pass from this life. We are able to do this because of Christ's redemptive work on the behalf of mankind. We who choose to, are living a redeemed life/existence right now. We don't have to wait until death.

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