Jack Smith could face indictment


You can indict a ham sandwich. And if you're an insane Democrat, Donald Trump over and over and over and over and over
Except he did this to himself. What the rest of us sane people don't understand is, why won't you cut your losses and move on?
The guy is corrupt. He doesn't give a crap about you or the issues you care about. Yet you cling to him like some soft of life raft.
If you mean for Trump, then the answer is yes.

She DIDN'T mean Trump, you gristle-brain.

Only one treasonous, vile, demented criminal involved in DC, and we all know who he is.

She DIDN'T mean Trump, you gristle-brain.

Only one treasonous, vile, demented criminal involved in DC, and we all know who he is.

View attachment 811194

These Democrats are completely blind to what is going on! They have no idea about the evidence of the Biden Crime Family and Joe’s involvement in it, using his influence as VP. And that’s because the lib media is suppressing it!

It’s unreal. After the latest bogus indictment came out on Trump, my uninformed niece - whom I haven’t spoken with in months due to her disapproval of my support of Trump - called me and asked, “NOW do you finally see what kind of crIminal Trump is and will vote for Biden?”

These people are completely clueless.
Even if he believed he won, there is no excuse for breaking the law just because you feel you were wronged.

That won't get him off either.....Smith has that covered as well....

Trump's gonna try to claim he followed legal advice of his lawyers, and if their advice was wrong, that's not his fault blah blah blah....

Smith has that covered as well....most all of his lawyers disagreed with crazy lawyers and told trump over and over...Trump sought out the crazy lawyers because he wanted them, to disagree with his sane lawyer advice he got....
You just confirmed Smith's case relies on mind reading.
Hey, stop posting your weekend romps in the park selfies.

Well Jack, you see, I've got parkland all around me.
  • I've got local township parks.
  • I've got county parks.
  • I've even got city and state parks.
  • Then there are the golf courses and swimming pools, amusement parks, rifle ranges and malls.
  • I even have an attached garage, and I own everything I have.
  • Not to mention a big yard, home theater, tennis court, music room, pool room and sauna.
You got your pencil dick in your hand.

Is it an accident? Or are they complicit?

It would take herculean imbecility to look at Biden and not see an evil, corrupt, treasonous goon.
I’m not sure. My niece, who hates Trump with a vengeance, is completely clueless about what is going on.
Well Jack, you see, I've got parkland all around me.
  • I've got local township parks.
  • I've got county parks.
  • I've even got city and state parks.
  • Then there are the golf courses and swimming pools, amusement parks, rifle ranges and malls.
  • I even have an attached garage, and I own everything I have.
  • Not to mention a big yard, home theater, tennis court, music room, pool room and sauna.
You got your pencil dick in your hand.

That's a lot of parks to flash in. How do you ever find the time while you're here spewing your bullshit.?:auiqs.jpg:
Let me know where you're at. I'll keep my eye on the police logs. :)
People who hate Trump always are. And they won't even LET you inform them. They don't want to know.
Oh, wow! You must have been on the phone call with my niece, because that’s exactly what happened.

When I tried to explain to her (she’s in her 30s, btw) that this was all a deflection in light of the news about Joe’s involvement with the bribery racket, she interrupted me and said “I don’t want to hear it.” IOW, they only want to hear that you have submitted to their beliefs, and if you try to explain why you haven’t, they silence you.

I’m totally disgusted with these people.
I'm sorry, I'm not following your voter suppression argument here.

I guess I only have one fundamental question for you. If this were you in the place of Donald Trump, how do you believe the justice system would be treating you right now?
If you created your own problems and then exacerbated them with your actions. If you couldn't keep your mouth shut about the charges against you, do you think someone like Jack Smith
would have any mercy on you?...I know the answer is no. The only way you believe that, is if you believe that Donald Trump did nothing wrong in any of these indicted charges..or you believe
he really is above the law.
Oh I see…So, unless a Republican shuts up and takes it, you slimeballs go after them….children, all of you.
Oh? So fake Trump electors were not sent to Congress in a failed attempt to flip the election?
In what way was what Trump did with the electors an indictable offense? I'm sorry but it wasn't. It was a failed attempt but it was a legal strategy and that's ALL it was! What Jack Smith has done is attempt to criminalize questioning the results of elections because he wants to keep Trump from regaining the Oval Office. The Democrats are using the power of the Federal Government to kneecap the reelection campaign of their biggest political rival. Jack Smith's indictment's are not going to hold up on appeal nor would they stand a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding at the lower level if it weren't for the venue and the hand picked judge but that doesn't matter. The only real goal of this is to cost Trump money and divert attention from the very REAL influence peddling scandal that is slowly catching up to Joe Biden!
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You poor cult loser.

Archer's testimony said the opposite.

Did your cult really lie to your face that brazenely?

And you fell for it?

You really are a special kind of stupid.

(Rhody, you know what to do now. A fellow cult loser-bitch is in trouble. Help him out. You bitches need to stand together.)
In what way? Archer's testimony shot holes in Joe Biden's claim that he never spoke to his son about his business dealings. Archer testified that Joe was brought in dozens of times to close the deal or to put it in Archer's words "to sell the brand"! What do you think that meant? What do you think was being "sold"?
We have an issue with a two tier system of justice, Jack. What part of THAT don't you grasp?
Of course. And people like Trump have taken advantage of that for decades.
Finally, there is no one left to run interference for him. No one who will stand up and take the arrows for him.
He's finally facing the consequences of his actions. It would be the same for you and me...although we would not
be given such kid glove treatment.

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