Jack Smith could face indictment

Of course Trump knew he lost. The plan all along was to say he won if he lost...

How do you know what Trump thought? MILLIONS of people think he was the true winner, and he likely did as well.

Are you evil Democrats now going to imprison people for the rest of their lives because of what you CLAIM they think?! So Republicans aren’t even safe if we keep our mouths shut? You’ll go after us by claiming “well, we know what you were thinking, and we think you’re wrong. So we’re going to indict you, go through a mock trial, and then send you to prison.”
Not a coincidence… just spin. The right wing has a new breaking news bombshell about the “Hunter Biden Scandal” every other day. It’s boring and predictable
What’s boring and predictable ia that every time information comes out about the Biden Crime Family, the next day BIden’s DOJ lands another bogus indictment against his #1 opponent.

And as much as you want to make this about Hunter’s scandal, it is Joe‘s as well. No above-board VP would be on the phone with his son while his son is meeting with foreign business partners of the country in which the VP is charged with fighting corruption.
Oh but he does…Smith was tapped to be the deflection to what’s coming out about the corrupt Biden crime family…
Yup. And Smith didn’t write a 145-page indictment full of bogus charges overnight. He had that at the ready, ready to release the morning after some real damning evidence against Joe Biden’s part of the corruption scheme came out.

And see what’s happening? All the news is on Trump, and the MSM isnt even touching the Biden Crime Family news.

All by plan.
Oh but he does…Smith was tapped to be the deflection to what’s coming out about the corrupt Biden crime family…
The dirt on the Biden family has been "coming out" since he kicked the traitor`s ass on election day. :abgg2q.jpg:
Yup. And Smith didn’t write a 145-page indictment full of bogus charges overnight. He had that at the ready, ready to release the morning after some real damning evidence against Joe Biden’s part of the corruption scheme came out.

And see what’s happening? All the news is on Trump, and the MSM isnt even touching the Biden Crime Family news.

All by plan.
QAnon speaks while people continue to laugh at Trump`s freaks.
Joe Biden has been indicted?
He’s going to be impeached. It’s been slow-going with the DOJ refusing to turn over documents that implicate Joe and the massive bribery and extortion racket, but once the open an impeachment inquiry, Congress will be able to compel discovery.

Your boy is going down. He was never the fairly-elected president in the first place.
He’s going to be impeached. It’s been slow-going with the DOJ refusing to turn over documents that implicate Joe and the massive bribery and extortion racket, but once the open an impeachment inquiry, Congress will be able to compel discovery.

Your boy is going down. He was never the fairly-elected president in the first place.
The only question I have for that is, what in the hell is taking McCarthy so long? I mean does he need an engraved invitation?
I doubt it. But keep dreaming. Trump has to win first. I'd say, there is about a 0.0% chance of that happening. :)
CNN reported that Trump is in a strong position - even better than in 2016, when he won!

Why do you think the weaponized DOJ is launching all these bogus indictments? Smith himself knows he’ll be overturned in appeal. The reason is to weaken Biden’s opponent.

IOW, we now have a government that uses my taxes, and those of the half of all Americans, to attempt to imprison the person we’d vote for over Biden.

And you brain-dead Democrats support the suppression of 70 million voters.
The only question I have for that is, what in the hell is taking McCarthy so long? I mean does he need an engraved invitation?
I agree….the anti-Trump DOJ jumps on Trump again and again and again with bogus indictments, and the Speaker is dragging his feet in the face of massive evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption.

And just LOOK at Joe. He’s at the beach, relaxing in the knowledge that his foot soldiers at the DOJ will take down his major political opponent.
Doesn’t suck at all being me. The only thing missing here is your understanding of what “under arrest” means

Whatever arrest is, THIS AIN'T IT, stupid.


Meanwhile, back at the White House:

CNN reported that Trump is in a strong position - even better than in 2016, when he won!

Why do you think the weaponized DOJ is launching all these bogus indictments? Smith himself knows he’ll be overturned in appeal. The reason is to weaken Biden’s opponent.

IOW, we now have a government that uses my taxes, and those of the half of all Americans, to attempt to imprison the person we’d vote for over Biden.

And you brain-dead Democrats support the suppression of 70 million voters.
I'm sorry, I'm not following your voter suppression argument here.

I guess I only have one fundamental question for you. If this were you in the place of Donald Trump, how do you believe the justice system would be treating you right now?
If you created your own problems and then exacerbated them with your actions. If you couldn't keep your mouth shut about the charges against you, do you think someone like Jack Smith
would have any mercy on you?...I know the answer is no. The only way you believe that, is if you believe that Donald Trump did nothing wrong in any of these indicted charges..or you believe
he really is above the law.
Flop sweat already

The time from indictment to flop sweat is getting shorter and shorter, is it not?
If you mean for Trump, then the answer is yes. He's gonna stand trial for one of these set of indictments before the election.
It'll be fun.

He still isn't going to win in 2024, but it'll be fun to watch the flame out.

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