Jack Smith could face indictment

---Trump the best President in my lifetime---

You should get him a present then. How about this...


... so he can't drop it.

Unless he wants to.

According to the indictment, the only reason he (supposedly) broke the law was BECAUSE he believed he won.

You don't even understand the rudimentary most basic shit you are talking about.

It doesn't matter if he believed he won or believed he lost. He committed a crime by getting fake Trump electors sent to Congress.

You'll figure this out eventually.

Well, maybe.
Trump did believe he won but, they are trying to say he knew he lost and was trying to overthrow the election. They can never prove what Trump was thinking that is why these indictments will go down in flames eventually.

Of course Trump knew he lost. The plan all along was to say he won if he lost...

Nope, that's yet another canard they've brainwashed you into believing.


That doesn't justify sending fake electors to Congress.

Those states had certified their results and certified Biden had won their respective states, which led them to legally send slates of legit Biden electors to Congress.

The theory in that article might have held water if all they did was sign their names to fake certificates, but 3 weeks after the safe harbor deadline, they attempted to get those fake slates into Pence's hand.

That doesn't justify sending fake electors to Congress.

Those states had certified their results and certified Biden had won their respective states, which led them to legally send slates of legit Biden electors to Congress.

The theory in that article might have held water if all they did was sign their names to fake certificates, but 3 weeks after the safe harbor deadline, they attempted to get those fake slates into Pence's hand.

Things that you don't like are not necessarily illegal

Sorry for the butthurt but there it is
He did have the right to request recounts and hand counts and new machine counts, and the right to bring his legitimate contesting to court. Once that is settled, and courts have also made their judgements on cases with merit, and the state certifies their election results with their governor's signature, the CONTEST IS OVER.


The people have chosen their electors in their state.

The electors vote for president.

The winner, is President. (to be). Elect.

If this lawsuit actually floats, just imagine what Republicans can do in the future and if Dems dare to question, NO. Accept it pleb.

Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it.
Hey Jackass---- how did that "arrest" go? Arrests, they come to you and put you into
handcuffs and take you away to be locked in a cell; Trump went to them, walked in
freely, pled NOT GUILTY, then walked out, gave you the finger, and went to have
a very nice meal at the Bedminster country club to roaring standing applause.
Trump even crashed a wedding to surprise the groom and bride with an
extra special wedding gift to remember forever! Meanwhile, Joe was
at home trying to dig the lint out of his bellybutton and trimming
back his eyebrows from hanging over his eyes, worrying that
Archer's testimony now definitely ties him to Hunter's
business dealings and finances for quid pro quo
with enemy governments as the traitor he is!
Sure sucks to be you! Another swing
and a miss for ol' Slade, :auiqs.jpg:

View attachment 811101

Dementia Joe goes to the beach with Dr. Jill and no one notices....or cares
Of course Trump knew he lost. The plan all along was to say he won if he lost...

These folks have given over so much of their brain pan to Trump they have now indicted him for what they IMAGINED he was THINKING

I mean

There's a whole Trump Tower Universe living in their heads. Imagine giving ANY politician this much space. Could never be me.
Those of us who paid attention in Physics (and many of us who didn't), are well aware that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The Democrats, in their desperate fury to throw the kitchen sink at Trump, are not only putting him in the driver's seat for 2024; they are putting themselves in serious legal jeopardy.

The possibility of this is very real.

Trump will never win his trial in DC.

But he will definitely appeal it - and the case is almost just as flimsy as the rest. He will win on appeal.

Potentially right around the time he moves back into the White House.

What a confluence of striking events that is.

How sweet it's going to be next year, when the idiot Leftists crowing on this board about what seems to be an imminent victory - self-immolate into the perpetual abyss of total loss.
There are two leftists on this board, and neither supports in any way what the Democrats are doing to Trump.

You mean liberals/Democrats.
These folks have given over so much of their brain pan to Trump they have now indicted him for what they IMAGINED he was THINKING

I mean

There's a whole Trump Tower Universe living in their heads. Imagine giving ANY politician this much space. Could never be me.

Showing he planned to declare he won if he lost, which he went on to do, is imagining what he was thinking?
But fraud is illegal.

I can see your flop sweat from here. Say, when are we gonna get the pics in your avatar and signature? Why is your whole identity seemingly wrapped up in a mugshot?

That's sad, dude

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