Jack Smith could face indictment

I guess you prefer public figures who can't shut up, tell lies and call people nasty names even when their lawyers are BEGGING them to keep quiet. Be sure to follow the trials, toots. And hold on to your seat because Smith is going to blow Trump right out of his.
Those of us who paid attention in Physics (and many of us who didn't), are well aware that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The Democrats, in their desperate fury to throw the kitchen sink at Trump, are not only putting him in the driver's seat for 2024; they are putting themselves in serious legal jeopardy.

The possibility of this is very real.

Trump will never win his trial in DC.

But he will definitely appeal it - and the case is almost just as flimsy as the rest. He will win on appeal.

Potentially right around the time he moves back into the White House.

What a confluence of striking events that is.

How sweet it's going to be next year, when the idiot Leftists crowing on this board about what seems to be an imminent victory - self-immolate into the perpetual abyss of total loss.
Are you drunk again?
Well I guess since you CAPITALIZED it you must have a valid fuckin' point!

For the love of God, please take the time and read the indictment. It explains a great deal that you are unaware of..... Please inform yourself, so we can all argue and debate..... on a level, knowledgeable, playing field.
Uhh he is being arrested again today. That’s not a fizzle. You are detached from reality

Hey Jackass---- how did that "arrest" go? Arrests, they come to you and put you into
handcuffs and take you away to be locked in a cell; Trump went to them, walked in
freely, pled NOT GUILTY, then walked out, gave you the finger, and went to have
a very nice meal at the Bedminster country club to roaring standing applause.
Trump even crashed a wedding to surprise the groom and bride with an
extra special wedding gift to remember forever! Meanwhile, Joe was
at home trying to dig the lint out of his bellybutton and trimming
back his eyebrows from hanging over his eyes, worrying that
Archer's testimony now definitely ties him to Hunter's
business dealings and finances for quid pro quo
with enemy governments as the traitor he is!
Sure sucks to be you! Another swing
and a miss for ol' Slade, :auiqs.jpg:

Hey Jackass---- how did that "arrest" go? Arrests, they come to you and put you into
handcuffs and take you away to be locked in a cell; Trump went to them, walked in
freely, pled NOT GUILTY, then walked out, gave you the finger, and went to have
a very nice meal at the Bedminster country club to roaring standing applause.
Trump even crashed a wedding to surprise the groom and bride with an
extra special wedding gift to remember forever! Meanwhile, Joe was
at home trying to dig the lint out of his bellybutton and trimming
back his eyebrows from hanging over his eyes, worrying that
Archer's testimony now definitely ties him to Hunter's
business dealings and finances for quid pro quo
with enemy governments as the traitor he is!
Sure sucks to be you! Another swing
and a miss for ol' Slade, :auiqs.jpg:

View attachment 811101

Oh man.

The ownership.

Hells yeah.

Ok, I’m waiting for one honest liberal in here to admit that Biden is compromised….Are you that one? Considering your history here, I’d say, not….On to your next meaningless post/deflection….

You understand Biden has nothing to do with this, right?
Oh no, it's the other crazy kooky spooky cat lady witch!

Please don't include me in your cauldron recipe....

Is there any point to your post other than to prove how stupid you are and how incapable of that you are a refuting anything I posted?

When you go straight to insults, it’s proof positive that you have nothing.
Dershowitz's opinion answers your question, you pathetic dung heap.

From what I can ascertain, if your feigned curiosity even has a pinch of integrity - you're about to understand no uncompromised prosecutor would be dumb enough to bring this case to begin with.

It basically hinges on, well "Experts"* told Trump the election was fair - and then relies on that as the inexorable evidence that inside Trump's mind he could not have possibly doubted them; and must have believed he was engaging in a nefarious plot when he dared question the veracity of the election's results.

In other words, the Jackoff purports to have some kind of insight into the inner workings of Orange Man's brain - which is unfalsifiable.

Ergo, you have yourself a shit case.

*Please note that "Experts" have had an utterly horrible track record amidst the era of COVID, Russia Collusion, and interventionist wars initiated based on specious reasons.

So no, you cannot actually show any other prosecutor, in the history of this great nation, who was indicted for losing a trial.

Why did you use all those words to just say, "no?"

Now that that's settled, I also note you offered no response to learning Dershowitz misquoted Trump. Which was the basis of his opinion.

And sending fake electors to Congress has nothing to do with Trump's belief of whether or not he lost a fair election.
Jack Smith's indictments are a joke, OK! They'll be tossed on appeal but he knows that and doesn't care. This is all about going after Donald Trump to hamper his campaign. The Biden DOJ is using the power of the Federal Government against his largest political opponent...something so sleazy...so out of bounds it strains belief.

Oh? So fake Trump electors were not sent to Congress in a failed attempt to flip the election?
Archer's testimony now definitely ties him to Hunter's
business dealings
You poor cult loser.

Archer's testimony said the opposite.

Did your cult really lie to your face that brazenely?

And you fell for it?

You really are a special kind of stupid.

(Rhody, you know what to do now. A fellow cult loser-bitch is in trouble. Help him out. You bitches need to stand together.)
Trump doesn't even need to prove the election was stolen.

All he has to do is prove there's no way in hell the Defense can convey he knew it wasn't.

(Which is made eminently more complicated by the fact that there is a plethora of compelling evidence that it actually was....but I digress.)

The entire edifice of this case looks like a shoddy Ikea model put together by drunken Swedish sorority harlots.

That said - it's not supposed to be a sound legal argument.

Just a desperate play to take out Trump politically.

But even in that regard it's dysfunctional at best - and don't try to explain the fundamentals to the Leftist rubes around here.

They still think Putin is dictating the Republican Party from the Kremlin.

Hilariously sad.


It really doesn't matter what Trump thought about election fraud as he's not charged with that.

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