Jack Smith could face indictment

Those of us who paid attention in Physics (and many of us who didn't), are well aware that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

The Democrats, in their desperate fury to throw the kitchen sink at Trump, are not only putting him in the driver's seat for 2024; they are putting themselves in serious legal jeopardy.

The possibility of this is very real.

Trump will never win his trial in DC.

But he will definitely appeal it - and the case is almost just as flimsy as the rest. He will win on appeal.

Potentially right around the time he moves back into the White House.

What a confluence of striking events that is.

How sweet it's going to be next year, when the idiot Leftists crowing on this board about what seems to be an imminent victory - self-immolate into the perpetual abyss of total loss.
Fun fact, this January 6th satire cartoon video has been censored by the Biden Administration.
it's been censored because it's full of lies and distortions that are designed to set the trump nut cases off to start hurting or killing people ... it's not censoring it's keeping you right-wing nut cases from going cray cray ...
it's been censored because it's full of lies and distortions that are designed to set the trump nut cases off to start hurting or killing people ... it's not censoring it's keeping you right-wing nut cases from going cray cray ...
Don't worry. Smith's indictment is coming any day now. The OP has assured us and they would not be blowing smoke. They said so....
Don't worry. Smith's indictment is coming any day now. The OP has assured us and they would not be blowing smoke. They said so....

Get a life.

This thread was created 9 days ago, and even the title of the thread says no such thing.

Meanwhile we're going on six years and counting, and Trump still hasn't been arrested for Russian Collusion.
I doubt it. But keep dreaming. Trump has to win first. I'd say, there is about a 0.0% chance of that happening. :)

No Trump does not have to win in order for this to happen.
It just takes judges to do their job now.
Clearly Jack Smith should not have done these indictments.
They are designed and intended to bias or prevent an election.
Which is treason.

The basis for law is to defend the rights of individuals.
But instead of defending the rights of anyone, the goal of Jack Smith is to prevent half the country from having the candidate of their choice.
Nothing could be more illegal than that.

And again, I dislike Trump.
No Trump does not have to win in order for this to happen.
It just takes judges to do their job now.
Clearly Jack Smith should not have done these indictments.
They are designed and intended to bias or prevent an election.
Which is treason.

The basis for law is to defend the rights of individuals.
But instead of defending the rights of anyone, the goal of Jack Smith is to prevent half the country from having the candidate of their choice.
Nothing could be more illegal than that.

And again, I dislike Trump.
If that were the case, Trump would be sitting in a jail cell (where you or I would be) or under house arrest at Mar-A-Lago wearing an ankle bracelet until such time as he stood trial. THAT would be taking him out of the running for President. Instead, he is free to walk around and campaign. He declared for the Presidency because he knew these indictments were coming down the line. He was hoping to run the clock out and win another term and shield himself from sentencing. But...the charges with the most teeth..are about to be dropped by GA.

As far as the "candidate" of their choice, there is no guarantee that the candidate you want will be there for the general. We all don't get what we want. There are still plenty of Republican candidates running that aren't under indictment.
There no treason here. It's just justice catching up with Trump. That's all.
it's been censored because it's full of lies and distortions that are designed to set the trump nut cases off to start hurting or killing people ... it's not censoring it's keeping you right-wing nut cases from going cray cray ...

That censorship is not really legal.
The impeachments and indictments clearly were and still are totally bogus.
That is pitchfork and torch level of bureaucratic abuse of power.
The people are supposed to decide, not some partisan censor.
Because he did not collude with Russia.

Meanwhile, Jack Smith faces 0 indictments.

But the point is Hillary paid for a bogus Steele Dossier that claimed Trump illegally colluded with Russia, even though the author and Hillary knew it was all lies.

Jack Smith needs to be indicted because it is literally impossible for any president to ever have violated any classified doc law, because they are perpetually exempt, explicitly.
Again, since Trump did find at least one instance of poll worker, vote fraud, then clearly the indictments against Trump are illegal.

Watch the video.
It does not prove Trump could have won, but it does prove the indictments against Trump are illegal.


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