Jackie O tapes reveal she believed LBJ killed Kennedy


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This sounds like pretty amazing material we'll be able to hear. ABC is set to air the tapes. And these are real tapes from interviews done with a major historian shortly after JFK's assassination.

The real deal.

Explosive Jackie O tapes 'reveal how she believed Johnson killed JFK and had affair with movie star'

* She will allegedly reveal affair with actor William Holden
* Believed Vice-President Johnson was behind husband's assassination

By Rachel Quigley and Liz Thomas

Last updated at 9:57 PM on 7th August 2011

Former first lady Jackie Kennedy is said to have made the tapes within months of JFK's assassination

Former first lady Jackie Kennedy is said to have made the tapes within months of JFK's assassination

Jackie Onassis believed that Lyndon B Johnson and a cabal of Texas tycoons were involved in the assassination of her husband John F Kennedy, ‘explosive’ recordings are set to reveal.

The secret tapes will show that the former first lady felt that her husband’s successor was at the heart of the plot to murder him.

She became convinced that the then vice president, along with businessmen in the South, had orchestrated the Dallas shooting, with gunman Lee Harvey Oswald – long claimed to have been a lone assassin – merely part of a much larger conspiracy.

Texas-born Mr Johnson, who served as the state’s governor and senator, completed Mr Kennedy’s term and went on to be elected president in his own right.

The tapes were recorded with leading historian Arthur Schlesinger Jnr within months of the assassination on November 22, 1963, and had been sealed in a vault at the Kennedy Library in Boston.

Here's the link to the article.

Jackie O tapes to reveal her and JFK's affairs and who she believed was behind his death | Mail Online
This sounds like pretty amazing material we'll be able to hear. ABC is set to air the tapes. And these are real tapes from interviews done with a major historian shortly after JFK's assassination.

The real deal.

Explosive Jackie O tapes 'reveal how she believed Johnson killed JFK and had affair with movie star'

* She will allegedly reveal affair with actor William Holden
* Believed Vice-President Johnson was behind husband's assassination

By Rachel Quigley and Liz Thomas

Last updated at 9:57 PM on 7th August 2011

Former first lady Jackie Kennedy is said to have made the tapes within months of JFK's assassination

Former first lady Jackie Kennedy is said to have made the tapes within months of JFK's assassination

Jackie Onassis believed that Lyndon B Johnson and a cabal of Texas tycoons were involved in the assassination of her husband John F Kennedy, ‘explosive’ recordings are set to reveal.

The secret tapes will show that the former first lady felt that her husband’s successor was at the heart of the plot to murder him.

She became convinced that the then vice president, along with businessmen in the South, had orchestrated the Dallas shooting, with gunman Lee Harvey Oswald – long claimed to have been a lone assassin – merely part of a much larger conspiracy.

Texas-born Mr Johnson, who served as the state’s governor and senator, completed Mr Kennedy’s term and went on to be elected president in his own right.

The tapes were recorded with leading historian Arthur Schlesinger Jnr within months of the assassination on November 22, 1963, and had been sealed in a vault at the Kennedy Library in Boston.

Here's the link to the article.

Jackie O tapes to reveal her and JFK's affairs and who she believed was behind his death | Mail Online

yeah cant wait to hear the special in september.Yeah LBJ was involved in it up to his ears.according to senator ralph yarbrough who rode in the limo with Johnson,yarbrough said shortly befre they entered dealy plaza,LBJ was acting very strange because he was on a radio talking to some people which he thought was very odd and also shortly before the shots rang out,LBJ ducked in his seat he said. LBJ was definetely involved up to his ears in it.so was Nixon,connolly and J Edgar Hoover.

The night before the assassination,there was a party at Clint Murchisons ranch whom Jackie implicates as one of the big oil tycoons involved,according to LBJ'S mistress,Johnson came out of a room that Nixon,connolly and Hoover were all in and closed the door and said to her-after tomorrow,that bastard Kennedy will never embarrass me again.

Connolly shocked the nation in the 70's by pretty much advertising it he was buddies with both Nixon and LBJ because originally he was a democrat and was on Johnsons ticket and served with Johnson,after Johnson got out of office though,Connolly shocked the nation by switching parties and getting on the republican ticket to serve Dick Nixon.

Also George Bush was involved up to his ears in it as well.take a look at this video.Best JFK documentary ever.

DIck Nixon and E Howard Hunt a CIA operative that worked for Nixon while he was vice president doing cover operations Nixon ran in vietnam,on his death bed confession,his son recorded him admitting what he had denied for his entiere life,that he was in dallas that day and that a rogue network in the CIA was behind the assassination.Nixon and Hunt are the only two men alive who could not remember where they were in dallas that day or what they were doing.Nixon chnaged his story many times saying he was in washington that morning when he was photographed there at a pepsi cola convention that day.:lol:
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Don't know about that but I have never believed that the Warren Report was worth the time I took to read it.

There are so many plausible (abiet often contrived) theories surrounding his murder that it would take a lifetime to study and vet them all.

The Kennedies (extended family) pissed in a LOT of people's corn flakes, kids.

I think I can say with reasonable confidence that Jackie is probably innocent, but that's about as far down the JFK assassination rathole I'm willing to plummet.
LBJ definitely had a hand in it and help set it up, so he gets an assist.

But he gets full credit for Martin Luther King and Malcolm X
LBJ definitely had a hand in it and help set it up, so he gets an assist.

But he gets full credit for Martin Luther King and Malcolm X

Like i said,along with Dick Nixon,Connolly,Hoover and Bush.Connolly for sure knew about it.Its a known fact that before the texas trip,Kennedys aides said that LBJ and JFK got into a heated argument about the passengers in the limo where they would ride.LBj of course wanted his pal connolly to ride with him and senator yarbrough,his other hated enemy since he was also friends with kennedy,to ride with kennedy.kennedy overrode johnson of course and got his way and had yarbrough ride with LBJ and Connolly ride with him.

No wonder during the whole dallas trip,Connolly looks scared coming off that plane and unhappy.:lol: while everybody else is smiling and happy.No wonder why after the shots were fired,Conolly yelled out-oh my god,their going to kill us all.:lol: He was thinking since HE got shot as well that they were not only going to kill kennedy,but him and everybody else in ther limo as well.so no wonder he said -oh my god,THEY are going to kill us all.:lol: He knew better.

and your point of this photo IS?

The wink and the shit-eating grin on LadyBird's puss says a lot about what really happened

oh yeah I see.she wasnt near as good an actor as LBJ was.Johnson at least fooled everyone acting sad there with a frown on his face while being sworn in and acting gloomy when he took over making his speech-what happened here today was tragic.where lady bird here is having the time of her life.

Johnson kind of reminds me of Clinton on what a good actor he is.Clinton who is linked to a lof of people being killed off who were associates of his that knew too much about his scandals,when ron brown was killed,he was seen leaving the funeral laughing and having a jolly good old time and then once he spotted the camera on him,he quickly changed and started crying.:lol: I think they make sure they are good actors before they make these candidates president.:lol: btw,who is that guy in that photo with that arrow pointed at who is smirking about this as well?
when people smile at a funeral it proves nothing.

One often smiles while consoling someone.

That being said I would not be surprized if LBJ had a hand in Kenendys death.

I never liked the man.

He did some good things and some not so good things.

Im not convinced he did the good things out of the goodness of his heart.
when people smile at a funeral it proves nothing.

One often smiles while consoling someone.

That being said I would not be surprized if LBJ had a hand in Kenendys death.

I never liked the man.

He did some good things and some not so good things.

Im not convinced he did the good things out of the goodness of his heart.

He didnt.as a matter of fact its known that since he grew up in texas being in the south in his early years,he was a racist and supported congress for lynching blacks.People who knew him said he just passed the civil rights bill reluctantly to make himself look good and to have americans think that he was continuing what Kennedy got started and had his same policys.
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when people smile at a funeral it proves nothing.

One often smiles while consoling someone.

That being said I would not be surprized if LBJ had a hand in Kenendys death.

I never liked the man.

He did some good things and some not so good things.

Im not convinced he did the good things out of the goodness of his heart.

He didnt.as a matter of fact its known that since he grew up in texas being in the south in his early years,he was a racist and supported congress for lynching blacks.People who knew him said he just passed the civil rights bill reluctantly to make himself look good and to have americans think that he was continuing what Kennedy got started and had his same policys.
Jesus Christ!!! Learn basic English you stupid fucking cocksucker.
Does ABC really want to air out Camelot's dirty laundry? JFK was a drug dependent (for the pain of Addisons disease) phony hero and a degenerate womanizer. He probably had something to do with the death of Marlyn Monroe. Jackie was a spoiled rich brat who didn't have a clue. The media knew all about the sordid details of the Kennedy clan but withheld it from the American public. Kruschev knew more about the weaknesses of the JFK administration than Americans did. That's the real tragedy of Camelot.
so uhm it appears folks believe LBJ engineered JFK's death.....really? seriously?

soome is in serious denial if they dont think LBJ who APPOINTED the warren commission members,did not have a hand in this.:cuckoo:
Does ABC really want to air out Camelot's dirty laundry? JFK was a drug dependent (for the pain of Addisons disease) phony hero and a degenerate womanizer. He probably had something to do with the death of Marlyn Monroe. Jackie was a spoiled rich brat who didn't have a clue. The media knew all about the sordid details of the Kennedy clan but withheld it from the American public. Kruschev knew more about the weaknesses of the JFK administration than Americans did. That's the real tragedy of Camelot.

You must be so young. We all knew Jack was screwing his brains out on a day to day basis. It was part of life and we knew it.

It was sad because my parents were true blue dems but they couldn't explain away JFK and his behaviour to me. Nothing was held back in the media. Jack was glorified for his "conquests" for crying out loud. Marilyn was a given.

Happy Birthday Mr. President did not happen in a void. You are mouthing bullshit talking points (sorries its true)

I lived it. I saw it. And in black and white.

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