Jacob Blake Police Scanner Audio

Not quite the innocent black man we've been led to believe.

From Andy Ngo

Interesting, but what is your point? Does not speak to whether he is innocent or not.
Not quite the innocent black man we've been led to believe.

From Andy Ngo

Shot 7 times by a back shooting cop at point blank while 3 kids were in the car. Sounds like a problem with the cop no matter what.

So the next time a cop places you under arrest, YOU should walk away with them in pursuite, and reach into your car to grab something. Trust me... it'll work out great for you.

Not quite the innocent black man we've been led to believe.

From Andy Ngo

So these cops escalated a disagreement over car keys into a lethal force encounter.

That's kind of messed up.

So the next time cops stop you and try to arrest you for outstanding warrants, YOU should try to deescalate things, by ignoring them, walking away quickly, and should DEFINITELY reach into your car to try to grab something.
It'll DEESCALATE and work out well for you Do it......Do it... !!!
Not quite the innocent black man we've been led to believe.

From Andy Ngo

Interesting, but what is your point? Does not speak to whether he is innocent or not.

LOL a lowinfo snowflake claiming someone WANTED for an outstanding warrant for FAILING TO APPEAR IN COURT, needed his day in court before anyone can say he's not innocent. LOL

Guess he should have SHOWN UP. Not to mention when cops say you're under arrest, and have guns pointed at you, you don't run around the car and try to get something out of it.

Not quite the innocent black man we've been led to believe.

From Andy Ngo

Not quite the innocent black man we've been led to believe.

From Andy Ngo

Interesting, but what is your point? Does not speak to whether he is innocent or not.

LOL a lowinfo snowflake claiming someone WANTED for an outstanding warrant for FAILING TO APPEAR IN COURT, needed his day in court before anyone can say he's not innocent. LOL

Guess he should have SHOWN UP. Not to mention when cops say you're under arrest, and have guns pointed at you, you don't run around the car and try to get something out of it.


BS. They were called on the domestic and handled their half poorly. Think what you like while the city burns and hope none of the cops in your own city handle their authority as poorly. True though, that the moron shot and paralyzed is a total dumb ass, who will probably have to have someone roll him around for the rest of his life, spending the city's money.
Not quite the innocent black man we've been led to believe.

From Andy Ngo

Interesting, but what is your point? Does not speak to whether he is innocent or not.

LOL a lowinfo snowflake claiming someone WANTED for an outstanding warrant for FAILING TO APPEAR IN COURT, needed his day in court before anyone can say he's not innocent. LOL

Guess he should have SHOWN UP. Not to mention when cops say you're under arrest, and have guns pointed at you, you don't run around the car and try to get something out of it.


BS. They were called on the domestic and handled their half poorly. Think what you like while the city burns and hope none of the cops in your own city handle their authority as poorly. True though, that the moron shot and paralyzed is a total dumb ass, who will probably have to have someone roll him around for the rest of his life, spending the city's money.

So when the cops show up and arrest you at one of your riots, and you have a warrant for child porn and sexual assault of young boys, like we assume you will be, you should run around the car while they have guns drawn on you, and reach inside the door.
It'll work out well for you.
Plus, you likely own a pink Prius, so you wont have to walk very far, before BAAAAM!
Not quite the innocent black man we've been led to believe.

From Andy Ngo

Interesting, but what is your point? Does not speak to whether he is innocent or not.

LOL a lowinfo snowflake claiming someone WANTED for an outstanding warrant for FAILING TO APPEAR IN COURT, needed his day in court before anyone can say he's not innocent. LOL

Guess he should have SHOWN UP. Not to mention when cops say you're under arrest, and have guns pointed at you, you don't run around the car and try to get something out of it.


BS. They were called on the domestic and handled their half poorly. Think what you like while the city burns and hope none of the cops in your own city handle their authority as poorly. True though, that the moron shot and paralyzed is a total dumb ass, who will probably have to have someone roll him around for the rest of his life, spending the city's money.

So when the cops show up and arrest you at one of your riots, and you have a warrant for child porn and sexual assault of young boys, like we assume you will be, you should run around the car while they have guns drawn on you, and reach inside the door.
It'll work out well for you.
Plus, you likely own a pink Prius, so you wont have to walk very far, before BAAAAM!

Ask me if I ever have a riot or ever go to a riot. Did not hear there was a riot there this time. Ask me if I ever have a warrant served on me for anything, period. What a child you are, never getting mentally past the 6th grade.
Not quite the innocent black man we've been led to believe.

From Andy Ngo

Shot 7 times by a back shooting cop at point blank while 3 kids were in the car. Sounds like a problem with the cop no matter what.

That is just your opinion based on what? You certainly do not have the facts of the case.

Just like so many of your ilk...everytime one of your homies is killed by a cop you try and convince everyone he was just oh so innocent, his mother loved him and he wanted to be an Astrounaut blah blah blah
Not quite the innocent black man we've been led to believe.

From Andy Ngo

Interesting, but what is your point? Does not speak to whether he is innocent or not.

LOL a lowinfo snowflake claiming someone WANTED for an outstanding warrant for FAILING TO APPEAR IN COURT, needed his day in court before anyone can say he's not innocent. LOL

Guess he should have SHOWN UP. Not to mention when cops say you're under arrest, and have guns pointed at you, you don't run around the car and try to get something out of it.


BS. They were called on the domestic and handled their half poorly. Think what you like while the city burns and hope none of the cops in your own city handle their authority as poorly. True though, that the moron shot and paralyzed is a total dumb ass, who will probably have to have someone roll him around for the rest of his life, spending the city's money.

Domestic calls can be very dangerous. Most cops hate to go on a domestic call.

Not quite the innocent black man we've been led to believe.

From Andy Ngo

Interesting, but what is your point? Does not speak to whether he is innocent or not.

LOL a lowinfo snowflake claiming someone WANTED for an outstanding warrant for FAILING TO APPEAR IN COURT, needed his day in court before anyone can say he's not innocent. LOL

Guess he should have SHOWN UP. Not to mention when cops say you're under arrest, and have guns pointed at you, you don't run around the car and try to get something out of it.


Cops had good reason to be nervous around this person
Not quite the innocent black man we've been led to believe.

From Andy Ngo

Interesting, but what is your point? Does not speak to whether he is innocent or not.

LOL a lowinfo snowflake claiming someone WANTED for an outstanding warrant for FAILING TO APPEAR IN COURT, needed his day in court before anyone can say he's not innocent. LOL

Guess he should have SHOWN UP. Not to mention when cops say you're under arrest, and have guns pointed at you, you don't run around the car and try to get something out of it.


Cops had good reason to be nervous around this person

It is completely amazing how stoopid Negroes and their running dogs (white liberals) are....either that or they simply are so biased they will never admit the truth.
So the next time cops stop you and try to arrest you for outstanding warrants, YOU should try to deescalate things, by ignoring them, walking away quickly, and should DEFINITELY reach into your car to try to grab something.
It'll DEESCALATE and work out well for you Do it......Do it... !!!

Actually, I'm white, middle aged and kind of pudgy, so the chances of my getting shot would be pretty low.

It should be that all the time.

So let's review- Reach into your car- 7 rounds to the back.

Having an illegal gun, crossing state lines, participating in mob action, shooting 3 people... they let you leave the scene and only track you down because Social Media did their jobs for them.

Yeah, works for me.

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