Jailed for life.

Far-right terrorist Thomas Mair jailed for life for Jo Cox murder

I hope that the authorities take some time to explore the influences on this character. It might help us avoid future atrocities.

That's the problem with progressives, you think you can prevent bad people from doing bad things if only you "understood them". Evil people are evil. You get rid of them.
So its a waste of time analysing this character ? How does our knowledge increase then ?
..Oh, the "Why? You'd disregard it" fallacy, another favorite of lefties. In other words, you can't support your claim and have no evidence against mine. If your claim were true, you'd be able to find right wing domestic policies, which directly contradict what the Nazis implemented. If you're not going to provide evidence to back up your claims, you have no reason to be on a debate forum. Well, that, or you could just go to the flame zone, Liberals would love you there.
The facts that 1) I'm not a Lefty or Liberal and 2) you've resorted to name-calling as your #1 form of argument says all I need to know about your character and intelligence.

I am, however, fascinated that you believe Trump is a Socialist or, at a minimum, supported by Socialists. Does that make anyone who voted for him a Socialist too? Are you or have you ever been a Socialist, Pumpkin?

Far-right terrorist Thomas Mair jailed for life for Jo Cox murder

I hope that the authorities take some time to explore the influences on this character. It might help us avoid future atrocities.

That's the problem with progressives, you think you can prevent bad people from doing bad things if only you "understood them". Evil people are evil. You get rid of them.
So its a waste of time analysing this character ? How does our knowledge increase then ?
I think it's worthwhile to analyze nut jobs, deviants, etc. just like it's worthwhile to study cancer. How else can we learn to cure a problem unless we understand it.

OTOH, you didn't suggest studying him. You suggested beating him to death in his cell:
...But now that the nazi fuck is living at our expense I dont see a problem with a few clever people going in and speaking to him.

Do you understand what I am saying ?
You obviously hate him. That's not studying. If a person is mentally ill, even a mass murderer, he's not to be hated. Simply neutralized. I don't hate rabid dogs, but I strongly favor putting them out of their misery.

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Far-right terrorist Thomas Mair jailed for life for Jo Cox murder

I hope that the authorities take some time to explore the influences on this character. It might help us avoid future atrocities.

That's the problem with progressives, you think you can prevent bad people from doing bad things if only you "understood them". Evil people are evil. You get rid of them.
So its a waste of time analysing this character ? How does our knowledge increase then ?
If what his brother said is true, and a relatives non-medical comment is usually accepted as expert medical opinion by you tards when the perp is a Muslim, he's already spent much of his life having his character 'analysed' by the professionals and receiving treatment too.
BTW, psychiatrists and phsychotherapists don't have magical powers.
And since there are so few inpatient places in the few remaining psychiatric hospitals, he was yet another recipient of 'care in the community' which hindsight tells us was not quite adequate.
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Far-right terrorist Thomas Mair jailed for life for Jo Cox murder

I hope that the authorities take some time to explore the influences on this character. It might help us avoid future atrocities.

That's the problem with progressives, you think you can prevent bad people from doing bad things if only you "understood them". Evil people are evil. You get rid of them.
So its a waste of time analysing this character ? How does our knowledge increase then ?
I think it's worthwhile to analyze nut jobs, deviants, etc. just like it's worthwhile to study cancer. How else can we learn to cure a problem unless we understand it.

OTOH, you didn't suggest studying him. You suggested beating him to death in his cell:
...But now that the nazi fuck is living at our expense I dont see a problem with a few clever people going in and speaking to him.

Do you understand what I am saying ?
You obviously have him. That's not studying. If a person is mentally ill, even a mass murderer, he's not to be hated. Simply neutralized. I don't hate rabid dogs, but I strongly favor putting them out of their misery.
Eh ??? Where have I suggested that ?
Far-right terrorist Thomas Mair jailed for life for Jo Cox murder

I hope that the authorities take some time to explore the influences on this character. It might help us avoid future atrocities.
I do believe that expressing xenophobic and racist opinions by the politicians leading to the Brexit vote lent respectability to the language of hate and encouraged Thomas Mair to act-out his deranged fantasies.
Could you provide some examples of these 'racist and xenophobic opinions as expressed by politicians leading to the Brexit vote'?
National SOCIALIST Workers Party = Nazi Part
True. Does the name Democratic People's Republic of Korea make North Korea a Democracy or a Republic?

The big difference between Fascists and Socialists is that Fascists have a single leader while Socialists rule by committee. Both are extremely authoritarian states.
Their way of governing and their policies show that NK certainly is not a democracy. This is not the case with Nazis. Their policies, and the fact that they implemented them, indicate they were indeed what they called themselves, socialists.
....BTW, psychiatrists and phsychotherapists don't have magical powers.
And since there are so few inpatient places in the few remaining psychiatric hospitals, he was yet another recipient of 'care in the community' which hindsight tells us was not quite adequate.
Agreed they don't have magical powers. Neither does any medical doctor. In fact, I'll go a step forward and say psychiatry is much less of an exact science than physical medicine. OTOH, most cancers were fatal within most of our member's generation, but due to study, more and more people are becoming cancer survivors. In some cases, such as Hepatitis, diseases aren't curable but are preventable with vaccinations. This was all done through research of the infected and the disease itself. The same applies to studies of the mind. Studying sick fucks like Thomas Mair, Buford O. Furrow and Frazier Glenn Cross allows psychologists to find similarities in behavior and/or physical brain similarities which could give better tools for prediction, treatment and prevention.
Their way of governing and their policies show that NK certainly is not a democracy. This is not the case with Nazis. Their policies, and the fact that they implemented them, indicate they were indeed what they called themselves, socialists.
There are similarities, but also key differences. Do you believe Trump is a Socialist? That his Nazi fan club members are Socialists?
Their way of governing and their policies show that NK certainly is not a democracy. This is not the case with Nazis. Their policies, and the fact that they implemented them, indicate they were indeed what they called themselves, socialists.
There are similarities, but also key differences. Do you believe Trump is a Socialist? That his Nazi fan club members are Socialists?
I'm not sure what Trump is yet, as he seems to be promising some socialist policies, but also, of course, policies lefties wouldnt touch with a barge pole. I really don't believe he is that partisan personally, and he doesn't seem to be hung up on any particular ideology at all. That's one of the reasons he COULD be a great President IMHO. I will have to reserve judgement until we see what he actually does. Actions speak louder than words, particularly where politicians are concerned.
Now, I think some of the problem here is that just because Nazis were socialists as evidenced by their policies and their governance, that doesn't mean all socialists are Nazis, and that isn't something I nor Pumpkin, I believe, are suggesting.
It just seems ludicrous that today's left refuses to see that the Nazi party was indeed socialist, and that they try to pass them off as far right when Hitlers policies suggest otherwise.
Maybe Trump is neither a Socialist nor a Capitalist. Maybe he's just a rich man who wants to help his country.
I know 99% of wealthy people are ultra-selfish and they just think to live their lavish lives.
But maybe he's an exception (or at least I hope it for the American people that had so many problems in the last years) :)
Far-right terrorist Thomas Mair jailed for life for Jo Cox murder

I hope that the authorities take some time to explore the influences on this character. It might help us avoid future atrocities.

That's the problem with progressives, you think you can prevent bad people from doing bad things if only you "understood them". Evil people are evil. You get rid of them.
So its a waste of time analysing this character ? How does our knowledge increase then ?

Look at the causes like the increase in neo marxist power that led to the rise in extremist right wing elements to combat the rise in extremist left wing elements
Maybe Trump is neither a Socialist nor a Capitalist. Maybe he's just a rich man who wants to help his country.
I know 99% of wealthy people are ultra-selfish and they just think to live their lavish lives.
But maybe he's an exception (or at least I hope it for the American people that had so many problems in the last years) :)
I was mainly talking about these asshole "socialist" Trump supporters:


Far-right terrorist Thomas Mair jailed for life for Jo Cox murder

I hope that the authorities take some time to explore the influences on this character. It might help us avoid future atrocities.
On the web some say he's just a scapegoat
I really hope this is not true :eusa_think:
He's not a scapegoat when he was clearly seen murdering a woman.
Some say it was a "conspiracy" and that man was hypnotized or part of this supposed conspiracy :)
I know 99% of conspiracy theories are not real but who knows...maybe sometimes you can find a real conspiracy ;)

Russian State Television Peddles Conspiracy Theory On Murder Of Jo Cox

Clear Evidence Killing of British MP Jo Cox Was Politically Motivated
Maybe Trump is neither a Socialist nor a Capitalist. Maybe he's just a rich man who wants to help his country.
I know 99% of wealthy people are ultra-selfish and they just think to live their lavish lives.
But maybe he's an exception (or at least I hope it for the American people that had so many problems in the last years) :)
I was mainly talking about these asshole "socialist" Trump supporters:


Oh sorry I misunderstood :)
Well I think these people are just nostalgic extreme right wing supporters and nothing more
I don't think they have anything to do with Trump :)
(Or maybe they were just acting for the cameras who knows!)
..Oh, the "Why? You'd disregard it" fallacy, another favorite of lefties. In other words, you can't support your claim and have no evidence against mine. If your claim were true, you'd be able to find right wing domestic policies, which directly contradict what the Nazis implemented. If you're not going to provide evidence to back up your claims, you have no reason to be on a debate forum. Well, that, or you could just go to the flame zone, Liberals would love you there.
The facts that 1) I'm not a Lefty or Liberal and 2) you've resorted to name-calling as your #1 form of argument says all I need to know about your character and intelligence.

I am, however, fascinated that you believe Trump is a Socialist or, at a minimum, supported by Socialists. Does that make anyone who voted for him a Socialist too? Are you or have you ever been a Socialist, Pumpkin?

I see you've attempted to change the subject since you know you're wrong, and accused me of saying things I never said. I see you're getting desperate. Well, more like you've been desperate the entire time, because you don't want to admit to spreading false information.

First, you're certainly using lefty tactics. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck... it's most likely a duck. Sure, though, use that as an excuse to avoid debating with me, you've already proven you have nothing in the first place. You're a joke. You spouted left wing propaganda, provided nothing to back it up, I backed up my claim, then you began deflecting and making excuses.

Secondly, let me help you out here. Highlight where I said Trump is a Nazi, highlight where I said his supporters are Nazis, and highlight where I said all of the above means these particular people are Socialist. Resorting to putting words in my mouth, I see. You're just sad. Despite being obviously false, let's say hypothetically that these people DO consider themselves Nazis... in this day and age, the Left has indoctrinated most people into believing it simply means they're 'extreme right' and 'racist', because they've omitted their domestic policies from their 'education'. They likely have no idea what the Nazis were, are Democrat plants to push their propaganda, or are being sarcastic.

Thirdly, I am not old enough to vote, I have never supported Trump, and no, I have never considered myself a Socialist. Why don't you get back on topic instead of changing the subject and deflecting? You still have statements to back up.

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