Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

Neither are the clerks civil rights which includes the right to practice her religion IN ALL PHASES OF HER LIFE.
her rights do not allow her to deny rights to others, and they don't allow her to use her office to deny rights to others.

Others are not allowed to deny her rights by changing her job description in a way that forces her to deny her rights.
Had her job included gay marriage and she campaigned on not having a problem with that and won the position, then refused to do her job, then she should be impeached.
Changing her job to include something that goes against her beliefs, and then imprisoning her for not discarding her beliefs is the very concept that caused this country to be forged by those laboring under the same conditions in England. The pilgrims came here to escape this very thing.

She went to jail on her own free will. Then she rejected a proposal to allow her deputies to process same-sex marriage licenses. Her job description changed. It happens, get over it. If she is not willing to do the job she's paid to do, she should resign.
Exactly...they keep harping on the fact this is a generational thing, ie typical small town bs politics of one family rule....either way, you don't like a damned job, than quit, but damit don't try to impose your standards, your beliefs on a tax paying government job that all people including homosexuals support financially......break the chain Kim, work at Walmart and sell bibles!!

Kim "pig face" Davis is an attention whore and a Cafeteria Christian. The bitch has been divorced 3 times.

She's one of these arrogant mops who's family runs this small town, who thinks her way is the only way. How the hell she gonna dis avow the marriage certificates cause her presence isn't there? I mean how narcissistic can a btch be? Its all for attention, some serious coins and a book deal someday. I hope she rots!!
What about the Muslim refusing to serve alcohol on an airplane. How come that isn't on the news. She claims forcing her to do her job violates her religion.

How about the nurse that goes to pray while her patient dies because prayer is *sic* more important than doing her job.
...Attempting to portray Davis as some sort of 'victim' or 'martyr' only exhibits the ignorance of the law common to most on the right, or their contempt for the rule of law.
Or so the Gay Mafia and its fellow travelers would have the rest of us believe.

It is the duty of every soldier to disobey an Immoral Order.

Same idea, here.

Davis is resisting the legitimizing or mainstreaming or recognition of a wicked, evil judicial ruling, which empowers sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).

The law is wrong, here.

She sacrifices her freedom in order to put her case before her fellow countrymen, that the law is wrong, and that such ruling(s) must be re-examined and overturned.

It's called Civil Disobedience.

A time-honored tradition employed by Mahatma Ghandi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and many others.

Another false analogy. Kim Davis is not like Martin Luther King. They are complete opposites.
What about the Muslim refusing to serve alcohol on an airplane. How come that isn't on the news. She claims forcing her to do her job violates her religion.

How about the nurse that goes to pray while her patient dies because prayer is *sic* more important than doing her job.
1st question: Were people on the plane able to still buy alcohol?

2nd question: that nurse, if being with her patient could help even a little bit, should be fired immediately if she abandons her post to go pray.
She disobeyed the court. BTW, we don't have mob rule here. What the citizens think is of no impotence either way in this case.

Dr. King was placed in jail for his beliefs, was he wrong or right?

Mob rule? You of the double standard...
My standards don't change, and he broke the law but he was on the right side of history while she is not...

Selective morals, just sayin...
Not at all. Both broke the law, both got nailed, only, one was on the right side of history, the side of more civil rights for more people, not fewer.
She disobeyed the court. BTW, we don't have mob rule here. What the citizens think is of no impotence either way in this case.

Dr. King was placed in jail for his beliefs, was he wrong or right?

Mob rule? You of the double standard...

Boy, I tell ya...every time somebody wants a scape goat for their bullshit ways, the Civil Rights movement, Dr. King and blacks always come to the forefront....comparing a black man going to jail simply because he wanted to sit on bus that he paid for in the front with whites with this mop who's getting paid with homosexual tax dollars issuing a marriage certificate...is like comparing apple to oranges.

Breaking News To Evangelicals: God’s Law Does Not Supersede the U.S. Constitution

It may come as a shock to Kim Davis that in America there is no higher authority than the Constitution, no matter that she believes…

Yeah, your hypocrisy is duly noted. You can avoid the issue of ALL the violations of FEDERAL LAW that your pathetic LEFT WING politicians violate all you want.

You are a pathetic blob. If you think you are going to quote the bible when it is convenient like any godless devilish ass does through out history, then you are very mistaken.

You stupid ass.

Kim Davis is the one with selective conscience. She disregards all parts of the bible that are inconvenient to her agenda. To satiate her bigotry, she claims she is acting on "God's authority". Other "sinners" who have walked into that government office--herself included (four times)--were issued marriage licenses. She testified that's "between them and God". But in this one instance, she makes it her business to sit in judgment and cast stones and abuse her position as an elected government official. She's a hypocrite. Send her money. She wants your money.

Breaking News To Evangelicals: God’s Law Does Not Supersede the U.S. Constitution

It may come as a shock to Kim Davis that in America there is no higher authority than the Constitution, no matter that she believes…

Yeah, your hypocrisy is duly noted. You can avoid the issue of ALL the violations of FEDERAL LAW that your pathetic LEFT WING politicians violate all you want.

You are a pathetic blob. If you think you are going to quote the bible when it is convenient like any godless devilish ass does through out history, then you are very mistaken.

You stupid ass.

Kim Davis is the one with selective conscience. She disregards all parts of the bible that are inconvenient to her agenda. To satiate her bigotry, she claims she is acting on "God's authority". Other "sinners" who have walked into that government office--herself included (four times)--were issued marriage licenses. She testified that's "between them and God". But in this one instance, she makes it her business to sit in judgment and cast stones and abuse her position as an elected government official. She's a hypocrite. Send her money. She wants your money.

Spot on!

Breaking News To Evangelicals: God’s Law Does Not Supersede the U.S. Constitution

It may come as a shock to Kim Davis that in America there is no higher authority than the Constitution, no matter that she believes…

Yeah, your hypocrisy is duly noted. You can avoid the issue of ALL the violations of FEDERAL LAW that your pathetic LEFT WING politicians violate all you want.

You are a pathetic blob. If you think you are going to quote the bible when it is convenient like any godless devilish ass does through out history, then you are very mistaken.

You stupid ass.

The Bible is very clear, we are to obey human law UNLESS it contradicts God's laws, when that happens we are to obey God's laws. The Bible is clear homosexuality is a sin and abomination. It's an open and shut case and it doesn't matter what some heathen "political writer" spews.

Please provide a citation to the Bible for your "unless" proposition.

Breaking News To Evangelicals: God’s Law Does Not Supersede the U.S. Constitution

It may come as a shock to Kim Davis that in America there is no higher authority than the Constitution, no matter that she believes…

Yeah, your hypocrisy is duly noted. You can avoid the issue of ALL the violations of FEDERAL LAW that your pathetic LEFT WING politicians violate all you want.

You are a pathetic blob. If you think you are going to quote the bible when it is convenient like any godless devilish ass does through out history, then you are very mistaken.

You stupid ass.

The Bible is very clear, we are to obey human law UNLESS it contradicts God's laws, when that happens we are to obey God's laws. The Bible is clear homosexuality is a sin and abomination. It's an open and shut case and it doesn't matter what some heathen "political writer" spews.

Please provide a citation to the Bible for your "unless" proposition.

Acts 5:27-29 You're welcome

Breaking News To Evangelicals: God’s Law Does Not Supersede the U.S. Constitution

It may come as a shock to Kim Davis that in America there is no higher authority than the Constitution, no matter that she believes…

Yeah, your hypocrisy is duly noted. You can avoid the issue of ALL the violations of FEDERAL LAW that your pathetic LEFT WING politicians violate all you want.

You are a pathetic blob. If you think you are going to quote the bible when it is convenient like any godless devilish ass does through out history, then you are very mistaken.

You stupid ass.

Kim Davis is the one with selective conscience. She disregards all parts of the bible that are inconvenient to her agenda. To satiate her bigotry, she claims she is acting on "God's authority". Other "sinners" who have walked into that government office--herself included (four times)--were issued marriage licenses. She testified that's "between them and God". But in this one instance, she makes it her business to sit in judgment and cast stones and abuse her position as an elected government official. She's a hypocrite. Send her money. She wants your money.

We all know what this is about....its not about her religious convictions, divorced 4 times, yeah right, its not about her love of Christ and service....its about da dolla...and her husband and lawyer have seen how this thing works out....the nuts open their wallets and shower these lunatics with hundreds of thousands of dollars. Then the media comes a callin, then its a book deal, then you become the voice of religious PACs....its called Sarah Payme 101, ie Palin

Breaking News To Evangelicals: God’s Law Does Not Supersede the U.S. Constitution

It may come as a shock to Kim Davis that in America there is no higher authority than the Constitution, no matter that she believes…

Yeah, your hypocrisy is duly noted. You can avoid the issue of ALL the violations of FEDERAL LAW that your pathetic LEFT WING politicians violate all you want.

You are a pathetic blob. If you think you are going to quote the bible when it is convenient like any godless devilish ass does through out history, then you are very mistaken.

You stupid ass.

The Bible is very clear, we are to obey human law UNLESS it contradicts God's laws, when that happens we are to obey God's laws. The Bible is clear homosexuality is a sin and abomination. It's an open and shut case and it doesn't matter what some heathen "political writer" spews.

Please provide a citation to the Bible for your "unless" proposition.

Acts 5:27-29 You're welcome

His speech persuaded them. They called the apostles in and had them flogged. Then they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. - Acts 5:40

And of course the obvious problem, she does not serve God, but collects a paycheck from the taxpayers. Our gold, our rules. God's gold, God's rules.

Breaking News To Evangelicals: God’s Law Does Not Supersede the U.S. Constitution

It may come as a shock to Kim Davis that in America there is no higher authority than the Constitution, no matter that she believes…

Yeah, your hypocrisy is duly noted. You can avoid the issue of ALL the violations of FEDERAL LAW that your pathetic LEFT WING politicians violate all you want.

You are a pathetic blob. If you think you are going to quote the bible when it is convenient like any godless devilish ass does through out history, then you are very mistaken.

You stupid ass.

Kim Davis is the one with selective conscience. She disregards all parts of the bible that are inconvenient to her agenda. To satiate her bigotry, she claims she is acting on "God's authority". Other "sinners" who have walked into that government office--herself included (four times)--were issued marriage licenses. She testified that's "between them and God". But in this one instance, she makes it her business to sit in judgment and cast stones and abuse her position as an elected government official. She's a hypocrite. Send her money. She wants your money.

We all know what this is about....its not about her religious convictions, divorced 4 times, yeah right, its not about her love of Christ and service....its about da dolla...and her husband and lawyer have seen how this thing works out....the nuts open their wallets and shower these lunatics with hundreds of thousands of dollars. Then the media comes a callin, then its a book deal, then you become the voice of religious PACs....its called Sarah Payme 101, ie Palin
Could be. Though Davis has the look of someone much too dumb to pull that off. More likely she's being used by others and will be tossed in the dustbin once she stops making headlines. Remember Joe the Plumber?

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