Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

Let me get this straight. Everyone in this country should be allowed to refuse to obey laws and judicial orders that they don't agree with? Every man becomes a law unto himself?

No, and I did not say that. Everyone has the right to practice their religious faith in all phases of their life. That excludes New Age made up 'I feel a fart coming, must mean its a bad omen' kind of bullshit you would like to obscure this issue with.
Ah, we have the arbiter of faith here. He knows real religion from fake? Bet he knows the Will of God as well eh?

Formal religion is different from simplistic systems of faith. The former have established laws, principles and dogmas while the latter has whatever comes out of some gurus ass.
And your faith was once no more than a small Jewish cult, and not even the only Messiah cult around at the time, or the best known. You've given yourself a place in the Godverse you don't deserve, just like Davis...
Again, you make an artificial and false dichotomy between practicing ones beliefs in public and practicing them in private.

The Constitutions First Amendment protects BOTH.

And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do. She wants HER religious belief to be used in the county gov't to determine what is or is not legal. That is blatantly unconstitutional.
"And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do."

That is an old line of bullshit, akin to claiming a single kiss is an establishment of marriage.

Look at the UK if you want to see where there is no separation of church and state, where the head of the UK government is also head of the Church of England.

You libtards just don't know what the hell you are talking about, because facts really don't matter to you. You figure that if you sling any old line of shit out there and enough people buy it then it is true enough.

Well it isn't. Separation of church and state denies the ESTABLISHMENT of a state and church union, again like the UK. One act of a religious nature by a government servant is not an establishment of religion, and the public is getting pretty sick of the lies you guys keep spewing.

If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.

A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.

No one has expected her to give up her religion. That is simply a lie.

What they HAVE expected her to do is either fulfill her job requirements or resign. She had the option of having one of her deputy clerks do the licenses for same-sex couples, but she refused that as well.

But mainly she was expected not to defy a court order.

Not only did they expect her to give up her religious beliefs, but they changed the definition of her job requirements mid game to insist on it.
I see the butt fuck mafia and its supporters are still trying to rationalize and claim they are in the right...no surprise. They will do this until the day of reckoning comes for their kind.

Those who believe in equality are in the right.

Those who defy court orders go to jail. It really is that simple.

As for this "day of reckoning", I have no problem with my choices and beliefs. Feel free to start whatever you think will work for you.
There is no such thing as equality because NOTHING and NO ONE is equal. Nature made it that way. If everyone and everything was equal well life wouldn't exist much longer now would it? Can't kill and eat our equals.

Those that try and force their judicial will on others by forcing them to choose between their first amendment rights and a SC OPINION will get their just due.

As for the day of reckoning you really think big bad government is ALWAYS gonna be around? Its falling apart in front of our faces and yes we all know you have yer goofy guns....but a tireless irate minority that actually BELIEVES in their cause will always beat a majority that are just going with the flow to get along with society. This entire thing can be fixed just like it was in North Carolina and Alabama but the governor refuses to allow that to happen.
And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do. She wants HER religious belief to be used in the county gov't to determine what is or is not legal. That is blatantly unconstitutional.
"And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do."

That is an old line of bullshit, akin to claiming a single kiss is an establishment of marriage.

Look at the UK if you want to see where there is no separation of church and state, where the head of the UK government is also head of the Church of England.

You libtards just don't know what the hell you are talking about, because facts really don't matter to you. You figure that if you sling any old line of shit out there and enough people buy it then it is true enough.

Well it isn't. Separation of church and state denies the ESTABLISHMENT of a state and church union, again like the UK. One act of a religious nature by a government servant is not an establishment of religion, and the public is getting pretty sick of the lies you guys keep spewing.

If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.

A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.

No one has expected her to give up her religion. That is simply a lie.

What they HAVE expected her to do is either fulfill her job requirements or resign. She had the option of having one of her deputy clerks do the licenses for same-sex couples, but she refused that as well.

But mainly she was expected not to defy a court order.

Not only did they expect her to give up her religious beliefs, but they changed the definition of her job requirements mid game to insist on it.

The US Supreme Court ruled that the laws against same sex marriage were unconstitutional. Do you expect that Rowan county Kentucky should be exempt from following the law until her term was up? You want a 4 year period in which the law is allowed to be ignored?

Laws are struck down. The County Clerk does not get to say "All laws must stay the same until I leave office". She was given options. She chose jail.
. . . No person who owns a business should be forced to do business with someone they do not want to do business with. That, is a violation of their first amendment. I would bet anything if a black baker was forced to bake a cake for a KKK party, you would be the first to say that black owner should have the right to turn them down.

You, and everyone like you are nothing but a hypocritical talking points and cliches for your communist masters. You ignorant as all fuck, and do not get shit. You are all such idiots.

You don't make any sense. The KKK is not a protected class of persons.
I see the butt fuck mafia and its supporters are still trying to rationalize and claim they are in the right...no surprise. They will do this until the day of reckoning comes for their kind.

Those who believe in equality are in the right.

Those who defy court orders go to jail. It really is that simple.

As for this "day of reckoning", I have no problem with my choices and beliefs. Feel free to start whatever you think will work for you.
There is no such thing as equality because NOTHING and NO ONE is equal. Nature made it that way. If everyone and everything was equal well life wouldn't exist much longer now would it? Can't kill and eat our equals.

Those that try and force their judicial will on others by forcing them to choose between their first amendment rights and a SC OPINION will get their just due.

As for the day of reckoning you really think big bad government is ALWAYS gonna be around? Its falling apart in front of our faces and yes we all know you have yer goofy guns....but a tireless irate minority that actually BELIEVES in their cause will always beat a majority that are just going with the flow to get along with society. This entire thing can be fixed just like it was in North Carolina and Alabama but the governor refuses to allow that to happen.

There damn sure can be equality in the way we are treated by our gov't.

And this woman's 1st amendment rights were not violated. She was given several options. She CHOSE to continue to try to force the entire County Clerk's office to follow HER religious beliefs.

And this "day of reckoning" is pure fantasy. I am not expecting anyone, gov't or individual, to protect me from the likes of you and your ilk. I am perfectly capable. Your vague threats don't scare me (or anyone I know).
Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.
What a wonderful idea; let the Rowan County taxpayers vote on whether they should support marriage between same sex couples. Now why didn't anyone think to let the people vote on the issue. You are so illtelligintimate ty :eusa_whistle:

Do you know anything about the Constitution? Civil rights are not subject to popular vote.
Neither are the clerks civil rights which includes the right to practice her religion IN ALL PHASES OF HER LIFE.
her rights do not allow her to deny rights to others, and they don't allow her to use her office to deny rights to others.

Others are not allowed to deny her rights by changing her job description in a way that forces her to deny her rights.
Had her job included gay marriage and she campaigned on not having a problem with that and won the position, then refused to do her job, then she should be impeached.
Changing her job to include something that goes against her beliefs, and then imprisoning her for not discarding her beliefs is the very concept that caused this country to be forged by those laboring under the same conditions in England. The pilgrims came here to escape this very thing.
I see the butt fuck mafia and its supporters are still trying to rationalize and claim they are in the right...no surprise. They will do this until the day of reckoning comes for their kind.

Those who believe in equality are in the right.

Those who defy court orders go to jail. It really is that simple.

As for this "day of reckoning", I have no problem with my choices and beliefs. Feel free to start whatever you think will work for you.
There is no such thing as equality because NOTHING and NO ONE is equal. Nature made it that way. If everyone and everything was equal well life wouldn't exist much longer now would it? Can't kill and eat our equals.

Those that try and force their judicial will on others by forcing them to choose between their first amendment rights and a SC OPINION will get their just due.

As for the day of reckoning you really think big bad government is ALWAYS gonna be around? Its falling apart in front of our faces and yes we all know you have yer goofy guns....but a tireless irate minority that actually BELIEVES in their cause will always beat a majority that are just going with the flow to get along with society. This entire thing can be fixed just like it was in North Carolina and Alabama but the governor refuses to allow that to happen.

There damn sure can be equality in the way we are treated by our gov't.

And this woman's 1st amendment rights were not violated. She was given several options. She CHOSE to continue to try to force the entire County Clerk's office to follow HER religious beliefs.

And this "day of reckoning" is pure fantasy. I am not expecting anyone, gov't or individual, to protect me from the likes of you and your ilk. I am perfectly capable. Your vague threats don't scare me (or anyone I know).
Her first amendment rights were violated whether YOU want to believe it or not. They want to force her to choose between her religion which is covered by first amendment and giving licenses to faggots. Like I said if it was REALLY just about getting a license then there are other counties to do it. I don't care if they don't want to they CAN and SHOULD if getting married is such a big deal to them. What they wanted and still want is to FORCE their lifestyle views on EVERYONE that disagrees with them. Good way to make enemies....be nice if a few faggots are lynched....put them back in their place.
No wing nuts Kim Davis does not trump, so to speak, the Law of the Land ...no no no
That would be Christian Sharia if it did.
No such thing as 'Christian Sharia'.

But you go right ahead and keep pissing-off the 70% of the country that identify as Christian.

See what that gets you in the long run.


Have you ever noticed the left all use the same terms, words and phrases? The same terms, words and phrases the media uses, interesting

Well, you are wrong ... it's not just the left ... most people in the center and right of center (at least the intelligent ones) understand that petty government officers may not substitute their personal beliefs for the law of the land. It is only the people on the far right (the fascists) who erroneously believe they have the "right" to disobey the law and/or abuse the power of the state to impose their beliefs on others.
When your husband and your lawyer is asking you to stay the course and stay in jail.....when you don't have a chance in hell to beat this thing....one thing is certain, media exposure for both guys, tons of handout from the fake christian public and perhaps a book deal on the horizon, not to mention talk show gigs and a few perks...CAUSE THAT'S WHAT WE DO WITH WHITE FELONS IN THIS COUNTRY, MAKE THEM HERO'S!!
. Anybody here from the real hero' black guy that returned back to this country from Europe lately? I didn't think so.
Oh Noes an even more Holy Religionist gang goes after Kim Davis

#GodHatesAdultery: Westboro Baptist church turns on Kim Davis for causing ‘F*g marriage’
Davis, who converted to Christianity four years ago maintains that she cannot issue licenses to gay couples on religious grounds, calling it a “Heaven or Hell decision.” Despite that, members of the Topeka church have launched a Twitter jihad on Davis saying she is a “phony divorced/remarried traitor to God,” and “#NotChristian.”
No wing nuts Kim Davis does not trump, so to speak, the Law of the Land ...no no no
That would be Christian Sharia if it did.
No such thing as 'Christian Sharia'.

But you go right ahead and keep pissing-off the 70% of the country that identify as Christian.

See what that gets you in the long run.


Have you ever noticed the left all use the same terms, words and phrases? The same terms, words and phrases the media uses, interesting

Well, you are wrong ... it's not just the left ... most people in the center and right of center (at least the intelligent ones) understand that petty government officers may not substitute their personal beliefs for the law of the land. It is only the people on the far right (the fascists) who erroneously believe they have the "right" to disobey the law and/or abuse the power of the state to impose their beliefs on others.

She's not only a law breaking hick, she's also arrogant and is making this thing about her, like the hell with the law, the government and the people who voted her to SERVE!! There's a reason the founders of this country wanted religion and gov. separate, Kim. And if people like Kim, which is 99% of conservatives, don't like the fuckin government, I got a good idea...find a fuckin private sector job and have at it. Why should gay and lesbian TAX payers, who pay this btches salary be excluded from her duties of service...I hope the btch rots in jail and if the media would stop covering this fake christian, she'd be a non factor!!
...Love it. He made to say CHRISTIAN sharia. They are such scumbags. I swear to God.
Yep... gotta love it... these arrogant fools really think they can insult 70% of their fellow countrymen with impunity, and continue to shelter safe-and-sound under recent rulings.

They're in for a rude awakening over time, and they're about to lose their front-end man or mouthpiece in the Oval Office.

January 20, 2017, can't come fast enough, and more damage will be done, before the varmint leaves office, but there will be an end to it.

And then the fun can begin.

News flash: Your fantasies are not reality. The 70 percent of Americans whom you identify as Christians do not support the notion that the personal beliefs of petty government officials supersede the law. It's only a small few with big whiney mouths who erroneously believe they are above the law. They are hysterical idiots.
Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.
What a wonderful idea; let the Rowan County taxpayers vote on whether they should support marriage between same sex couples. Now why didn't anyone think to let the people vote on the issue. You are so illtelligintimate ty :eusa_whistle:

Because the majority cannot vote away the rights of a minority. Whether you like it or not, the US Constitution protects the minority from the majority mob.
Whatever you think. Again deviant sexual behaviors were not mentioned in the Constitution. In your theory pedophiles rights should be protected under auspice of some whacked out judge's ruling. Piss off.

Bringing up pedophiles is pure strawman. It has no relevance here.

No, deviant sexual behaviors are not mentioned in the US Constitution. But then, neither are they reserved for only the heterosexuals. The US Supreme Court has ruled. You can call people names and throw a tantrum. But that does not change the facts.
It is very relevant as it is a deviant behavior you are trying to force upon ALL people. "Gee I need a license to" marry my dog (donkey, cat, whatever), twenty women or men, etc. You want that door to be held opened by the majority and then shove it through upon the majority. If you want sexual deviants ruling over you fine. If you want do it over my religious faith and God given rights according to the Constitution of the United States of America and the states we live in covering those Religious Freedoms forget it; I will refuse to go along with your programming. I do not think the rest have to knowingly accept that for any reason either.
Oh Noes an even more Holy Religionist gang goes after Kim Davis

#GodHatesAdultery: Westboro Baptist church turns on Kim Davis for causing ‘F*g marriage’
Davis, who converted to Christianity four years ago maintains that she cannot issue licenses to gay couples on religious grounds, calling it a “Heaven or Hell decision.” Despite that, members of the Topeka church have launched a Twitter jihad on Davis saying she is a “phony divorced/remarried traitor to God,” and “#NotChristian.”
...The 70 percent of Americans whom you identify as Christians do not support the notion that the personal beliefs of petty government officials supersede the law...
This is not about being above the law.

This is about the law (ruling) itself being Evil.

A soldier is not obliged to obey an immoral order.
Hey Kim.....Miss Bible.....
20:19-26 Give to Caesar What Is Caesar’s: Give To God What Is God’s
"Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute"

Actually not.

Marriage licenses are being issued in the county, and there is no 'dispute' concerning the fact that same-sex couples are entitled to enter into marriage contracts; in essence this is over – Davis has been afforded full and comprehensive due process, the only question is how long she stays in jail, and only Davis can answer that question.
All this means is that someone else in a position of authority within the county has decided to proceed without her.

Her part in the dispute remains extant, as does her so-called 'punishment', for refusing to back down or to repent or relent.

She is on the path to metaphorical martyrdom, and, unless I miss my guess, she will intentionally remain in jail for some time, still, in order to draw attention to the issue.

And the arrogant fools on the far right (the fascists) will throw money at the fame whore and reward her bigotry under the guise of religion. America is a swell place for all those "right wing conservatives" who dream up ways to bilk the idiot rubes out of their money. I know that's not nice to say, but sometimes the truth hurts.
...The 70 percent of Americans whom you identify as Christians do not support the notion that the personal beliefs of petty government officials supersede the law...
This is not about being above the law.

This is about the law (ruling) itself being Evil.

A soldier is not obliged to obey an immoral order.

Soldiers are not elected officials, who run for office off of their dimes, who are sworn to serve all the citizens of their counties. A soldier can't just up and quit, a public servant can!! Kim is not following the teachings of the bible, because when the people complained to jesus about having to pay taxes, he said and I quote:
20:19-26 Give to Caesar What Is Caesar’s: Give To God What Is God’s

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