Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

What we are experiencing in America is religious persecution aimed at one particular group using cake to perpetuate the attack.
Run for Vatican City, only God can save you now...
Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.
What a wonderful idea; let the Rowan County taxpayers vote on whether they should support marriage between same sex couples. Now why didn't anyone think to let the people vote on the issue. You are so illtelligintimate ty :eusa_whistle:

Do you know anything about the Constitution? Civil rights are not subject to popular vote.
She didn't have to issue marriage licenses. She could have delegated that duty to one of her willing deputy clerks.
Yes, but that wouldn't have gotten her name in the papers, or her fat ass behind bars. She wants to be this:

So be it...

She wants to do the job she was hired to do. The one that didn't demand she give up her beliefs to carry out.
Job requirements change, everyone could see this coming, and she picked this fight and lost. She had options, even last Thursday, and refused to exercise them.

Thanks a lot, God...
She should have just done her job

She should have been relieved of that part of the clerk's position and her beliefs respected. She should not have been jailed for refusing to deny her beliefs.

She cannot be fired or her job rewritten. She can only be impeached. And that is done by the legislature that will not be in session until January.

She should have resigned.

I agree she should have resigned.

Kim Davis had other plans, however. She intended to use her official government office as her pulpit to spread the word of God, according to her own interpretation of God's law. In other words, she intended to establish religion in government in violation of the First Amendment (applicable to the States via the Fourteenth Amendment).
She should have just done her job

She should have been relieved of that part of the clerk's position and her beliefs respected. She should not have been jailed for refusing to deny her beliefs.

She cannot be fired or her job rewritten. She can only be impeached. And that is done by the legislature that will not be in session until January.

She should have resigned.

I agree she should have resigned.

Kim Davis had other plans, however. She intended to use her official government office as her pulpit to spread the word of God, according to her own interpretation of God's law. In other words, she intended to establish religion in government in violation of the First Amendment (applicable to the States via the Fourteenth Amendment).

Pure hyperbole and hogwash.
It is the "making people do" that is the problem. It removes the freedom of the people, and forces them to do what ever the minority decides they want them to do.

There are plenty of things that we are MADE to do. They make us pay taxes, ect ect.

And if all of this stemmed from Kim Davis in her personal life, you might have a point. But Kim Davis started this in her official capacity as County Clerk of Rowan County. And that DOES make a difference. To have an individual discriminate is one thing. To have the gov't discriminate is an entirely different matter.

Again, you make an artificial and false dichotomy between practicing ones beliefs in public and practicing them in private.

The Constitutions First Amendment protects BOTH.

And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do. She wants HER religious belief to be used in the county gov't to determine what is or is not legal. That is blatantly unconstitutional.
"And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do."

That is an old line of bullshit, akin to claiming a single kiss is an establishment of marriage.

Look at the UK if you want to see where there is no separation of church and state, where the head of the UK government is also head of the Church of England.

You libtards just don't know what the hell you are talking about, because facts really don't matter to you. You figure that if you sling any old line of shit out there and enough people buy it then it is true enough.

Well it isn't. Separation of church and state denies the ESTABLISHMENT of a state and church union, again like the UK. One act of a religious nature by a government servant is not an establishment of religion, and the public is getting pretty sick of the lies you guys keep spewing.
It is the "making people do" that is the problem. It removes the freedom of the people, and forces them to do what ever the minority decides they want them to do.

There are plenty of things that we are MADE to do. They make us pay taxes, ect ect.

And if all of this stemmed from Kim Davis in her personal life, you might have a point. But Kim Davis started this in her official capacity as County Clerk of Rowan County. And that DOES make a difference. To have an individual discriminate is one thing. To have the gov't discriminate is an entirely different matter.

Again, you make an artificial and false dichotomy between practicing ones beliefs in public and practicing them in private.

The Constitutions First Amendment protects BOTH.

And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do. She wants HER religious belief to be used in the county gov't to determine what is or is not legal. That is blatantly unconstitutional.
"And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do."

That is an old line of bullshit, akin to claiming a single kiss is an establishment of marriage.

Look at the UK if you want to see where there is no separation of church and state, where the head of the UK government is also head of the Church of England.

You libtards just don't know what the hell you are talking about, because facts really don't matter to you. You figure that if you sling any old line of shit out there and enough people buy it then it is true enough.

Well it isn't. Separation of church and state denies the ESTABLISHMENT of a state and church union, again like the UK. One act of a religious nature by a government servant is not an establishment of religion, and the public is getting pretty sick of the lies you guys keep spewing.

If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.
Because the majority cannot vote away the rights of a minority. Whether you like it or not, the US Constitution protects the minority from the majority mob.

The US Constitution also does not give the SCOTUS the power to redefine words that have been in use for millennia.

Gay marriage is a just another example of judicial tyranny and does not give the fags the approval they crave so much as it did not come by popular vote but by judicial fiat.

And they gave yet one more reason for a States Constitutional Amendment Article V Convention.

BRING IT ON! Lets throw them dice!

You have not demonstrated that you know anything about the Constitution or how its provisions apply to cases and controversies.
There is no such thing as a potential person. A 6 month old preemie in a hospital incubator is no different than a 6 month preemie in it's mother's incubator. Both have the potential to feel pain when being dissected alive. Another pc case of a minority dictating law to the majority.
There's a huge difference in most cases. Killing one is legal, usually, and the other is clearly not, although that should be allowed under certain conditions as well. At that stage both are close enough to people that things get complicated but that's not when induced abortion happens, in all but rare cases.

And there you have it. Killing one is legal. The pc minority has takes away the rights of one to live, and validates the rights of another, even though the circumstances are the same for both.
It is the "making people do" that is the problem. It removes the freedom of the people, and forces them to do what ever the minority decides they want them to do.

There are plenty of things that we are MADE to do. They make us pay taxes, ect ect.

And if all of this stemmed from Kim Davis in her personal life, you might have a point. But Kim Davis started this in her official capacity as County Clerk of Rowan County. And that DOES make a difference. To have an individual discriminate is one thing. To have the gov't discriminate is an entirely different matter.

Again, you make an artificial and false dichotomy between practicing ones beliefs in public and practicing them in private.

The Constitutions First Amendment protects BOTH.

And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do. She wants HER religious belief to be used in the county gov't to determine what is or is not legal. That is blatantly unconstitutional.
"And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do."

That is an old line of bullshit, akin to claiming a single kiss is an establishment of marriage.

Look at the UK if you want to see where there is no separation of church and state, where the head of the UK government is also head of the Church of England.

You libtards just don't know what the hell you are talking about, because facts really don't matter to you. You figure that if you sling any old line of shit out there and enough people buy it then it is true enough.

Well it isn't. Separation of church and state denies the ESTABLISHMENT of a state and church union, again like the UK. One act of a religious nature by a government servant is not an establishment of religion, and the public is getting pretty sick of the lies you guys keep spewing.

If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.

A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.
Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

Stand strong Kim! That thug in a robes day will come.

Good for her. Joan of Arc spirit lives on.

Hurrah for Kim. Inquiring minds want to know when this modern day "Joan of Arc" (in her own deluded mind) will be moved to the torture chamber in furtherance of this dastardly inquisition.

No shit!
Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

Stand strong Kim! That thug in a robes day will come.

Good for her. Joan of Arc spirit lives on.

Hurrah for Kim. Inquiring minds want to know when this modern day "Joan of Arc" (in her own deluded mind) will be moved to the torture chamber in furtherance of this dastardly inquisition.

No shit!

That one is a little off.
There are plenty of things that we are MADE to do. They make us pay taxes, ect ect.

And if all of this stemmed from Kim Davis in her personal life, you might have a point. But Kim Davis started this in her official capacity as County Clerk of Rowan County. And that DOES make a difference. To have an individual discriminate is one thing. To have the gov't discriminate is an entirely different matter.

Again, you make an artificial and false dichotomy between practicing ones beliefs in public and practicing them in private.

The Constitutions First Amendment protects BOTH.

And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do. She wants HER religious belief to be used in the county gov't to determine what is or is not legal. That is blatantly unconstitutional.
"And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do."

That is an old line of bullshit, akin to claiming a single kiss is an establishment of marriage.

Look at the UK if you want to see where there is no separation of church and state, where the head of the UK government is also head of the Church of England.

You libtards just don't know what the hell you are talking about, because facts really don't matter to you. You figure that if you sling any old line of shit out there and enough people buy it then it is true enough.

Well it isn't. Separation of church and state denies the ESTABLISHMENT of a state and church union, again like the UK. One act of a religious nature by a government servant is not an establishment of religion, and the public is getting pretty sick of the lies you guys keep spewing.

If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.

A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.

No one has expected her to give up her religion. That is simply a lie.

What they HAVE expected her to do is either fulfill her job requirements or resign. She had the option of having one of her deputy clerks do the licenses for same-sex couples, but she refused that as well.

But mainly she was expected not to defy a court order.
I see the butt fuck mafia and its supporters are still trying to rationalize and claim they are in the right...no surprise. They will do this until the day of reckoning comes for their kind.
...Love it. He made to say CHRISTIAN sharia. They are such scumbags. I swear to God.
Yep... gotta love it... these arrogant fools really think they can insult 70% of their fellow countrymen with impunity, and continue to shelter safe-and-sound under recent rulings.

They're in for a rude awakening over time, and they're about to lose their front-end man or mouthpiece in the Oval Office.

January 20, 2017, can't come fast enough, and more damage will be done, before the varmint leaves office, but there will be an end to it.

And then the fun can begin.

And what fun is that? The 9 judges on the US Supreme Court will be the same.

And, while 70% of Americans may identify as Christians, there are far fewer who agree with Kim Davis.

According to Pew research: Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage
"Based on polling in 2015, a majority of Americans (55%) support same-sex marriage, compared with 39% who oppose it."

But do tell us about the "fun" you think will begin in January.
And let's not forget, Kim Davis was exercising religious tyranny by forcing her clerks to go by HER interpretation of christianity and forcing them to follow christian sharia instead of Constitutional law.

For instance, not knowing the definition of sharia and trying to convince the public that it can be applied to Christians.......
So you don't believe that Christians have rules about how to behave and interact with others?
As does everyone with a conscience, so what?
Again, you make an artificial and false dichotomy between practicing ones beliefs in public and practicing them in private.

The Constitutions First Amendment protects BOTH.

And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do. She wants HER religious belief to be used in the county gov't to determine what is or is not legal. That is blatantly unconstitutional.
"And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do."

That is an old line of bullshit, akin to claiming a single kiss is an establishment of marriage.

Look at the UK if you want to see where there is no separation of church and state, where the head of the UK government is also head of the Church of England.

You libtards just don't know what the hell you are talking about, because facts really don't matter to you. You figure that if you sling any old line of shit out there and enough people buy it then it is true enough.

Well it isn't. Separation of church and state denies the ESTABLISHMENT of a state and church union, again like the UK. One act of a religious nature by a government servant is not an establishment of religion, and the public is getting pretty sick of the lies you guys keep spewing.

If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.

A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.

No one has expected her to give up her religion. That is simply a lie.

What they HAVE expected her to do is either fulfill her job requirements or resign. She had the option of having one of her deputy clerks do the licenses for same-sex couples, but she refused that as well.

But mainly she was expected not to defy a court order.
Why cant they delegate that responsibility to someone else. Maybe some fagots work in her office that wouldn't mind soiling their souls?
I see the butt fuck mafia and its supporters are still trying to rationalize and claim they are in the right...no surprise. They will do this until the day of reckoning comes for their kind.

Those who believe in equality are in the right.

Those who defy court orders go to jail. It really is that simple.

As for this "day of reckoning", I have no problem with my choices and beliefs. Feel free to start whatever you think will work for you.

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