Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

It is the "making people do" that is the problem. It removes the freedom of the people, and forces them to do what ever the minority decides they want them to do.

There are plenty of things that we are MADE to do. They make us pay taxes, ect ect.

And if all of this stemmed from Kim Davis in her personal life, you might have a point. But Kim Davis started this in her official capacity as County Clerk of Rowan County. And that DOES make a difference. To have an individual discriminate is one thing. To have the gov't discriminate is an entirely different matter.
...Love it. He made to say CHRISTIAN sharia. They are such scumbags. I swear to God.
Yep... gotta love it... these arrogant fools really think they can insult 70% of their fellow countrymen with impunity, and continue to shelter safe-and-sound under recent rulings.

They're in for a rude awakening over time, and they're about to lose their front-end man or mouthpiece in the Oval Office.

January 20, 2017, can't come fast enough, and more damage will be done, before the varmint leaves office, but there will be an end to it.

And then the fun can begin.

And what fun is that? The 9 judges on the US Supreme Court will be the same.

And, while 70% of Americans may identify as Christians, there are far fewer who agree with Kim Davis.

According to Pew research: Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage
"Based on polling in 2015, a majority of Americans (55%) support same-sex marriage, compared with 39% who oppose it."

But do tell us about the "fun" you think will begin in January.
And let's not forget, Kim Davis was exercising religious tyranny by forcing her clerks to go by HER interpretation of christianity and forcing them to follow christian sharia instead of Constitutional law.

For instance, not knowing the definition of sharia and trying to convince the public that it can be applied to Christians.......
This is more of the, she won't bake me a cake so we'll destroy her, bullshit. She has the right to live her religion, free of state interference.
Why isn't God saving her?

He already has.
He never said He'd take you out of it, He said He'd get you through it. You'd know that if you ever picked up a Bible...

He can carry her to the unemployment line then. She had a job to do.

Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question. No problem with her doing her job.
The problem isn't one of performance, it is one of freedom to PRACTICE her religion that is in question. The government is trying to take away her beliefs and substitute their beliefs, insisting that theirs take precedent over her own. She was thrown in jail because of her religion. A practice that is going to become common place in this country for every religion but Islam.

Before Kim Davis decided to run for the office of county clerk, the KY ban on same-sex marriage was declared unconstitutional. The case was on its way to the U.S. Supreme Court for a final determination of the issue while she was campaigning to become an elected official. Because same sex couples are similarly situated to opposite sex couples, there was no legitimate basis to deprive them of liberty and equal rights under the law. Anyone with a brain could foresee that the Supreme Court would enforce the Fourteenth Amendment. Prior to the Obergefell ruling, Kim Davis and other government clerks wrote letters to state legislative representatives and asked them to change the marriage licensing laws so they wouldn't have to issue licenses to same sex couples.

Personally, I find their objections to be bigoted. I think they rummage around the Bible to find justification for their bigotry where none exists. One group's personal animus toward another group is never a justification to relegate the other group to second-class citizenship. But the members of the State Legislature were aware that their existing state marriage laws would be a problem for the nutty bigots, and they did nothing to fix the alleged problem to ensure "public servants" wouldn't have to sully their morbid consciences by serving homosexual couples. The Republican dominated state legislature invited the conflict that they knew was sure to come.

Kim Davis was not thrown in jail because of her religion. She is free and has always been free to practice her religion and believe whatever she wants to believe. However, the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits the state from imposing religion on the people it serves. A state can act only through its agents. Kim Davis, as an elected government official, is an agent of the state with the statutory duty to issue marriage licenses to all qualified applicants. She refused to comply with the law and unilaterally instituted a "no marriage licenses" policy in her government office. A federal court enjoined her--in her official capacity as an agent of the state--from enforcing that unconstitutional policy. She willfully disobeyed the court's order and informed the judge that she will never comply with the order. She is in jail because of her contempt of a court order. The keys to her jail cell are in her own pocket. When she informs the court that she will no longer obstruct the right of qualified applicants to obtain marriage licenses in a government office, then she can get out of jail.

Kim Davis is no better than George Wallace who blocked the doors of a school to prevent black children from entering. She is not in jail because of her religion; she is in jail because she--a government official--willfully disobeyed a court order and essentially blocked the doors to a government office to prevent same sex couples from obtaining a government service in the county where they live. The keys to her jail cell are in her own pocket. If she wants out of jail, all she has to do is tell the judge she will no longer obstruct access to government-issued marriage licenses.

The law was changed on Kim after her last election, so this would be the most natural case of being allowed to follow ones conscience.

Remember, you freaking Jacobin thrall, that it was only a few years ago that even Obama the Head PErv was also against Fags getting formal recognition of their perversion as a form of marriage.

So stick it up your blow hole.

The Constitution protects government employees from being discriminated against on the basis of their religion, and the fact that you cant grasp that just fills me with glee as it is a sure harbinger of the continued decimation of the liberal movement.

It is the "making people do" that is the problem. It removes the freedom of the people, and forces them to do what ever the minority decides they want them to do.

There are plenty of things that we are MADE to do. They make us pay taxes, ect ect.

And if all of this stemmed from Kim Davis in her personal life, you might have a point. But Kim Davis started this in her official capacity as County Clerk of Rowan County. And that DOES make a difference. To have an individual discriminate is one thing. To have the gov't discriminate is an entirely different matter.

Again, you make an artificial and false dichotomy between practicing ones beliefs in public and practicing them in private.

The Constitutions First Amendment protects BOTH.
Yes, please do "stand strong", as jail is where she belongs...
Yeah, you and you fellow PC Nazis just cant wait to start putting Christians into work camps, lol.

You do realize this wont end well for you libtards, right? Or do you even bother to try to think ahead?

Your hysteria is ridiculous. George Wallace was not put into a work camp. The race bigots were not placed into work camps. They thumped their bibles and obstructed black people's rights unmercifully, yet the government didn't round them up and throw them into work camps. The gay-bashers and bigots of today are likewise safe. You can say anything you want ... you can be Chicken Little and declare the sky is falling because you can't lawfully oppress the gays ... and all you're doing is making fools of yourselves.

You show your inability to distinguish between racists that had only fringe support from Christian churches and 90% support for Civil Liberties for blacks, while fags get nearly the exact opposite for fag marriage.

And Wallace wasn't thrown in jail at any case, but MLK was, because, like Kim, he followed his conscience instead of the law, dumbass.
It is the "making people do" that is the problem. It removes the freedom of the people, and forces them to do what ever the minority decides they want them to do.

There are plenty of things that we are MADE to do. They make us pay taxes, ect ect.

And if all of this stemmed from Kim Davis in her personal life, you might have a point. But Kim Davis started this in her official capacity as County Clerk of Rowan County. And that DOES make a difference. To have an individual discriminate is one thing. To have the gov't discriminate is an entirely different matter.

Again, you make an artificial and false dichotomy between practicing ones beliefs in public and practicing them in private.

The Constitutions First Amendment protects BOTH.

And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do. She wants HER religious belief to be used in the county gov't to determine what is or is not legal. That is blatantly unconstitutional.
Yes, please do "stand strong", as jail is where she belongs...
Yeah, you and you fellow PC Nazis just cant wait to start putting Christians into work camps, lol.

You do realize this wont end well for you libtards, right? Or do you even bother to try to think ahead?

Your hysteria is ridiculous. George Wallace was not put into a work camp. The race bigots were not placed into work camps. They thumped their bibles and obstructed black people's rights unmercifully, yet the government didn't round them up and throw them into work camps. The gay-bashers and bigots of today are likewise safe. You can say anything you want ... you can be Chicken Little and declare the sky is falling because you can't lawfully oppress the gays ... and all you're doing is making fools of yourselves.

You show your inability to distinguish between racists that had only fringe support from Christian churches and 90% support for Civil Liberties for blacks, while fags get nearly the exact opposite for fag marriage.

And Wallace wasn't thrown in jail at any case, but MLK was, because, like Kim, he followed his conscience instead of the law, dumbass.

Sorry, but 55% of people (according to Pew Research Polls) support gay marriage.

And, in the south, the racists had far more than "fringe" support from churches and from the population.
This is more of the, she won't bake me a cake so we'll destroy her, bullshit. She has the right to live her religion, free of state interference.
Why isn't God saving her?

He already has.
He never said He'd take you out of it, He said He'd get you through it. You'd know that if you ever picked up a Bible...

He can carry her to the unemployment line then. She had a job to do.

Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question. No problem with her doing her job.
The problem isn't one of performance, it is one of freedom to PRACTICE her religion that is in question. The government is trying to take away her beliefs and substitute their beliefs, insisting that theirs take precedent over her own. She was thrown in jail because of her religion. A practice that is going to become common place in this country for every religion but Islam.

Before Kim Davis decided to run for the office of county clerk, the KY ban on same-sex marriage was declared unconstitutional. The case was on its way to the U.S. Supreme Court for a final determination of the issue while she was campaigning to become an elected official. Because same sex couples are similarly situated to opposite sex couples, there was no legitimate basis to deprive them of liberty and equal rights under the law. Anyone with a brain could foresee that the Supreme Court would enforce the Fourteenth Amendment. Prior to the Obergefell ruling, Kim Davis and other government clerks wrote letters to state legislative representatives and asked them to change the marriage licensing laws so they wouldn't have to issue licenses to same sex couples.

Personally, I find their objections to be bigoted. I think they rummage around the Bible to find justification for their bigotry where none exists. One group's personal animus toward another group is never a justification to relegate the other group to second-class citizenship. But the members of the State Legislature were aware that their existing state marriage laws would be a problem for the nutty bigots, and they did nothing to fix the alleged problem to ensure "public servants" wouldn't have to sully their morbid consciences by serving homosexual couples. The Republican dominated state legislature invited the conflict that they knew was sure to come.

Kim Davis was not thrown in jail because of her religion. She is free and has always been free to practice her religion and believe whatever she wants to believe. However, the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits the state from imposing religion on the people it serves. A state can act only through its agents. Kim Davis, as an elected government official, is an agent of the state with the statutory duty to issue marriage licenses to all qualified applicants. She refused to comply with the law and unilaterally instituted a "no marriage licenses" policy in her government office. A federal court enjoined her--in her official capacity as an agent of the state--from enforcing that unconstitutional policy. She willfully disobeyed the court's order and informed the judge that she will never comply with the order. She is in jail because of her contempt of a court order. The keys to her jail cell are in her own pocket. When she informs the court that she will no longer obstruct the right of qualified applicants to obtain marriage licenses in a government office, then she can get out of jail.

Kim Davis is no better than George Wallace who blocked the doors of a school to prevent black children from entering. She is not in jail because of her religion; she is in jail because she--a government official--willfully disobeyed a court order and essentially blocked the doors to a government office to prevent same sex couples from obtaining a government service in the county where they live. The keys to her jail cell are in her own pocket. If she wants out of jail, all she has to do is tell the judge she will no longer obstruct access to government-issued marriage licenses.

The law was changed on Kim after her last election, so this would be the most natural case of being allowed to follow ones conscience.

Remember, you freaking Jacobin thrall, that it was only a few years ago that even Obama the Head PErv was also against Fags getting formal recognition of their perversion as a form of marriage.

So stick it up your blow hole.

The Constitution protects government employees from being discriminated against on the basis of their religion, and the fact that you cant grasp that just fills me with glee as it is a sure harbinger of the continued decimation of the liberal movement.

In this case she was the one doing the discriminating, against all couples who wanted a marriage license because some of them would be gay. That form of discrimination has now been outlawed, nationwide...
It is the "making people do" that is the problem. It removes the freedom of the people, and forces them to do what ever the minority decides they want them to do.

There are plenty of things that we are MADE to do. They make us pay taxes, ect ect.

And if all of this stemmed from Kim Davis in her personal life, you might have a point. But Kim Davis started this in her official capacity as County Clerk of Rowan County. And that DOES make a difference. To have an individual discriminate is one thing. To have the gov't discriminate is an entirely different matter.

Again, you make an artificial and false dichotomy between practicing ones beliefs in public and practicing them in private.

The Constitutions First Amendment protects BOTH.
Her beliefs in this case worked out to an emergency room doctor who refused to save the life of a Jew. We're past that kind of "religion" now.
...Love it. He made to say CHRISTIAN sharia. They are such scumbags. I swear to God.
Yep... gotta love it... these arrogant fools really think they can insult 70% of their fellow countrymen with impunity, and continue to shelter safe-and-sound under recent rulings.

They're in for a rude awakening over time, and they're about to lose their front-end man or mouthpiece in the Oval Office.

January 20, 2017, can't come fast enough, and more damage will be done, before the varmint leaves office, but there will be an end to it.

And then the fun can begin.

And what fun is that? The 9 judges on the US Supreme Court will be the same.

And, while 70% of Americans may identify as Christians, there are far fewer who agree with Kim Davis.

According to Pew research: Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage
"Based on polling in 2015, a majority of Americans (55%) support same-sex marriage, compared with 39% who oppose it."

But do tell us about the "fun" you think will begin in January.
And let's not forget, Kim Davis was exercising religious tyranny by forcing her clerks to go by HER interpretation of christianity and forcing them to follow christian sharia instead of Constitutional law.

For instance, not knowing the definition of sharia and trying to convince the public that it can be applied to Christians.......
So you don't believe that Christians have rules about how to behave and interact with others?
This is more of the, she won't bake me a cake so we'll destroy her, bullshit. She has the right to live her religion, free of state interference.
Why isn't God saving her?

He already has.
He never said He'd take you out of it, He said He'd get you through it. You'd know that if you ever picked up a Bible...

He can carry her to the unemployment line then. She had a job to do.

Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question. No problem with her doing her job.
The problem isn't one of performance, it is one of freedom to PRACTICE her religion that is in question. The government is trying to take away her beliefs and substitute their beliefs, insisting that theirs take precedent over her own. She was thrown in jail because of her religion. A practice that is going to become common place in this country for every religion but Islam.

Before Kim Davis decided to run for the office of county clerk, the KY ban on same-sex marriage was declared unconstitutional. The case was on its way to the U.S. Supreme Court for a final determination of the issue while she was campaigning to become an elected official. Because same sex couples are similarly situated to opposite sex couples, there was no legitimate basis to deprive them of liberty and equal rights under the law. Anyone with a brain could foresee that the Supreme Court would enforce the Fourteenth Amendment. Prior to the Obergefell ruling, Kim Davis and other government clerks wrote letters to state legislative representatives and asked them to change the marriage licensing laws so they wouldn't have to issue licenses to same sex couples.

Personally, I find their objections to be bigoted. I think they rummage around the Bible to find justification for their bigotry where none exists. One group's personal animus toward another group is never a justification to relegate the other group to second-class citizenship. But the members of the State Legislature were aware that their existing state marriage laws would be a problem for the nutty bigots, and they did nothing to fix the alleged problem to ensure "public servants" wouldn't have to sully their morbid consciences by serving homosexual couples. The Republican dominated state legislature invited the conflict that they knew was sure to come.

Kim Davis was not thrown in jail because of her religion. She is free and has always been free to practice her religion and believe whatever she wants to believe. However, the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits the state from imposing religion on the people it serves. A state can act only through its agents. Kim Davis, as an elected government official, is an agent of the state with the statutory duty to issue marriage licenses to all qualified applicants. She refused to comply with the law and unilaterally instituted a "no marriage licenses" policy in her government office. A federal court enjoined her--in her official capacity as an agent of the state--from enforcing that unconstitutional policy. She willfully disobeyed the court's order and informed the judge that she will never comply with the order. She is in jail because of her contempt of a court order. The keys to her jail cell are in her own pocket. When she informs the court that she will no longer obstruct the right of qualified applicants to obtain marriage licenses in a government office, then she can get out of jail.

Kim Davis is no better than George Wallace who blocked the doors of a school to prevent black children from entering. She is not in jail because of her religion; she is in jail because she--a government official--willfully disobeyed a court order and essentially blocked the doors to a government office to prevent same sex couples from obtaining a government service in the county where they live. The keys to her jail cell are in her own pocket. If she wants out of jail, all she has to do is tell the judge she will no longer obstruct access to government-issued marriage licenses.

The law was changed on Kim after her last election, so this would be the most natural case of being allowed to follow ones conscience.

Remember, you freaking Jacobin thrall, that it was only a few years ago that even Obama the Head PErv was also against Fags getting formal recognition of their perversion as a form of marriage.

So stick it up your blow hole.

The Constitution protects government employees from being discriminated against on the basis of their religion, and the fact that you cant grasp that just fills me with glee as it is a sure harbinger of the continued decimation of the liberal movement.

No employee has been discriminated against in that county ( although it would not surprise me to learn that davis was discriminating against her employees)
This is more of the, she won't bake me a cake so we'll destroy her, bullshit. She has the right to live her religion, free of state interference.
Why isn't God saving her?

He already has.
He never said He'd take you out of it, He said He'd get you through it. You'd know that if you ever picked up a Bible...

He can carry her to the unemployment line then. She had a job to do.

Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question. No problem with her doing her job.
The problem isn't one of performance, it is one of freedom to PRACTICE her religion that is in question. The government is trying to take away her beliefs and substitute their beliefs, insisting that theirs take precedent over her own. She was thrown in jail because of her religion. A practice that is going to become common place in this country for every religion but Islam.

Before Kim Davis decided to run for the office of county clerk, the KY ban on same-sex marriage was declared unconstitutional. The case was on its way to the U.S. Supreme Court for a final determination of the issue while she was campaigning to become an elected official. Because same sex couples are similarly situated to opposite sex couples, there was no legitimate basis to deprive them of liberty and equal rights under the law. Anyone with a brain could foresee that the Supreme Court would enforce the Fourteenth Amendment. Prior to the Obergefell ruling, Kim Davis and other government clerks wrote letters to state legislative representatives and asked them to change the marriage licensing laws so they wouldn't have to issue licenses to same sex couples.

Personally, I find their objections to be bigoted. I think they rummage around the Bible to find justification for their bigotry where none exists. One group's personal animus toward another group is never a justification to relegate the other group to second-class citizenship. But the members of the State Legislature were aware that their existing state marriage laws would be a problem for the nutty bigots, and they did nothing to fix the alleged problem to ensure "public servants" wouldn't have to sully their morbid consciences by serving homosexual couples. The Republican dominated state legislature invited the conflict that they knew was sure to come.

Kim Davis was not thrown in jail because of her religion. She is free and has always been free to practice her religion and believe whatever she wants to believe. However, the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits the state from imposing religion on the people it serves. A state can act only through its agents. Kim Davis, as an elected government official, is an agent of the state with the statutory duty to issue marriage licenses to all qualified applicants. She refused to comply with the law and unilaterally instituted a "no marriage licenses" policy in her government office. A federal court enjoined her--in her official capacity as an agent of the state--from enforcing that unconstitutional policy. She willfully disobeyed the court's order and informed the judge that she will never comply with the order. She is in jail because of her contempt of a court order. The keys to her jail cell are in her own pocket. When she informs the court that she will no longer obstruct the right of qualified applicants to obtain marriage licenses in a government office, then she can get out of jail.

Kim Davis is no better than George Wallace who blocked the doors of a school to prevent black children from entering. She is not in jail because of her religion; she is in jail because she--a government official--willfully disobeyed a court order and essentially blocked the doors to a government office to prevent same sex couples from obtaining a government service in the county where they live. The keys to her jail cell are in her own pocket. If she wants out of jail, all she has to do is tell the judge she will no longer obstruct access to government-issued marriage licenses.

The law was changed on Kim after her last election, so this would be the most natural case of being allowed to follow ones conscience.

Remember, you freaking Jacobin thrall, that it was only a few years ago that even Obama the Head PErv was also against Fags getting formal recognition of their perversion as a form of marriage.

So stick it up your blow hole.

The Constitution protects government employees from being discriminated against on the basis of their religion, and the fact that you cant grasp that just fills me with glee as it is a sure harbinger of the continued decimation of the liberal movement.


Jim Bowie hit the nail on the head. She would not have accepted the position if it required her to side step her belief's. That was thrust upon her after she took an oath to uphold the laws of Kentucky. She IS doing the job she was required to do when taking the position. It would be the same as forcing a DMV employee to euthanize animals after they accepted a job to hand out driver's licenses.
Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.
What a wonderful idea; let the Rowan County taxpayers vote on whether they should support marriage between same sex couples. Now why didn't anyone think to let the people vote on the issue. You are so illtelligintimate ty :eusa_whistle:

Because the majority cannot vote away the rights of a minority. Whether you like it or not, the US Constitution protects the minority from the majority mob.
Whatever you think. Again deviant sexual behaviors were not mentioned in the Constitution. In your theory pedophiles rights should be protected under auspice of some whacked out judge's ruling. Piss off.
Jim Bowie hit the nail on the head. She would not have accepted the position if it required her to side step her belief's. That was thrust upon her after she took an oath to uphold the laws of Kentucky. She IS doing the job she was required to do when taking the position. It would be the same as forcing a DMV employee to euthanize animals after they accepted a job to hand out driver's licenses.

She had the option to resign.

Kim Davis and her merry band of bigoted religious extremists are not going to win this battle.
This is more of the, she won't bake me a cake so we'll destroy her, bullshit. She has the right to live her religion, free of state interference.
He already has.
He never said He'd take you out of it, He said He'd get you through it. You'd know that if you ever picked up a Bible...

He can carry her to the unemployment line then. She had a job to do.

Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question. No problem with her doing her job.
The problem isn't one of performance, it is one of freedom to PRACTICE her religion that is in question. The government is trying to take away her beliefs and substitute their beliefs, insisting that theirs take precedent over her own. She was thrown in jail because of her religion. A practice that is going to become common place in this country for every religion but Islam.

Before Kim Davis decided to run for the office of county clerk, the KY ban on same-sex marriage was declared unconstitutional. The case was on its way to the U.S. Supreme Court for a final determination of the issue while she was campaigning to become an elected official. Because same sex couples are similarly situated to opposite sex couples, there was no legitimate basis to deprive them of liberty and equal rights under the law. Anyone with a brain could foresee that the Supreme Court would enforce the Fourteenth Amendment. Prior to the Obergefell ruling, Kim Davis and other government clerks wrote letters to state legislative representatives and asked them to change the marriage licensing laws so they wouldn't have to issue licenses to same sex couples.

Personally, I find their objections to be bigoted. I think they rummage around the Bible to find justification for their bigotry where none exists. One group's personal animus toward another group is never a justification to relegate the other group to second-class citizenship. But the members of the State Legislature were aware that their existing state marriage laws would be a problem for the nutty bigots, and they did nothing to fix the alleged problem to ensure "public servants" wouldn't have to sully their morbid consciences by serving homosexual couples. The Republican dominated state legislature invited the conflict that they knew was sure to come.

Kim Davis was not thrown in jail because of her religion. She is free and has always been free to practice her religion and believe whatever she wants to believe. However, the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits the state from imposing religion on the people it serves. A state can act only through its agents. Kim Davis, as an elected government official, is an agent of the state with the statutory duty to issue marriage licenses to all qualified applicants. She refused to comply with the law and unilaterally instituted a "no marriage licenses" policy in her government office. A federal court enjoined her--in her official capacity as an agent of the state--from enforcing that unconstitutional policy. She willfully disobeyed the court's order and informed the judge that she will never comply with the order. She is in jail because of her contempt of a court order. The keys to her jail cell are in her own pocket. When she informs the court that she will no longer obstruct the right of qualified applicants to obtain marriage licenses in a government office, then she can get out of jail.

Kim Davis is no better than George Wallace who blocked the doors of a school to prevent black children from entering. She is not in jail because of her religion; she is in jail because she--a government official--willfully disobeyed a court order and essentially blocked the doors to a government office to prevent same sex couples from obtaining a government service in the county where they live. The keys to her jail cell are in her own pocket. If she wants out of jail, all she has to do is tell the judge she will no longer obstruct access to government-issued marriage licenses.

The law was changed on Kim after her last election, so this would be the most natural case of being allowed to follow ones conscience.

Remember, you freaking Jacobin thrall, that it was only a few years ago that even Obama the Head PErv was also against Fags getting formal recognition of their perversion as a form of marriage.

So stick it up your blow hole.

The Constitution protects government employees from being discriminated against on the basis of their religion, and the fact that you cant grasp that just fills me with glee as it is a sure harbinger of the continued decimation of the liberal movement.


Jim Bowie hit the nail on the head. She would not have accepted the position if it required her to side step her belief's. That was thrust upon her after she took an oath to uphold the laws of Kentucky. She IS doing the job she was required to do when taking the position. It would be the same as forcing a DMV employee to euthanize animals after they accepted a job to hand out driver's licenses.

No, that is not even close to accurate. Taking someone from the DMV and putting them in animal control is a radically different job. What changed in Davis' job is that she is now required to issue licenses to same-sex couples as well as opposite sex couples. Same job. Same license. Just a change in gender in one member of the couple.

And the case was headed towards the SCOTUS when she campaigned and was elected.
This is more of the, she won't bake me a cake so we'll destroy her, bullshit. She has the right to live her religion, free of state interference.
He already has.
He never said He'd take you out of it, He said He'd get you through it. You'd know that if you ever picked up a Bible...

He can carry her to the unemployment line then. She had a job to do.

Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question. No problem with her doing her job.
The problem isn't one of performance, it is one of freedom to PRACTICE her religion that is in question. The government is trying to take away her beliefs and substitute their beliefs, insisting that theirs take precedent over her own. She was thrown in jail because of her religion. A practice that is going to become common place in this country for every religion but Islam.

Before Kim Davis decided to run for the office of county clerk, the KY ban on same-sex marriage was declared unconstitutional. The case was on its way to the U.S. Supreme Court for a final determination of the issue while she was campaigning to become an elected official. Because same sex couples are similarly situated to opposite sex couples, there was no legitimate basis to deprive them of liberty and equal rights under the law. Anyone with a brain could foresee that the Supreme Court would enforce the Fourteenth Amendment. Prior to the Obergefell ruling, Kim Davis and other government clerks wrote letters to state legislative representatives and asked them to change the marriage licensing laws so they wouldn't have to issue licenses to same sex couples.

Personally, I find their objections to be bigoted. I think they rummage around the Bible to find justification for their bigotry where none exists. One group's personal animus toward another group is never a justification to relegate the other group to second-class citizenship. But the members of the State Legislature were aware that their existing state marriage laws would be a problem for the nutty bigots, and they did nothing to fix the alleged problem to ensure "public servants" wouldn't have to sully their morbid consciences by serving homosexual couples. The Republican dominated state legislature invited the conflict that they knew was sure to come.

Kim Davis was not thrown in jail because of her religion. She is free and has always been free to practice her religion and believe whatever she wants to believe. However, the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits the state from imposing religion on the people it serves. A state can act only through its agents. Kim Davis, as an elected government official, is an agent of the state with the statutory duty to issue marriage licenses to all qualified applicants. She refused to comply with the law and unilaterally instituted a "no marriage licenses" policy in her government office. A federal court enjoined her--in her official capacity as an agent of the state--from enforcing that unconstitutional policy. She willfully disobeyed the court's order and informed the judge that she will never comply with the order. She is in jail because of her contempt of a court order. The keys to her jail cell are in her own pocket. When she informs the court that she will no longer obstruct the right of qualified applicants to obtain marriage licenses in a government office, then she can get out of jail.

Kim Davis is no better than George Wallace who blocked the doors of a school to prevent black children from entering. She is not in jail because of her religion; she is in jail because she--a government official--willfully disobeyed a court order and essentially blocked the doors to a government office to prevent same sex couples from obtaining a government service in the county where they live. The keys to her jail cell are in her own pocket. If she wants out of jail, all she has to do is tell the judge she will no longer obstruct access to government-issued marriage licenses.

The law was changed on Kim after her last election, so this would be the most natural case of being allowed to follow ones conscience.

Remember, you freaking Jacobin thrall, that it was only a few years ago that even Obama the Head PErv was also against Fags getting formal recognition of their perversion as a form of marriage.

So stick it up your blow hole.

The Constitution protects government employees from being discriminated against on the basis of their religion, and the fact that you cant grasp that just fills me with glee as it is a sure harbinger of the continued decimation of the liberal movement.


Jim Bowie hit the nail on the head. She would not have accepted the position if it required her to side step her belief's. That was thrust upon her after she took an oath to uphold the laws of Kentucky. She IS doing the job she was required to do when taking the position. It would be the same as forcing a DMV employee to euthanize animals after they accepted a job to hand out driver's licenses.
Jobs requirements change. If you can't, in good conscience do what's now required, quit. That is the ethical thing to do.
Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.
What a wonderful idea; let the Rowan County taxpayers vote on whether they should support marriage between same sex couples. Now why didn't anyone think to let the people vote on the issue. You are so illtelligintimate ty :eusa_whistle:

Because the majority cannot vote away the rights of a minority. Whether you like it or not, the US Constitution protects the minority from the majority mob.
Whatever you think. Again deviant sexual behaviors were not mentioned in the Constitution. In your theory pedophiles rights should be protected under auspice of some whacked out judge's ruling. Piss off.

Bringing up pedophiles is pure strawman. It has no relevance here.

No, deviant sexual behaviors are not mentioned in the US Constitution. But then, neither are they reserved for only the heterosexuals. The US Supreme Court has ruled. You can call people names and throw a tantrum. But that does not change the facts.
Jim Bowie hit the nail on the head. She would not have accepted the position if it required her to side step her belief's. That was thrust upon her after she took an oath to uphold the laws of Kentucky. She IS doing the job she was required to do when taking the position. It would be the same as forcing a DMV employee to euthanize animals after they accepted a job to hand out driver's licenses.

She had the option to resign.

Kim Davis and her merry band of bigoted religious extremists are not going to win this battle.

You are correct. A Christian's right to practice their religion publically in the land of the free is over. The only religion allowed to be practiced in America will be Sharia law. We don't dare ask a Muslim to bake cakes or marry gays. It is the change you voted for and will be oppressed by as soon as our government can fly enough of them in to create a vocal minority to over rule the majority.
Jim Bowie hit the nail on the head. She would not have accepted the position if it required her to side step her belief's. That was thrust upon her after she took an oath to uphold the laws of Kentucky. She IS doing the job she was required to do when taking the position. It would be the same as forcing a DMV employee to euthanize animals after they accepted a job to hand out driver's licenses.

She had the option to resign.

Kim Davis and her merry band of bigoted religious extremists are not going to win this battle.

You are correct. A Christian's right to practice their religion publically in the land of the free is over. The only religion allowed to be practiced in America will be Sharia law. We don't dare ask a Muslim to bake cakes or marry gays. It is the change you voted for and will be oppressed by as soon as our government can fly enough of them in to create a vocal minority to over rule the majority.
The rules are the same for everyone, little ramstein. That's the whole point of this kind of thing, making people equals even though you'll never believe that...
Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.
What a wonderful idea; let the Rowan County taxpayers vote on whether they should support marriage between same sex couples. Now why didn't anyone think to let the people vote on the issue. You are so illtelligintimate ty :eusa_whistle:

Because the majority cannot vote away the rights of a minority. Whether you like it or not, the US Constitution protects the minority from the majority mob.
Whatever you think. Again deviant sexual behaviors were not mentioned in the Constitution. In your theory pedophiles rights should be protected under auspice of some whacked out judge's ruling. Piss off.

Bringing up pedophiles is pure strawman. It has no relevance here.

No, deviant sexual behaviors are not mentioned in the US Constitution. But then, neither are they reserved for only the heterosexuals. The US Supreme Court has ruled. You can call people names and throw a tantrum. But that does not change the facts.

Right again. The Supreme Court can find protection for homosexuals in the Constitution, but can't seem to find protection for unborn children. Funny how that works.

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