Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

...Attempting to portray Davis as some sort of 'victim' or 'martyr' only exhibits the ignorance of the law common to most on the right, or their contempt for the rule of law.
Or so the Gay Mafia and its fellow travelers would have the rest of us believe.

It is the duty of every soldier to disobey an Immoral Order.

Same idea, here.

Davis is resisting the legitimizing or mainstreaming or recognition of a wicked, evil judicial ruling, which empowers sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).

The law is wrong, here.

She sacrifices her freedom in order to put her case before her fellow countrymen, that the law is wrong, and that such ruling(s) must be re-examined and overturned.

It's called Civil Disobedience.

A time-honored tradition employed by Mahatma Ghandi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and many others.
...Love it. He made to say CHRISTIAN sharia. They are such scumbags. I swear to God.
Yep... gotta love it... these arrogant fools really think they can insult 70% of their fellow countrymen with impunity, and continue to shelter safe-and-sound under recent rulings.

They're in for a rude awakening over time, and they're about to lose their front-end man or mouthpiece in the Oval Office.

January 20, 2017, can't come fast enough, and more damage will be done, before the varmint leaves office, but there will be an end to it.

And then the fun can begin.

I hate to be such a pessimist, but I think the hole the left have dug is too deep. When I say left, I am not taking about just the democrats.

Trust this. The republicans (many if not most) do not represent us. That I can assure you.
And he has every right not to, and Burger King should be able to let him go for not being able to do his job, but he shouldn't go to JAIL for it, ass hat.
If the Allahnista refused to leave the building after Burger King fired him then " burly Police" would come into play...
Kim "the Martyr" Davis refuses to do her job but also refuses to resign...the issue of Gay Marriage has gone to the Supreme Court and Legal gay marriage is the law....any questions?

Why should she have to resign? Why cant she be let go by her superiors?

She was elected to office. She began her job in january of 2015.
It's called Civil Disobedience.

A time-honored tradition employed by Mahatma Ghandi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and many others.
They went to jail and they were not trying to hang on to a very good Government job making 80 K a year with Government benefits ...that is what Kim wants to commit Civil disobedience but not give up her Government job...its craven immorality on her part........

Breaking News To Evangelicals: God’s Law Does Not Supersede the U.S. Constitution

It may come as a shock to Kim Davis that in America there is no higher authority than the Constitution, no matter that she believes…

Yeah, your hypocrisy is duly noted. You can avoid the issue of ALL the violations of FEDERAL LAW that your pathetic LEFT WING politicians violate all you want.

You are a pathetic blob. If you think you are going to quote the bible when it is convenient like any godless devilish ass does through out history, then you are very mistaken.

You stupid ass.
It's called Civil Disobedience.

A time-honored tradition employed by Mahatma Ghandi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and many others.
They went to jail and they were not trying to hang on to a very good Government job making 80 K a year with Government benefits ...that is what Kim wants to commit Civil disobedience but not give up her Government job...its craven immorality on her part........
Well, that's one opinion, and thank you for it.

For the many of the rest of us, our mileage may vary.
. If you think you are going to quote the bible when it is convenient like any godless devilish ass does through out history, then you are very mistaken.


No your Bible does not out weight the US Constitution...sorry......
It's called Civil Disobedience.

A time-honored tradition employed by Mahatma Ghandi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and many others.
They went to jail and they were not trying to hang on to a very good Government job making 80 K a year with Government benefits ...that is what Kim wants to commit Civil disobedience but not give up her Government job...its craven immorality on her part........
Well, that's one opinion, and thank you for it.

For the many of the rest of us, our mileage may vary.
That is what this is about ....Kim Davis defying a Legal court order , defying the law of the land yet keeping her Government job...No the Government is not going to change the Constitution because Kim Davis wants to keep her job....

Breaking News To Evangelicals: God’s Law Does Not Supersede the U.S. Constitution

It may come as a shock to Kim Davis that in America there is no higher authority than the Constitution, no matter that she believes…

Yeah, your hypocrisy is duly noted. You can avoid the issue of ALL the violations of FEDERAL LAW that your pathetic LEFT WING politicians violate all you want.

You are a pathetic blob. If you think you are going to quote the bible when it is convenient like any godless devilish ass does through out history, then you are very mistaken.

You stupid ass.

The Bible is very clear, we are to obey human law UNLESS it contradicts God's laws, when that happens we are to obey God's laws. The Bible is clear homosexuality is a sin and abomination. It's an open and shut case and it doesn't matter what some heathen "political writer" spews.
The Bible is very clear, we are to obey human law UNLESS it contradicts God's laws, when that happens we are to obey God's laws. The Bible is clear homosexuality is a sin and abomination. It's an open and shut case and it doesn't matter what some heathen "political writer" spews.

Fine if you oppose this "human law" then resign as county clerk as your sacrifice to God...do not ask gays to sacrifice their Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights...resign the position because that particular position responds to the US Constitution not the teaching of the Apostolic Church............
The Bible is very clear, we are to obey human law UNLESS it contradicts God's laws, when that happens we are to obey God's laws. The Bible is clear homosexuality is a sin and abomination. It's an open and shut case and it doesn't matter what some heathen "political writer" spews.

Fine if you oppose this "human law" then resign as county clerk as your sacrifice to God...do not ask gays to sacrifice their Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights...resign the position because that particular position responds to the US Constitution not the teaching of the Apostolic Church............

OK, I sort of agree with this.

You going to address the violations of federal by your left wing mayors or not?

Yeah, thought not.
"Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute"

Actually not.

Marriage licenses are being issued in the county, and there is no 'dispute' concerning the fact that same-sex couples are entitled to enter into marriage contracts; in essence this is over – Davis has been afforded full and comprehensive due process, the only question is how long she stays in jail, and only Davis can answer that question.
All this means is that someone else in a position of authority within the county has decided to proceed without her.

Her part in the dispute remains extant, as does her so-called 'punishment', for refusing to back down or to repent or relent.

She is on the path to metaphorical martyrdom, and, unless I miss my guess, she will intentionally remain in jail for some time, still, in order to draw attention to the issue.

Same-sex couples are receiving valid marriage licenses in the county, same-sex couples will be marrying in the county, in accordance with the Constitution and its case law; whether or how long Davis remains in jail will in no way change this fact.

The only 'dispute' is one you and others on the social right have sought to contrive, and your attempt to create a false controversy where in fact none exists for some perceived partisan gain.
Should The Government's business in Kentucky be run according to:

A) the US Constitution and Legal framework ___X___

B) The Doctrines of the Apostolic Church..._______
No wing nuts Kim Davis does not trump, so to speak, the Law of the Land ...no no no
That would be Christian Sharia if it did.
No such thing as 'Christian Sharia'.

But you go right ahead and keep pissing-off the 70% of the country that identify as Christian.

See what that gets you in the long run.


Have you ever noticed the left all use the same terms, words and phrases? The same terms, words and phrases the media uses, interesting
That's because 'the left' and 'the media' are relating the same facts of law and the same truth concerning the case:

That Davis is solely responsible for being jailed, that she has been afforded full and comprehensive due process of the law, that the court order she refuses to obey is just, lawful, and Constitutional, that as a fact of law Davis is wrong to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, and that Davis remains in jail of her own free will.

Davis is not a 'victim.'

Davis is not a 'martyr.'

Davis is not a 'hero.'

Davis is not 'Rosa Parks.'

Davis' religious liberty is not being 'violated,' her religious beliefs are not being 'attacked.'

The truth and facts belong to no one person or entity exclusively, they're available for all to use.

You and others on the right might want to try facts and the truth for a change.
And he has every right not to, and Burger King should be able to let him go for not being able to do his job, but he shouldn't go to JAIL for it, ass hat.
If the Allahnista refused to leave the building after Burger King fired him then " burly Police" would come into play...
Kim "the Martyr" Davis refuses to do her job but also refuses to resign...the issue of Gay Marriage has gone to the Supreme Court and Legal gay marriage is the law....any questions?

Why should she have to resign? Why cant she be let go by her superiors?

she is holding elected office ...

Then delegate the responsibility to another staffer, for Christs sake this isn't rocket science.

The one thing you don't do to a FREE PEOPLE is to force them to do something against their conscience as T Jefferson said, it is the worst form of tyranny to do that.

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