Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

She should have just done her job

She should have been relieved of that part of the clerk's position and her beliefs respected. She should not have been jailed for refusing to deny her beliefs.
Had she not kept the other clerks from doing their job, and she's still refusing not to interfere, she wouldn't be in jail right now.

Amen and amen (no pun intended)

If all she did was refuse to issue marriage licenses to gays, there shouldn't have been a problem. She could have advised others in her office that her faith prevented her from issuing licenses to gays and then asked them to help her by filling in for her when she needed them. When a gay couple came in, she could have discreetly absented herself and allowed another person to issue the license.

Had she done this, she could have asserted her right to “reasonable accommodations” of her religious beliefs. Issuing licenses to gays would consume an insignificant amount of her work schedule. Her county has a population of around 23,000. Many of these are children and only about 5% of the adult population is gay. I don't know what the marriage rate is for gays but I do know that not all gays want to get married. I doubt that even 100 gay couples would apply for marriage licenses each year so having another person perform this task would not be an undue burden on anyone.

The problem is that she wouldn't allow anyone in her office to issue the license and this makes “reasonable accommodations” impossible. The judge did the only thing he could possibly do. His job was to enforce the law and the law said that the Clerk's Office would issue marriage licenses. The law also gives gays the same rights to marry as heterosexual couples. The judge wisely refused to let her off with a fine. The judge knew the fine would not change her behavior because she would probably not pay the fine herself and would most likely profit by the affair.

For the record, I spent a good part of my life defending employees against disciplinary actions and enforcing their rights. I know what “reasonable accommodations” are and they do not include forcing a government agency to cease performing a statutory duty. Anyone who thinks that forcing gay couples to drive to another county to get a marriage license is a “reasonable accommodation” does not know the law.

her name is on the license, just the treasurer and Secretary treasurer's name is on our money.

She took an oath to serve and failed to abide by the law.

So did all of the mayors and sheriffs that violate federal law by giving sanctuary to illegals. We can do this all day long.

So you are mad that 9 highly qualified, vetted, jurists made the decision that they did. But you are fine with a county clerk, with little or no legal education, defying her boss and multiple court rulings??

That is hypocrisy on an astounding level.
That clerk came to her Religious beliefs recently after years of "disorderly marital conduct".......when the Berrigan brothers stood up for their faith against war they got long jail sentences as did their sister and many others ...those are real people...Kim Davis is a phony......

i still think Kim is looking to make a fortune from this. She will get donations. She will do the xtian talk show circuit ect ect ect
No Fox gig ..she is not blonde etc.... she is more a radio possibility..
So did all of the mayors and sheriffs that violate federal law by giving sanctuary to illegals. We can do this all day long.

You are just changing the subject on account you cannot put together an argument against this scofflaw Clerk being where she belongs....

So you are mad that 9 highly qualified, vetted, jurists made the decision that they did. But you are fine with a county clerk, with little or no legal education, defying her boss and multiple court rulings??

That is hypocrisy on an astounding level.
That clerk came to her Religious beliefs recently after years of "disorderly marital conduct".......when the Berrigan brothers stood up for their faith against war they got long jail sentences as did their sister and many others ...those are real people...Kim Davis is a phony......

The stand of her church

New Apostolic Church
The New Apostolic Church maintains that "On the grounds of Biblical tenets and Christian tradition, the New Apostolic Church does not approve of practised homosexuality", and says that "Brothers and sisters who are practicing homosexuals, or living in a homosexual partnership, cannot carry out ministerial and teaching duties in our Church"[61]<<

Does not allow gays to carry out duties to the ruling of the church. It does not reject gays from being members of the church.

I could understand if gays wanted to get married in the church, but if they marry before a judge or other official she should not deny them the license. She is not officiating the marriage in her church so what others do is their business, not hers
Muslim manager to hamburger seeker


"sorry I am not going to risks my immortal soul putting bacon strips on your burger" no no other clerk can do that either as it makes me guilty they work for me......

Well, as a free market capitalist, I say let the market decide. Not courts.

If someone wants to patron their establishment knowing they cannot get a bacon cheeseburger then so be it.

That is they it should be done. However, that is not how you communist pawns are sold by your communist masters. You think there needs to be a LAW that someone private business should conduct themselves that violate their religious beliefs. Which is clearly allowed according to the constitution that you pieces of shit hate so much.

Fucking idiot.

If that were the case then blacks would still be banned from lunch counters all over the south. But then, you might be ok with that too.

Oh there you go. Black thing. Getting thank yous from the hopelessly brainwashed. Yes, if a business does not want to serve blacks and that is the way he does business, then the free market will take care of it.

I know I am going to waste my time with you and liberals that think like you, but here it goes. There was a bar that existed in Lake Worth where I use to live. The owner of the bar of made it clear he was a racist. He did not even try to hide it. I am not white, I will put it that way.

I went into his place and he made it clear he did not want me there. I left. I did not complain. Nothing. I went to a place that did serve me. That bar did not do any business. No one went in there cause of his policy. I could not stand him. I would walk past his place and it was ALWAYS empty. While all of the other bars were packed.

Guess what? He went out of business. The market made the judgement. Not some court. Not some law.

You do not get what I am saying cause you are a hack. You just have the cliches all down. The lunch counter cliche, ride the back of the bus cliche. It is long gone man.

No person who owns a business should be forced to do business with someone they do not want to do business with. That, is a violation of their first amendment. I would bet anything if a black baker was forced to bake a cake for a KKK party, you would be the first to say that black owner should have the right to turn them down.

You, and everyone like you are nothing but a hypocritical talking points and cliches for your communist masters. You ignorant as all fuck, and do not get shit. You are all such idiots.
No wing nuts Kim Davis does not trump, so to speak, the Law of the Land ...no no no
That would be Christian Sharia if it did.
No such thing as 'Christian Sharia'.

But you go right ahead and keep pissing-off the 70% of the country that identify as Christian.

See what that gets you in the long run.


Love it. He just had to say CHRISTIAN sharia. They are such scumbags. I swear to God.
No wing nuts Kim Davis does not trump, so to speak, the Law of the Land ...no no no
That would be Christian Sharia if it did.
No such thing as 'Christian Sharia'.

But you go right ahead and keep pissing-off the 70% of the country that identify as Christian.

See what that gets you in the long run.


Have you ever noticed the left all use the same terms, words and phrases? The same terms, words and phrases the media uses, interesting
"Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute"

Actually not.

Marriage licenses are being issued in the county, and there is no 'dispute' concerning the fact that same-sex couples are entitled to enter into marriage contracts; in essence this is over – Davis has been afforded full and comprehensive due process, the only question is how long she stays in jail, and only Davis can answer that question.
No wing nuts the Official business of the Government of the County in Kentucky is not going to be run according to the Tenets of the Apostolic Christian Church. It is going to be run congruent with the rulings of the US Courts charged with interpreting the Constitution our Legal source document....
...Love it. He made to say CHRISTIAN sharia. They are such scumbags. I swear to God.
Yep... gotta love it... these arrogant fools really think they can insult 70% of their fellow countrymen with impunity, and continue to shelter safe-and-sound under recent rulings.

They're in for a rude awakening over time, and they're about to lose their front-end man or mouthpiece in the Oval Office.

January 20, 2017, can't come fast enough, and more damage will be done, before the varmint leaves office, but there will be an end to it.

And then the fun can begin.
"Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute"

Actually not.

Marriage licenses are being issued in the county, and there is no 'dispute' concerning the fact that same-sex couples are entitled to enter into marriage contracts; in essence this is over – Davis has been afforded full and comprehensive due process, the only question is how long she stays in jail, and only Davis can answer that question.
All this means is that someone else in a position of authority within the county has decided to proceed without her.

Her part in the dispute remains extant, as does her so-called 'punishment', for refusing to back down or to repent or relent.

She is on the path to metaphorical martyrdom, and, unless I miss my guess, she will intentionally remain in jail for some time, still, in order to draw attention to the issue.
Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis was divorced three times and had children out of wedlock before experiencing a religious awakening that cemented her obedience to Christian scripture — and her defiance of the country's highest court.

Davis, an Apostolic Christian, says her commitment to her faith came after she found "a message of grace" four years ago when she went to church following the death of her mother-in-law.


"I am not perfect. No one is," she said in her statement. "But I am forgiven and I love my Lord and must be obedient to Him and to the Word of God."

She was first married in 1984, when she was 18, and divorced a decade later, court records show. Five months after the marriage dissolved, she gave birth to twins by another man.

In 1996, she married again, and her new husband adopted the twins. They divorced in 2006.


The following year, she married the father of her twins. That third marriage lasted less than a year.

In 2009, Davis remarried her second husband, Joe Davis. They remain wed.

One of her lawyers, Mathew Staver of the Christian firm Liberty Counsel, said that most Rowan County taxpayers — who pay her $80,000 annual salary — stand by her.

Kim Davis, Kentucky Clerk Blocking Gay Marriages, Has Had Her Own Marital Strife

Got to love it, the hypocrisy.

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis was divorced three times and had children out of wedlock before experiencing a religious awakening that cemented her obedience to Christian scripture — and her defiance of the country's highest court.

Davis, an Apostolic Christian, says her commitment to her faith came after she found "a message of grace" four years ago when she went to church following the death of her mother-in-law.


"I am not perfect. No one is," she said in her statement. "But I am forgiven and I love my Lord and must be obedient to Him and to the Word of God."

She was first married in 1984, when she was 18, and divorced a decade later, court records show. Five months after the marriage dissolved, she gave birth to twins by another man.

In 1996, she married again, and her new husband adopted the twins. They divorced in 2006.


The following year, she married the father of her twins. That third marriage lasted less than a year.

In 2009, Davis remarried her second husband, Joe Davis. They remain wed.

One of her lawyers, Mathew Staver of the Christian firm Liberty Counsel, said that most Rowan County taxpayers — who pay her $80,000 annual salary — stand by her.

Kim Davis, Kentucky Clerk Blocking Gay Marriages, Has Had Her Own Marital Strife

Got to love it, the hypocrisy.
Divorce is a tough habit to kick for conservatives. Just look at Rush.

YAWNNNNNNN. Been christian for 4 years. Get over it degenerates. She repented to her god all is forgiven you are all freaks of nature and disgusting scum. Nothing short of death will help homosexuals.

She is probably going to sue, since she can no longer do her job and she can't get fired being an elected nutcase.
Courts locking up elected officials never goes over well. Wars have been started by less.

Davis has voluntarily gone to jail, the court is merely following her instructions.

She can go home next week if she agrees to not interfere with a lawful court order; Davis is in jail because she wants to be there.

Attempting to portray Davis as some sort of 'victim' or 'martyr' only exhibits the ignorance of the law common to most on the right, or their contempt for the rule of law.
And he has every right not to, and Burger King should be able to let him go for not being able to do his job, but he shouldn't go to JAIL for it, ass hat.
If the Allahnista refused to leave the building after Burger King fired him then " burly Police" would come into play...
Kim "the Martyr" Davis refuses to do her job but also refuses to resign...the issue of Gay Marriage has gone to the Supreme Court and Legal gay marriage is the law....any questions?

Why should she have to resign? Why cant she be let go by her superiors?
Perhaps if a cab driver is allergy to a woman's perfume or her pet he can apologize and call for another cab to pick her up. The smell would linger and make him ill till he could clean the car and steam the interior with some neutralizing agent.
A cashier at target that is muslim could use gloves and wipe the moving belt down after the customer has finished and paid if the customer buys bacon or pork. The items are wrapped in plastic so she really should not have a problem sliding the item over the scanner and putting it in a bag. It is not like she is working in the butcher department and actually handling the pork with her hands.

If you can't do the job, find some place you can work at. Accommodations for employees should be within reason and not bankrupt the business to install. A mom and pop store should not have to put in ramp and special lifters and such if an employee has an injury outside of work, especially if it i a low or moderate wage job that someone else could do for less.

It is one thing to have a sign interpreter for a large group but a small store does not have to accommodate every language and disability in his business. If you hire or already have an employee that needs a sign interpreter due to the loss of search, you are essentially hiring two people. Interpreters can charge $25 or more per hour. If the employee get paid that or less, it cost too much to the small business owner.

The clerk took an oath to do her job. If she did not want to actually hand them the license, there were others in the office. Her faith should have been left at home.
And he has every right not to, and Burger King should be able to let him go for not being able to do his job, but he shouldn't go to JAIL for it, ass hat.
If the Allahnista refused to leave the building after Burger King fired him then " burly Police" would come into play...
Kim "the Martyr" Davis refuses to do her job but also refuses to resign...the issue of Gay Marriage has gone to the Supreme Court and Legal gay marriage is the law....any questions?

Why should she have to resign? Why cant she be let go by her superiors?

she is holding elected office ...

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