Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.

Our government is doing the same thing to her that the pilgrims left their country because of.......... It is called religious persecution. And it is in it's infancy. It will culminate in colosseum type events with chants of death from the crowd. Paint and others will cheer the deaths of many and will think their liberal America is being blessed by the murders. They are not.
Enjoy your 15 min.
Eternity is coming.

The Puritans separated from the Church of England because they were the intolerant ones. And when the Puritans settled on the American continent, they were still the intolerant ones. There was no secular life. There was no separation of church and state. Then came the witch trials of 1692.

No one is rounding up Christians to be thrown into an arena with hungry lions. Your hysteria is ridiculous. Sane and logical people simply resist the tendency of the religious folk, who believe they are "righteous" and "vessels of God", from conducting modern day "witch trials". Let the gays live in peace. Adhere to the basic tenet of liberty and justice for ALL. No one is going to tolerate your intolerance. You can believe whatever you want, just leave the rest of us alone.
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Muslim manager to hamburger seeker


"sorry I am not going to risks my immortal soul putting bacon strips on your burger" no no other clerk can do that either as it makes me guilty they work for me......

Well, as a free market capitalist, I say let the market decide. Not courts.

If someone wants to patron their establishment knowing they cannot get a bacon cheeseburger then so be it.

That is they it should be done. However, that is not how you communist pawns are sold by your communist masters. You think there needs to be a LAW that someone private business should conduct themselves that violate their religious beliefs. Which is clearly allowed according to the constitution that you pieces of shit hate so much.

Fucking idiot.

If that were the case then blacks would still be banned from lunch counters all over the south. But then, you might be ok with that too.

Oh there you go. Black thing. Getting thank yous from the hopelessly brainwashed. Yes, if a business does not want to serve blacks and that is the way he does business, then the free market will take care of it.

I know I am going to waste my time with you and liberals that think like you, but here it goes. There was a bar that existed in Lake Worth where I use to live. The owner of the bar of made it clear he was a racist. He did not even try to hide it. I am not white, I will put it that way.

I went into his place and he made it clear he did not want me there. I left. I did not complain. Nothing. I went to a place that did serve me. That bar did not do any business. No one went in there cause of his policy. I could not stand him. I would walk past his place and it was ALWAYS empty. While all of the other bars were packed.

Guess what? He went out of business. The market made the judgement. Not some court. Not some law.

You do not get what I am saying cause you are a hack. You just have the cliches all down. The lunch counter cliche, ride the back of the bus cliche. It is long gone man.

No person who owns a business should be forced to do business with someone they do not want to do business with. That, is a violation of their first amendment. I would bet anything if a black baker was forced to bake a cake for a KKK party, you would be the first to say that black owner should have the right to turn them down.

You, and everyone like you are nothing but a hypocritical talking points and cliches for your communist masters. You ignorant as all fuck, and do not get shit. You are all such idiots.

I am not doing anything of the kind. I am discussing the reality of how our system works. That some redneck bar owner went out of business does not change that. There are laws in most states that forbid discrimination by a business. If you want to remove those, start an amendment or get elected and challenge them.

It actually has nothing to do with the topic, since the discrimination is happening in a gov't office.
I will bet anything you would be on the side of a black baker if he refused to bake a cake for a kkk rally.

You are denying this? What is worse is you will pretend to not get the point. It is a slippery slope and the government making expressions illegal for one
group but not the other is demented.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.
What a wonderful idea; let the Rowan County taxpayers vote on whether they should support marriage between same sex couples. Now why didn't anyone think to let the people vote on the issue. You are so illtelligintimate ty :eusa_whistle:

Because the majority cannot vote away the rights of a minority. Whether you like it or not, the US Constitution protects the minority from the majority mob.
Whatever you think. Again deviant sexual behaviors were not mentioned in the Constitution. In your theory pedophiles rights should be protected under auspice of some whacked out judge's ruling. Piss off.

Bringing up pedophiles is pure strawman. It has no relevance here.

No, deviant sexual behaviors are not mentioned in the US Constitution. But then, neither are they reserved for only the heterosexuals. The US Supreme Court has ruled. You can call people names and throw a tantrum. But that does not change the facts.

Right again. The Supreme Court can find protection for homosexuals in the Constitution, but can't seem to find protection for unborn children. Funny how that works.
One group are people, the other are potential people. Deal with reality, the courts do.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.
What a wonderful idea; let the Rowan County taxpayers vote on whether they should support marriage between same sex couples. Now why didn't anyone think to let the people vote on the issue. You are so illtelligintimate ty :eusa_whistle:

Because the majority cannot vote away the rights of a minority. Whether you like it or not, the US Constitution protects the minority from the majority mob.
Whatever you think. Again deviant sexual behaviors were not mentioned in the Constitution. In your theory pedophiles rights should be protected under auspice of some whacked out judge's ruling. Piss off.

Bringing up pedophiles is pure strawman. It has no relevance here.

No, deviant sexual behaviors are not mentioned in the US Constitution. But then, neither are they reserved for only the heterosexuals. The US Supreme Court has ruled. You can call people names and throw a tantrum. But that does not change the facts.

Right again. The Supreme Court can find protection for homosexuals in the Constitution, but can't seem to find protection for unborn children. Funny how that works.

As you pointed out, the SCOTUS does not write law.
Jim Bowie hit the nail on the head. She would not have accepted the position if it required her to side step her belief's. That was thrust upon her after she took an oath to uphold the laws of Kentucky. She IS doing the job she was required to do when taking the position. It would be the same as forcing a DMV employee to euthanize animals after they accepted a job to hand out driver's licenses.

She had the option to resign.

Kim Davis and her merry band of bigoted religious extremists are not going to win this battle.

You are correct. A Christian's right to practice their religion publically in the land of the free is over. The only religion allowed to be practiced in America will be Sharia law. We don't dare ask a Muslim to bake cakes or marry gays. It is the change you voted for and will be oppressed by as soon as our government can fly enough of them in to create a vocal minority to over rule the majority.
The rules are the same for everyone, little ramstein. That's the whole point of this kind of thing, making people equals even though you'll never believe that...

Wrong little paint sniffer. It is removing the rights of the majority and pandering to the minorities. It is pc pretense. One has the right to force another to do what they say. The other has no right to refuse. That is tyranny, not equality.
Jim Bowie hit the nail on the head. She would not have accepted the position if it required her to side step her belief's. That was thrust upon her after she took an oath to uphold the laws of Kentucky. She IS doing the job she was required to do when taking the position. It would be the same as forcing a DMV employee to euthanize animals after they accepted a job to hand out driver's licenses.

She had the option to resign.

Kim Davis and her merry band of bigoted religious extremists are not going to win this battle.

You are correct. A Christian's right to practice their religion publically in the land of the free is over.

Where? Certainly not where I live. I see Christians all over the place.

The only religion allowed to be practiced in America will be Sharia law.

Interesting you'd make that statement since you are the one behaving like someone who would practice Sharia

We don't dare ask a Muslim to bake cakes or marry gays.

Don't we?

It is the change you voted for

Did I? Who did I vote for? Enlighten me.
Muslim manager to hamburger seeker


"sorry I am not going to risks my immortal soul putting bacon strips on your burger" no no other clerk can do that either as it makes me guilty they work for me......

Well, as a free market capitalist, I say let the market decide. Not courts.

If someone wants to patron their establishment knowing they cannot get a bacon cheeseburger then so be it.

That is they it should be done. However, that is not how you communist pawns are sold by your communist masters. You think there needs to be a LAW that someone private business should conduct themselves that violate their religious beliefs. Which is clearly allowed according to the constitution that you pieces of shit hate so much.

Fucking idiot.

If that were the case then blacks would still be banned from lunch counters all over the south. But then, you might be ok with that too.

Oh there you go. Black thing. Getting thank yous from the hopelessly brainwashed. Yes, if a business does not want to serve blacks and that is the way he does business, then the free market will take care of it.

I know I am going to waste my time with you and liberals that think like you, but here it goes. There was a bar that existed in Lake Worth where I use to live. The owner of the bar of made it clear he was a racist. He did not even try to hide it. I am not white, I will put it that way.

I went into his place and he made it clear he did not want me there. I left. I did not complain. Nothing. I went to a place that did serve me. That bar did not do any business. No one went in there cause of his policy. I could not stand him. I would walk past his place and it was ALWAYS empty. While all of the other bars were packed.

Guess what? He went out of business. The market made the judgement. Not some court. Not some law.

You do not get what I am saying cause you are a hack. You just have the cliches all down. The lunch counter cliche, ride the back of the bus cliche. It is long gone man.

No person who owns a business should be forced to do business with someone they do not want to do business with. That, is a violation of their first amendment. I would bet anything if a black baker was forced to bake a cake for a KKK party, you would be the first to say that black owner should have the right to turn them down.

You, and everyone like you are nothing but a hypocritical talking points and cliches for your communist masters. You ignorant as all fuck, and do not get shit. You are all such idiots.

I am not doing anything of the kind. I am discussing the reality of how our system works. That some redneck bar owner went out of business does not change that. There are laws in most states that forbid discrimination by a business. If you want to remove those, start an amendment or get elected and challenge them.

It actually has nothing to do with the topic, since the discrimination is happening in a gov't office.
I will bet anything you would be on the side of a black baker if he refused to bake a cake for a kkk rally.

You are denying this? What is worse is you will pretend to not get the point. It is a slippery slope and the government making expressions illegal for one
group but not the other is demented.

You would lose that bet. I despise the kkk. But I recognize their right to exist. That is the difference between you and me. I see that freedom is not based on what I like. Freedom of those we dislike and who are despicable is what must be protected.
Jim Bowie hit the nail on the head. She would not have accepted the position if it required her to side step her belief's. That was thrust upon her after she took an oath to uphold the laws of Kentucky. She IS doing the job she was required to do when taking the position. It would be the same as forcing a DMV employee to euthanize animals after they accepted a job to hand out driver's licenses.

She had the option to resign.

Kim Davis and her merry band of bigoted religious extremists are not going to win this battle.

You are correct. A Christian's right to practice their religion publically in the land of the free is over. The only religion allowed to be practiced in America will be Sharia law. We don't dare ask a Muslim to bake cakes or marry gays. It is the change you voted for and will be oppressed by as soon as our government can fly enough of them in to create a vocal minority to over rule the majority.
The rules are the same for everyone, little ramstein. That's the whole point of this kind of thing, making people equals even though you'll never believe that...

Wrong little paint sniffer. It is removing the rights of the majority and pandering to the minorities. It is pc pretense. One has the right to force another to do what they say. The other has no right to refuse. That is tyranny, not equality.
We are not a democracy, we don't have mob rule here. The minority is protected from the whims of the majority. Deal with it.
There is no such thing as a potential person. A 6 month old preemie in a hospital incubator is no different than a 6 month preemie in it's mother's incubator. Both have the potential to feel pain when being dissected alive. Another pc case of a minority dictating law to the majority.
There is no such thing as a potential person. A 6 month old preemie in a hospital incubator is no different than a 6 month preemie in it's mother's incubator. Both have the potential to feel pain when being dissected alive. Another pc case of a minority dictating law to the majority.
There's a huge difference in most cases. Killing one is legal, usually, and the other is clearly not, although that should be allowed under certain conditions as well. At that stage both are close enough to people that things get complicated but that's not when induced abortion happens, in all but rare cases.
Eternity is the least of my problems but the greatest of yours. Strangely enough we both get nothing, which I approve of and you would feel cheated by but you will never know. Dead is dead, period.

And I KNOW that you are wrong, but I am not going to waste my time trying to explain anything to a retard and moral degenerate like you.

JimBowie1958: Your intolerance is showing. It's not a waste of time for others to point out your intolerance for what it is, i.e., unacceptable in the public life of a heterogeneous society.
Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.

Our government is doing the same thing to her that the pilgrims left their country because of.......... It is called religious persecution. And it is in it's infancy. It will culminate in colosseum type events with chants of death from the crowd. Paint and others will cheer the deaths of many and will think their liberal America is being blessed by the murders. They are not.
Enjoy your 15 min.
Eternity is coming.
Eternity is the least of my problems but the greatest of yours. Strangely enough we both get nothing, which I approve of and you would feel cheated by but you will never know. Dead is dead, period.

We are without end. Dead is nothing more than shedding our terrestrial part.

You're free to believe in an after-life. You're free to determine for yourself what the steps you take on your own path of life. Why don't other people have that same freedom? So long as other people aren't harming you, why can't they walk on their own paths? Why do you think you and others like you have the right to obstruct their beliefs?
Jim Bowie hit the nail on the head. She would not have accepted the position if it required her to side step her belief's. That was thrust upon her after she took an oath to uphold the laws of Kentucky. She IS doing the job she was required to do when taking the position. It would be the same as forcing a DMV employee to euthanize animals after they accepted a job to hand out driver's licenses.

She had the option to resign.

Kim Davis and her merry band of bigoted religious extremists are not going to win this battle.

You are correct. A Christian's right to practice their religion publically in the land of the free is over. The only religion allowed to be practiced in America will be Sharia law. We don't dare ask a Muslim to bake cakes or marry gays. It is the change you voted for and will be oppressed by as soon as our government can fly enough of them in to create a vocal minority to over rule the majority.

Reading to your whine is like fingernails on a chalkboard.
Jim Bowie hit the nail on the head. She would not have accepted the position if it required her to side step her belief's. That was thrust upon her after she took an oath to uphold the laws of Kentucky. She IS doing the job she was required to do when taking the position. It would be the same as forcing a DMV employee to euthanize animals after they accepted a job to hand out driver's licenses.

She had the option to resign.

Kim Davis and her merry band of bigoted religious extremists are not going to win this battle.

You are correct. A Christian's right to practice their religion publically in the land of the free is over.

Where? Certainly not where I live. I see Christians all over the place.

The only religion allowed to be practiced in America will be Sharia law.

Interesting you'd make that statement since you are the one behaving like someone who would practice Sharia

We don't dare ask a Muslim to bake cakes or marry gays.

Don't we?

It is the change you voted for

Did I? Who did I vote for? Enlighten me.

My statement has less to do with religion than freedom. The opposite of Shairia Law.
No, the gay mafia is not targeting Muslims to bake gay cakes. Google, "how many Muslim bakeries are being fined for refusing to bake gay cakes". I couldn't find one. Probably because gays fear Muslims. They are not pc. They want Sharia Law and death to gays.

The Washington Weekly:
Muslim bakeries in Michigan refused to bake cakes for gay weddings. You would think that would be news like Memories Pizza refusing to cater gay weddings. Nope, Muslims are part of the liberal media protected class. If Muslims want to follow their own religious beliefs and not bake cakes for gay weddings, you don’t hear any big outcry out bigotry of ‘homophobia.’ Instead, these Muslim bakeries in Michigan are given a pass to practice their religion as they see fit, unlike Christians. Watch the following video from Steven Crowder going into a few Dearboorn Muslim bakeries and asking them to make a gay wedding cake. Every one of them refuses

What we are experiencing in America is religious persecution aimed at one particular group using cake to perpetuate the attack.
Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question. No problem with her doing her job.
The problem isn't one of performance, it is one of freedom to PRACTICE her religion that is in question. The government is trying to take away her beliefs and substitute their beliefs, insisting that theirs take precedent over her own. She was thrown in jail because of her religion. A practice that is going to become common place in this country for every religion but Islam.

No, she wasn't thrown in jail because of her religion and no, the government isn't trying to take away her beliefs. She has the freedom to practice her religion. What she doesn't have is the freedom to discriminate against others in her capacity as a government official.

Yes she was, and yes they are. What they are telling her is she can have her religion, just not practice it. Let someone else handle gay paperwork instead of forcing her to disregard something she feels so strongly about.

If her religion mandated that she engage in ritual sacrifice of human beings, she would go to jail for murder if she practiced her religion.

But, no one has prevented her from practicing her religion. She is still free to believe whatever she wants to believe. She is free to go to church every day, etc., etc., etc. As an agent for the state, however, she does not have the right to deny civil rights to the people she serves.
She didn't have to issue marriage licenses. She could have delegated that duty to one of her willing deputy clerks.
Yes, but that wouldn't have gotten her name in the papers, or her fat ass behind bars. She wants to be this:

So be it...

She wants to do the job she was hired to do. The one that didn't demand she give up her beliefs to carry out.

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