Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.
What a wonderful idea; let the Rowan County taxpayers vote on whether they should support marriage between same sex couples. Now why didn't anyone think to let the people vote on the issue. You are so illtelligintimate ty :eusa_whistle:

Do you know anything about the Constitution? Civil rights are not subject to popular vote.
Neither are the clerks civil rights which includes the right to practice her religion IN ALL PHASES OF HER LIFE.
There are plenty of things that we are MADE to do. They make us pay taxes, ect ect.

And if all of this stemmed from Kim Davis in her personal life, you might have a point. But Kim Davis started this in her official capacity as County Clerk of Rowan County. And that DOES make a difference. To have an individual discriminate is one thing. To have the gov't discriminate is an entirely different matter.

Again, you make an artificial and false dichotomy between practicing ones beliefs in public and practicing them in private.

The Constitutions First Amendment protects BOTH.

And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do. She wants HER religious belief to be used in the county gov't to determine what is or is not legal. That is blatantly unconstitutional.
"And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do."

That is an old line of bullshit, akin to claiming a single kiss is an establishment of marriage.

Look at the UK if you want to see where there is no separation of church and state, where the head of the UK government is also head of the Church of England.

You libtards just don't know what the hell you are talking about, because facts really don't matter to you. You figure that if you sling any old line of shit out there and enough people buy it then it is true enough.

Well it isn't. Separation of church and state denies the ESTABLISHMENT of a state and church union, again like the UK. One act of a religious nature by a government servant is not an establishment of religion, and the public is getting pretty sick of the lies you guys keep spewing.

If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.

A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.
Her "faith" will fold, like a towel, soon enough...
I see the butt fuck mafia and its supporters are still trying to rationalize and claim they are in the right...no surprise. They will do this until the day of reckoning comes for their kind.

Those who believe in equality are in the right.

Those who defy court orders go to jail. It really is that simple.

No, it isn't, that is just you talking out of your ass.
She should have just done her job

Yeah, kinda like a Nazi Death Camp guard just did their jobs.

It may be news to you young'uns but we need to have people who work in government follow their conscience superior to 'just doing their job'.

And we cannot have a county clerk who decides she is above the law. She appealed to the highest court and was turned down. This is not about Nazi death camps. This is not even about homosexuality. This is about issuing a freakin marriage license. If it goes against her religious beliefs, she can resign. She was even given the chance to agree to allow one of the deputy county clerks to issue the licenses to same-sex couples, with Davis simply not interfering. She refused even that.

This is about a person being able to say 'No' to government orders and procedures due to violation of their personal ethics, and this should NEVER be against the law or punishable by imperial judges.

You libtards are so freakingly funny, while you have your President in power you love imperial PResidents and the same goes for when you control Congress, then you whine about the other side having power when they get it. And the Republican whores do the very same thing.

That is why the rest of us are sick to death of you partisan hacks. Your bullshit causes real people to get hurt or put in jail for no damned good reason.

But you are OK with that while things are going your way, but that pendulum always swings back the other way, dude.

Let me get this straight. Everyone in this country should be allowed to refuse to obey laws and judicial orders that they don't agree with? Every man becomes a law unto himself?
Again, you make an artificial and false dichotomy between practicing ones beliefs in public and practicing them in private.

The Constitutions First Amendment protects BOTH.

And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do. She wants HER religious belief to be used in the county gov't to determine what is or is not legal. That is blatantly unconstitutional.
"And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do."

That is an old line of bullshit, akin to claiming a single kiss is an establishment of marriage.

Look at the UK if you want to see where there is no separation of church and state, where the head of the UK government is also head of the Church of England.

You libtards just don't know what the hell you are talking about, because facts really don't matter to you. You figure that if you sling any old line of shit out there and enough people buy it then it is true enough.

Well it isn't. Separation of church and state denies the ESTABLISHMENT of a state and church union, again like the UK. One act of a religious nature by a government servant is not an establishment of religion, and the public is getting pretty sick of the lies you guys keep spewing.

If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.

A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.
Her "faith" will fold, like a towel, soon enough...
She has gone further for her beliefs than you have gone for yours, jack ass. You are merely projecting she will fold based on your own behavior.
And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do. She wants HER religious belief to be used in the county gov't to determine what is or is not legal. That is blatantly unconstitutional.
"And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do."

That is an old line of bullshit, akin to claiming a single kiss is an establishment of marriage.

Look at the UK if you want to see where there is no separation of church and state, where the head of the UK government is also head of the Church of England.

You libtards just don't know what the hell you are talking about, because facts really don't matter to you. You figure that if you sling any old line of shit out there and enough people buy it then it is true enough.

Well it isn't. Separation of church and state denies the ESTABLISHMENT of a state and church union, again like the UK. One act of a religious nature by a government servant is not an establishment of religion, and the public is getting pretty sick of the lies you guys keep spewing.

If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.

A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.

No one has expected her to give up her religion. That is simply a lie.

What they HAVE expected her to do is either fulfill her job requirements or resign. She had the option of having one of her deputy clerks do the licenses for same-sex couples, but she refused that as well.

But mainly she was expected not to defy a court order.
Why cant they delegate that responsibility to someone else. Maybe some fagots work in her office that wouldn't mind soiling their souls?

"They"? Who is "they"? She has defied everyone above her who instructed her to issue the licenses, delegate the issuance of the licenses, or resign. The judge who put her in jail even tried to get the job delegated, but she would not allow it.
Let me get this straight. Everyone in this country should be allowed to refuse to obey laws and judicial orders that they don't agree with? Every man becomes a law unto himself?

No, and I did not say that. Everyone has the right to practice their religious faith in all phases of their life. That excludes New Age made up 'I feel a fart coming, must mean its a bad omen' kind of bullshit you would like to obscure this issue with.
"They"? Who is "they"? She has defied everyone above her who instructed her to issue the licenses, delegate the issuance of the licenses, or resign. The judge who put her in jail even tried to get the job delegated, but she would not allow it.

Then remove her from office by whatever process the state allows for that, but throwing her in jail is an establishment of ANTI-religion, i.e. a secular state similar to what the Jacobins tried.
And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do. She wants HER religious belief to be used in the county gov't to determine what is or is not legal. That is blatantly unconstitutional.
"And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do."

That is an old line of bullshit, akin to claiming a single kiss is an establishment of marriage.

Look at the UK if you want to see where there is no separation of church and state, where the head of the UK government is also head of the Church of England.

You libtards just don't know what the hell you are talking about, because facts really don't matter to you. You figure that if you sling any old line of shit out there and enough people buy it then it is true enough.

Well it isn't. Separation of church and state denies the ESTABLISHMENT of a state and church union, again like the UK. One act of a religious nature by a government servant is not an establishment of religion, and the public is getting pretty sick of the lies you guys keep spewing.

If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.

A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.
Her "faith" will fold, like a towel, soon enough...
She has gone further for her beliefs than you have gone for yours, jack ass. You are merely projecting she will fold based on your own behavior.
Nope. She will soon realize that the world doesn't give a shit that she rots in jail, and Jesus will answer her prayers saying she can best serve the Lord by resigning, and being released. Bet on it.
Let me get this straight. Everyone in this country should be allowed to refuse to obey laws and judicial orders that they don't agree with? Every man becomes a law unto himself?

No, and I did not say that. Everyone has the right to practice their religious faith in all phases of their life. That excludes New Age made up 'I feel a fart coming, must mean its a bad omen' kind of bullshit you would like to obscure this issue with.
Ah, we have the arbiter of faith here. He knows real religion from fake? Bet he knows the Will of God as well eh?
"And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do."

That is an old line of bullshit, akin to claiming a single kiss is an establishment of marriage.

Look at the UK if you want to see where there is no separation of church and state, where the head of the UK government is also head of the Church of England.

You libtards just don't know what the hell you are talking about, because facts really don't matter to you. You figure that if you sling any old line of shit out there and enough people buy it then it is true enough.

Well it isn't. Separation of church and state denies the ESTABLISHMENT of a state and church union, again like the UK. One act of a religious nature by a government servant is not an establishment of religion, and the public is getting pretty sick of the lies you guys keep spewing.

If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.

A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.
Her "faith" will fold, like a towel, soon enough...
She has gone further for her beliefs than you have gone for yours, jack ass. You are merely projecting she will fold based on your own behavior.
Nope. She will soon realize that the world doesn't give a shit that she rots in jail, and Jesus will answer her prayers saying she can best serve the Lord by resigning, and being released. Bet on it.

Do you libtard liars ever tire of just making shit up?

Reality is not what you dictate to yourself in your fantasies, jack ass.
"They"? Who is "they"? She has defied everyone above her who instructed her to issue the licenses, delegate the issuance of the licenses, or resign. The judge who put her in jail even tried to get the job delegated, but she would not allow it.

Then remove her from office by whatever process the state allows for that, but throwing her in jail is an establishment of ANTI-religion, i.e. a secular state similar to what the Jacobins tried.
In January she can be impeached, and should be. We'll see, but she won't make it that long.
Let me get this straight. Everyone in this country should be allowed to refuse to obey laws and judicial orders that they don't agree with? Every man becomes a law unto himself?

No, and I did not say that. Everyone has the right to practice their religious faith in all phases of their life. That excludes New Age made up 'I feel a fart coming, must mean its a bad omen' kind of bullshit you would like to obscure this issue with.

Jim wants to have a Christian pissing contest. My God is better than your God!
Let me get this straight. Everyone in this country should be allowed to refuse to obey laws and judicial orders that they don't agree with? Every man becomes a law unto himself?

No, and I did not say that. Everyone has the right to practice their religious faith in all phases of their life. That excludes New Age made up 'I feel a fart coming, must mean its a bad omen' kind of bullshit you would like to obscure this issue with.
Ah, we have the arbiter of faith here. He knows real religion from fake? Bet he knows the Will of God as well eh?

Formal religion is different from simplistic systems of faith. The former have established laws, principles and dogmas while the latter has whatever comes out of some gurus ass.
"They"? Who is "they"? She has defied everyone above her who instructed her to issue the licenses, delegate the issuance of the licenses, or resign. The judge who put her in jail even tried to get the job delegated, but she would not allow it.

Then remove her from office by whatever process the state allows for that, but throwing her in jail is an establishment of ANTI-religion, i.e. a secular state similar to what the Jacobins tried.
In January she can be impeached, and should be. We'll see, but she won't make it that long.
Yeah, I'm sure your Magic 8 Ball told you so.
"They"? Who is "they"? She has defied everyone above her who instructed her to issue the licenses, delegate the issuance of the licenses, or resign. The judge who put her in jail even tried to get the job delegated, but she would not allow it.

Then remove her from office by whatever process the state allows for that, but throwing her in jail is an establishment of ANTI-religion, i.e. a secular state similar to what the Jacobins tried.

No, it is a standard procedure for someone who is in contempt of court and refuses to accept any compromise.

Her religion may be why she is doing what she is doing. But it has no bearing on her being in jail. Her refusal to follow the orders of the court or to resign is why she is in jail.
If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.

A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.
Her "faith" will fold, like a towel, soon enough...
She has gone further for her beliefs than you have gone for yours, jack ass. You are merely projecting she will fold based on your own behavior.
Nope. She will soon realize that the world doesn't give a shit that she rots in jail, and Jesus will answer her prayers saying she can best serve the Lord by resigning, and being released. Bet on it.

Do you libtard liars ever tire of just making shit up?

Reality is not what you dictate to yourself in your fantasies, jack ass.
I am rarely wrong about such things. She jumped off a cliff, carried away by a fantasy, and reality is coming soon once she discovers no one give a shit about her and her personal crusade, which will work out about as well as the real ones...
"They"? Who is "they"? She has defied everyone above her who instructed her to issue the licenses, delegate the issuance of the licenses, or resign. The judge who put her in jail even tried to get the job delegated, but she would not allow it.

Then remove her from office by whatever process the state allows for that, but throwing her in jail is an establishment of ANTI-religion, i.e. a secular state similar to what the Jacobins tried.
In January she can be impeached, and should be. We'll see, but she won't make it that long.
Yeah, I'm sure your Magic 8 Ball told you so.
Nope, human psychology. Jesus will answer her prayers, to get me the fuck out of here, soon enough. And what will Jesus say, I got this so you can just give in or resign. The Lord works in mysterious ways eh?
Muslim manager to hamburger seeker


"sorry I am not going to risks my immortal soul putting bacon strips on your burger" no no other clerk can do that either as it makes me guilty they work for me......

Well, as a free market capitalist, I say let the market decide. Not courts.

If someone wants to patron their establishment knowing they cannot get a bacon cheeseburger then so be it.

That is they it should be done. However, that is not how you communist pawns are sold by your communist masters. You think there needs to be a LAW that someone private business should conduct themselves that violate their religious beliefs. Which is clearly allowed according to the constitution that you pieces of shit hate so much.

Fucking idiot.

If that were the case then blacks would still be banned from lunch counters all over the south. But then, you might be ok with that too.

Oh so you would at a pl
Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.
What a wonderful idea; let the Rowan County taxpayers vote on whether they should support marriage between same sex couples. Now why didn't anyone think to let the people vote on the issue. You are so illtelligintimate ty :eusa_whistle:

same sex marriage is the law of the land. If she did not deny those who were muslim, jewish, santanist, those of mixed faith or race, etc., then she had not right to deny gays.
At work she is supposed to do her job, not judge those applying for a license because of her faith.
Faith should be internal, not imposed on the rest of the country.
At home, at church, and in her personal life she is free to believe what she want, but being that others in the country are also free to believe their what ever, she cannot deny them when they come to get a license.

Would a police man at at a traffic corner only allow the white car to go first and then the grey and make the red cars wait for everyone else?

Should a fireman only put out fires in brick houses and not the wood houses?

You cannot pick and choose who to serve, especially if you work for the government. She had to raise her hand and make a oath to serve as an elected official. If she can't do her job, she should not have made the oath "so help me god".


Section 228 of the Kentucky Constitution, oath of officers and attorneys:

Members of the General Assembly and all officers, before they enter upon the execution of the duties of their respective offices, and all members of the bar, before they enter upon the practice of their profession, shall take the following oath or affirmation:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this Commonwealth, and be faithful and true to the Commonwealth of Kentucky so long as I continue a citizen thereof, and that I will faithfully execute, to the best of my ability, the office of ——————— according to law; and I do further solemnly swear (or affirm) that since the adoption of the present Constitution, I, being a citizen of this State, have not fought a duel with deadly weapons within this State nor out of it, nor have I sent or accepted a challenge to fight a duel with deadly weapons, nor have I acted as second in carrying a challenge, nor aided or assisted any person thus offending, so help me God."


— Source: Kentucky Legislative Research Commission

So are you saying mayors that violate the LAW OF THE LAND should be put in prison too?

You know, the ones that provide sanctuary cities to illegals?

How those laws of the land?

Now, let us see that liberal hypocrisy on full display. I will bet a caring liberal like you allows illegals to camp out at your house, don't you?

You are all bloviated hypocrites who use your compassion when it is convenient. Your moral platitudes that you shout down from are illusions. You are all pawns of your communist masters. Period.

Show us the law that requires mayors of cities to act as agents for the federal immigration administration (ICE). Show us the judicial orders that require the mayors to comply with the identified law. Show us the mayors who are in contempt of those orders.
Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.
What a wonderful idea; let the Rowan County taxpayers vote on whether they should support marriage between same sex couples. Now why didn't anyone think to let the people vote on the issue. You are so illtelligintimate ty :eusa_whistle:

Do you know anything about the Constitution? Civil rights are not subject to popular vote.
Neither are the clerks civil rights which includes the right to practice her religion IN ALL PHASES OF HER LIFE.
her rights do not allow her to deny rights to others, and they don't allow her to use her office to deny rights to others.

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