Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.
What a wonderful idea; let the Rowan County taxpayers vote on whether they should support marriage between same sex couples. Now why didn't anyone think to let the people vote on the issue. You are so illtelligintimate ty :eusa_whistle:

Do you know anything about the Constitution? Civil rights are not subject to popular vote.
Neither are the clerks civil rights which includes the right to practice her religion IN ALL PHASES OF HER LIFE.
her rights do not allow her to deny rights to others, and they don't allow her to use her office to deny rights to others.

Others are not allowed to deny her rights by changing her job description in a way that forces her to deny her rights.
Had her job included gay marriage and she campaigned on not having a problem with that and won the position, then refused to do her job, then she should be impeached.
Changing her job to include something that goes against her beliefs, and then imprisoning her for not discarding her beliefs is the very concept that caused this country to be forged by those laboring under the same conditions in England. The pilgrims came here to escape this very thing.

She went to jail on her own free will. Then she rejected a proposal to allow her deputies to process same-sex marriage licenses. Her job description changed. It happens, get over it. If she is not willing to do the job she's paid to do, she should resign.
Hey Kim.....Miss Bible.....
20:19-26 Give to Caesar What Is Caesar’s: Give To God What Is God’s
That is taxes dumb ass.

As usual, you miss the meanings, FAKE CHRISTIAN of his teachings.....Jesus was trying to tell his followers, that you are of the world and you must render to that world, ie deal with the shit that comes your way!!
Hey Kim.....Miss Bible.....
20:19-26 Give to Caesar What Is Caesar’s: Give To God What Is God’s
That is taxes dumb ass.

As usual, you miss the meanings, FAKE CHRISTIAN of his teachings.....Jesus was trying to tell his followers, that you are of the world and you must render to that world, ie deal with the shit that comes your way!!
You are trying to twist the wrong body here. I already addressed this issue in another thread, piss off along with your buds.
What a wonderful idea; let the Rowan County taxpayers vote on whether they should support marriage between same sex couples. Now why didn't anyone think to let the people vote on the issue. You are so illtelligintimate ty :eusa_whistle:

Do you know anything about the Constitution? Civil rights are not subject to popular vote.
Neither are the clerks civil rights which includes the right to practice her religion IN ALL PHASES OF HER LIFE.
her rights do not allow her to deny rights to others, and they don't allow her to use her office to deny rights to others.

Others are not allowed to deny her rights by changing her job description in a way that forces her to deny her rights.
Had her job included gay marriage and she campaigned on not having a problem with that and won the position, then refused to do her job, then she should be impeached.
Changing her job to include something that goes against her beliefs, and then imprisoning her for not discarding her beliefs is the very concept that caused this country to be forged by those laboring under the same conditions in England. The pilgrims came here to escape this very thing.

She went to jail on her own free will. Then she rejected a proposal to allow her deputies to process same-sex marriage licenses. Her job description changed. It happens, get over it. If she is not willing to do the job she's paid to do, she should resign.
Exactly...they keep harping on the fact this is a generational thing, ie typical small town bs politics of one family rule....either way, you don't like a damned job, than quit, but damit don't try to impose your standards, your beliefs on a tax paying government job that all people including homosexuals support financially......break the chain Kim, work at Walmart and sell bibles!!
Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis was divorced three times and had children out of wedlock before experiencing a religious awakening that cemented her obedience to Christian scripture — and her defiance of the country's highest court.

Davis, an Apostolic Christian, says her commitment to her faith came after she found "a message of grace" four years ago when she went to church following the death of her mother-in-law.


"I am not perfect. No one is," she said in her statement. "But I am forgiven and I love my Lord and must be obedient to Him and to the Word of God."

She was first married in 1984, when she was 18, and divorced a decade later, court records show. Five months after the marriage dissolved, she gave birth to twins by another man.

In 1996, she married again, and her new husband adopted the twins. They divorced in 2006.


The following year, she married the father of her twins. That third marriage lasted less than a year.

In 2009, Davis remarried her second husband, Joe Davis. They remain wed.

One of her lawyers, Mathew Staver of the Christian firm Liberty Counsel, said that most Rowan County taxpayers — who pay her $80,000 annual salary — stand by her.

Kim Davis, Kentucky Clerk Blocking Gay Marriages, Has Had Her Own Marital Strife

Got to love it, the hypocrisy.

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis was divorced three times and had children out of wedlock before experiencing a religious awakening that cemented her obedience to Christian scripture — and her defiance of the country's highest court.

Davis, an Apostolic Christian, says her commitment to her faith came after she found "a message of grace" four years ago when she went to church following the death of her mother-in-law.


"I am not perfect. No one is," she said in her statement. "But I am forgiven and I love my Lord and must be obedient to Him and to the Word of God."

She was first married in 1984, when she was 18, and divorced a decade later, court records show. Five months after the marriage dissolved, she gave birth to twins by another man.

In 1996, she married again, and her new husband adopted the twins. They divorced in 2006.


The following year, she married the father of her twins. That third marriage lasted less than a year.

In 2009, Davis remarried her second husband, Joe Davis. They remain wed.

One of her lawyers, Mathew Staver of the Christian firm Liberty Counsel, said that most Rowan County taxpayers — who pay her $80,000 annual salary — stand by her.

Kim Davis, Kentucky Clerk Blocking Gay Marriages, Has Had Her Own Marital Strife

Got to love it, the hypocrisy.
Divorce is a tough habit to kick for conservatives. Just look at Rush.

YAWNNNNNNN. Been christian for 4 years. Get over it degenerates. She repented to her god all is forgiven you are all freaks of nature and disgusting scum. Nothing short of death will help homosexuals.

She is probably going to sue, since she can no longer do her job and she can't get fired being an elected nutcase.
Courts locking up elected officials never goes over well. Wars have been started by less.

Davis has voluntarily gone to jail, the court is merely following her instructions.

She can go home next week if she agrees to not interfere with a lawful court order; Davis is in jail because she wants to be there.

Attempting to portray Davis as some sort of 'victim' or 'martyr' only exhibits the ignorance of the law common to most on the right, or their contempt for the rule of law.

And the irony of it all is this: If this country was actually what the ignorant rubes fantasize it to be ... then they would be begging to leave because this country would become a nightmare in real life.
...The 70 percent of Americans whom you identify as Christians do not support the notion that the personal beliefs of petty government officials supersede the law...
This is not about being above the law.

This is about the law (ruling) itself being Evil.

A soldier is not obliged to obey an immoral order.
You do not have to obey an order you consider illegal...you do have to resign your position...when Nixon ordered Officials to fire Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox two refused and resigned rather than obey Nixon's order. This is what Davis needs to do resign for Jesus....
Hey Kim.....Miss Bible.....
20:19-26 Give to Caesar What Is Caesar’s: Give To God What Is God’s
That is taxes dumb ass.

As usual, you miss the meanings, FAKE CHRISTIAN of his teachings.....Jesus was trying to tell his followers, that you are of the world and you must render to that world, ie deal with the shit that comes your way!!
You are trying to twist the wrong body here. I already addressed this issue in another thread, piss off along with your buds.

Let me get this straight, you call me out, ie dumb ass and because I missed out on your Lord's thread on the subject, I'm diss'd? Okay!!
...The 70 percent of Americans whom you identify as Christians do not support the notion that the personal beliefs of petty government officials supersede the law...
This is not about being above the law.

This is about the law (ruling) itself being Evil.

A soldier is not obliged to obey an immoral order.
You do not have to obey an order you consider illegal...you do have to resign your position...when Nixon ordered Officials to fire Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox two refused and resigned rather than obey Nixon's order. This is what Davis needs to do resign for Jesus....

Great analogy!! But back then they didn't have 25 hour news coverage, Fox, CNN, who gets hard on's from this shit, nor did they have the nuts rallying behind this chic with mega dollar donation that will soon follow. I mean, I'm 1000% certain, there's a financial potential behind all this..cause that's what we do these days to white people who break laws....Zimmy come to mind?
The US Supreme Court ruled that the laws against same sex marriage were unconstitutional.

And the SC decision is a political reaction that ignores the moral compass this great nation was founded on...

So how is it the employee who disagrees with this belongs in jail?
...The 70 percent of Americans whom you identify as Christians do not support the notion that the personal beliefs of petty government officials supersede the law...
This is not about being above the law.

This is about the law (ruling) itself being Evil.

A soldier is not obliged to obey an immoral order.
You do not have to obey an order you consider illegal...you do have to resign your position...when Nixon ordered Officials to fire Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox two refused and resigned rather than obey Nixon's order. This is what Davis needs to do resign for Jesus....

Great analogy!! But back then they didn't have 25 hour news coverage, Fox, CNN, who gets hard on's from this shit, nor did they have the nuts rallying behind this chic with mega dollar donation that will soon follow. I mean, I'm 1000% certain, there's a financial potential behind all this..cause that's what we do these days to white people who break laws....Zimmy come to mind?
Back then Rainbows were in Black and white it was later they got colorized...
The US Supreme Court ruled that the laws against same sex marriage were unconstitutional.

And the SC decision is a political reaction that ignores the moral compass this great nation was founded on...

So how is it the employee who disagrees with this belongs in jail?
She disobeyed the court. BTW, we don't have mob rule here. What the citizens think is of no impotence either way in this case.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.
What a wonderful idea; let the Rowan County taxpayers vote on whether they should support marriage between same sex couples. Now why didn't anyone think to let the people vote on the issue. You are so illtelligintimate ty :eusa_whistle:

Because the majority cannot vote away the rights of a minority. Whether you like it or not, the US Constitution protects the minority from the majority mob.
Whatever you think. Again deviant sexual behaviors were not mentioned in the Constitution. In your theory pedophiles rights should be protected under auspice of some whacked out judge's ruling. Piss off.

Bringing up pedophiles is pure strawman. It has no relevance here.

No, deviant sexual behaviors are not mentioned in the US Constitution. But then, neither are they reserved for only the heterosexuals. The US Supreme Court has ruled. You can call people names and throw a tantrum. But that does not change the facts.
It is very relevant as it is a deviant behavior you are trying to force upon ALL people. "Gee I need a license to" marry my dog (donkey, cat, whatever), twenty women or men, etc. You want that door to be held opened by the majority and then shove it through upon the majority. If you want sexual deviants ruling over you fine. If you want do it over my religious faith and God given rights according to the Constitution of the United States of America and the states we live in covering those Religious Freedoms forget it; I will refuse to go along with your programming. I do not think the rest have to knowingly accept that for any reason either.

Most people, myself included am tolerant of gays. I don't for a second think that God intended for men to marry men and women to marry women. We all know this in our religious gut, so we tolerate this indifference and we don't judge. When we all die, I can assure each and every one of you, YOU WILL NOT BE JUDGED BY WHAT THE OTHER GUY DID, BUT WHAT YOU DID IN LIFE!!

As the great wizard once said to the tin man looking for a heart....remember my friend, its not about how many people you love, but how many people loved you!!
Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis was divorced three times and had children out of wedlock before experiencing a religious awakening that cemented her obedience to Christian scripture — and her defiance of the country's highest court.

Davis, an Apostolic Christian, says her commitment to her faith came after she found "a message of grace" four years ago when she went to church following the death of her mother-in-law.


"I am not perfect. No one is," she said in her statement. "But I am forgiven and I love my Lord and must be obedient to Him and to the Word of God."

She was first married in 1984, when she was 18, and divorced a decade later, court records show. Five months after the marriage dissolved, she gave birth to twins by another man.

In 1996, she married again, and her new husband adopted the twins. They divorced in 2006.


The following year, she married the father of her twins. That third marriage lasted less than a year.

In 2009, Davis remarried her second husband, Joe Davis. They remain wed.

One of her lawyers, Mathew Staver of the Christian firm Liberty Counsel, said that most Rowan County taxpayers — who pay her $80,000 annual salary — stand by her.

Kim Davis, Kentucky Clerk Blocking Gay Marriages, Has Had Her Own Marital Strife

Got to love it, the hypocrisy.

Divorce is a tough habit to kick for conservatives. Just look at Rush.

YAWNNNNNNN. Been christian for 4 years. Get over it degenerates. She repented to her god all is forgiven you are all freaks of nature and disgusting scum. Nothing short of death will help homosexuals.

She is probably going to sue, since she can no longer do her job and she can't get fired being an elected nutcase.
Courts locking up elected officials never goes over well. Wars have been started by less.

Davis has voluntarily gone to jail, the court is merely following her instructions.

She can go home next week if she agrees to not interfere with a lawful court order; Davis is in jail because she wants to be there.

Attempting to portray Davis as some sort of 'victim' or 'martyr' only exhibits the ignorance of the law common to most on the right, or their contempt for the rule of law.

And the irony of it all is this: If this country was actually what the ignorant rubes fantasize it to be ... then they would be begging to leave because this country would become a nightmare in real life.

Yeah, history recalls the Salem witch hunt years, eh?
Do you know anything about the Constitution? Civil rights are not subject to popular vote.
Neither are the clerks civil rights which includes the right to practice her religion IN ALL PHASES OF HER LIFE.
her rights do not allow her to deny rights to others, and they don't allow her to use her office to deny rights to others.

Others are not allowed to deny her rights by changing her job description in a way that forces her to deny her rights.
Had her job included gay marriage and she campaigned on not having a problem with that and won the position, then refused to do her job, then she should be impeached.
Changing her job to include something that goes against her beliefs, and then imprisoning her for not discarding her beliefs is the very concept that caused this country to be forged by those laboring under the same conditions in England. The pilgrims came here to escape this very thing.

She went to jail on her own free will. Then she rejected a proposal to allow her deputies to process same-sex marriage licenses. Her job description changed. It happens, get over it. If she is not willing to do the job she's paid to do, she should resign.
Exactly...they keep harping on the fact this is a generational thing, ie typical small town bs politics of one family rule....either way, you don't like a damned job, than quit, but damit don't try to impose your standards, your beliefs on a tax paying government job that all people including homosexuals support financially......break the chain Kim, work at Walmart and sell bibles!!

Kim "pig face" Davis is an attention whore and a Cafeteria Christian. The bitch has been divorced 3 times.
She disobeyed the court. BTW, we don't have mob rule here. What the citizens think is of no impotence either way in this case.

Dr. King was placed in jail for his beliefs, was he wrong or right?

Mob rule? You of the double standard...
King was fighting against discrimination. Davis is fighting FOR it.
She disobeyed the court. BTW, we don't have mob rule here. What the citizens think is of no impotence either way in this case.

Dr. King was placed in jail for his beliefs, was he wrong or right?

Mob rule? You of the double standard...
My standards don't change, and he broke the law but he was on the right side of history while she is not...

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