Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

Can conservatives really be THIS dumb?

Yes, they are. Every social conservative I have encountered are ignorant. They have no critical thinking skills. They believe that they have the right to abuse the power of government to impose their ignorance on the rest of society.

Ridiculous hyperbole. Akin to every liberal has an IQ no higher than their shoe size, with no critical thinking skills. I'll bet there is a handful of you out there that have double digit IQ's. ;)

You haven't made a valid argument yet. So my observation clearly applies to the content of your posts.
King was fighting against discrimination. Davis is fighting FOR it.

Dr. King was right, so is Mrs. Davis...
Davis wants the right to treat a minority group as unequal. The complete opposite of King's movement. Don't sully his name by comparing her to that slag of a woman.

The issue is not about equal rights, no one is denying them the right to live with each other, period. You can change the law that denies their partner the right to inherit their estate and put this to bed once and for all, but that is not what you really want...

Dr. King was denied the right to sit in any seat on the bus, he was not asking or demanding someone change their moral beliefs about sexuality...

This woman is not my hero, but she is entitled to stand up for her beliefs and it has nothing to do with discrimination...
This is more of the, she won't bake me a cake so we'll destroy her, bullshit. She has the right to live her religion, free of state interference.
Why isn't God saving her?

He already has.
He never said He'd take you out of it, He said He'd get you through it. You'd know that if you ever picked up a Bible...

He can carry her to the unemployment line then. She had a job to do.

Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question. No problem with her doing her job.
The problem isn't one of performance, it is one of freedom to PRACTICE her religion that is in question. The government is trying to take away her beliefs and substitute their beliefs, insisting that theirs take precedent over her own. She was thrown in jail because of her religion. A practice that is going to become common place in this country for every religion but Islam.

Before Kim Davis decided to run for the office of county clerk, the KY ban on same-sex marriage was declared unconstitutional. The case was on its way to the U.S. Supreme Court for a final determination of the issue while she was campaigning to become an elected official. Because same sex couples are similarly situated to opposite sex couples, there was no legitimate basis to deprive them of liberty and equal rights under the law. Anyone with a brain could foresee that the Supreme Court would enforce the Fourteenth Amendment. Prior to the Obergefell ruling, Kim Davis and other government clerks wrote letters to state legislative representatives and asked them to change the marriage licensing laws so they wouldn't have to issue licenses to same sex couples.

Personally, I find their objections to be bigoted. I think they rummage around the Bible to find justification for their bigotry where none exists. One group's personal animus toward another group is never a justification to relegate the other group to second-class citizenship. But the members of the State Legislature were aware that their existing state marriage laws would be a problem for the nutty bigots, and they did nothing to fix the alleged problem to ensure "public servants" wouldn't have to sully their morbid consciences by serving homosexual couples. The Republican dominated state legislature invited the conflict that they knew was sure to come.

Kim Davis was not thrown in jail because of her religion. She is free and has always been free to practice her religion and believe whatever she wants to believe. However, the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits the state from imposing religion on the people it serves. A state can act only through its agents. Kim Davis, as an elected government official, is an agent of the state with the statutory duty to issue marriage licenses to all qualified applicants. She refused to comply with the law and unilaterally instituted a "no marriage licenses" policy in her government office. A federal court enjoined her--in her official capacity as an agent of the state--from enforcing that unconstitutional policy. She willfully disobeyed the court's order and informed the judge that she will never comply with the order. She is in jail because of her contempt of a court order. The keys to her jail cell are in her own pocket. When she informs the court that she will no longer obstruct the right of qualified applicants to obtain marriage licenses in a government office, then she can get out of jail.

Kim Davis is no better than George Wallace who blocked the doors of a school to prevent black children from entering. She is not in jail because of her religion; she is in jail because she--a government official--willfully disobeyed a court order and essentially blocked the doors to a government office to prevent same sex couples from obtaining a government service in the county where they live. The keys to her jail cell are in her own pocket. If she wants out of jail, all she has to do is tell the judge she will no longer obstruct access to government-issued marriage licenses.

The law was changed on Kim after her last election, so this would be the most natural case of being allowed to follow ones conscience.

Remember, you freaking Jacobin thrall, that it was only a few years ago that even Obama the Head PErv was also against Fags getting formal recognition of their perversion as a form of marriage.

So stick it up your blow hole.

The Constitution protects government employees from being discriminated against on the basis of their religion, and the fact that you cant grasp that just fills me with glee as it is a sure harbinger of the continued decimation of the liberal movement.


Kim Davis is not being discriminated against. She can believe anything she wants, but she cannot use the power of her government position to violate the civil rights of the people she serves.
Can conservatives really be THIS dumb?

Yes, they are. Every social conservative I have encountered are ignorant. They have no critical thinking skills. They believe that they have the right to abuse the power of government to impose their ignorance on the rest of society.

Ridiculous hyperbole. Akin to every liberal has an IQ no higher than their shoe size, with no critical thinking skills. I'll bet there is a handful of you out there that have double digit IQ's. ;)

Well, my comment was directed at those wondering why other women didn't come to Ms. Davis's defense simply by virtue of her being female. As if there is some blood pact women have to defend one another regardless of anything else.
Stand up how? Like Davis, and sit in jail while others do your job and issue marriage licenses to gay people? Be my guest, we have more than enough jail cells.

The judge in Oregon is not sitting in jail...

The argument is clear about their partners being able inherit their estates, I agree they should have that right...
Again, you make an artificial and false dichotomy between practicing ones beliefs in public and practicing them in private.

The Constitutions First Amendment protects BOTH.

And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do. She wants HER religious belief to be used in the county gov't to determine what is or is not legal. That is blatantly unconstitutional.
"And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do."

That is an old line of bullshit, akin to claiming a single kiss is an establishment of marriage.

Look at the UK if you want to see where there is no separation of church and state, where the head of the UK government is also head of the Church of England.

You libtards just don't know what the hell you are talking about, because facts really don't matter to you. You figure that if you sling any old line of shit out there and enough people buy it then it is true enough.

Well it isn't. Separation of church and state denies the ESTABLISHMENT of a state and church union, again like the UK. One act of a religious nature by a government servant is not an establishment of religion, and the public is getting pretty sick of the lies you guys keep spewing.

If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.

A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.

No one has expected her to give up her religion. That is simply a lie.

What they HAVE expected her to do is either fulfill her job requirements or resign. She had the option of having one of her deputy clerks do the licenses for same-sex couples, but she refused that as well.

But mainly she was expected not to defy a court order.

They are indeed expecting her to give up her religion. Religion isn't a Sun. morning thing. It is a lifestyle. And she is has been incarcerated for hers.
She was fulfilling the requirements of the job she was elected to do.
If you hire a Muslim chef and he accepts the job because there is no pork in your kitchen, and then you add pulled pork sandwiches to the menu, should your chef be forced to prepare pork? Is it your fault or your cooks fault the job isn't getting done?

Can conservatives really be THIS dumb?

Yes, they are. Every social conservative I have encountered are ignorant. They have no critical thinking skills. They believe that they have the right to abuse the power of government to impose their ignorance on the rest of society.

Ridiculous hyperbole. Akin to every liberal has an IQ no higher than their shoe size, with no critical thinking skills. I'll bet there is a handful of you out there that have double digit IQ's. ;)

You haven't made a valid argument yet. So my observation clearly applies to the content of your posts.

As does mine refer to your comment. Maybe never meeting a conservative that agrees with you points to your ignorance, not theirs.
Stand up how? Like Davis, and sit in jail while others do your job and issue marriage licenses to gay people? Be my guest, we have more than enough jail cells.

The judge in Oregon is not sitting in jail...

The argument is clear about their partners being able inherit their estates, I agree they should have that right...
The judge has options, and wasn't in contempt of court like Inmate Davis.
She disobeyed the court. BTW, we don't have mob rule here. What the citizens think is of no impotence either way in this case.

Dr. King was placed in jail for his beliefs, was he wrong or right?

Mob rule? You of the double standard...

Boy, I tell ya...every time somebody wants a scape goat for their bullshit ways, the Civil Rights movement, Dr. King and blacks always come to the forefront....comparing a black man going to jail simply because he wanted to sit on bus that he paid for in the front with whites with this mop who's getting paid with homosexual tax dollars issuing a marriage certificate...is like comparing apple to oranges.

Scape goat? I understand you have limited ability, the two issues are about right vs wrong, pretty simple...

Dr. King was well with in his rights and so is Mrs. Davis...

The SC ruling is not about right vs wrong, it is purely political. The argument is in regards to their ability to inherit their estate, why force 95 to 97 percent of America to accept Gay Marriage?
The judge has options, and wasn't in contempt of court like Inmate Davis.

They share the same opinion don't they?

They are both elected government officials, how is this going to play in a court of law?

Give gay couples the right to leave their estate to their partner and the issue is over...
What about the Muslim refusing to serve alcohol on an airplane. How come that isn't on the news. She claims forcing her to do her job violates her religion.

How about the nurse that goes to pray while her patient dies because prayer is *sic* more important than doing her job.
You cantseriously believe you've given similar scenarios
And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do. She wants HER religious belief to be used in the county gov't to determine what is or is not legal. That is blatantly unconstitutional.
"And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do."

That is an old line of bullshit, akin to claiming a single kiss is an establishment of marriage.

Look at the UK if you want to see where there is no separation of church and state, where the head of the UK government is also head of the Church of England.

You libtards just don't know what the hell you are talking about, because facts really don't matter to you. You figure that if you sling any old line of shit out there and enough people buy it then it is true enough.

Well it isn't. Separation of church and state denies the ESTABLISHMENT of a state and church union, again like the UK. One act of a religious nature by a government servant is not an establishment of religion, and the public is getting pretty sick of the lies you guys keep spewing.

If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.

A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.

No one has expected her to give up her religion. That is simply a lie.

What they HAVE expected her to do is either fulfill her job requirements or resign. She had the option of having one of her deputy clerks do the licenses for same-sex couples, but she refused that as well.

But mainly she was expected not to defy a court order.

They are indeed expecting her to give up her religion. Religion isn't a Sun. morning thing. It is a lifestyle. And she is has been incarcerated for hers.
She was fulfilling the requirements of the job she was elected to do.
If you hire a Muslim chef and he accepts the job because there is no pork in your kitchen, and then you add pulled pork sandwiches to the menu, should your chef be forced to prepare pork? Is it your fault or your cooks fault the job isn't getting done?

Can conservatives really be THIS dumb?

Yes, they are. Every social conservative I have encountered are ignorant. They have no critical thinking skills. They believe that they have the right to abuse the power of government to impose their ignorance on the rest of society.

Ridiculous hyperbole. Akin to every liberal has an IQ no higher than their shoe size, with no critical thinking skills. I'll bet there is a handful of you out there that have double digit IQ's. ;)

You haven't made a valid argument yet. So my observation clearly applies to the content of your posts.

As does mine refer to your comment. Maybe never meeting a conservative that agrees with you points to your ignorance, not theirs.
They're expecting her to uphold her oath of office and perform her duties. She can have all the religious convictions she wants, but thise convictions do not give her the right to be derelict in her duties or to deny rights to others
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King was fighting against discrimination. Davis is fighting FOR it.

Dr. King was right, so is Mrs. Davis...
Davis wants the right to treat a minority group as unequal. The complete opposite of King's movement. Don't sully his name by comparing her to that slag of a woman.
A minority group, like Christians?
Davis' rights are not being infringed upon. She can get out of jail whenever she pleases.

And I hope you're joking if you think Christians are a minority group. Maybe you're talking about "bigoted" Christians? Those are probably a minority. Thankfully the law protects the groups of people they've supported discriminating against over the centuries.
And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do. She wants HER religious belief to be used in the county gov't to determine what is or is not legal. That is blatantly unconstitutional.
"And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do."

That is an old line of bullshit, akin to claiming a single kiss is an establishment of marriage.

Look at the UK if you want to see where there is no separation of church and state, where the head of the UK government is also head of the Church of England.

You libtards just don't know what the hell you are talking about, because facts really don't matter to you. You figure that if you sling any old line of shit out there and enough people buy it then it is true enough.

Well it isn't. Separation of church and state denies the ESTABLISHMENT of a state and church union, again like the UK. One act of a religious nature by a government servant is not an establishment of religion, and the public is getting pretty sick of the lies you guys keep spewing.

If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.

A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.

No one has expected her to give up her religion. That is simply a lie.

What they HAVE expected her to do is either fulfill her job requirements or resign. She had the option of having one of her deputy clerks do the licenses for same-sex couples, but she refused that as well.

But mainly she was expected not to defy a court order.

They are indeed expecting her to give up her religion. Religion isn't a Sun. morning thing. It is a lifestyle. And she is has been incarcerated for hers.
She was fulfilling the requirements of the job she was elected to do.
If you hire a Muslim chef and he accepts the job because there is no pork in your kitchen, and then you add pulled pork sandwiches to the menu, should your chef be forced to prepare pork? Is it your fault or your cooks fault the job isn't getting done?

Can conservatives really be THIS dumb?

Yes, they are. Every social conservative I have encountered are ignorant. They have no critical thinking skills. They believe that they have the right to abuse the power of government to impose their ignorance on the rest of society.

Ridiculous hyperbole. Akin to every liberal has an IQ no higher than their shoe size, with no critical thinking skills. I'll bet there is a handful of you out there that have double digit IQ's. ;)

You haven't made a valid argument yet. So my observation clearly applies to the content of your posts.

As does mine refer to your comment. Maybe never meeting a conservative that agrees with you points to your ignorance, not theirs.

Oh irrational one, where were her religious beliefs when she was getting married 4 times? And yes, if that Muslim chef can't perform his duties, he needs to go cook in another restaurant.

I take it you've never had a job. Surely you know policies change all the time, and you either must follow company policies, find another job, or risk being fired. You're not going to win this one. It's a done deal.
She disobeyed the court. BTW, we don't have mob rule here. What the citizens think is of no impotence either way in this case.

Dr. King was placed in jail for his beliefs, was he wrong or right?

Mob rule? You of the double standard...

Boy, I tell ya...every time somebody wants a scape goat for their bullshit ways, the Civil Rights movement, Dr. King and blacks always come to the forefront....comparing a black man going to jail simply because he wanted to sit on bus that he paid for in the front with whites with this mop who's getting paid with homosexual tax dollars issuing a marriage certificate...is like comparing apple to oranges.

Scape goat? I understand you have limited ability, the two issues are about right vs wrong, pretty simple...

Dr. King was well with in his rights and so is Mrs. Davis...

The SC ruling is not about right vs wrong, it is purely political. The argument is in regards to their ability to inherit their estate, why force 95 to 97 percent of America to accept Gay Marriage?

You don't have to accept gay marriage. If you're against it, don't do it. The majority of this country approves of gay marriage.
What about the Muslim refusing to serve alcohol on an airplane. How come that isn't on the news. She claims forcing her to do her job violates her religion.

How about the nurse that goes to pray while her patient dies because prayer is *sic* more important than doing her job.
You cantseriously believe you've given similar scenarios
people who placed religion ahead of doing their jobs.
Yes similar scenarios.
"And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do."

That is an old line of bullshit, akin to claiming a single kiss is an establishment of marriage.

Look at the UK if you want to see where there is no separation of church and state, where the head of the UK government is also head of the Church of England.

You libtards just don't know what the hell you are talking about, because facts really don't matter to you. You figure that if you sling any old line of shit out there and enough people buy it then it is true enough.

Well it isn't. Separation of church and state denies the ESTABLISHMENT of a state and church union, again like the UK. One act of a religious nature by a government servant is not an establishment of religion, and the public is getting pretty sick of the lies you guys keep spewing.

If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.

A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.

No one has expected her to give up her religion. That is simply a lie.

What they HAVE expected her to do is either fulfill her job requirements or resign. She had the option of having one of her deputy clerks do the licenses for same-sex couples, but she refused that as well.

But mainly she was expected not to defy a court order.

They are indeed expecting her to give up her religion. Religion isn't a Sun. morning thing. It is a lifestyle. And she is has been incarcerated for hers.
She was fulfilling the requirements of the job she was elected to do.
If you hire a Muslim chef and he accepts the job because there is no pork in your kitchen, and then you add pulled pork sandwiches to the menu, should your chef be forced to prepare pork? Is it your fault or your cooks fault the job isn't getting done?

Can conservatives really be THIS dumb?

Yes, they are. Every social conservative I have encountered are ignorant. They have no critical thinking skills. They believe that they have the right to abuse the power of government to impose their ignorance on the rest of society.

Ridiculous hyperbole. Akin to every liberal has an IQ no higher than their shoe size, with no critical thinking skills. I'll bet there is a handful of you out there that have double digit IQ's. ;)

You haven't made a valid argument yet. So my observation clearly applies to the content of your posts.

As does mine refer to your comment. Maybe never meeting a conservative that agrees with you points to your ignorance, not theirs.
They're expecting her to uphold her oath of office and perform her duties. She can have all the religious convictions she wants, but thise convictions do not give her the tight to be derelict in her duties or to deny rights to others
Is she obeying the laws that were enacted at the time she swore that oath? Change the laws requires a new oath.
She disobeyed the court. BTW, we don't have mob rule here. What the citizens think is of no impotence either way in this case.

Dr. King was placed in jail for his beliefs, was he wrong or right?

Mob rule? You of the double standard...

Boy, I tell ya...every time somebody wants a scape goat for their bullshit ways, the Civil Rights movement, Dr. King and blacks always come to the forefront....comparing a black man going to jail simply because he wanted to sit on bus that he paid for in the front with whites with this mop who's getting paid with homosexual tax dollars issuing a marriage certificate...is like comparing apple to oranges.

Scape goat? I understand you have limited ability, the two issues are about right vs wrong, pretty simple...

Dr. King was well with in his rights and so is Mrs. Davis...

The SC ruling is not about right vs wrong, it is purely political. The argument is in regards to their ability to inherit their estate, why force 95 to 97 percent of America to accept Gay Marriage?

You don't have to accept gay marriage. If you're against it, don't do it. The majority of this country approves of gay marriage.
And don't enable it either.
Neither are the clerks civil rights which includes the right to practice her religion IN ALL PHASES OF HER LIFE.
her rights do not allow her to deny rights to others, and they don't allow her to use her office to deny rights to others.

Others are not allowed to deny her rights by changing her job description in a way that forces her to deny her rights.
Had her job included gay marriage and she campaigned on not having a problem with that and won the position, then refused to do her job, then she should be impeached.
Changing her job to include something that goes against her beliefs, and then imprisoning her for not discarding her beliefs is the very concept that caused this country to be forged by those laboring under the same conditions in England. The pilgrims came here to escape this very thing.

She went to jail on her own free will. Then she rejected a proposal to allow her deputies to process same-sex marriage licenses. Her job description changed. It happens, get over it. If she is not willing to do the job she's paid to do, she should resign.
Exactly...they keep harping on the fact this is a generational thing, ie typical small town bs politics of one family rule....either way, you don't like a damned job, than quit, but damit don't try to impose your standards, your beliefs on a tax paying government job that all people including homosexuals support financially......break the chain Kim, work at Walmart and sell bibles!!

Kim "pig face" Davis is an attention whore and a Cafeteria Christian. The bitch has been divorced 3 times.

And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do. She wants HER religious belief to be used in the county gov't to determine what is or is not legal. That is blatantly unconstitutional.
"And the US Constitution forbids any state religion. Which is exactly what Kim Davis has tried to do."

That is an old line of bullshit, akin to claiming a single kiss is an establishment of marriage.

Look at the UK if you want to see where there is no separation of church and state, where the head of the UK government is also head of the Church of England.

You libtards just don't know what the hell you are talking about, because facts really don't matter to you. You figure that if you sling any old line of shit out there and enough people buy it then it is true enough.

Well it isn't. Separation of church and state denies the ESTABLISHMENT of a state and church union, again like the UK. One act of a religious nature by a government servant is not an establishment of religion, and the public is getting pretty sick of the lies you guys keep spewing.

If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.

A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.

No one has expected her to give up her religion. That is simply a lie.

What they HAVE expected her to do is either fulfill her job requirements or resign. She had the option of having one of her deputy clerks do the licenses for same-sex couples, but she refused that as well.

But mainly she was expected not to defy a court order.

They are indeed expecting her to give up her religion. Religion isn't a Sun. morning thing. It is a lifestyle. And she is has been incarcerated for hers.
She was fulfilling the requirements of the job she was elected to do.
If you hire a Muslim chef and he accepts the job because there is no pork in your kitchen, and then you add pulled pork sandwiches to the menu, should your chef be forced to prepare pork? Is it your fault or your cooks fault the job isn't getting done?

Can conservatives really be THIS dumb?

Yes, they are. Every social conservative I have encountered are ignorant. They have no critical thinking skills. They believe that they have the right to abuse the power of government to impose their ignorance on the rest of society.

Ridiculous hyperbole. Akin to every liberal has an IQ no higher than their shoe size, with no critical thinking skills. I'll bet there is a handful of you out there that have double digit IQ's. ;)

You haven't made a valid argument yet. So my observation clearly applies to the content of your posts.

As does mine refer to your comment. Maybe never meeting a conservative that agrees with you points to your ignorance, not theirs.
What about the Muslim refusing to serve alcohol on an airplane. How come that isn't on the news. She claims forcing her to do her job violates her religion.

How about the nurse that goes to pray while her patient dies because prayer is *sic* more important than doing her job.

This is more of the, she won't bake me a cake so we'll destroy her, bullshit. She has the right to live her religion, free of state interference.
Why isn't God saving her?

He already has.
He never said He'd take you out of it, He said He'd get you through it. You'd know that if you ever picked up a Bible...

He can carry her to the unemployment line then. She had a job to do.

Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question. No problem with her doing her job.
The problem isn't one of performance, it is one of freedom to PRACTICE her religion that is in question. The government is trying to take away her beliefs and substitute their beliefs, insisting that theirs take precedent over her own. She was thrown in jail because of her religion. A practice that is going to become common place in this country for every religion but Islam.

No one interfered in her freedom to practice her religion. She went to jail instead of doing her job, a government employee does not decimate, and she is not the judge of who comes in to get a marriage license,
I think her authority went to her head, who does she think she is?
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