Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

She disobeyed the court. BTW, we don't have mob rule here. What the citizens think is of no impotence either way in this case.

Dr. King was placed in jail for his beliefs, was he wrong or right?

Mob rule? You of the double standard...

Boy, I tell ya...every time somebody wants a scape goat for their bullshit ways, the Civil Rights movement, Dr. King and blacks always come to the forefront....comparing a black man going to jail simply because he wanted to sit on bus that he paid for in the front with whites with this mop who's getting paid with homosexual tax dollars issuing a marriage certificate...is like comparing apple to oranges.

Scape goat? I understand you have limited ability, the two issues are about right vs wrong, pretty simple...

Dr. King was well with in his rights and so is Mrs. Davis...

The SC ruling is not about right vs wrong, it is purely political. The argument is in regards to their ability to inherit their estate, why force 95 to 97 percent of America to accept Gay Marriage?

You don't have to accept gay marriage. If you're against it, don't do it. The majority of this country approves of gay marriage.
And don't enable it either.

It's none of your business. You have no say in the matter.

Breaking News To Evangelicals: God’s Law Does Not Supersede the U.S. Constitution

It may come as a shock to Kim Davis that in America there is no higher authority than the Constitution, no matter that she believes…

Yeah, your hypocrisy is duly noted. You can avoid the issue of ALL the violations of FEDERAL LAW that your pathetic LEFT WING politicians violate all you want.

You are a pathetic blob. If you think you are going to quote the bible when it is convenient like any godless devilish ass does through out history, then you are very mistaken.

You stupid ass.

The Bible is very clear, we are to obey human law UNLESS it contradicts God's laws, when that happens we are to obey God's laws. The Bible is clear homosexuality is a sin and abomination. It's an open and shut case and it doesn't matter what some heathen "political writer" spews.

I don't even see this as a religious issue but an issue of an employee not doing their job but here is the bible ruling on it: See Paul says God will hold the 5 SOTUS voters responsible.

Romans 13Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
Obey Your Government Rulers

13 All of you must obey the government rulers. Everyone who rules was given the power to rule by God. And all those who rule now were given that power by God. 2 So anyone who is against the government is really against something God has commanded. Those who are against the government bring punishment on themselves. 3 People who do right don’t have to fear the rulers. But those who do wrong must fear them. Do you want to be free from fearing them? Then do only what is right, and they will praise you.

4 Rulers are God’s servants to help you. But if you do wrong, you have reason to be afraid. They have the power to punish, and they will use it. They are God’s servants to punish those who do wrong. 5 So you must obey the government, not just because you might be punished, but because you know it is the right thing to do.

6 And this is why you pay taxes too. Those rulers are working for God, and they give all their time to the work of ruling. 7 Give everyone what you owe them. If you owe them any kind of tax, then pay it. Show respect to those you should respect. And show honor to those you should honor.
What about the Muslim refusing to serve alcohol on an airplane. How come that isn't on the news. She claims forcing her to do her job violates her religion.

How about the nurse that goes to pray while her patient dies because prayer is *sic* more important than doing her job.
You cantseriously believe you've given similar scenarios
people who placed religion ahead of doing their jobs.
Yes similar scenarios.

Religion, my foot...the dingbat has been married 4 times.
She is probably going to sue, since she can no longer do her job and she can't get fired being an elected nutcase.
Courts locking up elected officials never goes over well. Wars have been started by less.

Yeah, there won't be a war. Though that doesn't stop some conservative Christians from dreaming.
Yes there will.
is it going to start with a rash of cat murders you coward?
Permanent ignore. Bye troll.
just noticed this - am i to take it that you don't like people bringing up the fact that you're a cat killing coward?
...And the arrogant fools on the far right (the fascists)...
"...Arrogant fools on the far right (the fascists)..." = Codespeak for: "...Anyone who dares to publicly oppose our viewpoint on homosexuality and its mainstreaming..."

...will throw money at the fame whore...
Far better than throwing money at the Vote Whores who pander to the Gay Agenda against the best interests of the Republic and her People.

...and reward her bigotry under the guise of religion....
It is not bigotry to call-out and shun sexual deviancy and perversion (a.k.a. homosexuality) and to refuse to legitimize or mainstream it.

...America is a swell place for all those "right wing conservatives" who dream up ways to bilk the idiot rubes out of their money. I know that's not nice to say, but sometimes the truth hurts.
It's all a Right Wing Fascist Running-Dog Kornspiracy, I tellz ya !!!

If it is lies, why is this woman in jail for using HER religion to stop all people in Rowan County from receiving a marriage license? And even when the judge asked if one of her deputy clerks could issue the license, Davis refused.

She is running a county office by her own religious views, in violation of court orders.

A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.

No one has expected her to give up her religion. That is simply a lie.

What they HAVE expected her to do is either fulfill her job requirements or resign. She had the option of having one of her deputy clerks do the licenses for same-sex couples, but she refused that as well.

But mainly she was expected not to defy a court order.

They are indeed expecting her to give up her religion. Religion isn't a Sun. morning thing. It is a lifestyle. And she is has been incarcerated for hers.
She was fulfilling the requirements of the job she was elected to do.
If you hire a Muslim chef and he accepts the job because there is no pork in your kitchen, and then you add pulled pork sandwiches to the menu, should your chef be forced to prepare pork? Is it your fault or your cooks fault the job isn't getting done?

Yes, they are. Every social conservative I have encountered are ignorant. They have no critical thinking skills. They believe that they have the right to abuse the power of government to impose their ignorance on the rest of society.

Ridiculous hyperbole. Akin to every liberal has an IQ no higher than their shoe size, with no critical thinking skills. I'll bet there is a handful of you out there that have double digit IQ's. ;)

You haven't made a valid argument yet. So my observation clearly applies to the content of your posts.

As does mine refer to your comment. Maybe never meeting a conservative that agrees with you points to your ignorance, not theirs.
They're expecting her to uphold her oath of office and perform her duties. She can have all the religious convictions she wants, but thise convictions do not give her the tight to be derelict in her duties or to deny rights to others
Is she obeying the laws that were enacted at the time she swore that oath? Change the laws requires a new oath.
there has been no change in the law. and you cannot possibly believe that a person that takes an oath to defend and uphold the law and constitution does so only if there are no changes. you can't be that dumb.
A condition that existed as soon as she took office, without one complaint. Now they have changed the rules on her and expect her to give up her religion, to accommodate a few. Tyranny.

No one has expected her to give up her religion. That is simply a lie.

What they HAVE expected her to do is either fulfill her job requirements or resign. She had the option of having one of her deputy clerks do the licenses for same-sex couples, but she refused that as well.

But mainly she was expected not to defy a court order.

They are indeed expecting her to give up her religion. Religion isn't a Sun. morning thing. It is a lifestyle. And she is has been incarcerated for hers.
She was fulfilling the requirements of the job she was elected to do.
If you hire a Muslim chef and he accepts the job because there is no pork in your kitchen, and then you add pulled pork sandwiches to the menu, should your chef be forced to prepare pork? Is it your fault or your cooks fault the job isn't getting done?

Ridiculous hyperbole. Akin to every liberal has an IQ no higher than their shoe size, with no critical thinking skills. I'll bet there is a handful of you out there that have double digit IQ's. ;)

You haven't made a valid argument yet. So my observation clearly applies to the content of your posts.

As does mine refer to your comment. Maybe never meeting a conservative that agrees with you points to your ignorance, not theirs.
They're expecting her to uphold her oath of office and perform her duties. She can have all the religious convictions she wants, but thise convictions do not give her the tight to be derelict in her duties or to deny rights to others
Is she obeying the laws that were enacted at the time she swore that oath? Change the laws requires a new oath.
there has been no change in the law. and you cannot possibly believe that a person that takes an oath to defend and uphold the law and constitution does so only if there are no changes. you can't be that dumb.
The word is "naive" not dumb. and I'm just playing a Democrat arguing strategy. At the time she made the Oath the laws were different. She didn't swear to uphold a law allowing fags to marry.
No one has expected her to give up her religion. That is simply a lie.

What they HAVE expected her to do is either fulfill her job requirements or resign. She had the option of having one of her deputy clerks do the licenses for same-sex couples, but she refused that as well.

But mainly she was expected not to defy a court order.

They are indeed expecting her to give up her religion. Religion isn't a Sun. morning thing. It is a lifestyle. And she is has been incarcerated for hers.
She was fulfilling the requirements of the job she was elected to do.
If you hire a Muslim chef and he accepts the job because there is no pork in your kitchen, and then you add pulled pork sandwiches to the menu, should your chef be forced to prepare pork? Is it your fault or your cooks fault the job isn't getting done?

You haven't made a valid argument yet. So my observation clearly applies to the content of your posts.

As does mine refer to your comment. Maybe never meeting a conservative that agrees with you points to your ignorance, not theirs.
They're expecting her to uphold her oath of office and perform her duties. She can have all the religious convictions she wants, but thise convictions do not give her the tight to be derelict in her duties or to deny rights to others
Is she obeying the laws that were enacted at the time she swore that oath? Change the laws requires a new oath.
there has been no change in the law. and you cannot possibly believe that a person that takes an oath to defend and uphold the law and constitution does so only if there are no changes. you can't be that dumb.
The word is "naive" not dumb. and I'm just playing a Democrat arguing strategy. At the time she made the Oath the laws were different. She didn't swear to uphold a law allowing fags to marry.
she absolutely did.
...Soldiers are not elected officials...
Wow... I didn't know that.

A soldier can't just up and quit, a public servant can!!...
Yes. It requires a great deal of courage to take a stand like this, when it would be so much easier to just walk away and quit. Helluva gutsy call, Ms. Davis.

Kim is not following the teachings of the bible, because when the people complained to jesus about having to pay taxes, he said and I quote:
20:19-26 Give to Caesar What Is Caesar’s: Give To God What Is God’s
Until the day came when Caesar told Christians: "Worship me, and live. Fail to denounce Him, and continue to worship your God, and you die."

Which began an era of Civil Disobedience which eventually resulted in the more powerful empire in the world, yielding to Righteousness rather than Wickedness.

One of the first and best widely-known early examples of long-term large-scale effective Civil Disobedience in the history of Mankind.
Last edited:
No one has expected her to give up her religion. That is simply a lie.

What they HAVE expected her to do is either fulfill her job requirements or resign. She had the option of having one of her deputy clerks do the licenses for same-sex couples, but she refused that as well.

But mainly she was expected not to defy a court order.

They are indeed expecting her to give up her religion. Religion isn't a Sun. morning thing. It is a lifestyle. And she is has been incarcerated for hers.
She was fulfilling the requirements of the job she was elected to do.
If you hire a Muslim chef and he accepts the job because there is no pork in your kitchen, and then you add pulled pork sandwiches to the menu, should your chef be forced to prepare pork? Is it your fault or your cooks fault the job isn't getting done?

You haven't made a valid argument yet. So my observation clearly applies to the content of your posts.

As does mine refer to your comment. Maybe never meeting a conservative that agrees with you points to your ignorance, not theirs.
They're expecting her to uphold her oath of office and perform her duties. She can have all the religious convictions she wants, but thise convictions do not give her the tight to be derelict in her duties or to deny rights to others
Is she obeying the laws that were enacted at the time she swore that oath? Change the laws requires a new oath.
there has been no change in the law. and you cannot possibly believe that a person that takes an oath to defend and uphold the law and constitution does so only if there are no changes. you can't be that dumb.
The word is "naive" not dumb. and I'm just playing a Democrat arguing strategy. At the time she made the Oath the laws were different. She didn't swear to uphold a law allowing fags to marry.
Not had a squeaker-majority in SCOTUS yet gotten around to shoving a legitimizing and mainstreaming of perverts (homosexuals) down the throat of the American People.
What about the Muslim refusing to serve alcohol on an airplane. How come that isn't on the news. She claims forcing her to do her job violates her religion.

How about the nurse that goes to pray while her patient dies because prayer is *sic* more important than doing her job.
You cantseriously believe you've given similar scenarios
people who placed religion ahead of doing their jobs.
Yes similar scenarios.

Religion, my foot...the dingbat has been married 4 times.
Not after she became a Christian.
What about the Muslim refusing to serve alcohol on an airplane. How come that isn't on the news. She claims forcing her to do her job violates her religion.

How about the nurse that goes to pray while her patient dies because prayer is *sic* more important than doing her job.
You cantseriously believe you've given similar scenarios
people who placed religion ahead of doing their jobs.
Yes similar scenarios.

Religion, my foot...the dingbat has been married 4 times.
Not after she became a Christian.
really? that's convenient.
What about the Muslim refusing to serve alcohol on an airplane. How come that isn't on the news. She claims forcing her to do her job violates her religion.

How about the nurse that goes to pray while her patient dies because prayer is *sic* more important than doing her job.
You cantseriously believe you've given similar scenarios
people who placed religion ahead of doing their jobs.
Yes similar scenarios.

Religion, my foot...the dingbat has been married 4 times.
Not after she became a Christian.

Soooooo, as soon as she became a Christian did she immediately stop signing marriage licenses for other repeat offenders, or did she really become a Cafeteria Christian, where she gets to pick and choose?
What about the Muslim refusing to serve alcohol on an airplane. How come that isn't on the news. She claims forcing her to do her job violates her religion.

How about the nurse that goes to pray while her patient dies because prayer is *sic* more important than doing her job.
You cantseriously believe you've given similar scenarios
people who placed religion ahead of doing their jobs.
Yes similar scenarios.

Religion, my foot...the dingbat has been married 4 times.
Not after she became a Christian.
really? that's convenient.

Stop the world, oh holy one is now Christian!
...Soldiers are not elected officials...
Wow... I didn't know that.

A soldier can't just up and quit, a public servant can!!...
Yes. It requires a great deal of courage to take a stand like this, when it would be so much easier to just walk away and quit. Helluva gutsy call, Ms. Davis.

Kim is not following the teachings of the bible, because when the people complained to jesus about having to pay taxes, he said and I quote:
20:19-26 Give to Caesar What Is Caesar’s: Give To God What Is God’s
Until the day came when Caesar told Christians: "Worship me, and live. Fail to denounce Him, and continue to worship your God, and you die."

Which began an era of Civil Disobedience which eventually resulted in the more powerful empire in the world, yielding to Righteousness rather than Wickedness.

One of the first and best widely-known early examples of long-term large-scale effective Civil Disobedience in the history of Mankind.

Ya know, if we were a nation of truly good christian's, than I would render peacefully to your banter, but this country...is a nation that houses racist whites under the cloak of christianity and God knows it. This woman with her holier than thou mentality, went before God and the church and vowed til death do us part, 4 times in a marriage. Now I ask you, am I missing something here? Don't throw in God and your so called beliefs, when its convenient. Practice his teachings all the time. And I can assure you, her suffering in a jail, where half the people worship the shit she pooops, is not that big of a deal. If your familiar with hick towns like this, Andy and Barnie got her back!!
Show us the law that requires mayors of cities to act as agents for the federal immigration administration (ICE). Show us the judicial orders that require the mayors to comply with the identified law. Show us the mayors who are in contempt of those orders.

Federal law prohibits municipalities from establishing sanctuary cities. According to the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, federal, state, and local governments or their officials may not prohibit or restrict any other government entity or official from sending to or receiving from the Immigration and Naturalization Service information regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual.

Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act | Wex Legal Dictionary / Encyclopedia | LII / Legal Information Institute
U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act
. . . No person who owns a business should be forced to do business with someone they do not want to do business with. That, is a violation of their first amendment. I would bet anything if a black baker was forced to bake a cake for a KKK party, you would be the first to say that black owner should have the right to turn them down.

You, and everyone like you are nothing but a hypocritical talking points and cliches for your communist masters. You ignorant as all fuck, and do not get shit. You are all such idiots.

You don't make any sense. The KKK is not a protected class of persons.

Are you a blatant hypocrite about everything or just some things?
Show us the law that requires mayors of cities to act as agents for the federal immigration administration (ICE). Show us the judicial orders that require the mayors to comply with the identified law. Show us the mayors who are in contempt of those orders.

Federal law prohibits municipalities from establishing sanctuary cities. According to the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, federal, state, and local governments or their officials may not prohibit or restrict any other government entity or official from sending to or receiving from the Immigration and Naturalization Service information regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual.

Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act | Wex Legal Dictionary / Encyclopedia | LII / Legal Information Institute
U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act
and your understanding of that means that they are required to send that information?
...Ya know, if we were a nation of truly good christian's, than I would render peacefully to your banter...
Translation: "Yes, you effectively counter-pointed my 'render unto Caesar' stock-shelf line, so I'll divert elsewhere, and move the goal-posts." Message received.
Neither are the clerks civil rights which includes the right to practice her religion IN ALL PHASES OF HER LIFE.
her rights do not allow her to deny rights to others, and they don't allow her to use her office to deny rights to others.

Others are not allowed to deny her rights by changing her job description in a way that forces her to deny her rights.
Had her job included gay marriage and she campaigned on not having a problem with that and won the position, then refused to do her job, then she should be impeached.
Changing her job to include something that goes against her beliefs, and then imprisoning her for not discarding her beliefs is the very concept that caused this country to be forged by those laboring under the same conditions in England. The pilgrims came here to escape this very thing.

She went to jail on her own free will. Then she rejected a proposal to allow her deputies to process same-sex marriage licenses. Her job description changed. It happens, get over it. If she is not willing to do the job she's paid to do, she should resign.
Exactly...they keep harping on the fact this is a generational thing, ie typical small town bs politics of one family rule....either way, you don't like a damned job, than quit, but damit don't try to impose your standards, your beliefs on a tax paying government job that all people including homosexuals support financially......break the chain Kim, work at Walmart and sell bibles!!

Kim "pig face" Davis is an attention whore and a Cafeteria Christian. The bitch has been divorced 3 times.
Her sins are forgiven. Yours are not. That's the difference between going to heaven and hell. When you are made to answer for your sins, nobody will care when you say, "But she sinned too!"

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ. Romans 8:1

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