Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

her rights do not allow her to deny rights to others, and they don't allow her to use her office to deny rights to others.

Others are not allowed to deny her rights by changing her job description in a way that forces her to deny her rights.
Had her job included gay marriage and she campaigned on not having a problem with that and won the position, then refused to do her job, then she should be impeached.
Changing her job to include something that goes against her beliefs, and then imprisoning her for not discarding her beliefs is the very concept that caused this country to be forged by those laboring under the same conditions in England. The pilgrims came here to escape this very thing.

She went to jail on her own free will. Then she rejected a proposal to allow her deputies to process same-sex marriage licenses. Her job description changed. It happens, get over it. If she is not willing to do the job she's paid to do, she should resign.
Exactly...they keep harping on the fact this is a generational thing, ie typical small town bs politics of one family rule....either way, you don't like a damned job, than quit, but damit don't try to impose your standards, your beliefs on a tax paying government job that all people including homosexuals support financially......break the chain Kim, work at Walmart and sell bibles!!

Kim "pig face" Davis is an attention whore and a Cafeteria Christian. The bitch has been divorced 3 times.
Her sins are forgiven. Yours are not. That's the difference between going to heaven and hell. When you are made to answer for your sins, nobody will care when you say, "But she sinned too!"

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ. Romans 8:1
No one is going to hell little Popette. That's a fairy tale for children, and stupid adults.

This belief is not Christian!

Using Christianity to perpetuate hatred, fear, suspicion, and hurtful stereotypes is heresy. Ms. Davis is giving Christianity a bad name.

Hiding behind a faith that teaches love thy neighbor in order to find cover to hate thy neighbor is hypocrisy of the first order. She should be ashamed, but her ignorance and the ignorance of those fellow bigots supporting her keeps shame on the back burner. Too bad.
her rights do not allow her to deny rights to others, and they don't allow her to use her office to deny rights to others.

Others are not allowed to deny her rights by changing her job description in a way that forces her to deny her rights.
Had her job included gay marriage and she campaigned on not having a problem with that and won the position, then refused to do her job, then she should be impeached.
Changing her job to include something that goes against her beliefs, and then imprisoning her for not discarding her beliefs is the very concept that caused this country to be forged by those laboring under the same conditions in England. The pilgrims came here to escape this very thing.

She went to jail on her own free will. Then she rejected a proposal to allow her deputies to process same-sex marriage licenses. Her job description changed. It happens, get over it. If she is not willing to do the job she's paid to do, she should resign.
Exactly...they keep harping on the fact this is a generational thing, ie typical small town bs politics of one family rule....either way, you don't like a damned job, than quit, but damit don't try to impose your standards, your beliefs on a tax paying government job that all people including homosexuals support financially......break the chain Kim, work at Walmart and sell bibles!!

Kim "pig face" Davis is an attention whore and a Cafeteria Christian. The bitch has been divorced 3 times.
Her sins are forgiven. Yours are not. That's the difference between going to heaven and hell. When you are made to answer for your sins, nobody will care when you say, "But she sinned too!"

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ. Romans 8:1

Thank you for that wonderful sermon, Ted Haggard.
Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

Stand strong Kim! That thug in a robes day will come.

Good for her. Joan of Arc spirit lives on.

Hurrah for Kim. Inquiring minds want to know when this modern day "Joan of Arc" (in her own deluded mind) will be moved to the torture chamber in furtherance of this dastardly inquisition.

No shit!

That one is a little off.

Kim Davis is NOT a modern day "Joan of Arc".

Have you heard of the Inquisition?

Kim Davis in NOT a victim of a modern day Inquisition.

Equating Kim Davis with Joan of Arc is a complete farce.
Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.
What a wonderful idea; let the Rowan County taxpayers vote on whether they should support marriage between same sex couples. Now why didn't anyone think to let the people vote on the issue. You are so illtelligintimate ty :eusa_whistle:

Do you know anything about the Constitution? Civil rights are not subject to popular vote.
Neither are the clerks civil rights which includes the right to practice her religion IN ALL PHASES OF HER LIFE.

Not when she acts as an agent for the State.
Show us the law that requires mayors of cities to act as agents for the federal immigration administration (ICE). Show us the judicial orders that require the mayors to comply with the identified law. Show us the mayors who are in contempt of those orders.

Federal law prohibits municipalities from establishing sanctuary cities. According to the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, federal, state, and local governments or their officials may not prohibit or restrict any other government entity or official from sending to or receiving from the Immigration and Naturalization Service information regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual.

Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act | Wex Legal Dictionary / Encyclopedia | LII / Legal Information Institute
U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act

You still haven't provided a citation. What is the specific title and section number of the United States Code that you're relying on to substantiate your claim that mayors have a duty to act as immigration agents for the federal government and that they're violating the law.
. . . No person who owns a business should be forced to do business with someone they do not want to do business with. That, is a violation of their first amendment. I would bet anything if a black baker was forced to bake a cake for a KKK party, you would be the first to say that black owner should have the right to turn them down.

You, and everyone like you are nothing but a hypocritical talking points and cliches for your communist masters. You ignorant as all fuck, and do not get shit. You are all such idiots.

You don't make any sense. The KKK is not a protected class of persons.

Are you a blatant hypocrite about everything or just some things?

I don't know of any state that has extended protections in public accommodations to members of the KKK.
What a wonderful idea; let the Rowan County taxpayers vote on whether they should support marriage between same sex couples. Now why didn't anyone think to let the people vote on the issue. You are so illtelligintimate ty :eusa_whistle:

Because the majority cannot vote away the rights of a minority. Whether you like it or not, the US Constitution protects the minority from the majority mob.
Whatever you think. Again deviant sexual behaviors were not mentioned in the Constitution. In your theory pedophiles rights should be protected under auspice of some whacked out judge's ruling. Piss off.

Bringing up pedophiles is pure strawman. It has no relevance here.

No, deviant sexual behaviors are not mentioned in the US Constitution. But then, neither are they reserved for only the heterosexuals. The US Supreme Court has ruled. You can call people names and throw a tantrum. But that does not change the facts.
It is very relevant as it is a deviant behavior you are trying to force upon ALL people. "Gee I need a license to" marry my dog (donkey, cat, whatever), twenty women or men, etc. You want that door to be held opened by the majority and then shove it through upon the majority. If you want sexual deviants ruling over you fine. If you want do it over my religious faith and God given rights according to the Constitution of the United States of America and the states we live in covering those Religious Freedoms forget it; I will refuse to go along with your programming. I do not think the rest have to knowingly accept that for any reason either.

Most people, myself included am tolerant of gays. I don't for a second think that God intended for men to marry men and women to marry women. We all know this in our religious gut, so we tolerate this indifference and we don't judge. When we all die, I can assure each and every one of you, YOU WILL NOT BE JUDGED BY WHAT THE OTHER GUY DID, BUT WHAT YOU DID IN LIFE!!

As the great wizard once said to the tin man looking for a heart....remember my friend, its not about how many people you love, but how many people loved you!!

Most people? Really? According to the Pew Research Poll, 55% of Americans have no problem with gay marriage. And only 39% are actually opposed to it.
She wants to do the job she was hired to do. The one that didn't demand she give up her beliefs to carry out.

For the teachers who started teaching prior to integration of schools, did they have the right to keep teaching just the white students? That was the job they were hired to do, after all.
She didn't have to issue marriage licenses. She could have delegated that duty to one of her willing deputy clerks.
Yes, but that wouldn't have gotten her name in the papers, or her fat ass behind bars. She wants to be this:

So be it...

She wants to do the job she was hired to do. The one that didn't demand she give up her beliefs to carry out.
Performing her duties as clerk in no way requires her to give up her beliefs; there are no Free Exercise Clause issues at stake, no violations of religious liberty, no interference with religious practice.
Good for her. Joan of Arc spirit lives on.

Hurrah for Kim. Inquiring minds want to know when this modern day "Joan of Arc" (in her own deluded mind) will be moved to the torture chamber in furtherance of this dastardly inquisition.

No shit!

That one is a little off.

Kim Davis is NOT a modern day "Joan of Arc".

Have you heard of the Inquisition?

Kim Davis in NOT a victim of a modern day Inquisition.

Equating Kim Davis with Joan of Arc is a complete farce.

I know that you miserable idiot. I was making a fucking joke, you know it all typical loud mouth. I think it was rather obvious.

Are you that stupid? I think it is rather clear that you are.
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Show us the law that requires mayors of cities to act as agents for the federal immigration administration (ICE). Show us the judicial orders that require the mayors to comply with the identified law. Show us the mayors who are in contempt of those orders.

Federal law prohibits municipalities from establishing sanctuary cities. According to the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, federal, state, and local governments or their officials may not prohibit or restrict any other government entity or official from sending to or receiving from the Immigration and Naturalization Service information regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual.

Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act | Wex Legal Dictionary / Encyclopedia | LII / Legal Information Institute
U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act

You still haven't provided a citation. What is the specific title and section number of the United States Code that you're relying on to substantiate your claim that mayors have a duty to act as immigration agents for the federal government and that they're violating the law.

Federal law prohibits municipalities from establishing sanctuary cities. According to the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act.

I think that is rather clear. FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS....MUNICIPALITIES.

If you want to get all fucking technical with me and say that some pathetic fucking left wing mayor did not receive a citation due to allowing this, then you are not getting it.

You are a pathetic hack. You are not impressing me with your hypocrisy. You can try and sell it that your socialist pieces of shit provide safe sanctuary to repeat violent felons just because he cares so much for them all you want.

We know why it happens. You know it and I know it. It is all about political expediency. It is a pathetic little game you are playing and you are all fucking losers if you cannot see what is happening. Yeah, you can tell me oh how much you care for those illegals. In the meantime you would never let them live in your little house in your private gated community.

If you want to deny that the ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION REFORM and RESPONSIBILITY ACT does not establish the LAW that is broken, then fuck you.

You hearing me clear enough, you humorless bitch? Like I said, take your bullshit rhetoric, along with your arrogant know it all hypocritical disposition and shove it up your ass. That goes for anyone that likes your pathetic dreck that you type.

Fucking commie kuunt.

Breaking News To Evangelicals: God’s Law Does Not Supersede the U.S. Constitution

It may come as a shock to Kim Davis that in America there is no higher authority than the Constitution, no matter that she believes…

Yeah, your hypocrisy is duly noted. You can avoid the issue of ALL the violations of FEDERAL LAW that your pathetic LEFT WING politicians violate all you want.

You are a pathetic blob. If you think you are going to quote the bible when it is convenient like any godless devilish ass does through out history, then you are very mistaken.

You stupid ass.

The Bible is very clear, we are to obey human law UNLESS it contradicts God's laws, when that happens we are to obey God's laws. The Bible is clear homosexuality is a sin and abomination. It's an open and shut case and it doesn't matter what some heathen "political writer" spews.

Please provide a citation to the Bible for your "unless" proposition.

Acts 5:27-29 You're welcome

Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. (Romans 13:1-7)

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