Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

She did not swear an oath to enforce laws that make perverted queer shacking up a degenerate form of marriage.

And she is getting a whole lot of support in defiance of the Oligarchy that you suck hind tit for.

Our Laws come from the Constitution which is much older than Kim Davis's conversion to the Apostolic Church a couple of years ago. Our Laws do not emanate from the opinions of a hillbilly holy roller but rather from our Constitution. That is how I like it ....
You perversions disgust the entire planet and are causing us more difficulties fighting terrorist organizations because you incite our enemies. It wont be much longer till the tables are turned and your disgusting life style put back under the rock it belongs under.

Dang! If only we could be more like the Moslems then maybe they wouldn't pick on us.
She swore an oath to the laws at the time. Gay marriage wasn't legal then.

Sounds like a reason to resign since she can no longer maintain the Oath of office. The Law is not going to change because Kim Davis converted to Apostolic. ....I agree

No, it is yet one more reason among many reasons to have a States Constitutional Amendments Article V Convention.

Lets throw those dice and see what comes of it!
why because some County clerk has gone off the leash ? you must be nuts LOL
You perversions disgust the entire planet and are causing us more difficulties fighting terrorist organizations because you incite our enemies. It wont be much longer till the tables are turned and your disgusting life style put back under the rock it belongs under.

Dang! If only we could be more like the Moslems then maybe they wouldn't pick on us.

Most Muslims are good moral people, but the Jihadists make a lot of mileage pointing to how perverted our society has become in tolerating queers and transgender people. IT is our shame, but the deluded among us like you apparently think it a source of pride.

There are reasons that cultures who tolerate these perversions do not last long and we are about to rediscover them; widespread disease, moral bankruptcy, support for evil tyrants and an amoral government intent on oppressing the people so they can protect their friends and grow rich from abusing the common population.

And when the first hard wind comes they fall like a stack of rotted logs.
She swore an oath to the laws at the time. Gay marriage wasn't legal then.

Sounds like a reason to resign since she can no longer maintain the Oath of office. The Law is not going to change because Kim Davis converted to Apostolic. ....I agree

No, it is yet one more reason among many reasons to have a States Constitutional Amendments Article V Convention.

Lets throw those dice and see what comes of it!
why because some County clerk has gone off the leash ? you must be nuts LOL

Lol, and again you demonstrate what a fucking retard you are.
Kim Davis is in jail because she wants to keep her 80k a year job with Government benefits. Kim Davis wants her Law to rule over the US Constitution... I want to see Kim Davis deny everyone a divorce petition on account of her faith.....tell them to "suck it up for Jesus"

You follow the tradition of every scum that has persecuted people that followed their conscience.

The record is too clear and the consequences too great to allow your kind a place at the table ever again.

You are so backwards on this. Kim Davis is the one persecuting people. She is breaking the law in order to discriminate. She is defying court orders in order to push her religious oppression via her office.

She is breaking an unjust and evil law, true, a point of case law never approved by the people of Kentucky and in defiance of all moral structure.

She has already won, but you don't get it and never will.

Such bullshit! How is the law "evil"? Who is harmed?

And the people of Kentucky never approved the 1st amendment, but you are certainly happy to try and wrap Kim Davis in it.

And I get it. I get that hate-mongers want to defy the rulings of the highest court in the land, and claim it is their right. But it is not. Like all rights, an individual right stops when they try to make it rule over others.
She has already won, but you don't get it and never will.

Custer won too...........I get it....

More people admire Custer than admire Benteen. And no matter what both are still dead, but Custer lives on admired by war historians across the globe.

Yeah, Custer did win, but I don't ever expect a lame ass fool like you to ever grasp why.

Only those ignorant of history admire Custer.
You follow the tradition of every scum that has persecuted people that followed their conscience.

The record is too clear and the consequences too great to allow your kind a place at the table ever again.

No one is persecuting her...if she quits her "cake job" the Judge frees her and she can go get an empty grocery cart and collect cans for a living ....

She has an 80 k a year Government job in an impoverished backwoods county in Ky and she wants to hang on to that job even though she does not want to do it the way she swore an oath to do...she is a perjurer ...
She swore an oath to the laws at the time. Gay marriage wasn't legal then.

I've never worked a job where policies didn't change at one point or another, have you?
You follow the tradition of every scum that has persecuted people that followed their conscience.

The record is too clear and the consequences too great to allow your kind a place at the table ever again.

No one is persecuting her...if she quits her "cake job" the Judge frees her and she can go get an empty grocery cart and collect cans for a living ....

She has an 80 k a year Government job in an impoverished backwoods county in Ky and she wants to hang on to that job even though she does not want to do it the way she swore an oath to do...she is a perjurer ...
She swore an oath to the laws at the time. Gay marriage wasn't legal then.

I've never worked a job where policies didn't change at one point or another, have you?
It used to be a mortal sin to eat meat on Fridays for Catholic...tough on those who went to hell before that...
If Kim Davis is released..

Over heard at the clerk's Office:

Quick everybody look busy being bigoted Kim is back
You follow the tradition of every scum that has persecuted people that followed their conscience.

The record is too clear and the consequences too great to allow your kind a place at the table ever again.

No one is persecuting her...if she quits her "cake job" the Judge frees her and she can go get an empty grocery cart and collect cans for a living ....

She has an 80 k a year Government job in an impoverished backwoods county in Ky and she wants to hang on to that job even though she does not want to do it the way she swore an oath to do...she is a perjurer ...
She swore an oath to the laws at the time. Gay marriage wasn't legal then.

I've never worked a job where policies didn't change at one point or another, have you?
It used to be a mortal sin to eat meat on Fridays for Catholic...tough on those who went to hell before that...

The slut, Kim "pig face" Davis, who had children from husband # whatever, while married to husband # whatever, is hardly in a position to judge others. Maybe she should address the sexual abuse that's going on in her church, and clean up her own house.

Sexual Abuse Cases In United Pentecostal Churches
You follow the tradition of every scum that has persecuted people that followed their conscience.

The record is too clear and the consequences too great to allow your kind a place at the table ever again.

No one is persecuting her...if she quits her "cake job" the Judge frees her and she can go get an empty grocery cart and collect cans for a living ....

She has an 80 k a year Government job in an impoverished backwoods county in Ky and she wants to hang on to that job even though she does not want to do it the way she swore an oath to do...she is a perjurer ...
She swore an oath to the laws at the time. Gay marriage wasn't legal then.

I've never worked a job where policies didn't change at one point or another, have you?
It used to be a mortal sin to eat meat on Fridays for Catholic...tough on those who went to hell before that...

It wasn't a mortal sin, moron, it was a Venial sin
You follow the tradition of every scum that has persecuted people that followed their conscience.

The record is too clear and the consequences too great to allow your kind a place at the table ever again.

No one is persecuting her...if she quits her "cake job" the Judge frees her and she can go get an empty grocery cart and collect cans for a living ....

She has an 80 k a year Government job in an impoverished backwoods county in Ky and she wants to hang on to that job even though she does not want to do it the way she swore an oath to do...she is a perjurer ...
She swore an oath to the laws at the time. Gay marriage wasn't legal then.

I've never worked a job where policies didn't change at one point or another, have you?
It used to be a mortal sin to eat meat on Fridays for Catholic...tough on those who went to hell before that...

It wasn't a mortal sin, moron, it was a Venial sin

Shouldn't you be at church right now, asking for forgiveness, for being a bigoted, racist, cow?
No one is persecuting her...if she quits her "cake job" the Judge frees her and she can go get an empty grocery cart and collect cans for a living ....

She has an 80 k a year Government job in an impoverished backwoods county in Ky and she wants to hang on to that job even though she does not want to do it the way she swore an oath to do...she is a perjurer ...
She swore an oath to the laws at the time. Gay marriage wasn't legal then.

I've never worked a job where policies didn't change at one point or another, have you?
It used to be a mortal sin to eat meat on Fridays for Catholic...tough on those who went to hell before that...

It wasn't a mortal sin, moron, it was a Venial sin

Shouldn't you be at church right now, asking for forgiveness, for being a bigoted, racist, cow?

Already went, hairy back
She swore an oath to the laws at the time. Gay marriage wasn't legal then.

I've never worked a job where policies didn't change at one point or another, have you?
It used to be a mortal sin to eat meat on Fridays for Catholic...tough on those who went to hell before that...

It wasn't a mortal sin, moron, it was a Venial sin

Shouldn't you be at church right now, asking for forgiveness, for being a bigoted, racist, cow?

Already went, hairy back

And did Lassie ask for forgiveness? :p
She swore an oath to the laws at the time. Gay marriage wasn't legal then.

I've never worked a job where policies didn't change at one point or another, have you?
It used to be a mortal sin to eat meat on Fridays for Catholic...tough on those who went to hell before that...

It wasn't a mortal sin, moron, it was a Venial sin

Shouldn't you be at church right now, asking for forgiveness, for being a bigoted, racist, cow?

Already went, hairy back

Did you bow to the statues huff incense and eat jesus cookies while saying the our foddder and swinging the roasary around?
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Others are not allowed to deny her rights by changing her job description in a way that forces her to deny her rights.
Had her job included gay marriage and she campaigned on not having a problem with that and won the position, then refused to do her job, then she should be impeached.
Changing her job to include something that goes against her beliefs, and then imprisoning her for not discarding her beliefs is the very concept that caused this country to be forged by those laboring under the same conditions in England. The pilgrims came here to escape this very thing.

She went to jail on her own free will. Then she rejected a proposal to allow her deputies to process same-sex marriage licenses. Her job description changed. It happens, get over it. If she is not willing to do the job she's paid to do, she should resign.
Exactly...they keep harping on the fact this is a generational thing, ie typical small town bs politics of one family rule....either way, you don't like a damned job, than quit, but damit don't try to impose your standards, your beliefs on a tax paying government job that all people including homosexuals support financially......break the chain Kim, work at Walmart and sell bibles!!

Kim "pig face" Davis is an attention whore and a Cafeteria Christian. The bitch has been divorced 3 times.

She's one of these arrogant mops who's family runs this small town, who thinks her way is the only way. How the hell she gonna dis avow the marriage certificates cause her presence isn't there? I mean how narcissistic can a btch be? Its all for attention, some serious coins and a book deal someday. I hope she rots!!

Lol, yes, and they said the same thing about MLK, Ghandi and Jesus Christ.

Fine company you keep, cur.


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