Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

Hurrah for Kim. Inquiring minds want to know when this modern day "Joan of Arc" (in her own deluded mind) will be moved to the torture chamber in furtherance of this dastardly inquisition.

No shit!

That one is a little off.

Kim Davis is NOT a modern day "Joan of Arc".

Have you heard of the Inquisition?

Kim Davis in NOT a victim of a modern day Inquisition.

Equating Kim Davis with Joan of Arc is a complete farce.

I know that you miserable idiot. I was making a fucking joke, you know it all typical loud mouth. I think it was rather obvious.

Are you that stupid? I think it is rather clear that you are.

Your alleged jokes lack humor.
Show us the law that requires mayors of cities to act as agents for the federal immigration administration (ICE). Show us the judicial orders that require the mayors to comply with the identified law. Show us the mayors who are in contempt of those orders.

Federal law prohibits municipalities from establishing sanctuary cities. According to the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, federal, state, and local governments or their officials may not prohibit or restrict any other government entity or official from sending to or receiving from the Immigration and Naturalization Service information regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual.

Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act | Wex Legal Dictionary / Encyclopedia | LII / Legal Information Institute
U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act

You still haven't provided a citation. What is the specific title and section number of the United States Code that you're relying on to substantiate your claim that mayors have a duty to act as immigration agents for the federal government and that they're violating the law.

Federal law prohibits municipalities from establishing sanctuary cities. According to the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act.

I think that is rather clear. FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS....MUNICIPALITIES.

If you want to get all fucking technical with me and say that some pathetic fucking left wing mayor did not receive a citation due to allowing this, then you are not getting it.

You are a pathetic hack. You are not impressing me with your hypocrisy. You can try and sell it that your socialist pieces of shit provide safe sanctuary to repeat violent felons just because he cares so much for them all you want.

We know why it happens. You know it and I know it. It is all about political expediency. It is a pathetic little game you are playing and you are all fucking losers if you cannot see what is happening. Yeah, you can tell me oh how much you care for those illegals. In the meantime you would never let them live in your little house in your private gated community.

If you want to deny that the ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION REFORM and RESPONSIBILITY ACT does not establish the LAW that is broken, then fuck you.

You hearing me clear enough, you humorless bitch? Like I said, take your bullshit rhetoric, along with your arrogant know it all hypocritical disposition and shove it up your ass. That goes for anyone that likes your pathetic dreck that you type.

Fucking commie kuunt.

Every statute has a legal citation and you still haven't provided a citation to the United States Code. Stop ranting and just provide the citation to the specific statute that you allege the mayors violated.
Americans and free people everywhere choose to obey their conscience rather than the law, as did Martin Luther King, Ghandi, and Jesus Christ Himself and countless others.

And the thugs in tyrannical governments will always say "We did not jail him for his religion, we jailed him for marching without a permit, making salt without a permit or teaching unauthorized religion"

And they will laugh in private, they always do, because they know it has nothing to do with a fickle legal system that they would change for their own friends in a heart beat. It has everything to do with them hating anyone that would say 'No!' to their dictates, fight back against their corruption or stand publicly against their perversions and theft that they always cover with laws to allow it for them.

To them we are cattle, dumb stupid cattle and their preying on us is just the way of nature for all predators to feed off the herd.

And we who just want to live our lives by our own moral guidelines will have to endure their condescension, their violence and their corruption that keeps us down while they lift up their allies...until a faction of them realizes that by championing the herd they can rise to the top and depose their rivals.

Then we get a reprieve from these snakes, but this next time, we have to ensure that the snakes never get in charge again.
GoFundMe nixes fundraiser for Kentucky clerk
GoFundMe nixes fundraiser for Kentucky clerk
Site claims Kim Davis' case violates updated terms and conditions
Published: 12 hours ago

Read more at GoFundMe nixes fundraiser for Kentucky clerk

The left-leaning fundraising site GoFundMe has declined to accept a fundraising campaign for jailed Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk Kim Davis.

Davis was jailed on Thursday for defying a federal court order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples following the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges in June. She was ordered detained for contempt of court and later rejected a proposal to allow her deputies to process same-sex marriage licenses that could have prompted her release. She has become the symbol of religious opposition to the heavy-handed tactics of the “gaystapo” who are ramming same-sex marriage through at the federal level across the nation in opposition of religious conservatives.

Supporters attempted to initiate a GoFundMe campaign for her defense, but were thwarted by the site’s Terms and Conditions, which were updated on April 29 to specify the site can choose not to allow “campaigns in defense of formal charges or claims of heinous crimes, violent, hateful, sexual or discriminatory acts.”
Kim Davis is in jail because she wants to keep her 80k a year job with Government benefits. Kim Davis wants her Law to rule over the US Constitution... I want to see Kim Davis deny everyone a divorce petition on account of her faith.....tell them to "suck it up for Jesus"
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The free exercise of religion is what brought many if not most people to our shores for the first century of our nation's existence and the colonists before then. Each state had its own state religion, mostly, as each religious group thought of their colony as a test of their faith and they wanted to compel people to be members of their church and discourage rival churches within their territory. This was the common practice of those days, and todays Church of England is an example remnant of this archaic practice.

The people of the US feared that a strong federal government would become controlled by one denomination or another and impose its religious will on the rest of the states. Their were all kinds of rumors of conspiracies going around, some were fearful of the Masons, some fearful of the Catholics, etc, but no one wanted their state to be overshadowed by a rival religious faith in power in the federal government.

And so the federal government was prohibited from making any law that would establish one church in dominance of the others. SCOTUS re-interpreted it gradually over the years to also apply to the states, despite the fact that at the time this amendment was passed at least four states still had state churches.

The authors equally feared some kind of system of laws that would make it illegal to practice any religion other than the approved federal religion, so they further limited congresses power to pass such laws.

But the free exercise clause was never intended to merely protect people practicing their religion in private only. It was intended to protect our government servants from being purged for violating restrictive laws that violated the conscience of dissenting faiths. Any laws so passed had to show a compelling interest, and so polygamy was banned and the ban upheld by SCOTUS as in the interest of the state.

No one even imagined that a judiciary gone mad would attempt to redefine the meaning of the word 'marriage' and then impose it on all the other states, many of whom had repeatedly voted against such an abomination. And now we have seen a 180 degree reversal in the case law of our federal government, going from having the right to ban a certain form of marriage to now imposing a horrid perversion of marriage on every soul in this nation that serves in the government in any capacity, not only this brave clerk in Kentucky but also military chaplains or anyone that has the nerve to stand up to this heathenous movement to erase two millennia of civilization and call a thing good that is so infused with evil and malice hat it can not ever again trusted in the halls of government.
Kim Davis is in jail because she wants to keep her 80k a year job with Government benefits. Kim Davis wants her Law to rule over the US Constitution... I want to see Kim Davis deny everyone a divorce petition on account of her faith.....tell them to "suck it up for Jesus"

You follow the tradition of every scum that has persecuted people that followed their conscience.

The record is too clear and the consequences too great to allow your kind a place at the table ever again.
her rights do not allow her to deny rights to others, and they don't allow her to use her office to deny rights to others.

Others are not allowed to deny her rights by changing her job description in a way that forces her to deny her rights.
Had her job included gay marriage and she campaigned on not having a problem with that and won the position, then refused to do her job, then she should be impeached.
Changing her job to include something that goes against her beliefs, and then imprisoning her for not discarding her beliefs is the very concept that caused this country to be forged by those laboring under the same conditions in England. The pilgrims came here to escape this very thing.

She went to jail on her own free will. Then she rejected a proposal to allow her deputies to process same-sex marriage licenses. Her job description changed. It happens, get over it. If she is not willing to do the job she's paid to do, she should resign.
Exactly...they keep harping on the fact this is a generational thing, ie typical small town bs politics of one family rule....either way, you don't like a damned job, than quit, but damit don't try to impose your standards, your beliefs on a tax paying government job that all people including homosexuals support financially......break the chain Kim, work at Walmart and sell bibles!!

Kim "pig face" Davis is an attention whore and a Cafeteria Christian. The bitch has been divorced 3 times.

She's one of these arrogant mops who's family runs this small town, who thinks her way is the only way. How the hell she gonna dis avow the marriage certificates cause her presence isn't there? I mean how narcissistic can a btch be? Its all for attention, some serious coins and a book deal someday. I hope she rots!!

Lol, yes, and they said the same thing about MLK, Ghandi and Jesus Christ.

Fine company you keep, cur.
Kim Davis is in jail because she wants to keep her 80k a year job with Government benefits. Kim Davis wants her Law to rule over the US Constitution... I want to see Kim Davis deny everyone a divorce petition on account of her faith.....tell them to "suck it up for Jesus"

You follow the tradition of every scum that has persecuted people that followed their conscience.

The record is too clear and the consequences too great to allow your kind a place at the table ever again.

You are so backwards on this. Kim Davis is the one persecuting people. She is breaking the law in order to discriminate. She is defying court orders in order to push her religious oppression via her office.
You follow the tradition of every scum that has persecuted people that followed their conscience.

The record is too clear and the consequences too great to allow your kind a place at the table ever again.

No one is persecuting her...if she quits her "cake job" the Judge frees her and she can go get an empty grocery cart and collect cans for a living ....

She has an 80 k a year Government job in an impoverished backwoods county in Ky and she wants to hang on to that job even though she does not want to do it the way she swore an oath to do...she is a perjurer ...
Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question. No problem with her doing her job.
The problem isn't one of performance, it is one of freedom to PRACTICE her religion that is in question. The government is trying to take away her beliefs and substitute their beliefs, insisting that theirs take precedent over her own. She was thrown in jail because of her religion. A practice that is going to become common place in this country for every religion but Islam.

No, she wasn't thrown in jail because of her religion and no, the government isn't trying to take away her beliefs. She has the freedom to practice her religion. What she doesn't have is the freedom to discriminate against others in her capacity as a government official.

Yes she was, and yes they are. What they are telling her is she can have her religion, just not practice it. Let someone else handle gay paperwork instead of forcing her to disregard something she feels so strongly about.
does she feel the same way about the abomination of hypocrisy? why only one capricious and arbitrary rule at a time?
I wonder how long she'll sit in a jail cell before coming to the realization that maybe this was a really stupid idea.

Maybe we should start a pool.
You follow the tradition of every scum that has persecuted people that followed their conscience.

The record is too clear and the consequences too great to allow your kind a place at the table ever again.

No one is persecuting her...if she quits her "cake job" the Judge frees her and she can go get an empty grocery cart and collect cans for a living ....

She has an 80 k a year Government job in an impoverished backwoods county in Ky and she wants to hang on to that job even though she does not want to do it the way she swore an oath to do...she is a perjurer ...
She swore an oath to the laws at the time. Gay marriage wasn't legal then.
She swore an oath to the laws at the time. Gay marriage wasn't legal then.

Sounds like a reason to resign since she can no longer maintain the Oath of office. The Law is not going to change because Kim Davis converted to Apostolic. ....I agree
No one even imagined that a judiciary ........

They also legalized miscegenation the crazy bastards and they let women vote too which is against the natural order of things...lets make America white and male again

Lol, mockery and meaningless blather is all you libtards have left.

You perversions disgust the entire planet and are causing us more difficulties fighting terrorist organizations because you incite our enemies. It wont be much longer till the tables are turned and your disgusting life style put back under the rock it belongs under.
Kim Davis is in jail because she wants to keep her 80k a year job with Government benefits. Kim Davis wants her Law to rule over the US Constitution... I want to see Kim Davis deny everyone a divorce petition on account of her faith.....tell them to "suck it up for Jesus"

You follow the tradition of every scum that has persecuted people that followed their conscience.

The record is too clear and the consequences too great to allow your kind a place at the table ever again.

You are so backwards on this. Kim Davis is the one persecuting people. She is breaking the law in order to discriminate. She is defying court orders in order to push her religious oppression via her office.

She is breaking an unjust and evil law, true, a point of case law never approved by the people of Kentucky and in defiance of all moral structure.

She has already won, but you don't get it and never will.
She swore an oath to the laws at the time. Gay marriage wasn't legal then.

Sounds like a reason to resign since she can no longer maintain the Oath of office. The Law is not going to change because Kim Davis converted to Apostolic. ....I agree

No, it is yet one more reason among many reasons to have a States Constitutional Amendments Article V Convention.

Lets throw those dice and see what comes of it!
You follow the tradition of every scum that has persecuted people that followed their conscience.

The record is too clear and the consequences too great to allow your kind a place at the table ever again.

No one is persecuting her...if she quits her "cake job" the Judge frees her and she can go get an empty grocery cart and collect cans for a living ....

She has an 80 k a year Government job in an impoverished backwoods county in Ky and she wants to hang on to that job even though she does not want to do it the way she swore an oath to do...she is a perjurer ...

She did not swear an oath to enforce laws that make perverted queer shacking up a degenerate form of marriage.

And she is getting a whole lot of support in defiance of the Oligarchy that you suck hind tit for.

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