Jailed Kentucky clerk refusing to back down in gay marriage dispute

Yeah, there won't be a war. Though that doesn't stop some conservative Christians from dreaming.
Yes there will.

Nothing more Christian than war fantasies, eh?

And no, there won't be. Not over this.
Keep telling yourself that. Fortunately conservatives are much better armed and less metrosexual, many of us even combat veterans. It will suck to be on your side.

Hop to it, pussy. Enough talk already. Take action. We both know you are too much of a pansy to do anything other then cry on Internet forums.
And kill innocent cats. We know what that kind of behavior leads to..............

Well this Cat isn't unarmed and is a pretty good shot. lol
Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis was divorced three times and had children out of wedlock before experiencing a religious awakening that cemented her obedience to Christian scripture — and her defiance of the country's highest court.

Davis, an Apostolic Christian, says her commitment to her faith came after she found "a message of grace" four years ago when she went to church following the death of her mother-in-law.


"I am not perfect. No one is," she said in her statement. "But I am forgiven and I love my Lord and must be obedient to Him and to the Word of God."

She was first married in 1984, when she was 18, and divorced a decade later, court records show. Five months after the marriage dissolved, she gave birth to twins by another man.

In 1996, she married again, and her new husband adopted the twins. They divorced in 2006.


The following year, she married the father of her twins. That third marriage lasted less than a year.

In 2009, Davis remarried her second husband, Joe Davis. They remain wed.

One of her lawyers, Mathew Staver of the Christian firm Liberty Counsel, said that most Rowan County taxpayers — who pay her $80,000 annual salary — stand by her.

Kim Davis, Kentucky Clerk Blocking Gay Marriages, Has Had Her Own Marital Strife

Got to love it, the hypocrisy.

Divorce is a tough habit to kick for conservatives. Just look at Rush.

YAWNNNNNNN. Been christian for 4 years. Get over it degenerates. She repented to her god all is forgiven you are all freaks of nature and disgusting scum. Nothing short of death will help homosexuals.

She is probably going to sue, since she can no longer do her job and she can't get fired being an elected nutcase.
Courts locking up elected officials never goes over well. Wars have been started by less.
elected officials using their office to impose their religious beliefs on the public in defiance of the law doesn't usually ggo well either
Actually she's quite popular. Will probably get reelected too. There is still some areas of the country where people stand up to the fag militia.

How the hell do you think she got elected in the first place?
Lots of inbreds?
Whatever happened to


Waiting for an answer femitwats.
What feminist ever fought to suppress the right for people to get married?
This is more of the, she won't bake me a cake so we'll destroy her, bullshit. She has the right to live her religion, free of state interference.
Why isn't God saving her?

He already has.
He never said He'd take you out of it, He said He'd get you through it. You'd know that if you ever picked up a Bible...

He can carry her to the unemployment line then. She had a job to do.

Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question. No problem with her doing her job.
The problem isn't one of performance, it is one of freedom to PRACTICE her religion that is in question. The government is trying to take away her beliefs and substitute their beliefs, insisting that theirs take precedent over her own. She was thrown in jail because of her religion. A practice that is going to become common place in this country for every religion but Islam.
Got to love it, the hypocrisy.

Libtards like you are the most hypocrital people on the planet. Nothing this woman does today is hypocrital as she has made a change in her values system that her past behavior is now irrelevant in regards to.

Libtards do make the most judgmental PC Nazi thugs imaginable. I think I would rather live next door to a Chicom party hack than an American libtard. At least the Chicoms have a shred of integrity.
Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.
BTW, the faggots (and the law) won again. The first marriage license for a gay couple in her county was issued this morning. Her stand is for nothing...

Lol, you are such a morally tone-deaf moron.

Her stand is the point, jack ass.
Yes, please do "stand strong", as jail is where she belongs...
Yeah, you and you fellow PC Nazis just cant wait to start putting Christians into work camps, lol.

You do realize this wont end well for you libtards, right? Or do you even bother to try to think ahead?
Yes, please do "stand strong", as jail is where she belongs...
Yeah, you and you fellow PC Nazis just cant wait to start putting Christians into work camps, lol.

You do realize this wont end well for you libtards, right? Or do you even bother to try to think ahead?
Thinking ahead? Are you expecting right-wing Jesus to return and spank all the liberals, darkies, and faggots? Oh wait, he was all three...
Thinking ahead? Are you expecting right-wing Jesus to return and spank all the liberals, darkies, and faggots?

No, I am expecting a series of libtard spawned disasters from weakness on terrorism, reverse racism and incompetent governance to cause a revolution in our political system, and within a decade or two at the most all you PC Nazi types will be persona nongrata in any decent social circle and haunted by your past associations like ex KKK shit-4-brains.

Personally, you are already your own worst enemy and will likely live a life of turmoil, unhappiness and violence. Karma is a bitch they say.
Thinking ahead? Are you expecting right-wing Jesus to return and spank all the liberals, darkies, and faggots?

No, I am expecting a series of libtard spawned disasters from weakness on terrorism, reverse racism and incompetent governance to cause a revolution in our political system, and within a decade or two at the most all you PC Nazi types will be persona nongrata in any decent social circle and haunted by your past associations like ex KKK shit-4-brains.

Personally, you are already your own worst enemy and will likely live a life of turmoil, unhappiness and violence. Karma is a bitch they say.
You don't belong in my liberal nation, founded by liberal for liberals. You are an American in name only...
Thinking ahead? Are you expecting right-wing Jesus to return and spank all the liberals, darkies, and faggots?

No, I am expecting a series of libtard spawned disasters from weakness on terrorism, reverse racism and incompetent governance to cause a revolution in our political system, and within a decade or two at the most all you PC Nazi types will be persona nongrata in any decent social circle and haunted by your past associations like ex KKK shit-4-brains.

Personally, you are already your own worst enemy and will likely live a life of turmoil, unhappiness and violence. Karma is a bitch they say.
You don't belong in my liberal nation, founded by liberal for liberals. You are an American in name only...

And you are a stupid foolish troll, jack off.
Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.

Our government is doing the same thing to her that the pilgrims left their country because of.......... It is called religious persecution. And it is in it's infancy. It will culminate in colosseum type events with chants of death from the crowd. Paint and others will cheer the deaths of many and will think their liberal America is being blessed by the murders. They are not.
Enjoy your 15 min.
Eternity is coming.
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Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question.
Remarkable, since she worked for her mommy...

And she works for the taxpayers, not God. They get to set the rules, not her or her God.

Our government is doing the same thing to her that the pilgrims left their country because of.......... It is called religious persecution. And it is in it's infancy. It will culminate in colosseum type events with chants of death from the crowd. Paint and others will cheer the deaths of many and will think their liberal America is being blessed by the murders. They are not.
Enjoy your 15 min.
Eternity is coming.
Eternity is the least of my problems but the greatest of yours. Strangely enough we both get nothing, which I approve of and you would feel cheated by but you will never know. Dead is dead, period.
Actually her mother was the clerk there for 40 years and this woman worked as deputy clerk for 26 years without ever having her performance called into question. No problem with her doing her job.
The problem isn't one of performance, it is one of freedom to PRACTICE her religion that is in question. The government is trying to take away her beliefs and substitute their beliefs, insisting that theirs take precedent over her own. She was thrown in jail because of her religion. A practice that is going to become common place in this country for every religion but Islam.

No, she wasn't thrown in jail because of her religion and no, the government isn't trying to take away her beliefs. She has the freedom to practice her religion. What she doesn't have is the freedom to discriminate against others in her capacity as a government official.
Eternity is the least of my problems but the greatest of yours. Strangely enough we both get nothing, which I approve of and you would feel cheated by but you will never know. Dead is dead, period.

And I KNOW that you are wrong, but I am not going to waste my time trying to explain anything to a retard and moral degenerate like you.
Eternity is the least of my problems but the greatest of yours. Strangely enough we both get nothing, which I approve of and you would feel cheated by but you will never know. Dead is dead, period.

And I KNOW that you are wrong, but I am not going to waste my time trying to explain anything to a retard and moral degenerate like you.
Hint for you, you cannot know. No one does but my position is rational while yours is that of a frightened child, like all other religious morons.
No, she wasn't thrown in jail because of her religion and no, the government isn't trying to take away her beliefs. She has the freedom to practice her religion. What she doesn't have is the freedom to discriminate against others in her capacity as a government official.
^^^^ that...

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