Jamal Bowman, who actually obstructed Congress...loses primary election...

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It's too late to pull that fire alarm. The Squad was dealt a big blow.

This buffoon you see above, tried to illegally pull a fire alarm to avoid a vote in Congress. Why? Because the Left hates democracy and the Constitution.

What an utter dimwit.

Of course, being a democrat, nothing happened to the clown for it and no accusation of subverting democracy or wanting a dictatorship or him being the Black face of Hitler. No, no, no, none of that.

But this Neanderthal then had the gall to make the accusation that 10/7, the violent rape, torture and murder of innocent women and children as being fake news. Sure, he tried to walk it back but no, too many New York Jews for him to overcome.

Good riddins!!!

Of course, the media tried to focus on the Trump candidates that lost instead, trying to make the accusation that Trump should have just as much to worry about as those on the Left


But for the Squad to lose in DNC central, New York City, wow!!
I like how the piece of shit Israeli support prices get into a tizzy anytime anyone criticizes Israel?

Well, fuck Israel! Fuck'em to their core!
Shameful day indeed.

Of course Republicans would rejoice, it's dirty money used by their billionaires.
If you had a clue, you'd know that AIPAC gives money to both parties. Like the NRA would donate money to an incumbent dem who is pro-2A. Just to ask, what makes their money dirty compared to other special interest groups? Would donations from CAIR be considered "dirty money"?
Bowman got clipped by AIPAC.
I like how the piece of shit Israeli support prices get into a tizzy anytime anyone criticizes Israel?

Well, fuck Israel! Fuck'em to their core!
When we dump Israel, we have to make sure. It must be known to all voters. It is clear left-wing Jews do not give a damn and they may be taken to task when the worst happens. Then we can move on. Muslims will get WMD's at some point.

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