Jamal Bowman, who actually obstructed Congress...loses primary election...

First Squad member Jamaal Bowman ousted from Congress despite AOC's last-ditch effort to save him

26 Jun 2024 ~~ By Morgan Phillips

Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman has become the first member of The Squad to be ousted from Congress after a crushing defeat in his New York primary.
Support from fellow progressive Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez couldn't save the fire-alarm-pulling Bowman as his opponent George Latimer, 70, secured a convincing victory on Tuesday night.
Their Bronx rally at the weekend that was mocked for their WWE-style entrances and foul-mouthed speeches full of f-bombs seemed to be the final nail in the coffin for Bowman's bid for a third term.

Good riddance. No doubt he’ll go back to ruining the BYC public school system

It's pretty sad he was ousted. He at least saw for himself what life is like being a Palestinian.

Fuck Israel! Fuck that fucking fascist country!
$14 million dollars by Republican billionaires to attack and dethrone Jamaal Bowman.

That's what it took...

Money in politics leads to fascism.

Laugh now, cry later Republicans.

What is it with you antisemitic black posters who are too ignorant to even know anything about your own history?
Who the hell do you think were marching alongside you in 1960, eh?

Fucking dumb shits.
Who voted for Biden and Harris? Who voted for Bowman? Your conspiracy theories are laughable.
Bowman? The same people who elected him, elected somebody to replace him -- as their representative in the US Congress.

Bowman and his far left allies have an audience outside their districts on MSNBC. You people-of-the-cult are always projecting, as if a MSNBC audience is like a FOX News audience. Then you go and tell us all how small and ineffectual the MSNBC audience actually is. Boy, the cognitive dissonance you people-of-the-cult must carry. Such a burden.

Biden/Harris ticket was elected by the people of the United States of America, and will be again.
Far left bullshit is being rejected by the voters.

It is a shame it took this long to figure out they are intentionally destroying the country in the name of communism.

"Far left bullshit is being rejected by" Democrats. The voters were all registered Democrats.

Too bad the registered Republican voters can't follow suit and reject their own extremists.
When democrats do & say outrageous things the rest of the Democrats kick 'em to the curb. When Republicans do & say outrageous things they nominate him for President!

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